Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

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PC Meters/GraphOrder—Specifies which measurements to include in the strip chart and in whatorder.Add button—To add an item to the Order list, select the item in theMeter Selection list and press Add.Remove button—To remove an item from the Order list, select theitem in the Order list and press Remove.Up button—To move an item up in the Order list, select the item in theOrder list and press Up until the item is in the desired position.Down button—To move an item down in the Order list, select the itemin the Order list and press Down until the item is in the desiredposition.Trace Color—Sets the color of the trace for each item being plotted. To changethe color, select the item in the Order list and double-click the Trace Color box.Choose the new color from the color selector.Scale Reading by x—Allows you to scale the actual reading of an item by a factorof x. The default factor is 1. For example, if you select HC in the Order list andchange the scale factor to 10, the instantaneous value is multiplied by 10 when thepoint is plotted on the strip chart. Put in max Y divided by max reading expected.Manual Meters / Strip Chart ResultsThe results window allows you to view and print the results obtained. When youselect Save on the Test Actions menu of the Manual Meters or Strip Chart window,the results are displayed on the Single Save tab of the Test Results window asshown in Figure 3C-5.Figure 3C-5: Single Save Test Results3C-8

PC Meters/GraphWhen you select the Stop button or the Stop Recording menu item to end arecording session, the results are displayed on the Recordings tab of the TestResults window as shown in Figure 3C-6.Figure 3C-6: Recordings Test ResultsYou can save multiple recordings or single save results during a Manual Meters orStrip Chart Test.At the bottom of the Test Results screen a box will be checked to indicate whetherthe readings taken were instantaneous or 5 second rolling average. If you applyDCF to the readings, the results screen inserts the letters DCF in the titles of theappropriate gases. See Dilution Correction Factors, page 5-3.✓ This screen also allows you to view results from an Idle or TSI Test, ifperformed.For information about viewing results from previous tests, see Test Results,page 3F-1.3C-9

PC Meters/GraphWhen you select the Stop butt<strong>on</strong> or the Stop Recording menu item to end arecording sessi<strong>on</strong>, the results are displayed <strong>on</strong> the Recordings tab of the TestResults window as shown in Figure 3C-6.Figure 3C-6: Recordings Test ResultsYou can save multiple recordings or single save results during a Manual Meters orStrip Chart Test.At the bottom of the Test Results screen a box will be checked to indicate whetherthe readings taken were instantaneous or 5 sec<strong>on</strong>d rolling average. If you applyDCF to the readings, the results screen inserts the letters DCF in the titles of theappropriate gases. See Diluti<strong>on</strong> Correcti<strong>on</strong> Factors, page 5-3.✓ This screen also allows you to view results from an Idle or TSI Test, ifperformed.For informati<strong>on</strong> about viewing results from previous tests, see Test Results,page 3F-1.3C-9

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