Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

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PC Meters/GraphTest Actions MenuThe Strip Chart Test Actions menu contains a strip chart setup command, two testcontrol commands, several commands that control recording, a command toswitch to the manual meters display, and an exit command.Strip Chart—Displays a setup window that allows you to configure the valuesdisplayed, their scale factor, and general configuration of the strip chartappearance. See Strip Chart Display Setup, page 3C-7.Reset—Clears the wave forms from the screen and restarts the display.Save—Saves all values and displays them on the Single Save tab of the TestResults window. See Manual Meters / Strip Chart Results, page 3C-8.Start Recording—Begins recording all signals. The system stores all valuesduring the recording period.Pause—You can select Pause at any time. The Pause menu item suspends valuesfrom being updated, in effect it freezes the screen. If a recording is in progress, italso suspends recording. Select Pause a second time to resume.Stop Recording—The Stop Recording menu item is enabled only when arecording is in progress. Stop Recording ends the recording. When you selectStop Recording, the results of the recording are displayed in the Test Resultswindow. See Manual Meters / Strip Chart Results, page 3C-8.Meters—Displays the Manual Meters view. See Manual Meters, page 3C-1.Exit—Closes Strip Chart and returns you either to the Main screen or to ManualMeters, depending on whether you originally selected Strip Chart from the Mainscreen or from the Manual Meters Miscellaneous menu.Gas Bench MenuSee Gas Bench Menu, page 3C-3.Tachometer MenuThe Tachometer menu contains a single command to set up the tachometer.For more information about setting up the tachometer, see Tachometer,page 3C-11.ButtonsSee Buttons, page 3C-4.3C-6

PC Meters/GraphStrip Chart Display SetupThe Strip Chart Setup window makes it possible to finely configure the Strip Chartwindow. It contains a Configuration section and a Trace Settings section.With the Strip Chart displayed, select the Miscellaneous menu, then choose StripChart > Setup.The Strip Chart Setup window opens.Figure 3C-4: Strip Chart Setup ScreenConfigurationThe Configuration section of the window sets the physical appearance of the stripchart.Minimum Y Value—Value at which the Y Axis begins.✓ The Y Axis is the vertical line on the left side.Maximum Y Value—Value at which Y Axis ends.Y Tick Marks—The number of marks between the Minimum Y Value andMaximum Y Value.Trace Width—The width of the traces for the values being plotted (one value forall traces).✓ The larger the number, the wider the trace.Chart Time Frame—The number of seconds it takes for the strip chart to plot afull window of traces. At the end of this interval the strip chart begins to scrollhorizontally, following the line across the bottom (X Axis).Chart Color—The back color of the chart.Y Axis Color—Color of the X and Y Axis, including the tick marks and Y values.Trace SettingsThe Trace Settings section sets the items displayed in the Strip Chart window.Meter Selection—Provides a list of the available measurements from which toselect. You cannot alter this list.3C-7

PC Meters/GraphStrip Chart Display SetupThe Strip Chart Setup window makes it possible to finely c<strong>on</strong>figure the Strip Chartwindow. It c<strong>on</strong>tains a C<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong> secti<strong>on</strong> and a Trace Settings secti<strong>on</strong>.With the Strip Chart displayed, select the Miscellaneous menu, then choose StripChart > Setup.The Strip Chart Setup window opens.Figure 3C-4: Strip Chart Setup ScreenC<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong>The C<strong>on</strong>figurati<strong>on</strong> secti<strong>on</strong> of the window sets the physical appearance of the stripchart.Minimum Y Value—Value at which the Y Axis begins.✓ The Y Axis is the vertical line <strong>on</strong> the left side.Maximum Y Value—Value at which Y Axis ends.Y Tick Marks—The number of marks between the Minimum Y Value andMaximum Y Value.Trace Width—The width of the traces for the values being plotted (<strong>on</strong>e value forall traces).✓ The larger the number, the wider the trace.Chart Time Frame—The number of sec<strong>on</strong>ds it takes for the strip chart to plot afull window of traces. At the end of this interval the strip chart begins to scrollhoriz<strong>on</strong>tally, following the line across the bottom (X Axis).Chart Color—The back color of the chart.Y Axis Color—Color of the X and Y Axis, including the tick marks and Y values.Trace SettingsThe Trace Settings secti<strong>on</strong> sets the items displayed in the Strip Chart window.Meter Selecti<strong>on</strong>—Provides a list of the available measurements from which toselect. You cannot alter this list.3C-7

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