Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment Operating Instructions - Snap-on Equipment

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PC Software Installation7. If you encounter any errors during the install, choose Ignore or OK andcontinue with the install. Write down all errors that occur, as they will beneeded to troubleshoot any software problems. At the end of theinstallation process you will be prompted to restart Windows to completethe installation. Select Yes to restart Windows.After the installation is complete run FGA by selecting it from the Windows 95/98/2000 Programs menu. Once in FGA, the software runs in demo mode. When theprogram is in demo mode, it generates random values for the tests and diagnosticfeatures instead of communicating to your hardware devices.To take the software out of demo mode,1. Enter the Shop Information screen.2. Remove the check in the Demo Mode box.When you are out of demo mode, the software verifies communications to thehardware. If communications are unsuccessful, an error message occursprompting you to check the system configuration.The password you need to access various portions of the software is “STATION”,all uppercase letters. You may change the password by clicking on the ShopInformation button and selecting the Change Password menu item.Missing Files or Device ErrorSometimes the software installs properly, but upon rebooting, errors occurindicating missing files or device in Windows 95/98 installations.Starting FGATo troubleshoot this problem,1. Boot up the PC and when errors occur, press any key so the computer willcontinue booting up.2. Select the Start menu and choose Run.3. Type “sysedit” (without the quotes) in the Open: box and click OK.4. Select the Window menu and choose C:\Windows\system.ini.5. Scroll down and locate the line “device=SSIACT.386” (without the quotes).Delete this line.6. Locate the line “EMMEXCLUDE=C800-CFFF” (without the quotes). Deletethis line.7. Select the File menu and choose Save.8. Select the File menu and choose Exit.9. Restart the computer.To run the FGA program, press the Windows Start button, then Programs, thenclick on ong>Snapong>-on FGA.✓ The gas analyzer must be connected to Comm 1 on the PC.✓ You can also launch the program from a desktop shortcut. See yourWindows manual for instructions.3B-4

3CPC Meters/Strip ChartThis chapter describes the PC manual meters and strip chart process, results anddisplay setup. It also describes how to toggle the analyzer pump on/off and set upthe tachometer.• Manual Meters/Strip Chart, page 3C-1• Pump, page 3C-10• Tachometer, page 3C-11Manual Meters/Strip ChartViewing the Manual Meters or Strip Chart display can assist you to diagnoseproblems and properly tune a vehicle. Manual Meters and Strip Chart providedifferent views of the same information. The meters provide a digital readout ofavailable emissions signals including HC, CO 2 %, CO%, O 2 %, NO x , Lambda andothers. The strip chart provides a general trend of the emissions measurements ina wave form display. In both displays, you can freeze a snapshot of the signals orrecord a progression of signal measurements over a time span.Manual MetersTo view the Manual Meters or Strip Chart display,Press the Gas button and choose Manual Meters or Strip Chart from the menu.orSelect the 1 Manual Meters command.✓ You can also toggle between Manual Meters and Strip Chart using theTest Actions menu.The system then performs a zero check.For more information about the zero check, see Gas Bench Zero, page 3D-2.After the zero check has passed, the Manual Meters screen displays. The ManualMeters screen provides an active view of the changing emissions readings.3C-1

3CPC Meters/Strip ChartThis chapter describes the PC manual meters and strip chart process, results anddisplay setup. It also describes how to toggle the analyzer pump <strong>on</strong>/off and set upthe tachometer.• Manual Meters/Strip Chart, page 3C-1• Pump, page 3C-10• Tachometer, page 3C-11Manual Meters/Strip ChartViewing the Manual Meters or Strip Chart display can assist you to diagnoseproblems and properly tune a vehicle. Manual Meters and Strip Chart providedifferent views of the same informati<strong>on</strong>. The meters provide a digital readout ofavailable emissi<strong>on</strong>s signals including HC, CO 2 %, CO%, O 2 %, NO x , Lambda andothers. The strip chart provides a general trend of the emissi<strong>on</strong>s measurements ina wave form display. In both displays, you can freeze a snapshot of the signals orrecord a progressi<strong>on</strong> of signal measurements over a time span.Manual MetersTo view the Manual Meters or Strip Chart display,Press the Gas butt<strong>on</strong> and choose Manual Meters or Strip Chart from the menu.orSelect the 1 Manual Meters command.✓ You can also toggle between Manual Meters and Strip Chart using theTest Acti<strong>on</strong>s menu.The system then performs a zero check.For more informati<strong>on</strong> about the zero check, see Gas Bench Zero, page 3D-2.After the zero check has passed, the Manual Meters screen displays. The ManualMeters screen provides an active view of the changing emissi<strong>on</strong>s readings.3C-1

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