Safeguarding the Future of US Agriculture - Global Crop Diversity Trust

Safeguarding the Future of US Agriculture - Global Crop Diversity Trust

Safeguarding the Future of US Agriculture - Global Crop Diversity Trust


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Genebanks Around The Worldbox 1THE FAO estimates thatroughly 1,460 genebanksworldwide toge<strong>the</strong>rmaintain more than 5.4million samples. Most aregovernment-operated.Below is a brief look at <strong>the</strong>holdings in some <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>world’s major genebanks,including: 11 internationalgenebanks coordinated by<strong>the</strong> Consultative Group onInternational AgriculturalResearch (CGIAR); 15major national genebanks;and 5 major regionalgenebanks. (For a detailedpr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>US</strong> NationalPlant Germplasm Systemsee Box 5)CGIAR Collections*The CGIAR is a strategicalliance <strong>of</strong> countries,international and regionalorganizations, and privatefoundations supporting 15international agriculturalcenters, which work withnational agriculturalresearch systems, civilsociety organizations, and<strong>the</strong> private sector. TheCGIAR’s mission is toachieve sustainable foodsecurity and reduce povertyin developing countriesthrough scientific researchand related activities in <strong>the</strong>fields <strong>of</strong> agriculture,forestry, fisheries, policy,and environment. CGIARgenebanks hold <strong>the</strong>iraccessions in-trust for <strong>the</strong>world community based onagreements with <strong>the</strong> FAO.CENTER CROP NUMBER OF ACCESSIONSInternational Center for Tropical <strong>Agriculture</strong> (CIAT), Cassava 5,728Cali, Colombia Forages 18,138Bean 31,718International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center Maize 20,411(CIMMYT), Mexico Wheat 95,113International Potato Center (CIP), Lima, Peru Andean Roots & Tubers 1,112Sweet Potato 6,413Potato 5,057International Center for <strong>Agriculture</strong> in <strong>the</strong> Dry Barley 24,218Areas (ICARDA), Aleppo, Syria Chickpea 9,116Faba Bean 9,074Wheat 30,270Forages 24,581Lentil 7,827International <strong>Crop</strong>s Research Institute for <strong>the</strong> Chickpea 16,961Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Patancheru, India Groundnut 14,357Pearl Millet 21,250Pigeonpea 12,698Sorghum 35,780Minor Millets 9,050International Institute for Tropical <strong>Agriculture</strong> Bambara groundnut 2,029(IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria Cassava 2,158Cowpea 15,001Soybean 1,909Wild Vigna 1,634Yam 2,878International Livestock Research Institute Forages 11,537(ILRI), Nairobi, KenyaInternational Plant Genetic Resources Institute Musa 931(IPGRI) Maccarese, ItalyInternational Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Rice 80,617Los Banos, PhilippinesAfrica Rice Center (WARDA) Cotonou, Benin Rice 14,917World Agr<strong>of</strong>oresty Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Sesbania 25Kenya*Source: CGIARTOTAL 532,508SAFEGUARDING THE FUTURE OF U.S. AGRICULTURE 3

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