White Spaces Innovation in Sweden - Innovation policy for ... - Vinnova

White Spaces Innovation in Sweden - Innovation policy for ... - Vinnova White Spaces Innovation in Sweden - Innovation policy for ... - Vinnova


WHITE SPACES INNOVATION IN SWEDENand China. Thus the Swedish industry had responded with two action lines: first a leadfirmlike Sony Ericsson would make decreasing amounts of hardware and instead placeits focus upon managing global services, such as selling network services to servicesuppliers such as, in Scandinavia, Telenord and Telia, to whom they also sell the extraservice of managing the network, Telia simply managing billing and cash flow. AccordinglyTelia had been cutting employment since the mid-2000s and had not filed anypatents for two to three years. It was also felt that ST Ericsson, the telephony infrastructurearm of the Ericsson Group would probably not in the future survive as a standalonecompany. The medium-term key competition for Sony Ericsson is seen in MobileHeights to be Chinese firm Huawei, which recently located an office in Lund, MobileHeights‟ home base, for the development of basic components for mobile phones. Huaweiworks with everything from base stations to mobile Internet modems and its owntelephone handsets. This augments their earlier offices at Kista Science Park in Stockholmand Gothenburg, employing 250 engineers. Some Chinese Internet portals like AliBaba and Ten Cents are assessed by Mobile Heights as larger than Google. The otherkeen competitor for the Ericsson Group as a leading specialist in mobile telephonyinfrastructure platforms is San Diego-based Qualcomm. Their list of customers includesSony Ericsson, which uses the company's platforms for their Android smartphones. TheUS firm also located an office in Lund in 2010, seen as partly an effect of increaseddemand and cutbacks in the telecom sector in Lund that have made hundreds of qualifiedengineers available. The second resilience strategy being adopted in the industry,very rapidly in Sweden, was the adoption of „open innovation‟ whereby IPR is madeavailable to SMEs and start-up businesses for exploitation (Chesbrough, 2003). Anearly adopter of „open innovation‟, the Dutch firm Philips had exhausted its unused IPRby outsourcing it to spin-out entrepreneurs as a result of which it had experienced yetanother round of employment downsizing. Sony Ericsson is now active in a major wayin „open innovation‟ relationships with innovative start-ups. Ericsson has been a classic„closed innovation‟ firm but they have ample resources to buy from external suppliersand are actively seeking to contract to or acquire them. That there are quality entrepreneurialfirms in the region is testified to by RIM (BlackBerry) acquiring user-interfacemaker The Astonishing Tribe (TAT). Also Polar Rose, a Malmö startup which built afacial recognition programme that linked into Facebook photos, was bought by Applefor $29 million, both in late 2010. Other open innovation connections involve MobileHeights start-ups contracting to AstraZeneca in the Life Sciences cluster for remotediagnostics telephony with discussions proceeding on biosensors. From the cluster perspectivea key focus is on the MH Business Centre where start-ups are nurtured withenterprise support, contracts and IPR from larger firms. Lateral linkages are also inposition with the Media Evolution (Nordic Game) and Open Health Alliance clustersnearby and the FPX (Geographical Information Systems) cluster at Gaevle and the BalticSea Region cluster partnership.46

WHITE SPACES INNOVATION IN SWEDENMedia EvolutionThis cluster is concentrated upon „Convergent Media‟ or what is also known as „NewMedia‟. It promotes the emergence and growth of start-ups in the relevant fields. Mostsuch new firms have entrepreneur leaders with at least two to three years past experiencein larger companies, a minority came from Lund or Malmö University. An examplewould be Jan-Erik Solem, founder of Polar Rose (see above). Polar Rose grewout of computer vision research - the analysis of digital images and video - at the Universitiesof Lund and Malmö. Polar Rose entered the Teknopol MH Business Centre in2004. Teknopol is a tailored business advice agency specialising in start-up activity,notably in regard to the Mobile Heights Business Centre, Cleantech in Sweden initiative,and Life Sciences Business Centre, each of which relates to Region Skåne‟s cluster-platformprogrammes. Teknopol is not an incubator but connects to appropriateincubators at IDEON Science Park, Lund. It supplies other high-tech business serviceslike investment, subsidies, customer identification and other enterprise support (seeTeknopol account below). Polar Rose was given an initial loan of €30,000 as a Sony-Ericsson spin-out, to develop academically originated face-recognition software. J-ESolem became the CTO of the company with Danish serial entrepreneur Nikolaj Nyholmas CEO. TAT, (also discussed above) which was recently purchased by Researchin Motion, responsible for BlackBerry smartphones, was only set up in 2002. TAT is aUX-UI, i.e. user experience-user interface firm. The UX field has its roots in humanfactors and ergonomics, which since the late 1940s has been focusing on the interactionbetween human users, machines and the contextual environments to design systems thataddress the user's experience. The term also has a more recent connection to usercentreddesign principles and also incorporates elements from similar user-centred designfields. As with the fields mentioned above, user experience design is a highly multi-disciplinaryfield, incorporating aspects of psychology, anthropology, sociology,computer science, graphic design, industrial design and cognitive science. Dependingon the purpose of the product, UX may also involve content design disciplines such ascommunication design, instructional design, or game design. The subject matter of thecontent may also warrant collaboration with a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on planningthe UX from various backgrounds in business, government, or private groups. TAT is setto enhance the BlackBerry PlayBook and smartphone platform. In 2009 Media Evolutionestablished its own firm EDCO.47

WHITE SPACES INNOVATION IN SWEDENMedia EvolutionThis cluster is concentrated upon „Convergent Media‟ or what is also known as „NewMedia‟. It promotes the emergence and growth of start-ups <strong>in</strong> the relevant fields. Mostsuch new firms have entrepreneur leaders with at least two to three years past experience<strong>in</strong> larger companies, a m<strong>in</strong>ority came from Lund or Malmö University. An examplewould be Jan-Erik Solem, founder of Polar Rose (see above). Polar Rose grewout of computer vision research - the analysis of digital images and video - at the Universitiesof Lund and Malmö. Polar Rose entered the Teknopol MH Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Centre <strong>in</strong>2004. Teknopol is a tailored bus<strong>in</strong>ess advice agency specialis<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> start-up activity,notably <strong>in</strong> regard to the Mobile Heights Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Centre, Cleantech <strong>in</strong> <strong>Sweden</strong> <strong>in</strong>itiative,and Life Sciences Bus<strong>in</strong>ess Centre, each of which relates to Region Skåne‟s cluster-plat<strong>for</strong>mprogrammes. Teknopol is not an <strong>in</strong>cubator but connects to appropriate<strong>in</strong>cubators at IDEON Science Park, Lund. It supplies other high-tech bus<strong>in</strong>ess serviceslike <strong>in</strong>vestment, subsidies, customer identification and other enterprise support (seeTeknopol account below). Polar Rose was given an <strong>in</strong>itial loan of €30,000 as a Sony-Ericsson sp<strong>in</strong>-out, to develop academically orig<strong>in</strong>ated face-recognition software. J-ESolem became the CTO of the company with Danish serial entrepreneur Nikolaj Nyholmas CEO. TAT, (also discussed above) which was recently purchased by Research<strong>in</strong> Motion, responsible <strong>for</strong> BlackBerry smartphones, was only set up <strong>in</strong> 2002. TAT is aUX-UI, i.e. user experience-user <strong>in</strong>terface firm. The UX field has its roots <strong>in</strong> humanfactors and ergonomics, which s<strong>in</strong>ce the late 1940s has been focus<strong>in</strong>g on the <strong>in</strong>teractionbetween human users, mach<strong>in</strong>es and the contextual environments to design systems thataddress the user's experience. The term also has a more recent connection to usercentreddesign pr<strong>in</strong>ciples and also <strong>in</strong>corporates elements from similar user-centred designfields. As with the fields mentioned above, user experience design is a highly multi-discipl<strong>in</strong>aryfield, <strong>in</strong>corporat<strong>in</strong>g aspects of psychology, anthropology, sociology,computer science, graphic design, <strong>in</strong>dustrial design and cognitive science. Depend<strong>in</strong>gon the purpose of the product, UX may also <strong>in</strong>volve content design discipl<strong>in</strong>es such ascommunication design, <strong>in</strong>structional design, or game design. The subject matter of thecontent may also warrant collaboration with a Subject Matter Expert (SME) on plann<strong>in</strong>gthe UX from various backgrounds <strong>in</strong> bus<strong>in</strong>ess, government, or private groups. TAT is setto enhance the BlackBerry PlayBook and smartphone plat<strong>for</strong>m. In 2009 Media Evolutionestablished its own firm EDCO.47

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