White Spaces Innovation in Sweden - Innovation policy for ... - Vinnova

White Spaces Innovation in Sweden - Innovation policy for ... - Vinnova White Spaces Innovation in Sweden - Innovation policy for ... - Vinnova


WHITE SPACES INNOVATION IN SWEDENprivate sector. The approach applies according to her equally to organizations and tosocietal and national issues.Platform content is a result of different sorts of measures with different policy rationales.One distinction can be made between market failures that affect exchange andtransactions. In innovation policy such market failures are associated with venture capital,information asymmetries, thin markets and property rights and the public goodscharacter of knowledge to mention the types of failures most often referred to. Theanalysis in the first section where knowledge flows, relationships and social capitalwere mentioned indicates however that a set of systemic failures also becomes of interest.Researchers mention interaction failures, connectivity failures and communicationfailures and they are all related to the interdependencies and heterogeneity betweenactors and/or resources. Market failures have a direct influence on the ability to takedecisions concerning individual transactions and resonates with Martin‟s (2009) idea ofthe algorithm as key for decision making and thus for capacity to DO, (see Figure 5.1).Systemic failures affect individual transactions indirectly by limiting/blocking access toknowledge and by limiting/blocking the search for novel solutions due to low quality ofrelational assets etc. These are factors of great importance for innovation which meansthat a policy mix to support innovation in a collaborative manner to take systemic aspectsinto account. The consequence is that measures might be designed to influenceprimarily FORM (FORMA) i.e. the cognitive dimension, the knowledge dimension,KNOW and not only the real world, DO in the framework. Another difference is thatmeasures to affect FORM and KNOW have to take account of the interpretative elementof sensemaking and knowledge creation. This leads to recognition of a process perspectiveand “how-to” issues as we saw in chapter 4.To DO – make a decision, use a technology, co-produce a service- is an act whereknowledge as a cognitive and intangible construct is impacting on the tangible or realworld; where it becomes an asset in value creation, where it is a building block in capabilitybuilding and where it is again contextualised. For policy purposes and also becauseof the contextual aspects of knowledge it is important to note that the abstractnotion of a selection environment or interaction fields as we refer to them later on, inpractice refers to “context markers” acting as attractors like clusters, business ecosystems,technological regimes or innovation systems. Taking that type of analytical perspectiveis often associated with a multi-level perspective and often with a focus on somenotion of a meso level. One example which we have referred to is between technologicallandscapes, technological regimes and technological niches in what is called strategicniche management. The relationship between clusters and (regional) innovation systemscan be seen in the same way.100

WHITE SPACES INNOVATION IN SWEDENFigure 5.1 The CubeTransactional/algorithmiclogic – market failuresDOKNOWRelational/systemic logic- Systemic failuresFORMInnovation is an emerging entity. There must be capabilities that support strategicaction. To KNOW and to DO is thus to possess structured knowledge but also to commandthe skills required to make use of knowledge and transform it to knowledge inaction; i.e. capabilities and routines. Another way to put it is that these are the requirementsfor knowledge to be absorbed and to have an impact on value creation. Overtime operational routines become obsolete. This may be due to external and/or internalperturbations. A new learning cycle starts with unlearning and forgetting and the activationof search and problem solving routines. The social learning cycle can be divided intwo major parts namely an exploration phase and an exploitation phase. The focus inthis report has been on the explorative issues. Exploration requires variation. Exploitationdestroys variation. It must be stressed that the social learning cycle is an aggregateof many individual and organisational learning cycles. This also means that there willalways be an overlay of learning cycles in different phases. So, the social learning cyclecan therefore also be a means to a richer understanding of the issues involved in balancingexploration and exploitation. Both exploration and exploitation are needed and theone important issue for businesses is how to achieve that in their organizations (March,1991).101

WHITE SPACES INNOVATION IN SWEDENFigure 5.1 The CubeTransactional/algorithmiclogic – market failuresDOKNOWRelational/systemic logic- Systemic failuresFORM<strong>Innovation</strong> is an emerg<strong>in</strong>g entity. There must be capabilities that support strategicaction. To KNOW and to DO is thus to possess structured knowledge but also to commandthe skills required to make use of knowledge and trans<strong>for</strong>m it to knowledge <strong>in</strong>action; i.e. capabilities and rout<strong>in</strong>es. Another way to put it is that these are the requirements<strong>for</strong> knowledge to be absorbed and to have an impact on value creation. Overtime operational rout<strong>in</strong>es become obsolete. This may be due to external and/or <strong>in</strong>ternalperturbations. A new learn<strong>in</strong>g cycle starts with unlearn<strong>in</strong>g and <strong>for</strong>gett<strong>in</strong>g and the activationof search and problem solv<strong>in</strong>g rout<strong>in</strong>es. The social learn<strong>in</strong>g cycle can be divided <strong>in</strong>two major parts namely an exploration phase and an exploitation phase. The focus <strong>in</strong>this report has been on the explorative issues. Exploration requires variation. Exploitationdestroys variation. It must be stressed that the social learn<strong>in</strong>g cycle is an aggregateof many <strong>in</strong>dividual and organisational learn<strong>in</strong>g cycles. This also means that there willalways be an overlay of learn<strong>in</strong>g cycles <strong>in</strong> different phases. So, the social learn<strong>in</strong>g cyclecan there<strong>for</strong>e also be a means to a richer understand<strong>in</strong>g of the issues <strong>in</strong>volved <strong>in</strong> balanc<strong>in</strong>gexploration and exploitation. Both exploration and exploitation are needed and theone important issue <strong>for</strong> bus<strong>in</strong>esses is how to achieve that <strong>in</strong> their organizations (March,1991).101

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