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GUIDES TO GERMAN RECORDS MICROFILMED AT ALEXANDRIA, VA.No. 33. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Part II)The National ArchivesNational Archives and Records ServiceGeneral Services AdministrationWashington: 1961

<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> <strong>MICROFILMED</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>ALEXANDRIA</strong>, VA.No. 33. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Part II)The National ArchivesNational Archives and Records ServiceGeneral Services AdministrationWashington: 1961

This finding aid has been prepared by the National Archives as part of itsthe use of records in its custody.program of facilitatingThe microfilm described in this guide may be consulted at the National Archives, where it isidentified as RG 242, Microfilm Publication T175. To order microfilm, write to the PublicationsSales Branch (NEPS), National Archives and Records Service (GSA), Washington, DC 20408.Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guides of the sameseries may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure is not believed to divest theiroriginal owners of any literary property rights in them. Anyone, therefore, who publishes them inwhole or in part without permission of their authors may be held liable for infringement of suchliterary property rights.Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 58-9982

AMERICAN HIS<strong>TO</strong>RICAL ASSOCI<strong>AT</strong>IONCOMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR DOCUMENTS<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> <strong>MICROFILMED</strong> <strong>AT</strong> <strong>ALEXANDRIA</strong>, VA.No« 33»Records of the Reich Leader of the S3and Chief of the German Police(Reichsfitthrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei)(Part II)

TH® .AMERICAN HIS<strong>TO</strong>RICAL ASSOCI<strong>AT</strong>ION (AHA)COMMITTEE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR DOCUMENTS<strong>GUIDES</strong> <strong>TO</strong> <strong>GERMAN</strong> <strong>RECORDS</strong> <strong>MICROFILMED</strong> <strong>AT</strong> AL3XAM)RIA, VA.This is part of a series of guides prepared "by the American Historical Association listing records microfilmed at Alesandria, Va.,"by the American Historical Association Microfilming Project*An American Committee for the Study of War Documents was established in 1955 & s a private group of scholars interested in documentaryresearch and especially in the microfilming of records of foreign origin kept in American depositories* In 195^* the AmericanCommittee became a committee of the American Historical Association* Its present chairman is Professor oroa J. Hale, University ofVirginia, who was preceded "by Dean Reginald H» Phelps, Harvrr.-d University, and Professor Lynn M. Case, The University of Pennsylvania.An initial Ford Foundation grant and additional funds provided "by the Old Dominion Foundation, the Lilly Endowment and the Avalon Foundationenabled the Committee to undertake the cataloguing *nd microfilming of declassified German records in the custody of the World War IIRecords Divfsion of the National Archives (previously TAGO, Departmental Records Branch), at Alexandria, Virginia*The p:ans for screening and microfilming these materials were prepared "by a Subcommittee on Microfilming under the chairmanshipto the end

PUBLISHES) GTJID2S <strong>TO</strong> G~'RMAIT RSCuRDS <strong>MICROFILMED</strong> A3? <strong>ALEXANDRIA</strong>, VA.1. T- 71, Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium). 1958. 75 P«2 9 T~ 7^, Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Strengthening of Germandom (Reichskommissar ftlr die Festigung deutschonVolksturns). 1958« 15 P»3. T~ 81, Records of the Rational Socialist German Labor Party (Bationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)* Part !• 1958« 1^-1 p*ij-. 5- 76, Records of the Organisation Todt. 1958. 2 p.5. 2- 8U, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part I). 1958* 15 P*6. 5- 32, Records of &azi Cultural and E.esearca Institutions, and Records Pertaining to Axis Relations and Interests in the Far East* 1958. l6l p.7» T- 77, Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberk^ramando der Wehrmacht/OKW) Part I. 1S59- 222 p.8. T- s4, Miscellaneous German Records Collection (Part II). 1959» 203 p.9. !T-253, Records of Private German Individuals. 1959» 23 p.10. T- 73, Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reicbsministerium ftlr Rftstung und Kriegsprodufction). 1959* 109 P»11. T-178, Fragmentary Records of Miscellaneous Reich Ministries and ti'f ices. 1959- ^9 P«12. T- 78, Records of Headquarters of the German Army High Command (Ober commando des Heeres/OKH) Part I. 1959* 19 P«13. T-177, Records of the Reich Air Ministry (Reichsluf tfahrtministerium). 1959. 3^ P*lU. OJ-3^2, Records of German Field Commands, Armies (Part I). 1959* 6l p«15. T-179* Records of Former German and Japanese Embassies and Consulates 1890-19^5. I960. 63 p#16. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Fart I: Records on Resettlement. 1960. 105 P»17. T- 77t Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKV?) Part II. I960. 213 p»18. T- 77» Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/O&f) Part III* I960. 118 p.19. T- 77> Records of Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der VJehrmacht/OKW) Part IV. I960. 76 p*20. T- 81, Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (Kationalsozialigtische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei) Psrt II. 1960* ^5 P*21. T- 81, Records of the Deutsches Ausland-Institut, Stuttgart. Part II: The General Records. 1961. 180 p.22. T- 70, Records of the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda. 1961. Ul p»23. T- 83, Records of Private Austrian, Dutch, and German Enterprises 1917-19^-6. 1961. 119 p.2^-. T-321, Records of Headquarters of the German Air Force High Command (Oberkommando der Luf twaffe/OKL). 196!. 59 p*25. T- l !-05, German Air Force Records: Luftgaukommandos, Flak, Deutsche Luftwaffenmission in Rum&iien. 1961. ^1 p»26* T-401, Records of Reich Office for Soil Exploration (Reichsamt fiir Bodenforschung). 1961. 11 p.27. T-35^» Miscellaneous SS Records: Einwandererzentralstells, Waffen-SS, and SS-Oberabschnitte. 1961. 3^ p*28. T-^5^» Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories (Reichsministerium f&r die besetzten Ostgebiete), 19U1-U5. 69 p,29. T- 78, Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part II. 1961. 15^ p.30. T- 78, Records of Headquarters, German Army High Command (Oberkommando des Heeres/OKH) Part III. 1961. 212 p»31* T~459» Records of the Office of the Reich Commissioner for the Baltic States (Reichskommissar f£r das Ostland)> 19Ul-l l jU5» 19^1. 19 p.32. T-175t Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfiihrer SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizel) Part I. 1961. 165 p,IV

Serial Roll Provenance Item Pi lined 1st frame NotesContinuedReichsftthrer SS u. Chef EAP l6l-b-12/250der Deutschen Polizei,Feld-Kommando stelleFT 2598*495Folder from the Feldkommandostelle des Reichsfiihrer SS undChef der Deutscfren Polizei, containing reports, circular letters,memoranda and telegrams pertaining to various subjects: "Bekampfungder Draha Mihajlovicz-Bewegung," 29.12.19*42; explosion of Germanwar-ship "Leuthen" in Tokio harbor, 3',12.19*42; "Meldung an den Ftthrerbetreffend General Weygand," 21.1.19*43; circular letters of SS-Fflhrungshauptamt,- Kdo. Amt d. Waffen-SS pertaining to various organizationalchanges in Waffen SS, 19^2-19^3; "Meldung (an den Ffthrer)iiber politische Gesprache eines in Spanien befindlichen Gew&hrmannes,"15.1.19*43; Kriegsstflrkennachweisungen (SS); also "Zusammenstellungiiber ehem. SS-Angehfirige, die in den Monaten Juli/September19*42 durch Selbstmord aus dem Leben geschieden sind;" Lagemeldungder SS-Pol, Div. vom 2U.9.U2; "Meldungen an den Pdhrer ilberBandenbekHmpfung," No. ^9, Dec. 26, 19^2; "Bericht iiber den Einsatzdes SS-Inf. Btl. Westland gegen kommunistische Terrortruppen, westlichdes Yeldesersees, Sttdkarnten, vom 7»S. - 10.%. 19^-1;" Kommandosonderbefehl"Richtlinien fdr die Durchkaminung und Durchstreifungvon Sumpfgebieten durch Reitereinheiten," July 2g, 19^1? report ofSchellenberg to Himmler on "Zusammenkunft Churchillr-Roose relt,28.1.19^3;" report of Schellenberg on "Politische Lage ii der Tttrkei,"Jan. 20, 19^3; "Meldungen an den Fdhrer ilber Bande ibekampfung,"Ho. 57t 27.1.19^3» report on Bandenbek&mpfung Unternehmen "Erntefest,"2^.1.19^3; report of Schellenberg on Churchill's visit toUSA (stating that US wanted territorial concessions from England,namely Jamaica and Trinidad), 23.1.19^3; "Meldung an den Fiihrerbetr. Marschall Petain," 21. Jan. 19%; "Meldung an den Mhrer ilberBandenbekampfung, Ho. 56, Gebiet Russland-Mitte," Jan. 17, 19*43;report of von dem Bach about Unternehmen "Franz" im Raume Tscherwen-Ossipowitschi, Bandenbekampfung, 15.1.U-3; "Meldungen an den Fflhreriiber Bandenbekfimpfung, No. 55» Gebiet Weiss-Ruthenien," Jan. 16,19*431 "Meldung an den Pfthrer betr. bisherige Yerluste an germanischenund Volksdeutschen Kriegsfreiwilligen," Jan. 15? 19^3; "Meldungenan den Ffihrer ilber Bandenbekampfung, ilo. ^k, Gebiet Oberkrain,"Jan. lU» 19^3? report on "Lage in den von den Italienernbesetzten Gebieten Unterkrains, besonders in der Provinz Laibachim Monat Lezember 19*42;" report of Schellenberg to Himmler on"Politische Entwicklung in Spanisch- und IranzBsisch Marokko,"7.1.^3; "Meldungen an den F&hrer iiber Bandenbekampfung, No, 53»

Item Filmed 1st frame NotesContinuedGebiet Untersteiennark," 11. Jan. 19*43; fortification of seat ofHeichskouffidssar in Haag, Klingental, 19^3; request of Himmler toHitler for draftees for replacements in the police, establishmentof a new division, establishment of the Croatian Division, fortificationof Kliagental, construction of a tunael connecting Karntenwith Gberlcrain, establishment of a French SS-Sturmbann (to "be calledeither Earl der G-rosse or CroMneau), Dec. 12, 19^2; "Meldung en denFdhrer 1'r. 52," a"oout planned PAP bombings of Brenner pass and Swissmobilization, Jan. 6, 19*13» by Schellenberg; report of SS- ObergruppenffihrerEicke about preparation of Totenkopfdivision for use onEastern Iront, Jan. 2, 19^3; & pages withdrawn for US security classification;report of Chef der Sicherheitspolizai und des SD abouttt 7erwendujQg von Arsenik durch sowjetrussisehe Stfiningstrupps in denbesetzten Ostgebieten,» Dec. 22, 19^2; "ileldungen an den Ptthrer uberEendenbekfimpfung, ITr. 51» Hussland-Sild, Ukraine, Bialystok, 1.9« bis1.12.19U2," Dec. 29, 19H2; report of BdS Belgrad "Bekampfung derD.Ii. Bewegung," arrest of Major Dodic and his Chief of Staff, Jan. 29.1QU2; letter of members of Iron Guard in concentration camp Buchenwaldto the commander of the camp, Dec. 12, 19^2; report of ESHA IVabout Serbian Minister of Internal Affairs,Atanaaihe Dinic, Dec. 12,19*4-2; report of the Ilohere SS- und Polizeiffthrer Jfcissland-S&d,Ukraine u. Kordost,fl Banden].age ira G-ebiet des EeichskoramissariatsUkraine und im Gebiet Bialystok," Dec, 12, 19^2; "Meldungen an denFflhrer, Hr. 50, Feststellung einer Ableitung an der HaupttelefonverbindungParis-Strassburg-Berlin, n Dec. 26, 19^2; report of von demBach about Bandenbefcampfung n im Haume siidl. Belynitschi," Dec. 12,19^2; ^Meldungen an den IPfihrer iJlber Bandenbekflmpfung, Hr. ^, GebietRussland Mitte," Dec. 23, 19^2; report of SS-Brigadeffthrer u. Gen.Major der Polizei about Bandenbekampfung, Unternehmen Hamburg,Dec. 20, 19^2; report RSHA on Panzergrenadier Wenzeslaus Leiss whodeserted to ."Russia, Dec. 19^2j report of BdS Paris about "AngeblicheIluchtabsichten Petains nach der Schweiz," Dec. 15, 19^-2; report ofG-rothmann on information from Portugal about "Beratung des AlliiertenKriegsrates," Dec. IS, 19^2; "Meldungen an den Ffihrer ilber Bandenbekampfung,Heldung Hr. ^-7» Gebiet VJeissruthenien (Unternehmen Hamburg),"Dec. iH, 19^-2; report of !3icke about lf Personenschmuggel -flberfrauzSsiscli-spanische Grenee," Dec. 7> 19^2?seizure of arms inFrance, Holland and Warsaw, Dec. 19^2; "Lagemeldung SS-Division

Serial Roll Provenance Item Hlned 1st frame NotesContinued•Diking 1 ," Dec. 2, 19^2; political situation in Italy, report ofSchellenberg, Dec. 1, 19^2; report RSEA about "Friedensangebot desamerikanischen Sonderbotschafters beim Vat ikan, Myron Taylor, anItalien," Nov. 2^-, 19^2; political prisoners (mostly French) incamp Eveaux-les-Bains, Dec. 5, 19^; "Ereignismeldung aus dem besetztenFrankreich," Dec. 5, 19^2; report of RSHA IV about explosionof a German warship in Tokio harbor, Dec. 3» 19^2; Schellenberg 1 s"Meldungen aus Spanisch Marokko," Nov. 29, 19^2; report of Befehlshaberder Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Paris "Stimmung und Lagenach der Sntwaffnung des franzfisischen Heeres," Dec. 3» 19^2? groupof reports on the political situation in France following the disarmamentof the French Army and the sinking of the French fleet atToulon, Nov. - Dec. 19^2; "Meldungen an den Ftthrer uber Bandenbekampfung,Mr. U6i Gebiet Russland-Mitte," Dec. 1, 19^2; "Meldungenan den Fflhrer, ITr. UU," report of Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizeiu,d. SD fttr die Ukraine about capture of a Russian groupparachuted behind German lines, Fov. 21, 19^2; reports of RSHAabout "Friedensangebot des amerikanischen Sonderbotschafters beimVatikan.. Ivlyron Taylor, an Italian," Uov. 2^, 19^2; report of Chefder Sicherheitspolizei und des SD about "Englisch-nordamerikanischeLandungsabsichten in Portugal," Nov. 11 9 19^-2; "Meldungen an denFfihrer uber Bandenbek&mpfung," Nov. 22, 19^2; report of Schellenbergabout "Anglo-amerikanische Operationen im westlichen Mittelmeer,"Nov. 17. 19^2j "Meldungen an den Ffihrer tLber BandenbekSmpfung, Nr. HGebiet Russland-Mitte," Dec. 1, 19^2; "Meldungen an den Fflhrer uberBandenbekampfung," Nov. 16, 19^2; report of RSHA Amt IV about political situation in France and popular attitudes toward Vicby Government,Nov. 15, 19^2; report of same agency about "Bildung einer Afrika-Gegenregierung, n Nov. l6> 19^2; report of Schellenberg aboutpolitical events in Spain, llov. 15, 19^2; "Meldungen an den Fflhrerliber Bandenbekampfung, Nr. ^2, Gebiet Russland ilitte," ITov. lU, 19^2"Meldungen an den F&hrer €ber Bandenbekampfung, Nr. Ul t Gebiet RusslandMitte," Nov. li|, 19^-2; group of reports from BDS Paris dealingwith the political situation in France, Nov. 19^2; report of Sicherheitspolizeiund SD Einsatzgruppe A, Einsatzkommando Ic "26* Lagebericht"dealing with the situation in Leningrad, Nov. 15, 19^2* reportof BDS Paris about telegram of Marshal Petain to Darlan, Fov. 1letter of General ¥eygand following his arrest by the Germans,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes12lfContinuedPersflnlicher Stab,Reichsftthrer SSSAP l6l-b-12/365FTNov. 1^-, 19^-2; report of PDS Belgrad about action against organizationof Draza Mihajlowice, Nov. 13, 19^2; report from RSHA Amt BUabout US intentions to build up island Minorca as U-boat "base, Nov. 13,191J-2; report RSHA. Amt VI (signed Schellenberg) about the politicalaspects of Allied landing in Africa, Nov. lU, 19^2; two reports ofBdS Paris about public opinion in Irance in relation to Allied landingin Africa and military situation in Dakar, Nov. 13, 19*42; "Meldungenan den F&hrer ftber Bandenbekampfung, Nr. UO, Gebiet RusslandMitte," Nov. 12, 19^2; "Meldungen an den Ftthrer Nr. 39 (E-Spiel),"Hov, 12, 19^2; "Auszug aus der Rede des Ministerprfisidenten Dr. VojtechTuka am 12. Nov. 19^2 in Sillein;" report of BdS Paris aboutn Unilberprufte Meldung tlber Bildung einer Afrika-Gegenregierung, nNov. 12, 19^2; report of RSHA Amt VI on"Tolegranm des PortugiesischenKonsuls in Recife an das Portugiesische Aussenministerium, fl Nov. 12,19^2; report of BDS Paris about arrest of General Belattre de Tassigny,Nov. 12, 19^; report of BDS Paris on "StiminungsmSssige Auswirkangdes Einmarsches der deutschen Truppen in das unbesetzte Gebiet,"Nov. 12, 19^2; report of Chef der Sicherheitspolizei and des SD about"Versuchten britischer Anschlag auf das Schlachtschiff 'Tirpitz 1 imDrontheim-Fjord- Britische Zwei-Mann-Torpedos, 11 Nov. 11, 19^2; "Meldungenan den Fflhrer iJlber Bandenbekflmpfiing, Nr. 3% (E-Spiel)," Nov.11, 19^-2; reports of BdS Paris about "Englisch-Amerikanischen Angriffauf Nordafrika," about "Stinmningsma'ssige Auswirkung der amerikanischenAktion in Nordafrika, n about the reaction of the Vichygovernment, the landing in North Africa, Nov. 10 and 11, 19^2* reportof RSHA Amt IV, "Auf standsbewegong des Draza Mihajlovic, lf Nov.11, 19^2; report of Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SDin Oslo about attempted British attack on battleship "Tirpitz,"Nov. 8, 19^2; "Meldungen an den Suhrer uber Bandenbekampfung, Nr. 37(E-Spiel)," Nov. 3, 19^2 and "Nr. 36t Ergebnisse im Gebiet RusslandMitte, Gefecht des Schutzmannschafts-Bataillons 201, 20km. n6rdlichLepel," Nov. 3» 19^-2, and "Nr. 35» Pestnahme einer Gruppe der Organisation! Pranctireurs et Partisans 1 ," Nov. 3» 19^2? reports of HflhereSS und Pol. Fflhrer, Paris, about arrests of members of French underground,Oct..- Nov. 19^2. Most of the material in this folder bearsannotations showing that Hitler had seen it.Polder from the files of Persfinlicher Stab, Reichsfuhrer SS,containing correspondence, reports and other material pertaining to

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesContinuedvarious subjects: letter of G. Berger pointing out the need for aspeech of Hitler to the people to strengthen their morale, Julycopies of a letter of OKW, Chef des Allgemeinen Wehrmachtaints, toInspekteur der Nationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten, and a draftof reform aimed to improve "milit&rische Jugenderziehung," June 19^-J5correspondence of SS-Obersturmftihrer Dipl.-Ing. Helmut Zborowskiabout "Schnelltaucheinrichtung f&r U-Boote, n June 22, 19^3? Himmler'snotes about Hitler's reactions to order of Generaloberst Dietlabout marriage of members of the armed forces with foreigners, June17, 19^3, letter of Himmler to Bormann about Pg. Sauberzweig, Kommandeurder muselmanischen Division, Fov. 2, 19^3? unacceptabilityof Lutze family to the SS, 19^-3; Lammer's and Prank's letters about"ITeugliederung des Generalgouvernements," July 19^3? correspondenceabout "Zust&ndigkeitsabgrenzung zwischen Reichskommissar fur die]Pesti;c;ung deutschen Yolkstums und der allgemeinen Verwaltung imGeneralgouvernement," June - July 19^3? fragment of a folder fromthe orange series, Ho, 92, correspondence of Hauptm. WillielmBadeeke about a 10.000 RK contribution to the SS, 19^2; fragmentof orange series folder No.179, Amann 1 s contribution of 50.000 EMto SS, 19*12; accounts dealing with the cost of the SonderaktionReichsfiUhrer SS, Julfest 1Q^2 and other RFSS accounts with theDresdner Bank, 19^2; lists of materials to be used in the Sonderaktion,19^2; Raadschreiben ITr. 2U/^3 gRa., of 1TSMP Partei-Kanzlei,dealing with investigation of political reliability of officers,May 25, 19^3J proposed decoration for Minister Ohnesorge, 19^3;"Freigabe des Fu.nkers Eallmeyer" for special tasks in Italy underthe RSHA, 19^3; Kimmler's report to Hitler on "Einsatz von zweiSS-Ftthrern im Iran," May 19^3; suggestions of G. Berger on how togain possession of crops and livestock in Hungary and other unoccupiedterritories, June U, 19^3? "Die Ernahrungslage und dieVoraussetzungen zur Srhaltung der Produktionsleistungen der deutschenLandwirtschaft," report of Professor Dr. ¥oermann, 19^3» an< iother correspondence pertaining to "Kriegsernahrungswirtschaft imgrossdeutschen Raum," May 19^-3. "Verfahren gegen SS-StandartenfilihrerBdsel," 19^3; evacuation of offices and civilians from bombedareas, April 19^3? report of Reichssicherheitshauptaint about ChemikerErich Holetz, April 19^3; report of Sicherheitspolizei aboutOberst Zanssen, formerly Leiter der Versuchsanstalt in Peenemttnde,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesContinuedsuspect of espionage; report of G. Berger about "Besprechungmit Reichsschatzmeister Schwarz," July 2, 19^-1; letter of Hans MartinFalschlein, April 15, 19^3; case of Dr. Volkhardt, 19^3; report ofChefgruppe Forst und Kolz "BeeintrSchtigung forstlicher Belange imReich skommissariat Ukraine," March 30, 19^3; letter of Rosenberg toLammers about his quarrel with Reichskommissar fftr die Ukraine,March JL» 19^3? extensive other correspondence about " Angel egenheitRosenberg/Koch," 19^3, including "Meldung an den Ftthrer betr. Betragendes Reichskommissars fur die Ukraine Erich Koch," March 26,19*4-3; Gutachten fiber Graf Wolfgang von der Scbuleriburg, Reichsgportfflhrer,and correspondence relating to his dismissal, Ifeirch 19^3;organizational chart prepared by Reichssicherheitshauptamt Amt II(A-ZB) entitled "Der ideologische Einfluss des KB (KameradschaftBundes) auf die volkspolitische Arbeit und den sudosteuropftischenRaum, H dated May 1J, 19^0; correspondence about questions of antiaircraftdefence, 19^3; "Lager f-flr die Germanische Jugend, " Jan, 19^3?case of SS-Obersturmftlhrer Lorenz who tried to get a decoration forhis success in listening in on a Reynaud-Chamberlain telephone conversationon May 7» 19^0 f later mentioned by Hitler as a pretext forinvading Holland and Belgium, 19^1 - 19^3; gossipy report of EugenDollmann about situation in Rome, August 2ty, 19^0; correspondencepertaining to the arrest of Reichsbahnoberrat Dr. Bugen Hahn andOberreichsbahnrat Landenberger, arrested by order of Hitler, becausethey caused delays in transports to the Eastern front, 19^2 - 19^3 Jcase of SS-Ogruf. v. Woyrsch, 19^3; letter of G. Berger about oppositionof lower ranks of the NSDAP to SS growth, March 9, 19^3; noteof Bormann about the shifty policy of Schmidt-Mfijister in Holland,Feb. 16, 19^3; correspondence with Dr. Jury, Gauleiter von Niederdonau,about empty Urn siedlung slager needed for hospitals, 19^3? "Protokollder Besprechung des Reichsministeriums far die besetzten Ostgebietemit den Befehlshabern der Heeresgebiete und den Beauftragtender fttr die besetzten Ostgebiete zustflndigen hSheren Wehrmachtsdienststellenam lg. Dezember 19^2;" "Erfindungsvorschlag des SS-Hstuf.Schumacher, Feb. 1, 19^3 dealing with the construction of electronicallyguided airplanes; report of G. Berger about Goebbel's audiencewith Hitler dealing with Rosenberg, and related matters, Jan. 29, 19^3?report of Pohl on growing of Kok-Sagys plant, Feb. 12, 19^3; reportof SS-Obersturmbannfilhrer With, zugeteilt dem Stabe des Generals d.Inf. von Unruh, Feb. 11, 19^3; case of SS-Sturmbannfiihrer Hans Trippel,

Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed. 1 st frame Notes125 125 Persdnlicher Stab,Reichsffthrer SS,S3 Standortfiihrer BerlinContinuedPersfinl idier Stab,ReichsfUhrer SS,FeldkommandostelleSAP i6l-b-l2/357 FT 26**9S09EAP l6l-b-12/363 FT 26^9909Betriebsftthrer der Trippel-Werke in Molsheim, suspect of embezzlement,19*4-2; correspondence of G6*ring with Ribbentrop dealing withthe gold reserves of Belgium and France, offer of gold in German-Rumanian negotiations,etc.; letter of Militarbefehlshaber in Frankreichto Reichswirtschaftsminister about mission of Gesandter Heminen,Sonderdelegierter fur die gesamten finanziellen und wirtschaftlichenFragen, to Prance, 19*12 - 19^3; letters of Schafer, head of Forschungsstattefur Innerasien und Expeditionen, about dissolution ofSS-Sonderkommando "Kaukasus," Feb. 9» 19*4-3; report of SS~HauptsturmfsiihrerHelmut Triska -about various internal matters and Auswartiges-Amt, and events in southeastern Europe, Jan. 11, 19*43; report ofG. Berger about Hitler's instructions to Reichssportfiihrung aboutpremilitary education, Jan. 9» 19*4-3; letter of Himmler to Bormannabout speech of Gauleiter Eigruber (Linz, Nov. 25, 19*42) in whichthe Gauleiter had opinions on the Ostarbeiter which differed withthose of Himmler, Jan. lU, 19*4-3; report of Chef der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD about the mentioned speech, Dec. 3^» 19^-2.Hote: Frames no. 2599b?2 and no. 26^9809 are consecutive.Folder (not in original cover) composed of two groiips of materialof the Persfinlicher Stab RFSS and of the SS Standortfflhrer Berlin,material of the former group pertains to SS administration inNorway 19^3» ^ne latter group consisting of various routine administrativecorrespondence, 1935 - 1938.Folder (not in original cover) composed of various materialfrom the files of PersBnlicher Stab RFSS, Feldkommandostelle RFSS,pertaining to a great variety of subjects; reports of Chef des SS-Hauptamtes, Berger, to Eimniler, 19^2; correspondence with Dr. Gerlabout communication from Hess, 19^1 - 19^2; correspondence withOhnesorge, 19^42; correspondence with Lammers and documents pertainingto Prozess L6v, 19*42; Gnaclenangelegenheit Wolfgang Sanner, 19*42;Maul tier be schaffung aus Spanien, 19*4-2; Tagung des rassenpolitischenAmtes Gau Sudetenland vom 7• "bis 9»2.19*42 in Prag; Germanische Freiwilligen-Leitstelle,19*4-2; Beziehung der Hationalpolitischen Erziehungsanstalten,19*4-2; case of Gauleiter Josef Wagner, 19*4-2; investigationof Unterstaatssekretar Ernst Kundt; correspondence withReichsarzt SS-Oruppenfdhrer Grawitz, about medical treatment of SS-Obergruppenfflhrer von dem Bach, 19*^2; printed text of "Rede desReichsministers Speers gehalten auf der Kriegsarbeitstagung derGauwirtschaftsberater und der Gauamtsleiter fur Technik am 17. April

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes"Arbeitstagung im Kaiser •filhelm-Institut fttr Physik, Berlin-Dahlem," 26. - 2&.2.19U2; correspondence with Schellenberg a.boutestablishment of an international economic intelligence center underthe guide of an insurance brokerage house, 19^1 - 19^2; correspondenceof Wolff with Daluege about security measures for Eimraler, 19*42;orders for SS-Sonderkomraando Gruppe Kiinsberg, 19^2; administrativecorrespondence and orders of Eimmler, 19^2; copy of a letter of ErbprinzLdwenstein, criticizing the military leadership on the Easternfront, 19^2; investigation of activities of Botschafter von Hassell,and his connections with the US, 19^1; Bericht des SS-UntersturmftthrerDipl. Ing. Helmut Zborowski "uber fflnf wesentliche Srgebnisseaus meinen Arbeiten im Entwicklungswerk Spandau der BMW-PlugraotorenbauG.m.b.E. seit meiner ira Qktober 1939 erfolgten Abrustung bei derLeibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler," 19^1 (Geheime Kommandosache); SS administrationin Holland, 19*12; Schreiben vom 8. Mai 19^2 des KatholischenEpiskopates in 3elgien an den Militarbefehlshaber, dealing withGerman ordinance for work in coal mines on Sundays and holidays, andpertinent correspondence; report of Chef der Sicherheitspolizei on"Italienischer TTorschlag zur Anderung der bisherigen Demarkationsliniezwischen Montenegro/Albanien einerseits und Serbien/Bulgarien/Mazedonienandererseits," 19^2; report of Berger on "Anbahnuig einer Heugriindungeines finnischen SS-Komitees," 19^2; report of Chef derSicherheitspolizei ''Haltung der im Reichsgebiet lebenden rumftnischenLegionftre gegenttber Marschall Antonescu," 19^2 and other materialpertaining to Horia Siina, 19^1; SS in Norway, 19^; Freikorps Danemark- letter of Keitel about breaches of discipline and creating ofriots, 19^2; correspondence about establishment of SA im Generalgouvernementby Generalgouverneur Prank, 19^2; Berger's report onconversation \vith the Finnish Military Attache Oberst Horn, 19*42;report of Hdhere SS- und Polizeifuhrer beim Reichskommissar fflr diebesetzten Miederlandischen Gebiete, about SS interests in Hollandand about seizure of material and information from England intendedfor Dutch underground, 19^2; [French and English military personnelin Spain, 19^2; Erlass des FiLhrers ilber die Befugnisse des Reichsfflhrers-SSund Chefs der Deutschen Polizei im Generalgouvernement,19^-2; Freiv/illige aus Ungarn, 1?U2; Bildung neuer lettischer Schutzmannschafts-Bataillone,19^2; Schalldfimpfer an sowjetrussischenInfanteriegewehren,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hbtes125 125 Fersflnlicher Stab,Reichsfiihrer SSContinued.EAP l6l-b-12/362 FT Folder (not in original cover) containing material from thefiles of persttnlicher Stab HFSS, dealing with a variety of subjects:long report of Generplkommissar fiir die Krim, G-auleiter A.E. Frauenfelcl"Denkschrift tlber die Probleine der Verwaltung der bes. Ostgebiete,"dated Wien, February 10, 19^l» a survey of German policyin Ukraine und Russia; efforts to form a British Legion (SS) fromBritish and Irish POW 3,19*44; release of General perrington fromPO" 1 .' camp "EU einer be sender en ?erv;endung; " "FT fas sung der elternlosenJugendlicaen des Balkans," 19*&; Berber's report on conversationwith 3andera s 19^? Waffenlager des Arbeit sberoich Osten derFSDAP, 19UU; report of Berger on Besprechuag Heichsleiter Rosenber^jauleiterKoch, 22,^.19^ij reports of Hflhere SS und PolizeiffthrerSchv/ar^es Meer, Eildebrandt, 19^» and correspondence withLore:.iz about liildenrandt 1 s attitude toward the work of the YolksdeutscheKittelstelle; conflict of Gauleiter Lohse with S£~0bergruppeiifiHhrerJsckeln, eort on "Verlialten des Gauleitersa.D. irauenfeld, v/^hrend seines Osteinsatzes als G-eneralkominissarauf der Krim," Kov. 1944; reports of SS-Gro.ppenfiBhrer Dr. ",. r endler,G-ouverneur des Distrikts Lublin, "Arbeit sbereich Generelgouvernementder ySDAP, 11 19^U; report of Serger on conversation with SS-GruppenflbrerPazjgerski and SS~Oberftlirer Soodla about Ostland, 13.6.19UU,and other pertinent correspondence; creation of S3 troops consistingof l^oroafrikaner, Anamiten und Senegal e sen, 19^4; Berber's reportabout conversation with G-rossmufti, 19^; ""usarnraenschlussder Rechtsverbftnde in l^rankreich, " 19^; " Auf st el lung einer All^emeinenSS in FranVcr e i ch, T! 19^-H; "Ifbernahme Darrands in die WaffenSS," 19UU; "Fampfzonen iin Bereich des Ob. ^Test,"19^-U; administrationof occLUiied Holland, 19UU; situation in Jjanat and Siebenbdrgen,19^; "DenJcschrift ilber die Probleme der Verw:Jtung der besetstenOstgebiete," Ga n oleiter A. 3. jJrauenfeld, IP^U; "Unterirdische "verlagerun^von Eetrieben des Manfred-^eiss-Konzerns in Ungarn, " 1QUH;report of TT6here SS- und Polizeif-flhrer in Ungarn, July 19 ! -M4; reportson situation in Hurgary, Sept. 19^; "Hemmungen tier antit1tldischenAktion in der deutschen Ausland.sorganisation, " Hov. 19^4;correspondence pertaining to the uprising in Slovakia 19^4;!1 I' r irtschaftsbevollmachtigterfur die Slowfkei, 11 19^-4; reports on activitiesof SS u. Pol. Org. Stab (Kroatien) and the Abschlussberichtof SS-Brigadefflhrer, l^ov. 19UH; report on Danish members of the SS,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame llotes 10126 126 Perstinlicher Sta"b,Reichsiuhrer SS,Pel dko niraando s te 11 eContinuedEAP 161-13-12/358 FT 26509$*Martinsen and Torgils, 19^; Wolff's activities in purchasing on theItalian black market for the SS, 19*44, report of Berger on Reisenach Kroatien, Okt. 194U; report of HShere SS- und PolizeifitthrerSerbien, Sandschak und Iiontenegro, 19^; "Grdndung eines Verbandesder Freunde und Ffirderer der dfinischen Waffen SS," 19^H; correspondenceabout situation in Albania, 19UU; Angelegenheit Volksgruppenf&hrerAndreas Schmidt Liebhardt, 19UU; Vortragsreihe: Die Hiederlandeund Das Peich, IQ^U; drafting of Croats in German Army andWaffen SS, 19HH; correspondence of Reichsminister fiir Ernahrung undLandwirtschaft with Heichskominissar Terboven about supplies forNorway, 19UH; black market in Hungary, 19^; drafting of foreignersand POW's for SS-troops, 19^4 and administrative correspondence.Folder compiled from files of the Perstfnlicher Stab and FeldkomraanclostelleReichsfflhrer SS, including: Heyxirich letter urgingmassive incendiary attacks on Moscow and Petersburg /"sic/; memo onHitler-Mussert meeting, 19^-2; Hess instructions on so-called Germancolonies, 19^0; communications on Degrelle-Pessl affair, 19^3; communicationson trip by Gross Mufti von Palastina to Moslem populationof Croatia and on Mo si em-Croat relations, 19^3 - 19^S orders byHimraler for most severe reprisal measures in the Netherlands withoutregard to T .7MB, 19UH; accounts on Himmler-Kussert meeting, 19^3? communicationson SS recruiting drive in Albania, 19^3, request by Mussolinito recruit 10.000 Italian iirorkers in Germany to set up twenty"Milizbatailions,'* 19^3*, orders by Goering to requisition Dutchprivate property for bombed out German civilians (biweekly statisticsfor August 1943}» 19^3? order by Hitler naming "Bevollm&chtigter desGrossdeutschen Reiches" in Italy and communications on treatment ofItaly as occupied territory, 19^3; cornimini cat ions on OKW complaintagainst SS in military government in "Operationsgebiet HeeresgruppeSttd und A," 19^3; communications on preparation of Eimmler-Mussertmeeting 19^-3 an & account of meeting, also material on Mussert ! spolitical line and role of NSB under German occupation, 19^-3; letterby Seyss-Inquart on his attitude towards Kussert, 19^3; wSB instructions,prohibiting use of the terms " Reich" and "GrossgermanischesReich," 19^-2; SS situation report on "belgischer Raum,"19^3; letter by Massert on SS recruiting in the Netherlands, 19^3Jcommunication on German food rationing policies in the Netherlands,19^3; statistical report by Baroness Juul Op ten Foort on Butch applicantsto SS "Reichsschule," 19^3; order by rCeitel for release of

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Ho te s 11126 126 PersBnlicher Stab,Reichsftthrer SS,FeldkominandostelleContinuedSAP l6l-b-12/333 3TT 265161SSoviet POW s of Estonian and Latvian, but not Lithuanian, nationality,19^3» communications on request "by Speer for police units in "HeeresgebietStd," 19*43.Folder compiled from files of the Persttnlicher Stab and FeldkommandostelleReichsf&hrer SS, including: "Stimmungsbericht ^"berdie Sinstellung der 3elgier im Gebiet \J I, 19*41 - 19*42;" order byHiffiir>ler on SD activities in Rumania, 19*12; promise "by Mussert toraise 50,000 recruits in exchange for appointment as minister,report on observations by Swedish military attachfe in Moscow onPoissian situation, winter 19*41 - 19^2; report on Belgian contributionto German war economy, 19*42; memorandum by I%ssert on recruitsfor "Biederlandische Legion," 19^42; cotnmunications on order by Keitelfor the creation of "Dienststelle des ICommandierenden Generalsund Befehlshabers in Serbien," 19^42; letters by Himmler on BanatG-ermans, 19^-2; army report on approximately 30.000 partisans inYugoslavia, 19^-1; report on utilisation of para-military organizationsby so-called Serbian government against partisans, 19^2; reviewof partisan fighting in Yugoslavia, igJ-S-l - 19UP, 19*12; orderby ICeitel on repression of Yugoslav partisans, stressing importanceof Ktthere SS- und Poliseiffflhrer, 19^2; monthly report on politicalsituation in Yugoslavia for November 19^1; report on the formationof the so-called provisional Serbian government headed by ITedic,19^4-1; communications on G-erinan-Hungarian agreement granting Hungarythe privilege of erecting meteorologice.l observation post on ridgeof Carpathian mountains for the duration of the war, 19*42; accountof meeting Quisling-Berger, 19^-2; proposal for SS collaborationwith Staf de Glerq in Belgium 19*42; comments by Kimmler on Kussert'sattitude concerning the sv/earing in of Dutch SS men, 19*42; agreementbetween Himmler and the Finnish government on anticipated repatriationof ethnic Finns from Russia to Finland, 19*42; account by Himmleron Hitler-Terboven, 19*42; reports on SS activities in llorway,Denmark and 3elgium, 19*42; RSHA intelligence report on situationin Leningrad, 19*42; letter by Degrelle, 19*42; Eimmler on possiblemeeting between Hitler and I-lussert, 19*42; account of Tiso-Tukasconflict (mention of Tukas 1 agreement to "resettle" 90.000 SlovakJews in Germany), 19*42; account by Turkish source on Moscov; conference,19*42; selected "I'/fichentliche Lageberichte" for ITorv/ay, 19*42;circular by Falkenhorst on anticipated English military action innorthern Iforway, 19*r2; refusal by Eimmler to deal with Kussert

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 12127 127 PersBnlicher Stab,Belchsfflhrer SS,Feldkomma ndo st elleContinuedBAP l6l-b-12/33*4 F? 2652221EAP I6l-b-12/300 FT 2652U15EAP 161-V12/305 FT 2652^4EAP I6l-b-12/30l4 FT 2652S76"biographical sketches on top aide?~of-chief of the Vichy "PoliceRationale, 11 19*42; correspondence relating to "Lottermann" case /highrankingFrench officer?7, 19*42; account of meeting with Archduke*Albrecht of Hungary, 1942; circular letter "by Quisling to "Fylke"organizations, 19*42; order "by Keitel instituting position of l! H8hererSS- und Polizeifuhrer 11 under H !fehrmachtsbefehlshaber Serbien, n19*42.Folder compiled fron files of the Pers8nlicher Stab and Feldkomr/jandostellePueichsfiihrer SS, including: statistical reports oninduction for "Polizei, Verftigungstruppen, Totenkopf-Divisionen,Totenkoofstandarten," 19*40; communications on Kimmler's plans forSS recruiting in Sweden, 19*40; reports on covert SS recruiting amongethnic Germans in Yugoslavia and Hungary, 19*40; report on populationtrends in Germany to 19535 memorandum on immediate Waffen-SS weapons,ammunition and equipment needs, 19^0; order for inclusion of Alsacein "SS-Oberabschnitt Sftdwest,* IP^fOj statistical report on Germanmale births 1916 - 1939 and estimated number of draftable males forigllO - 1955.Folder compiled from files of the Persflnlicher Stab and Feldkommando s tell e Eeichsfflhrer SS, including: mimeographed trainingcirculars including illustrations from a Russian training manualon close combat; copy of Soviet Army general staff order on Ski unite;"Erfahrungsbericlit fiber den Polarwinter 19^0/^1 usw. in Finnlandund an der Uordfront."Folder compiled from files of the Persflnlicher Stab and Feldkommando s tell e Reichsfiliirer SS, including: mimeographed orders onorganizational matters for various echelons of ftaffen-SS, also onsupply and personnel matters, originating in the SS-Ftthrungshauptamt;statistical report on strength and losses of SS divisions from mid-19^1 to early 19^2; casualty reports of SS divisions for variousperiods in 19*42; order by Himmler transferring Amt 71, "InspekteurK.L.," from Fitlirungshauptamt to SS-! ! /irtschafts-u. Verv/altungshauptamt,19*42; assignment of Sonderkommando "Dirlewanger" to HtthererSS- und Polizeiffliirer Hussland-&itte v 19^2; report on interrogationof Soviet general staff officers, 19^2.Folder compiled from files of the Persflnlicher Stab and FeldkommandostelleReichsfnhrer SS, including primarily material similarto that in SAP I6l-b-12/305, but also: chart, "Einsatz der SA,"

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 13127 127 EAP l6l-b-12/3^3 FT 2653250128 12S Persflnlicher Stab,ReichsftUirer SSEAP !6l~b-i2/337 FT 2653609EAP !6l-b-12/3lK) FT 26536SUcreation of Estonian legion, 19*42; order by Himmler for integrationof non-German SS units, 19*42; "OXH Mitteilungen uber Gaskriegsvorbereitungenim Ausland l?r. IS," 19*42; names of SS officers killedin action in Russia, 19*42; fragment of telegram from Knochen, BdSParis, on anti-La,val sentiment among JTrench, no date; communication"by Himmler on Prof . Flattner, member in last Schuschnigg government,19*43; "Militarische Gesamtbeurteilung znir Abwehr eines feindlichenLandungsunternehmens in Mittel- oder Suditalien, " no date /J9^3f7»Folder compiled from files of unknown provenance and including:correspondence on the participation of SS units in activities inconnection with Mussolini's visit to Berlin and Munich, 1937; orderby Himmler transforming office of "Bevoilma'chtigter r&r die Bandenbek$mpfung"into that of "'Der Reich er-SS und Chef der DeutschenPolizei, Der Chef der Bandenkampfverbande, " 19^-3 J "Berichtigung und.und Erg^nzung der Dienstaltersliste fiir SS-Verwaltungsfflhrer," 193^;dreft of "Einheitsaktenplan (EAPl) for SS-Hauptamt, 1936.Folder compiled from files of Persttnlicher Stab ReichsfflhrepSS, including communications on South Tyrol, 19^3; reports on politicalsituation in Italy following Mussolini^ fall, 19^3»Folder compiled from files of Persfinlicher Stab ReichsfflhrepSS, including communications on ethnic Germans in Rumaria, 19^1 andContinuedEAP l6l-"b-12/335 FT 2653713EA? l6l-b-12/336 FT 26539^9Folder compiled from files of Persflnlicher Stab ReichsfiihrerSS, including: communi cat ions on SS investigations of SS, ITSDAPand axinp members, among others, V/illy Damson of VDA, 19^-3 - 19^»disciplinary transfer of SS officer to "Regiment Dirlewanger, "loyalty of Generaloberst a.D e Adam; Hess 1 flight to England,correspondence on Himinler's speech at Posen, 19^3» comment on "SonderkommandoDirlewanger," 19^3; draft of instructions, "Schaffungvon S^andigen Vertretern der Reichs-, General- und Gebietskommissare, "19^-3; correspondence on the projected creation of a Reichsicherheitsministerium,19^3? report on conference with Rosenberg, 19^3? reporton German agricultural policy in occupied Russia, 19^3» letter onRosenberg-Koch conflict, 19^3; correspondence of ideological indoctrinationof armed forces by SS, 19^3,Folder compiled from files of Perso'nlicher Stab ReichsfuhrerSS, including: communications on ethnic Germans in Rumania, Yugoslavia,America, Africa, and Italy, 19*42; proposal to set up Estonianlegion, 19^-2; order by Keitel to set up SS units composed of ethnic

Serial Roll Provenance Item Pilmed 1st frame Notes12S128 Pers8nlicher Stab,Keichsfflhrer SSSAP l6l-b-12/355 FT 265U007BAP l6l-b~12/352 P? 265^201I6l-b-12/351SAP l6l-b-12/350 FTGermans, 19^2; communication "by Kimmler on military use of non-Germanunits, 19H2.Polder compiled from files of Pers6*nlicher Stab ReichsfflhrerSS, including: SS orders, mostly for 1937 - 193&» but extending to19*41; Wehrmacht order "Gewissensfreiheit in der Wehrmacht , " 1937;order by Hess prohibiting "Propaganda filr die Rttcfckehr S&dtirolsin das Reich," 193^; order by Hii^-ler reorganizing office of SS~und Poliseiflihrer in southern Russia, with related material, 19^3;table of organization of "^hrungsntab fur Bandenbekftmpfung ain Standort,"19^3; report by Hiimnler on partisan casualties in Volhynla-Podolia, 1943; call by Generalgouverneur irank for conference onpolice measures, 19^-3, letters by Himrnler anticipating "Evakuierungender restlichen rund 300 000 Juden ira Generalgouvernement, Jt 19^3»Himraler on Tlassov memorandum, 19^3? Himrnler on relationship Wehrmacht-SSconcerning partisan fighting, 19^-3*Folder compiled from files of persSnlicher Stab HeichsffthrerSS, including: correspondence on SS recruiting drive in Rom.aniaand Yugoslavia, 19^0; report on ethnic Germans in Hungary,report on SS activities among ethnic Germans in Slovakia,resettlement of ethnic Germans from Lithuania, 19*K); communicationon political crisis in Rajnanir-, 19^0; communications on resettlementv/ithin the Generalgouvernement, 19^0; reports on SS recruiting inthe Scandinavian countries, 19^-0.Folder compiled from files of Persfinlicher Stab HeichsfflhrerSS, including: communication by Hinurler opposing issuance of orderson "Yerbot des Yerhandelns mit Gegner und Vereinbarung von !'7affenruhe,n 19^5? statement by Dr. August Hirt, Anatowisches Institut,Bachsuniversita't Strassburg, in connection with Camp Struthof (F.B.mention of destruction of "die in Ifrage kommenden korrespondierendenGeheimakten, n )Polder compiled from files of PersSnlicher Stab ReichsfflhrerSS, including: report by Heydrich on Hess 1 flight to England,report on Lybia with marginal notes by Jodl, 19^-1; account by Himmleron conference with Rosenberg, 19^-1; statement on the execution ofCol. Zavoianu, Iron Guard, 19^1; coraimini cat ions on SS activities inBelgium, 19^-1; report on rejection of proposal for creation of aPortuguese legion by the Portuguese government, 19^1; report onMuesert,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes128- 128- FersBnlicher Stab.,129 129 Reichsffthrer SSContinuedEAP l6l~b-12/366 FT 265*4-680Folder compiled from files of PersBnlicher Stab Reichsf&hrer SS,including: report on arrest of Richard Sorge, 19*4-2; invention ofground-to-air missile, 19^2; letter by Himmler on Lindholm, leaderof "Svensk Socialistisk Samling," 19*42; account by Himmler of meetingwith Ciano and Buce, 19^-2; OICV order, "Ersatz der judischen Arbeitskraftedurch arische Arbeitskrafte im Gen. Gouv. und den besetztenCstgebieten, rl 19*42; correspondence on "Freikorps Danemark,"19*4-2; order "by Himmler, "Behandlung der Schutzmannscha,ften," 19^2;reports on sabotage in The Netherlands, 19^2; communications on SAproposal, "Bildung eines Aufbaudienstes in den besetzten Ostgebieten,"19*42; order by Himmler for the creation of German quarters in Polishtowns, 19^2; participation of SS in dissolution of Buhl cabinet andthe creation of the Scavenius cabinet, 19^2; SS proposal for the"Dienstverpflichtung" of Dutch medical doctors for work in Germanyand in military hospitals, 19^2; communication on Goering order forthe compulsory induction of Dutch civilians as "police units" inRussia, 19*4-2; report on conference with Quisling, 19^2; account byBerger of meeting with Kemeay-Schneller, Hungarian minister offinance, 19*4-2; report on Finnish Lt. Gen. Talvela, 19*4-2; proposedsuccessor to Staf de Clerq, 19^2; correspondence on economic contributionof Generalgouvernement to German war economy, 19*4-2; "BesondereAnordnuugen Nr. 5 £& r cl as neubesetzte franzdsische Gebiet,"issued by OK¥, 19 J 4-2; order by Eimmler on the use of 3-^000 "Rotspanier"and 5-600 000 "antifaschistische Italiener" in Yichy Francefor forced labor and arrest of "wirklich gefflhrliche Kflpfe" amongthem in KZ after "Erdcksprache zwischen Fflhrer und Laval," 19*42; reportby Ohnesorge on invention of "Ablauscheinrichtung" to unscrambleAllied transatlantic telephone messages, 19*42; correspondence onarmy-SS conflict concerning "Urnsiedlungsaktion" of Jewish civiliansat Przemysl and proposed SS action against army officer involved,19*4-2; report on US measures in physics and chemistry, 19*4-2; communicationson investigation and disposition of Lt, Col, Xriegsheiin,19*4-2; material on order to ?ohl and Lorenz to furnish householdequipment and clothing from "Lagerhcluser in Lublin und Auschwitz,"19 1 42; "Aktenvermerk" by Himmler on projected post-war economicpolicy, 19*4-°; report on arrest of Polish officers, 19^2; order byHimmler regulating contacts of S3 Kauptrmtchefs with Japanese Embassy,19^-2; instructions by Himmler on "zu Nachrichtenzwecken gegr&ndetenPirinen," and disciplinary action against SS officers relative

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 16Continued129 PersSnlicher Stab,Reichsfdhrer SSSAP l£L-b-12/369 FT 2655221*EAP I6l-b-12/3g*4. FT 2655*410EAP l6l~b-12/367 FT 2655^36SS-9FT 2655*4*40EAP l6l-b-12/21g 5TP 2655*450«EAHG und Wolltex A.G. , !l "Xosmas A.G.," "Kornolit I'ferke r » 19*42;report on "Menthanol" production at Waldenburg, and projectedconstruction of plants at Heydebreck and Auschwitz, 19*^2; reporton development of "R-Ferngeschoss" with marginal notation of thefirst successful try on 13.10.£E9*427, 19*42; report on Ostininisterium,19^2; account of rumors on Kimmler's fall, 19*42; letter "byHiromler on "Kommando Mnsberg, 11 19*42; confirmation "by Hitler ondeath sentence against Schulze-Boysen, Kumerow et al. and orderof new trial for Mrs. Harnack and Countess Brockdorff, 19*42; letteron purchase of former Bugatti works by Serman air force, 19*42;account of conference with Rosenberg, 19*42; communication onnaturalization of ethnic Germans from the Ukraine, 19^2; reporton economic exploitation of Eutbenia, 19*42; reports on investigationof espionage and sabotage in France, Holland and Norway, 19*42.Folder compiled from files of Persdnlicher Stab ReichsffihrerSS, including, letter by Antonescu requesting incarceration ofHoria Sima and others in Germany and related SS correspondence,19*11 - 19^3? account of conference with Graf Schwerin v. Erosigkon "Behacdlung des 7ermo*gens der Verbredier des 20. Juli 19^t n19^; table of organization of SS-Hauptaint, 19^1; report of Grermanwar production in Poland, 19^1; statement by Himmler on resettlementproposal inside Germany, 19*K); plan of teletype circuit forReichsfflhrer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei, 19*40; report onSS rocket developments in Czechoslovakia, 19*42; report relating todevelopment of magnetic torpedo detonator, 19*&; order by Himmlerprohibiting "3eteiligiing von S3-Angeh8rigen an Arisierungsgescha'ften,l! 1939.Folder from the files of Persttnlicher Stab Reichsfuhrer SScontaining report on activities of "Kavelinstitut, n undercoverradio network of Amt VI, R.S.H.A. for the period August 19U2 -December 19^3> 19^3*Folder from the files of Fersflnlicher Stab ReichsfiEQirer SScontaining letter by Antonescu requesting incarceration of HoriaSima and others, 19*41 (Cf. EAP l6l-b-12/369, above).Pamphlet bearing no indication of provenance, entitled"Schriftgutverwaltungsordnung, PersSnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer SS,"(no date), regulating flow of correspondence and file system.Folder containing material bearing no indication of provenancecontaining undated personnel rosters, "Ffthrer beim Stab Reichsftthrer-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 17129 129EAP I6l-b-12/21ga FT 2655706EAP l6l-b~12/266 FT 2655772SS," "Fflhrerschule Dachau," "Chef Pernmeldewesen, " "Reichsarzt SSu.Polizei," "Kriminalkommando," "Personalhauptamt,"Folder containing material bearing no indication of provenancecontaining officer roster of "Persttnlicher Stab, Reichsfdhrer-SS; ""Amt Milnchen;" "Adjutantur Miinchen; " "Abteilung F Dr. med. Fahrenkainp;""Amt Rohstoffe; 11 "Amt Lebensborn; " "Amt Ahnenerbe."Folder containing material bearing no indication of provenancecontaining communi cations on personnel matters of Amt Mnchen, 1939Persttnlicher Stab,Reichsfflhrer SSEAP I6l-b~12/2gg FT 265587*1-Folder containing files from Persfinlicher Stab Reichsfithrer SScontaining communications on replacements for "SS Verfflgungstruppen, "130 130EAP I6l-b-12/315 FT 2655929EAP I6l-b-12/19a FT 2656017Folder containing material bearing no indication of provenancecontaining reports on "Totenkopf division" in Russian campaign, 19^1;undated study, "Militarische Beurteilung fur eine Besetzung der InselKorsika im Rahmen deutscher Gegenmassnahmen bei einer fdl. Landungin Mittel- oder Stlditialien."Folder compiled from files of Perstinlicher Stab Reichsfohrer SScontaining communications on construction of secondary headquartersand air-raid shelter for Himmler, 19^3 - 19^; extracts from "Mitteilungsblattdes Reichskriminalpolizeiamts," for various periodstContinuedSS Standort BerlinPersftnlicher StabReichsffthrer SS andKommandostelle Reichsfuhrer-SSJunkerscimle T61zPersdnlicher StabReichsfuhrer SSEAP 161-15-12/353 FT 2656166EAP l6l-b-12/359 FT 2656^77EAP I6l-b-12/360 FT 26566U3EAP I6l-b~12/330 FT 2656675Folder containing file from SS Standort Berlin of congratulatorycommunications, alphabetically arranged, of SS StandortfiihrerBerlin, 1936 - 1939.Folder compiled from files of Persflnlicher Stab Heichsfuhrer SSand Kommandostelle RF-SS, including:n Grundgesetze der Schutzstaffel,"1936; "Kommandobefehl Nr. 69," on employment of SS-Kavallerie-Brigade under Hflherer SS~ u. Polizei-Fflhrer v.d. Bach, 19^3; communicationson administration of Kommandostab, 19^2.Folder compiled from files of Junkerschule T61z containingexaminations for "Kriegs-Junker-Lehrgang," 19^2; set of lecture notes sunsigned and undated.Folder compiled from files of PersSnlicher Stab Reichsftthrer SSincluding letter by Himmler on transfer of Polish officers from POWto concentration camps, 19^; communications on explosives production,19^-; communications on Degrelle, Darnand, and Doriot, 19^; orderby Hitler concerning occupied Holland, 19^5; letter on relocation ofofficer POW camps, 19^5? communications on creation of a Latvian

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes130 130 Persflnlicher Sta"bReichsftihrer SSSAP l6l-t-12/229 FO? 2657066"Freiheitskomitee, " 19^5i communications on medical experiments atNeuengamme, 19^ - 19^-5; account,M Besprechungserge"bnis der norwegischenMinisterkonferenz, n 19*4^; account of conference "between Goeringand Vlassov, 19^5? Baron de Kerne ny * s account of session of the foreigncommittee affairs of the Hungarian house of deputies, 19^5? letter onRoseriberg-Goe'b'bels conflict concerning Vlassov, 19*45; list of materialtransferred from Camp Kostolani, Czechoslovakia, 19UH; order "by Hitlerplacing P0¥ administration under Himmler, 19*4*4; report of rumoredBritish parachute action in Hungary, 19*4*4; account of German reactionto change in government in Rumania, 19*4*4; "Befehlsgliederung in derSlowakei," 19*4*!; letter on Luftviaffe guard unit at KZ Mauthausen,19*&; plan to recruit Frenchmen as laborers in Germany, 19*4*4; letter,"Transitverkehr durch Schweden (endgflltige Regelung) , l! 19*4*4; lossesof V7affen~SS "by end of 19^3? request to place armament plant underKZ administration, 19^U.Folder compiled from files of Persflnlicher Stab Reiclisftihrer SS,including: order "by Himmler appointing SS-Gerichtsherrn, w 1939? noteon telephone call "by Schellenberg concerning "Lottermann" (cf. EAP161-b-l 2/333) t no date; "Anschriften^- und Namensverzeichnis der HBchstenund Hflheren SS- und Polizeiffthrer, M no date; "Personalstand PersflnlicherStab Berlin," 19^U; instructions "by Keitel, "ITainentlicheErfassung feindlicher* Kriegsverbrecher filr die Kampf propaganda, n131 SS-Richter beimReichsf&hrerContinuedEAP l6i-b-l2/255 2657395Folder compiled from files of SS-Richter "beim Reichsfflhrer,including: communications on "Politische Aktion in Belgien; Behandlungder Gegenterrormassnahinen durch das SS- und Polizeigericht, "19UU; report on "Hationalkomitee Preies Deutschland," 19^5; imprisonmentin KZ of Martin Luther, former undersecretary of state in A. A. ,19^4; communications on "Gerichtsharkeit im neubesetzten franzflsischenGebiet," 19^-3; proposal on "Beurteilung von Judenerschies sungenohne Befehl und Befugnis, " 19^-2; order "by Keitel on "Bandenbekampfung,"19^2; disciplinary assignment of officer to "SonderkomraandoDirlewanger," 19HU; disciplinary action against SS officer inCzechoslovakia, 19*12; "Feld-Truppenteile der Waffen-SS, Stand 1. August19UU;" instructions "by Himmler, "Disciplinare Erledigung leichtererStraftaten vor rleldung an den Gerichtsherrn, " 19^3; "Richtlinienfflr Strafverfahren gegen ernste Pibelforscher, usw. , " 19^;communications on "Auf he "bungs- und Gnadenrecht in Strafverfahrengegen griechische Landeseinwohner, n 19UU; appointment of Graf

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes131 131 Persflnlicher StabReichsfiUhrer SSEAP I6l-b-l2/l65 2657773EAP I6l-b-12/2*a FT 2657927EAP 2657996SS-Standort Berlin 161-13-12/356 FT 265S209132 132 SS-Richter beim Reichs- EAP l6l-b-12/3^5 FT 265^90fiihrer SSEAP I6l-b-l2/3k5a FT 26591*6Bassewitz as deputy of v.d. Bach, Htiherer SS- und PolizeifflhrerRusslancl-Mitte, 19^2.Folder compiled from files of PersSnlicher Stab Reichsfilhrer SS,including: fragment of letter "by Lainmers on "F&hrererlass" concerning"Massnahmen zur Festigung des deutschen 7olk stums, n no date; SS"budget for 1937; communications concerning "Politische (gegenterroristische)Aktion von SS-Freiwilligen und von Rexisten in Flandernu. Wallonien, " 19UU; administration of military justice in "Feldheer,"19UU; report on Hauptamt SS-Gericht, 19^3.Folder compiled from files of Persfinlicher Stab Reichsfiihrer SS,including: draft of "SS-Standortdienst-Vorschrift, n 1937; communicationsconcerning "tTbernahme des Stahlhelms, " into SS, 1936 - 1937;"Grrundsatzliche Richtlinie Fr. 1" by Rimini er forbidding appointmentof jurists to SS courts, 19^2; instructions by Keitel, "Richtlinienf&r die Verfolgung von Straftaten gegen das Reich oder die Besatzungsmachtin den besetzten Gebieten, " 19^1 - 19U2.jpolder compiled from files of Persdnlicher Stab Reichsfiihrer SS,including: letter on Macedonian ", " 19^-3; communicationson recruiting drive for Waffen-SS, 19^3; attack by Himmler on "christlicheErziehung 11 in Germany, 19^3; SS-army conflict on draft policy,19^-3; order on "Aufstellung von Truppeuentgiftungsztigen, ?f 19^-3; accountby Himmler on conference with Hitler, 19^3 •Folder compiled from files of SS-Standort Berlin, including:material of routine nature, 1936 - 1939 > bu-i' also undated addressroster of SS-Standort Berlin; undated officer roster for SS-OberabschnittOst; letters on "Kenntlichmachung nichtarischer Geschafte,"1936.Folder compiled from files of SS-Richter beim Reichsfilhrer SS,including: "Dienst- und Geschaftsordnung far die SS- und Polizeigerichteder Sondergerichtsbarkeit der SS und Polizei," 19^2; communicationson and text of "Beffirderungsrichtlinien" for SS judges,19^3; "SS-3efehl: Richtlinien zur Einreichung von BefflrderungsvorschlagenfiJlr Ftorer der Allgemeinen SS und der Waffen-SS fur dieDauer des Krieges," 19^2; report on SS courts im Genpralgouvernement,Folder compiled from files of SS-Richtcr beim Reichsfuhrer SScontaining court-martial case against SS officer, 19^H.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 20132 132 Nachrichtenabteilung.Kommandostab Reichsfiihrer-SS133 133ContinuedPersSnlicher StabReichsftlhrer-SSPersbnlicher StabReichsftihrer-SS andNachrichten Ersatz-AbteilungPersfinlicher StabReichsfflhrer SSAdjutantur StabschefPersSnlicher StabReichsfiihrer SSRasse- und Siedlungs-Hauptamt SSPersfinlicher StabReichsfflhrer SSEAP i6i-b-io/s FT 2659150BAP l6l-b-10/7

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 21135 135 Kommandostab Reichs- EAP l6l-b-10/9 ITfuhrer SS Hachrichten-AbteilungPers8nlicher StabReichsfflhrer SSEAP l6l-b-12/33SFTEAP l6l-b-12/27Ua FT266219^2662390and files of "Deutscher Amateur Sende- und Empfangs-Dienst," 1938 -19^.Folder compiled from files of Kommandostab Reichsfuhrer SSHachrichten-Abteilung, including: routine administrative correspondence,1939 - 19^2; n Ye rzei chili s der zustftncligen Srsatztruppenteileder Waffen-SS," 19^2; "RF-SS Kommandobefehle Frs. 6U-66" on guerillav/arfare, 19^2; "Merkblatt: Laufbahnbestiinmungen filr die Dauer desKrieges fur die aktive FflnrerlaufDahn und die Ftthrerlaufbahn des Beurlaubtenstandes,*19^-1; "Schriftverkehr in der Faffen-SS," 19^0.Folder compiled from files of Persflnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer SScontaining routine correspondence on counter-intelligence, but includinga letter "Arbeit der Abwehrsteiie im OK\* rB in Romania, 19^-0.Folder compiled from files of Persdnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer SS,including: "Anleitung fur den Unterricht iiber Abvehr von Spionage,Sabotage und Zerset2ung in der Tir ehrmacht, " 19^-1 - 19^-1 communicationson publications by party agencies and members, 1933 - 193^ Iprotest by G-oering against absorption of Shrhardt brigade into SS,136 136ContinuedSS Oberabschnitt West EAP l6l-b-01/10 FT 2663033? BAP !6l-b-12/3U2 FT 2663639KSherer SS- und Polizei- SAP l6l-b-12/3U2a FTfdhrer Stldost and SS-Oberabschnitt Stldost26636SOEAP l6l-b-12/3U2b FT 2663^26Folder compiled from files of SS-Oberabschnitt West, including:routine instructions and orders, issued by the following offices,ReichsftJhrer, 1938 - 19 ) . 1 U; SS Personalkanzlei, 193S - 193 f? ; Personalhauptamt,1939 - 19^0, 19^2 - 19^5; SS-Hauptamt, 1933, 19^0 -194-1, 19^3 - 19^U; Hanptamt SS-(Jericht, 1939 - 19^1. 19^3; SS-Ffthrungshouptamt,19^1 - 19^3; R.-u.S. Hauptamt, 1939, 19^1, 19UU;Kommaiidoamt Tfeffen-SS» 19^2; Ifomniancloaint der Allgemeinen SS, 19^1;?.- u. W. Hauptamt, 1939» including order by Himmler, "Keuregelungder Personalkanzlei-SS und des SS-Persoiialamtesi N 193^; order tyHinualer concerning personnel matters for SS officers, 19^; "Aufstellungvon SS~Polizei Sinheiten, " 193^; "Auf stellung von Hauptfliatern, "1939.Folder compiled from files bearing no indication of provenancecontaining "SS-Sbersichtskarte ITr. 7," 1938 - 1939.Folder compiled from files of KSherer SS- und PolizeiffihrerSiidost and SS-Oberabschnitt SMost, including: communications androsters of SS personnel employed in Generalgouvernement, 19^0; investigationsurrounding the murder of Stadtbaurat Kamphausen, TJaldenburg,Silesia, by SS members, 193^ and 1937,,Folder compiled from files bearing no indication of provenancecontaining communications on membership transfer for SS Verfflgungs-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 22.36 136 PersBnlicher StabReichsfuhrer-SSEAP l6l-b~l2/232 rr 266396**tnippen, 1935 - 1936; coimmini cat ions on internal conflict in SS unitat Kiel, 1930 - 1931.Folder compiled from files of PersBnlicher Stab Reichsffthrer SSincluding: letter by Pohl on extra-legal SS supplies and plants inLublin, Oranienburg and Raven sbruck with proposal to obtain sanctionfor them from Heichswirtschaftsministerium, 19^-3? comcianicationsrelative to the capture of Gen. Rowecki, 19^3? communications onspecial financial disbursements, 19*'3 - 19^» account of foreigncurrency reserves held by SS, 19^-3; "Oehalts€bersicht -fiber die SS-Pflhrer, die seither aus Mitteln des Sche-tzmeisters der NSDAP eineGruppenfflhrerzulage erhalten haben, " 19^3 » roster of Hauptamtchefsand Oberabsclinittfflhrer receiving special salary increments, 19^3?correspondence relative to diamond purchases in Russia for Himmler'saccount, 19*13;n 3^iedenshsushaltsplan der Waffen-SS filr das Haushaltsjahr19^2," for "Einheit: FersdJnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer-SS; nroster, "FiDarer des internen PersBolichen S tabes Reich sftthrer-SS,"137HSherer SS- undPoliseiftihrer Sftdost137 S3-?olizei Divisionand SS-EauptamtEA? I6l-b-12/3l|2c FTBAP i6i-b-i2/3i4i FT266H211260+286Folder compiled from files of Hdherer SS- und PolizeiffihrerOst containing communications on investigation against SS officerin Generalgoiivernement, 19^0.Folder compiled from files of SS-Polizei Division and SS-Hauptamt, including: routine correspondence on personnel transfers,SS-Polizei Division, 1942; personnel changes, SS-Iiauptamt,FeldkoramandostelleReichsfflhrer-SSSS-Helf er innenschul eOberrehnheim, Alsace1A? l6l-b-l2/379 FTSAP 161-0-12/325 FT266^731Folder compiled from files of Feldkommendostelle Keichsfiihrer-SS, including: correspondence concerning the establishment of M SS-Fortifikationsforschungsstelle zur Erkundung der itelienischenGrrenzv;ehranlagen, " including order by HimTnler and order of Italianministry of war,Folder compiled from files of SS-Helferinnenschule Oberrehnheim,Alsace, including files on administration, recruitment, etc.,Persttnlicher StabReichsfuhrer SSSAP l6l-b-12/lSSSAP l6l~b-12/32UFTFT26651962665^99Folder compiled from files of personlicher Stab Reichsftlhrer-SS,including exchange of letters between Heydrich and Daluege on jurisdictionof Ordnungs- und Sicherheitspolisei, 19^1.Folder compiled from files of PersBnlicher Stab Reichsfiihrer-SScontaining routine correspondence on T

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes137 137 Persflnlicher StabReichsfflhrep-SS andAhnenerbepersBnlicher StabEeichsfiihrer-SSHflherer SS- und Polizei- SAP 161-V12/2Afflhrer Eanzig-Westprens senPersflnlicher StabReichs.fflhrer-SSKSherer SS- undPoliseiffthrer Danzig-Westpreussen;SS-HauptamtSAP 161-0-12/lUS FT 2665^29i6i-b-i2/iH7 FT 2665739SAP lSl-b-01/SFT 2666097SAP l6l-"b-01/6 FT 26662933A? 161-D-12/1 FTSAP I6l-l3-12/laSAP l6l~'Q-12/lbSAP l63-g-01/2FTFTFTFT2666567265665126666952666759Folder compiled from files of Personlicher Stab Reichsfiihrer-SSand Abnenerbe, including: instructions by Hiromler, "Weisungsbefugnisdes Chefs des SS-Personalhauptemtes, " 19^'; instructions by Himinleron SS-lfirtscliafts-Verwaltungshauptamt, 19*4^; instructions by Himmleron "Siistftndigkeit des ?.u.l T .-Hauptamte 3 »" 19^0; "Richtlinen filr dieSS-Yervaltucgsffl-hrer-Laufbahn," 193B; "Stabsbefehl Hr. 2^/35, G-eschaftsordnungdes Rasse- und Siedlungshauptantes-SS," 1935»Folder compiled from files of PersSnlicher Stab Reichsfithrer-SS,including: accoutit of Himinler interview v/ith Mussert, 19^-3* communicationsconcerning the transfer of the Hungarian tyeiss plantsto G-erman trusteeship, '/T9^5?^J proposal by Berger to Himmler toapproach Soviet Russia, 19M-U; "llotize -tiber 3esprechung beiui Hciehsfilhrer-SSam 29«5»^i n roster of 3S leaders who did not participatein Posen meeting of 15^3 (cf. 1'JiP l6l-"b-12/335» above); statistical,report on ±tossian military wan-power, 19^3? comments by Himmler onpolicy for Poland, 19^40; accounts of "Ftererbesprechung" at Breslaugrowing out of SS activities during RShm affair, 193^-•Folder corrmilecL from files of Hflherer SS- und Pol izeifttlirorDan^ig-l/estpreusseE, including: letter b^rForster on explosion ofPolish population from Udingen, IS'^K); letters from von G-ottberg onactions against- Jews, 19^3»Folder compiled from files of Hfiherer SS- und PolizeifulirerDanzig-vrestpreussen, including: correspondence on NSDAP conflictin province Hess en-Fas sau, 19'IO,Polder compiled from files of Persttnlicher Stab Reichsfilhrer-SS containing contratid.atory co?anainications of Orothmann, 19^4.Joiner compiled from files of Pers8nlicher Stab Reichsffllirer-SS containing correspondence relating to Hiinmler's visit to Italy,19U2.Polder compiled from files of HSherer SS- and Police if iirirerDanzig-v^estpreussen containing corres'oondence with .Dr. Fahrenkamp,1939 - 1?U2.Folder compiled from files bearing no indication of provenancecontaining instructions from SS-Personalhauptexnt, "ITeuerfassung desFtihrerkorps der Schutzstaffel," IQHU,Folder compiled from files of SS-Hauptamt, including communicationsconcerning "T£tigkeit von SS-Angehfirigen in anderen G-liederungender Bewegung" and related problems of membership in units of Nazimovement, 1936 - 193S*

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes138 13S SS-Eauptamt139 139ContinuedG-eheime Staatspolizei,StaatspolizeistelleAachen;SS-F&hrung shauptamt(Kornmando-Amt derAllgemeinen SS)Persflnlicher Sta"bHeichsftlhrer S3EAP i63-g_i6/l FT 266677SEAP 161-V01/3 FT 266679 1 *-EAP l6l-V12/lc FT 2666S29EAP lei-Via/Id FT 26668^7EAP 161-VI2/371 FT 2666378EAP 161-V12/372A FT 2667355Folder compiled from files of SS-Hauptamt, including: communicationsconcerning "Richtlinien fttr das Verbalten der SS-Mannerund Angehfirigen der Polizei im tschechischen oder ehemaligen polnischen&ebiet, M 19^0.Folder compiled from files "bearing no indication of provenancecontaining communications on disciplinary case in Sicherheitshauptamt,iqUo.Folder compiled from files "bearing no indication of provenancecontaining papers on construction of acid container for "bomb neutralization,no date.Folder compiled from files of G-eheime Staatspolizei, StaatspolizeistelleAachen containing communications on instruction, "Anwendungdes verscharften Yernehmungsmittels," 19^2.A group of folders from the files of the SS~Fflhrungshauptamt,containing material mostly of SS-Filhrungshauptamt (Kommandoamt derAllgemeinen SS) including: some material from the files of R,u. S.-Ftthrer Stld on "Dienstreisen in die Slowakei;" "Verbereitungsiehrgangfur versehrte F&hrerbewerber der ¥affen-SS; tf "Lehrgangsplanung derSS-Reichsschule fiir Lelbesarziehung;" a xsopy of the Kimmler orderappointing G-ottlob Berger Stabsfiihrer des deutschen Yolkssturmes,Oct. - Dec a 19^; correspondence, arranged in alphabetical order, onpermission for individuals (mostly officials) to wear the field-greySS uniform. This file is informative on the status and activitiesof the individuals concerned. 19^1 - 19^2. Also included: correspondencewith SS-Oberabschnltte, Abschnitte, Abwehrbeauftragte.etc.*on "Iifarnwoche 19^!" and its effectiveness in inducing greater securitymindednessor levity; declarations, authorizations, etc. concerningYerschlussachen, filed alphabetically by name of the individual concerned;correspondence on security, rumor-mongering, and Yerschlusssachen;and a folder "Abwehrdienst im Fachrichtenverkehr" containingcorrespondence of Der Chef des SS-Hauptamtes, Der Abwehrbeauftragteder SS, with Der Abv/ehrbeauftragte de?, SS-Oberabschnitts Main on theloopholes in security represented by evasion of Peldpost channels bySS units, February 19^0. 19^2 - 19^1.Folder from the files of Pecrsflnlicher Stab Reichsfithrer SS,containing material on a variety of subjects including: letter fromGottlob Berger to Himmler, November 26, 19^2, concerning Rosenbergand the Ostministerium; letter from Bormann to HimnJLer enclosingcopy of one from Bormann to Goebbels on "Behandlung von Tschechen,"

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame HotesContinuedJune S, 19^2; a secret "Herkblatt fur GepackbefBrderung; !l circularson clothing collections, e.g. collection of "black uniforms, June 3,19^2; correspondence Pohl, Brandt, and SS-Untersturmfiihrer Dipl. Ing.Helmut Zborowski concerning the latter 1 s special v/ork to increasethe performance of ships and planes, e.g. the speed of the Ju 88,May - June 19^2; letter from Berger to Brandt on ReichspostiainisterOlinesorge, General Fellgiebel, Forschungsstelle Holland, etc.,May 21, 19^2; report addressed "by Berger to Himmler on "Besprechungmit Yertreterinnen der Reichsfrauenffthrung, " Himmler order on "Zuverfiigungstellungvon Frauen in der NS-Frauenschaft" and relatedcorrespondence, April - June 19^2; correspondence and other material(agreement Reichsftthrer SS-Reichsaussenminister, Dienstanweisung,G-eheiiner Zusatz) on Pol izeiat* s, August 19*11 - May 19^2; letterfrom Adjatantur der Ifehrmacht beim ?fihrer to ObergruppenflJhrer I'folffinitialled by Himmler) concerning "Luftangriffe auf Kiel," April 21,19^-2; letter from Berger to Himmler on "Besprechung mit StaatsratDr. Schieber" - on aid to be given by France to the Gorman Tr/areffort, May lU, 19^2; letter from Berger to Himinler "Tatigkeitsberichtder Feldpostprnfstelle" May 22, 19^2; (see earlier correspondencebelov/) ; letter etc^ from Larnraers to Himmler concerning t! Strafverfahrengegen den Gouverneur Dr. Lasch" Ilay 19^2; coveidng letter(Schnellbrief, with pencil addition "Geh. Rs.") from P.eichsgeschaftsf-tllirer,Das Ahnenerbe (Sievers) to SS-Obersturmbannf-£Qirer Brandt on"Kflhenflugversuche SS-Untersturmftthrer Dr. Hascher" May 20, 19^2,v/ithout Anlage; telegram concerning "Sabotageanschlflge auf die antibolschemist is che Ausstellung Hja.s Sowjetparadies 1 in Berlin am lS.5.^2correspondence Hiairaler - SS-Stande.rtenf-fthrer Voss, VerbincLungsstabzur T ;Jaffen~SS bei den Skodai-rerken und Waffenwerken Brilnn, GeneraldirektionenPrag, on arias development and production, March - May,19^2; telegram from Heydrich to Himmler concerning the deteriorationof Gauleiter Soever of Oldenburg, May 13, 19^2; corresr:-ondence BergerS>3~]?*thriingshaiYptacit, Kommandoamt der Waffen-SS - EimrrJLer on the workof the SS-Peldpostprufstelle, April - May 19^2; copy of a Vermerkon Postschutz and the SA, April 19^-2; correspondence Himmler - Pohlon Generalbaurat der Stadt liilnchen, Professor Giessler, and buildingplans made v/ith him, including a Heichsfuhrang-SS in I^iinich, SS andpolice quarters for 30-^0000 men and a "Lebensborn" Zentrale to lookafter ^00 000 or more unraprried mothers, Hay - July 1°H2; report bySS-3rigadenfilhrer Scheel, Gauleiter und Reichsstatthaiter in Salzburg,

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Uotes 26ContinuedPersfinlicher StabHeiclisftthrer-SS, ?eldkominandostelleandSchriftgutverual tungSAP l6i-b-l2/375 FT 26675^to Borman, with copy to Hiinmler, on a conversation "between Lammersand Meissner overheard "by him and related correspondence, May 19*42;letters from Pohl to Himmler on "IFertigstellung und Sinrichtung derLeichtmetallgiesserei Volkswagenwerk Pallersleben, n April 19^2, andcopy of letter by Speer, March 19^2; correspondence Merger, Luther,AA, on "Tagung des FbVrderkreises der! G-ermanischen Leithefte 1 ,"April 19^2; typed survey of "Yersorgungsbestimniungen" (Bestimmungen•ftber die Versorgung in den germanischen Landern) with letter fromBerger to rlimmler and Himmler note "grosszflgige Lflsung d. Entbindungsfrage,:t April 19*12; carbon copy of Brandt note on "Brief desChefs des SS-Hsuptaintes, SS-G-ruf. Berger vom 13.M-.19U2 betr. Sprachuntersuchangendes Heereswaffenamtes; n Berger letter to Himmler concerningobservations of Hptm. d.P.. Siebel in Italy, April U, 19^2;correspondence on "Postschutz" and the conflict OF.l'T (Pellgiebel andIfarlimont)-Hsichspostninisteriuro-SS Hauptamt (Berger) April 19^2;correspondence on SS-Untersturmf. 3)r, med. Horst Sftttinger, April -September 19^2; carbon copies of Hiramler letter to Daluege on hisvisit to Greiser and the Landwacht in the ^arthegau, April 27,Berger letter to Himr-iler concerning telephone report by StabsfflhrerM6ckel on Reichsiainister Hust, the Hat. Pol. Erziehungsanstalten,Reichsbs.uernf

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 27Jontinuedhauptamt on "Sinsatz der Pirma ICapfhamer in Ruraanien; " this firmhad apparently misused its status as FAU (ifrontarbeitsunternehmen)der Ifeffen-SS. January 19^3* Akt.Nr.G-eh. 227 contains correspondenceon Bandenbek&npfung in various theaters of war including materialon Kolpak and his parti sans , on liihailovic and Cetniks and Titoistforces, on operations in the Zhitomir area and SS-3rigade£UlirerLeyser, on friction and disputes v/ith Rosenberg and his ministry andwith the army, on partisan activity in Upper Krain, Lov/er Styria,the ITucheler Heide and the Julian Alps, in the moraine around ilinsk,in ^olhynia and Podolia, reports of the Generalkommissar fur 1'feissruthenienon SS massacres in Borissow and related correspondence"between Berger and the Rosenberg ministry (Brautigam), jurisdictionaldisputes "between Reichsfilhrer SS and Rosenberg, Hitler's decision toremove the entire population of partisan-infested areas in theNorthern Ukraine and Central Russia, with appropriate provisionsfor the treatment of men, women, and children (the latter to be usedfor the cultivation of Kok-Sagys) » copy of a Vermerk by Himmler "Yortragbeirn ITuhrer am 19. 6.19^3 suf &em Obersalzberg 'Bandenka^apf undSicherheitslage 1 ," material on the organization and territorialdelimitation of the fight against partisans (areas declared "Baiideiikampfgebiet"), a telegram by Ericli Koch to Himnler on the Brest-Litowsk-Gk>mel area, correspondence Sauckel-Himmler on the non-availabilityof men from evacuated areas for his labor force, EimmlerBefehl on treatment of bandenverdachtige Mnner, Prauen und ICinder,material on slave labor, the destruction of the ghetto in Pinsk,statistics of losses in men and material. June 19^2 - December 19^3*Another f older tAkt.Hr.Geh, 227»contains material on partisan warfare-J includes Christmas letter to Himmler by SS-ObergruppenfflhrerGeneral der Polizei von dem Bach, reviewing the activities ofhis forces in 19^3* Akt.Hr.Geh. 228 contains material on incidentsinvolving Moslems in the area of the SS division "Prinz Ihigen, rt on''Yerhaltnis SS-Bivision ! ?rinz Sugen' -Polizei, n and "Tergel tungsme.ssnahmender Ifehrmacht und V/affen-SS iin Polizeigebiet Sa,rajevo.July ~ September 19^3. Akt.Kr.Geh. 22S contains material on "Ernteerfassung"by SS, police, and army troops in occupied territories.June 19^2 - September 19^1. Akt.Kr.Geh. 3^7 (Wiedervorlage) containscorrespondence on "JSehandlung der Bandenkinder, " "ICinderlagerfftr Parti sane nkinder," the allocation of captured children to Staatsgilterin der Ulcraine, and their employment in various kinds of useful

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Kotes 2gPersfinlicher StabReichsfflhrer SS,Schriftgutverwal tungPersflnlicher StabBeichsfflhrer SS (Feldkommandostelle)andSS-l T achrichte n-Er sat z-abteilungPers8nlicher StabReichsffthrer SS ?SAP l6l-b-12/37S266S073EAP 161-0-12/3SO FT 2668356MF l6l-b-12/3Sl FT 2663907work. January 19^3 ~ FebruaryFolder from the files of Persflnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer SS,Schr if tgutverv/al tung, Feldkommandostelle, Kommandostab, Fflhrerhauptquartierf etc., vdth orange front cover, folder IFo, 12, containingcorrespondence with SS offices - Edhere SS- und Polizeiftthrer, 3erger,von dem Bach, OK¥, OKH, etc. - on the combating of partisansin Russia, the Baltic, the Balkans, Carinthia, Styria, and the Yfest,on the recruitment and organization of forces for it, on Jagdkommandosand the Sonderkommando Dirlev.ranger, Includes Befehle andRichtlinien, material on SS policy in Croatia, on the conflictbetween SS and !'7eh:nna.cht, and between SS-Gruppenfflhrer Meyszner andQMrner; also Meldungen an den IPflhrer ilber Bandenbekflinpfung by ReichsffihrerSS. Mostly second half of 19^2.Folder of material from the files of Persdnlicher Stab HeichsfithrerSS and of SS-Hachrichten-Ersatzabteilung, original folderHo. 26, containing mimeographed material issued by SS-Ftihrungshauptamtand .Aint II Org. Abt. la/II on organisation and nomenclature ofWaffen-SS units, carbon copy of a Himmler Fernschreiben to Fegeleinon the crisis of the Eastern front caused by Seydlitz officers andGerman prisoners of war trained as Communists (July 26, 19*&)» Gefechtsbericlite,Hochfrequenzforschung, an "Inhaltsverzeichnis derG-eheimsachen SS-Fahrungshauptamt (Ablage)," correspondence - Jttttner,Heydrich, Wolff, etc. - on Waffen-SS, deployment and operations, onan SD man of British nationality, on Gesandter von Killinger, VJolff f smission with Hibbentrop, Polizeiattach&s und Hachi'ichtendienst imAusland, particularly arrangements in Rumania, and - mainly administrative- material of SS-Nachrichten-Srsatzabteilung, iMrnberg. 19^1 -Ivlarch 19^5.Folder containing material probably from the files of PersSnlicherStab Reichsfflhrer SS on organization and strength of SS and¥affen-SS. This includes a survey "Starke der SS am 31. Dez. 19^3"by Statistiseh-wissenscha-ftliches Institut des Reichsfuhrers-SS(initialed by Himmler), Starkemeldungen of SS corps, divisions,brigades, battalions and other units ^September 19^-H, mimeographedand lithographed copies of material concerning German and foreignWaffen-SS units (Unterstellungsverhaltnisse, Kriegsgliederungen, reorganization,etc.),

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes 29ContinuedPersflnlicher StabReichsftthrer SS, Feldkommandostelle?PersBnlicher StabRe'ichsfflhrer SS, Feldkommandoand SchriftgutvervaltangPersflnlicher StabReichsf iihrer-SS,Schriftgutverwal tungand otherEAP lSl-b-12/3SU FT 2669376SAP l6l-b-12/386 A FT 2669392SAP l6l-b-12/3S6 B FT 26S99S2Document probably from the files of Feldkomniandostelle, PersdnlicherStab Reichsf&hrer SS, letter from Lammers to Himmler,September 11, 19 ^3 • with photostat and beglaubigte Abschriften ofcovering letter to other Oberste ReichsbehSrden and "Anordnung desFflhrers ftber die Bestellung eines Bevollmachtigten des GrossdeutschenSeiches in Italien und die Gliederung des besetzten italienischeaG-ebietes. Vom 10. September 19^3" with Ergflnzung of the samedate, all Geheiiae Reichssachej also Abschrift of a survey by Korherr,Inspekte-ur ftlr Statist^, of March 27, 19^3, on "Die russische Ifehrkraft."Iferch - September 19^3*Polder from the files of PersBnlicher Stab, RPSS, Feldkoinmandostelleand Schriftgutverwaltung, kept by SS-CbersturrabannfiHhrer RudolfBrandt, containing correspondence on the cultivation of ICok-Sagys and production of plant rubber. Folder is divided into sections:SS-WVEA, Vogel, Caesar (Kok-Sa^s- Zilch tung u. -Forschung,SS-0 ! Gruf Pohl, SS-Ostubaf 7ogel, S3-Stbaf Dr. Caesar, SS-H ! stufKudriav/tsow, KWI: Dr. B6hme, Yolli, Heichsaint f. Wirtschaftssufbau,Industrie: Dr, Krauch, Dr. Eckell) j linger (Der Bevollmftchtigte f.d.Kraftfahrwesen (BdlC) (Jr. Pflanzenkautschuk, Major Unger, Generalltn.ICfihn, Bericht v. li}-.5. iiber Aribsai 19^3, Staatssekretar Kdrner, Ab~gabe von Samen nach Ungarn); Stahl (Beauftragter des RFSS fftr Kok-Sagys-Frs^en: Korv. Kpt. Dr. Stahl, Bericht aus der Ukraine v.13.5«^3); tispr (Gesellschaft fdr Pflansenkautschulc u, Guttaperciia,Dr. Msyri Dipl. Ing. V/ieseinann); Verarbeitung, Mayr r Lafferentz,Hess (Gumriiigewinnungf Primitiv-Yerfahren, Valzwerk, Dr. Mayr, Dr.Lafferentz, Prof. Dr. Hess); Station Ustinmrka (Zuchtstation Ustiinowka,Verbindung zuni Ostministerium, SS-Gruf. Berger); H,3E2C-Gruf 3ormann(Allgemeiner B'ericht des ITSKS-Gruf. A 0 Bormann -ftber Kok-Sagys);Lichtanlage Domanikow (SS-Ogruf. ICoppe, SS-Staf. IQctz); Kriegsverdienstlorcuzfiir die SS-Ftthrer Kudriawtzow u. Dr. Briick. 19^-1 -19*43. Cf. later material on Zok-Sagys in EAP l6l-b-12/17i|- and EAPI6l-b-12/173 on Serials 113 and 11^.Folder of various provenances containing: an inner folder ofHauptamt Sicherheitspolizei with administrative and personnel material,some of it for publication in Befehlsblatt des Chefs der Ordnungspolizei,19^U; telegrams of Staatspolizeistelie Kassel fromSS-Hauptamt and other SS offices concerning a variety of organizationaland personnel matters 1933 - 1939; a list of cases of deprivationof German nationality taken from Deutscher Reichsanzeiger,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NoteslH21^2 Persfinlicher StabReichsfflhrer-SS(Privat Abt.);Persflnlicher StabReichsfflhrer-SSPersflnlicher StabReichsfflhrer-SS (Feldkorranandostelle)SAP l6l-b-12/387 FTEAP l6l-b-12/396 FT267012H26705SOEAP l6l-b-12/397 FT 2670830issued by Geheime Staatspolizei, Staatspolizeileitstelle Mftnchen II B 3»March 1939; documents from the files of PersSnlicher Stab RFSS, Schriftgutverwaltung193^ - 19^2, concerning "Beschaffungen im ProtektoratB6hraen und MMhren," "Aufnahme Sudetendeutscher im Altreich, n "Aufstellungder SS im Protektoratsgebiet Bdhmen und Ilfthren, " carbon copy of"Befehl fttr die Unterdrftckung der 3andentatigkeit in den Gebieten Oberkrainu, Untcrsteiermark, " June 19^, v/ith "Richtlinien... , tt l! Eingliederungdes sudetendeutschen Gebietes" (i.e. SS organization inSudeten area); and correspondence of SB Oberabschnitt Siid-Vest, otherOberabschnitte, SD Hauptamt, etc., concerning Dr. Schinnerer of theUniversity of Freiburg'. 1936 - 1939*Folder from the files of Persfinlicher Stab Heichsfuhrer-SS (PrivatAbt.), containing photostats, Ahnentafeln, and correspondence relatingto Kimmle^s ancestry, 1520 - 19^0.Polder from the files of PersBnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer-SS,containing an alphabetical file - incomplete, letters D to Z only -v/ith correspondence on official social functions, invitations toclubs, societies, performances, etc. 193^»Folder from the files of Per sflnlicher^ Stab Reichsfflhrer-SS (Feldkommandostelle), containing an incomplete alphabetical file with correspondenceon performances, lectures, receptions and other officialsocial functions, to vifaich Himmler or his representatives were invited.SS-Haupt sturmfflhrerAugust Heine, Pers6nlicherStab Reichsfflhrer-SS;11*3 1*13 PersOnlicher StabReichsfuhrer-SSRPersfinlicher Sta"bReichsfflhrer-SS ?Pers8nlicher StabReichsfflhrer-SS,Obergruppenffihrer WolffEAP l6l-b-12/398 FT 2670931EAP !6l-b-12/399 FT 2671507SAP I6l-b-12/to) FT 2671510EAP l6l-b-l2/383 FT 2671676Folder from the files of SS-Haupt sturmfflhrer August Heine, PersfinlicherStab Reich sfdhrer-SS, containing an alphabetical file ofpersonal correspondence. This includes semi-official material.Folder from the files of Perstfnlicher Stab Reichsfnhrer-SS, containingan envelope addressed by SS-Fflhrungsheup taint to ReichsfuhrerSS, Pers6nlicher Stab, with two maps of the Russian front: "Lage II.A.K. am 8.5.U2" and "Feindlage am 1.6.U2."Folder probably from the files of Pers6nlicher Stab RFSS, "Ausunseres Sohnes Heinrich politischem Leben. III. Heft ab 2S. VII. 193^bis 6. VII. 1936." Contains newspaper cuttings.Folder from the files of Pers6*nlicher Stab RFSS, ObergruppenfflhrerWolff, containing Wehrmacht-Fernschreibspruchschlussel JanuaryMarch 19^5» correspondence between VJolff and his wife, 19^0, as wellas the Beschluss of Amtsgericht Berlin, May U, 19^3 • relating to thecustody of their children after divorce.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame UotesR R1^5ContinuedSS-Omppcnfflhrer Eicke, EAP 161-13-12/1401 FTFQhrer der SS Totenkopf-Verbande, and ReichsfflhrerSSSS-Rasse- und Siedlungs- lAPl6l-b-12/i|02 FThauptamt , Heir at samtReichsf&hrer-SS, Feldkommandos t ellePersflnlicher StabReichsfi5lhrer~SS andSS-HauptamtEAP l6l-b-12/U03 FT267190S26719^72672065EAP l6l-b-12/l|OH FT 2672362File combined of two folders, of SS~Gruppenfiihrer Eicke, P&hrerder Totenlcopf-Terbfinde, and RJTSS, containing Himmler correspondencewith Gruppenfflhrer Krtiger, Schiedmann des grossen Schiedhofes beimReichsfflhrer-SS, on the case of Gruppenftthrer Wittje, former Chef desSS-Hauptamtes. March 5 - June 17> 193^•File of Heiratsamt, SS-Rasse- tind Siedlungshauptamt, containinga certified copy of "Srster Erlass des Ffthrers uber die Einfiihrungder Zivilverwaltung in den neu besetzten Ostgebieten. 7om 17. Juli19^1," initialed by Himmler; copy of a Eimraler order concerning treatmentof visits by Hungarians to SS offices, of January S, 19^5» aswell as material on Patenschaften, Auszeichnungen, marriage permits,Junkerlehrgange, security, discipline, administration; "Richtlinienfttr die Betreuung der im Bereich der SS und Polizei eingesetzten deutschenFrauea, insbesondere in den Gebieten ausserhalb der Reichsgrenze,"issued by Reichsfflhrer-SS, Fovember 30, 19^42; Himmler "SS-Befehl fflr die gesamte SS und Polizei" on the procreation of children,October 28, 1939 ^d explanatory proclamation "An alle Manner der SSund Polizei" of January 30, 19^0; printed leaflet "Eudolf Hess aneine unverheiratete Matter" and "An alle SS-Manner und ihre Angehflrigen;Ausfuhrungsbestimmungen zum Befehl des Reichsfflhrers-SS vom28.10.1939" ° n SS v/elfare for mother and child and the Lebensborn e.?.;on Rohstoffbewirtschaftung; and carbon copy of an application byGruppenfilhrer Wolff for additional Reichsbahnfreifahrkarten for SSuse in 19U-1. (This document bears the stamp of Perstinlicher StabReichsffihrer-SS, Schrif tgutverv/altung). 1939 - 19^U.File of Reichsf'Jihrer-SS, Pel dkommandos tell e: "AnschriftenundDienststellenverzeichnis," It contains directories of SS-Oberabschnitte,SS- und Polizeifithrer, EuS-Ffllirer, SS-Pflegestellen, SS-Hauptamter and other SS, party, and state offices, institutions, andofficials; also "Gesammelte Ablage aus dem Sonderzug Akt 33 vom Juli19^2 bis Januar 19^3" containing correspondence on training, personnel,organization, deployment, and equipment of units. 19^2 - 19^5»Folder of Persflnlicher Stab RFSS and SS-Hauptamt, mostly concernedwith indoctrination. It includes correspondence on and draftsand proofs of brochures "Die Hassenfrage ist der Schlussel zur Weltgeschichte,"US.-Amerika, Handlanger der j€dischen I'Jeltmacht, "!'feltjudentumim G-eneralangriffV" "Suropa zv/Tschen deutscher Fuhrung undenglischem Herrschaftsenspruch" or "Englancls Imperialismus in Europa"and "Freimaurerei - Instrument des T -Jeltjudenturns;" also "Richtlinien

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesContinuedPers8nlicher StabRe ichsf&hr er-SS,VerwaltungPersdnlicher StabRei chsfilhrer- SS,Pel dkommando s t el 1 ePersflnlicher StabReichsfflhrer-SS,SS-PersonalhauptamtEAP l6l-b-12/U05 FT 2672S13EAP I6l-b-12/l*06 IT 2672973EAP l£L-b-12/iK>7 FT 2673067fflr die Umarbeitung der Broschiiren," correspondence concerning theHandwo'rterbuch des Grenz- und Auslanddeutgchtums, and an exchange ofletters "betv/een SS-Brigadeffthr er ¥eisthor and Gruppenffihrer Wolffon a book Erkl&rungen der G-ebr&uche bei der Austeilung der HeiligenSakramente in der rechtglflubigen Eirche by Vfassilij Michailowakij.193S - 1944.File of PersSnlicher Stab Heichsffthrer-SS, Verwaltung, containingcorrespondence with SS-Standartenfflhrer Sievers» Der Reichsgeschaftsftorer,Das Ahnenerbe, concerning personnel of the InstitutPflanzengenetik, Lannach bei Graz; also Personalfragebogen etc.- 19*15.File of Reichsfflhrer-SS, Feldkommandostelle, with telegrams(Reichssicherheitshauptamt ITachrichtenflbermittlung) to RFSS containingintelligence material on developments in France t Korth Africa,Spain, Portugal, Italy and Turkey after the Allied landings in HorthAfrica. Material supplied by BDS Paris (Oberg, Knochen) and RSHAAmt I? and Ant VI (Schellenberg, I^ttlller). Folder also contains areport of a crash of a British plane and glider in iTorway, a fourpagedocument "Besprechungspunkte" concerning France, with Himmlermarginalia, and a copy of a letter from Eimmler to Kalteribrunnerconcerning Bibelforscher, Kosakenfrage, Wlassow-Frage, and the generalproblem of how to rule Russian territories, July 21, 19*&. November19^2 - July 191*4.Folder of Reichsfuhrer-SS, SS-Personalhauptant "Fachfilhrer derWaffen-SS; n containing correspondence on the status and employmentof men with special qualifications, 19^2 - 19UU; also folder of SS-Obersturinbannfflhrer Alfred Fi^anke-Griksch, including copy of "Denkschrift€ber die weltanschauliche Ftthrung in der SS" submitted byhim to Himmler, February 19^1; draft of a Christmas letter fromFranke-Oriksch to Himmler, 19^3; two letters to Franke-Griksch fromProf. Dr. D. Kulenkainpff, July and November 19^3» carbon copy of along and detailed "Bericht (Auseinandersetzung mit Augustini), 0 March1937» and carbon copy of a letter to Legationsrat v. Thaddenconcerning the SS and church membership, November 19^4; also a numberof apparently unrelated documents, including an undated "Aufzeichnung 11concerning questions pending betv/een Ausw. Amt. and KFSS; a shortletter from Ley to Himmler, January 19^-3; a letter from Himmler toWolff on JBeutewagen, June 19^0; copy of a paper by SS-StandartenfuhrerProf, von ¥olff on l! Weibliche Unfruchtbarkeit, ihre Ursachen

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 33Continued146 Reichsarbeitsrainisterium !AP l6l-b-12/40S, FT 2673295409, FT4io FT26733192673351Perstfnlicher StabReichsftthrer-SS,Schriftgutverwal tungPersSnlicher StabReichsffthrer-SSEAP I6l-b-i2/4ii FT 2673373EAP I6l-b-12/4llb FT 2673415EAP !61-b-l2/373 IT 2673455und die Mdgliehkeit ihrer Verhfttung, n with pencilled marginalia byHimmler; a paper "Geheimlehre der Frauenschaft 11 on ancient and primitivesexual rites and practices» initialed "by Himmler; and an incomplete(page 1 missing) text of a Himmler speech delivered at Sonthofen,May 1944.Three folders of photostats taken from the files of the Reichsarbeitsministerium:containing "Meldungen aus den besetzten Ostgebieten,"Hr. 17, 22, and 30, of August, September, and November 1942,issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Kommandostab.Polder from the files of Persdnlicher Stab RFSS, Schriftgatverv/altung,Akt.Nr.Geh. 252, containing material on occupied territories,including "Meldungen aus den besetzten Ostgebieten,Nr. 41,"issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Kommandostab,February 12, 19^3, extracts from this initialed by Himmler; "Auszugaus dem Lagebericht des Hc*h,-SS u. Pol.-Fflhrers im ¥ehrkreis X7IIIvom 1. - 31. Januar 19^3;" and "Statistische Fbersicht ilber die Bandentatigkeitund Bandenbekampfung im Monat Januar 19^3" concerningOberkrain and Untersteiermark.Correspondence from the files of Persflnlicher Stab Reichsfflhrer-SS, Schriftgutveniraltung, relating to the production of chromium andother non-ferrous ores and metals; includes exchanges betv;een Eimmler,Keppler (Staatssekretftr z.b.V. im Auswartigen Amt) and Speer.May 19)44 - January 19^5.Photostats, some of them of poor quality, taken largely fromthe files of PersSnlicher Stab RFSS of miscellaneous documents usedat Nuremberg war crimes trials. A number of these have already beenfilmed elsev/here (mostly in the original), but all have been filmedhere for the sake of completeness. They include a Chefsache letterfrom Berger to Himmler, September 26, 19^» advocating a separatepeace with the Russians; much material on partisan warfare and therecruitment of foreigners for the ¥affen-SS; Geheime Reichssache"Einige Gedanken iiber die Behandlung der Fremdv8lkischen im Osten"with related matter; "Nachrichten for die weltanschauliche Abwehr"issued by SS~Hauptamt; letter from Lammers to Himmler enclosing copyof Frank (Governor General) to Hitler on questions of resettlement;some material - summary,etc. - on "Generalplan Ost; rt GeheimeReichssache "TUtigkeits- und Lagebericht der Sinsatzgruppender Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in der UdSSR und Vernalten derXommunisten im Reich und in den besetzten Gebieten, w issued by Der

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesJontinuedAdjutantur des FflhrersLeibstandarte-SSAdolf HitlerDer Inspekteur furStatistic beim Rf-SSSA ObergruppenffihrerBrflckner (Adjutantur desFflhrers ?)lUS Leibstandarte-SSAdolf HitlerEAP 161-c/lSAP 161-C-2BAP 161-C/3EAP l6l~c/HEAP 161-C/5EA? 161-C/6EAP 161-c/JChef der Sicherheitspolizei und de.s SD, July 31» 19^1» also Nr. 2,covering the period July 29 - August lU, 19^1; "EreignismeldungUdSSR Fr. 1^3, issued by Der Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD,December g, 19*11, n Sreignisineldung UdSSR Nr. 1^5 of December 12, 19*11,Nr. 131 of November 10, 19^1, Nr. 135 of November 19, 19^1, andNr. 1^9 of December 22, 19*11. 19*H - 19*&.FT 2673S53 Item of unknown provenance. "Auszug aus dem Einheitsaktenplanfflr den Bereich der S3-Hauptlmter einschliesslich der unterstelltenDienststellen, n no date.FT 2673933 Adjutantur des Fflhrers folder containing a variety of orderson filing systems in SS offices, notifications in cases of accident,naming of regiments and similar administrative matters, 19^0.FT 2673963 Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler file on a variety of minor administrativematters such as orders for SS units, Sippenforschungin Austria and nex«; forms for Sippenforschung in general, regulationsfor holiday and yearly leave, uniforms to be worn on and off duty,regulations pertaining to pay, night classes, educational films,etc.,issued "by Chef des Hauptamtes Gruppenfflhrer Heissineyer, 1935-FT 267*4332 Folder of Der Inspekteur fflr Statistik beim Rf-SS containinggeneral administrative correspondence of the office on personnelmatters, applications for jobs, pay lists, correspondence pertainingto sick leave and special leave and interviews of members of thestaff with higher officials, 19*H - 19^5.FT 267^955 Folder of SA Obergruppenfflhrer Brttckner (Adjutantur des Fuhrers?)containing general orders issued by various SS main offices:SS Personalhauptamt, Chef des SS-Hauptamtes, Chef des ?. und ¥. Hauptaintes,Chef des Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamtes-SS and Der Reichsffihrer-SS,SS-Personalkanzlei, pertaining to routine administrativeregulations in the SS such as leave, holiday arrangements, competitivesports and administrative changes of transfer of minor departmentsfrom one jurisdiction to another, 1939.IT 2675319 Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler file containing correspondencewith members of the Leibstandarte on their personal affairs, helpagainst local authorities, monetary aid, marriage licenses and permissions,etc., 1936.FT 2675552 Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler file containing correspondenceand orders pertaining to general administrative matters,chiefly theregulations for leave, especially leave of SS men to foreign countrieslike Spain, Austria and. Czechoslovakia, regulations for parades and

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 35ContinuedSS-HauptamtSS-Hauptamt, GruppenfflhrerHeissmeyerSS-Ersatzkommando NiederlandeSS-HauptamtEAP 161-c/SEAP 161-c-Ol/lSS-Sturmbann III/5S Sta EAP l6l-c~01/7? EAP 161-e-Ol/SSS-Eauptarat EAP 161-0-01/9Srganzungsamt derWaffen-SS, Ergfinzungsstelle Ifordwest, SS~Ersatzkommando Niederlande;SS-HauptamtEAP 161-c-Ql/lOFTFTFTFTFTFT2675770267626SSAP 161-C-01/3 FT 2676312EAP I6l-c-01/l|. FT 2676399SAP 161-C-01/5 FT 2676*K>52676^722676*19026766U2267671SEAP 161-c-Ol/ll FT 2676762EAP 161-C-01/12 FT 2676921*celebrations and regulations for recruitment of new members from theH.J. and the population in general, 1936.SS-Hauptaint alphabetical file S-Z containing correspondence ofthe SS-Standortfflhrer Berlin Brigadefflhrer Breithaupt, 1935 - 1939.SS-Hauptamt, Gruppenfdhrer Heissineyer file containing correspondenceon the attitude to be taken by the NSBAP and the SS towardsthe Soldatenbund, 1935 - 1936. At the end of the file there is miscellaneouscorrespondence on decorations and proper handling of cardfiles, 19^2 - 19UU.SS-Srsatzkommando Fiederlande file containing organizationalcharts of the WHA and of SS units under it, as well as some administrativeStabsbefehle issued by the office of Der Reichsftthrer-SSChef des SS-Hauptamtes, 19*K) - 19^3.Item of unknown provenance. Two orders issued by the Chefdes SS-Hauptantes in Fovember 1937 and February 193& respectivelyon the employment of volunteers by units of the Totenkopfverbandeand the Yerfflgungstruppen.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on the dissolutionof the SS-Bondersturmbann im SS-Hauptamt and lists of the membersof that Sendersturmbann with the units to which they were transferred,January 1939-"Aktenplan des SS-Sturmbanns 111/58 Sta. (Auszug aus dem E,A.PI. des SS-Hauptamtes," Ho date.Item of unknown provenance. Mimeographed orders "Benennungenund Bezeichnungen im Nachrichtenwesen," issued by the office ofDer Chef des SS-Hauptamtes in June 1938 ^o achieve uniform nomenclaturesin the SS and army units,SS-Hauptamt file containing orders, invitations and itineraryfor the speeches scheduled for the Reichsfflhrer SS in March 1939*SS-Hauptamt file containing addresses of Hflhere SS- und Polizeiftihrerin the occupied territories or at the front, as well asspecial orders issued by SS-Hauptamt - Amt I to the HauptabteilungC III/U (Berufseinsatzkompanie) Wesserling, 19UU.Stabsbefehle issued by the SS-Hauptamt to the Ergflnzungsamtder ¥affen-SS, Ergflnzungsstelle Hordiirest for 19^1 - 19^2 and to theSS-Ersatzkommando Hiederlande for 19^3 -SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on the transfer of

Serial Roll Provenance Item ?ilmed 1st frame Hotes 36Erganzungsamt derWaffen-SS, ErganzungsstelleUordwest;SS-Haup tarn tSAP 161-C-01/13 FT 2676937EAP 161-C-01/15 FT 267697^the Reitschule Forst to Hamburg, March 1933.Erganzungsamt der ¥affen-SS, Erganzungsstelle Kordwest fileof general administrative orders for all SS units issued "by theSS-Haup tamt, 19^0 - 19^2.SS-Hauptamt file, containing correspondence and instructionson the assistance to "be rendered "by members of the SS to other official"bodies in cases of emergency as well as correspondence andmimeographed instruction sheets on the relationships "between membershipin the SS and other NSBAP organizations and the Verkscharen,SAP 161-C-01/16 FT 2S772SHEAP 161-C-01/17 FT 2677519SS-Senesenden-Bataillon, EAP I6l-c~01/lgFeldbach, OststeiermarkFT 2677927150 150 SS-Haup taint EAP lgl-c-01/19 FT 267^572EAP 161-C-01/20 FT 267890^SS-Ffthmng shaup tarn t EAP 161-C-01/21 FT 2679283SS-Hauptaint file containing Lageberichte on the newly occupiedProtektorat and the Polish border territories, correspondence onchurch matters especially cases of SS members still belonging tochurches, as well as correspondence and directives prohibiting theuse of ranks when registering businesses, 1939 - 19^2-SS-Ftihrungshauptamt file containing correspondence on theSS handbook "Der SS-Mann, M correspondence and complaints of Germanbusinesses on the frequent leaves of absence which had to be grantedto workers who had to participate in SS activities and regulationson the proper handling of funerals in cases of suicide, 193# - 19^. •File of the SS-Genesenden-Bataillon, Feldbach, Oststeiermark,containing correspondence with various private firms chiefly concernedwith trying to buy food and manufactured products not obtainablethrough army channels for members of the battalion,SS-Haup taint file containing correspondence on Druckvorschriften,copies of the SS-Bruckvorschriften issued, and drafts in variousstages of correction for new orders to be issued, 1939 - 19^»SS-Hauptarat file containing correspondence pertaining to therelationship of the Allgemeine and the Tfaffen-SS, transfers from oneto the other, transfers to the front, uniforms, ranks, special passes,etc., 1939 - 19l£ file containing correspondence pertainingto various collections such as the Winterhilfswerk, Reichsstrassensammlungtetc., as well as some correspondence on aid to be given tofamilies of members of the SS who had died in battle, as well aswhat aid former members of Polish Selbstschutz Vereine were entitledto, 19Hl - 191*3.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 37151 151 am t EAP 161-0-01/22 FT 2679625EAP 161-C-01/23 FT 26S0231SS-Fflhrun&shauptamt EAP2680556SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence pertaining to trainingof the members of the SS and the SA chiefly in sports and premilitarytraining, as well as booklets, and newspaper clippings onthe same subject. The end of the file contains also some correspondenceon songs, anthems and similar music to "be played at SS and otherparty functions and proposed construction of new housing after thewar, 1939 - 19i&.SS-Hauptamt file containing chiefly mimeographed instructionsfor the SS on driving licences, attendance of films not especiallysanctioned, prope"r procedures in case of engagement or marriage,admonitions against private looting and enrichment out of confiscated.Jewish property, as well as correspondence on the specialSch.ulungslehrga'nge of the HSBAP and a pamphlet on the NationalpolitischenErzienung-sanstalten issued by Heissmeyer, Chef des SS-Hauptamtes,1935 - 19^2.SS-ItQirungshauptpmt file containing mimeographed instructionsof the Amt fiHr Leibesilbungen, Versorgungs- und Fursorge Amt, ErfassungsaTit,Amt filr Sicherheitsaufgaben and the Archivamt,152 152153 153ContinuedS S- Ffihrung shaup t am tSS-Haup taintEAP 161-C-01/25 FT 26S0729SAP 161-0-01/26 FT 2681025EAP 161-C-01/27 FT 2631571EAP 161-C-01/2S FT 26S18SOEAP 161-0-01/29 FT 26S2516SAP 161-C-01/30 FT 26S2703SS-Filhrangshauptamt file containing mimeographed and typedmiscellaneous directives issued by the office of the Reichsftthrer SSChef- Ad jut an tur, the Haup taint SS-Gericht, the SS Personal Hauptamtand the Rasse- und Siedlungs-Haaptamt, 1936 - 19^.Item of unknown provenance,Collection of miscellaneous directivesissued chiefly by the office of the Reichsfiihrer SS and theoffice of Chef des SS-Hauptamtes, 193^ - 1937.Collection of miscellaneous directives issued chiefly by theoffice of Der Reichsfiihrer SS, Chef des Stabes Jilttner, the Kommandoamtder Allgemeinen SS, SS-F&hrungshauptamt and the office of theInspekteur ftlr Statistik beim Reichsfuhrer SS, 19^1 - 19^.SS-Fflhrur»gshauptamt file containing correspondence on thenaming of SS-Standarten and appropriate lists of SS and SA martyrsto supply the names, 1931 - 19 3$.File of the SS-Hauptamt containing correspondence and instructionson the participation of SS and SA units in national celebrations,1937 - 19 in.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence pertaining to therecruitment of new members for the SS in Germany and the Protektorat,amnesty and readmission for some members who had been forced to leave

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes153 153 SS-Hauptamt EAP 161-C-Q1/31 IT 26S2S69SS-Hauptamt Amt G IKulmbachLeibstandarte SSAdolf Hitler155 155 SS-HauptamtContinuedHeichsfflhrer SS,AdjutanturSS-tfirtschafts- undVerwal t ung shauptamtP.eichsffthrer SS,AdjutanturEAP 161-0-01/32 FT 26S305UEAP 161-0-01/33EAP 161-C-01/3 1 *SAP1&-C-01/35SAP 161-C-01/36161-C-1U/3,1*.5FTFT26S3S2326S39122633958262*^526S5121EAP l6l-c-lU/2 FT 2685132FTFTFT268525226S52612635360the SS before and qualifications(political, racial and physical)ofnew members, 1937 - 19*42.SS-Haupt£int file containing correspondence pertaining to thegifts supplied "by the SS for the Julfest for its members and theirfamilies, 19^3» a s well as correspondence and personal invitationsto high ranking SS officers to take part in the special meeting heldin August 1939 to discuss the special jurisdiction of the SS.SS-Hauptarat file containing correspondence pertaining to theorganization of the Heichsparteitag in Ifftrnberg, construction ofsuitable "bridges, roads and buildings, organization of the program,orders for the SS units attending, etc., 1939.Item of unknom provenance. "Geschaftsverteilungsplan desSS-Hauptamtes, Stand: 1.7.19^." Nur fur den Dienstgebrauch.SS-Hauptamt Amt C I ICulmbach file containing notes on telephoneconversations chiefly on minor administrative matters suchas construction or procurement of additions! quarters for the membersof the Amt C and notes on a conference between GeneralarbeitsfflhrerScharf and the Oberstfeldmeister tfilhelm dividing up the availablespace between their units, the file contains also two drafts ofcontributions to the SS Leitheft, one opposing the churches and oneexposing the Jews, January - February 19^5-Leibstandsrte SS Adolf Hitler file containing correspondencepertaining to the participation of the Standarte as a whole orindividual members in various party and national gatherings andcelebrations, 1937.SS-Eauptamt file containing correspondence on the properprocedure for designing, obtaining and wearing various decorationsand insignia on SS uniforms, 1935 - i93&*Reichsfuhrer S3, Adjutantur copy of "Qu-Yerteiler," a listof the most important offices of the OKW, the 0135 and the Ifeffen-3Sas well as the most important civilian ministries and agencies,December 1, 19^3*File of the SS~!/irtschafts- und. Verival tungshauptamt containingcorrespondence on the regulations governing the award of Kriegsverdienstmededllenand Eriegsverdienstkreuze, 19^1 - 19^.Possibly part of a folder of the Reichsfuhrer SS, Adjutantur,Hauptabteilung, Auszeichnungen und Orden dealing with the regulationsgoverning various awards: lSl-c-1^/3 deals with EK I andEK II; l6l~c-lH/^ with sonstige Ehrenzeichen; l6l-c-l^/5 with

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 39155 155 SS-Hauptamt, Adjutantur EAP l6l-c-l4/6 FT 2685376ContinuedPersSnlicher StabReichsfflhrer SSEAP 161-c-lU/T2685^75Verwundetenabzeichen, 19^H - 19^5*SS-Hauptamt, Adjutantur file containing various instructionmaterial on and for the SS: a copy of a speech entitled "Schutz-Staffel" given at the Wehrertdchtigungslager of the HJ in Prague inJanuary 19^3? * w o discussions on the various improvements in the SSuniform, 19^-1; translations of articles on the SS from a Hungariannewspaper Magyarsag on Dec. 20, 19^2 and from the Swedish newspaperQflteborgs Sjfrfarts- och Handelstidning July 29, 19^2; uniform instructionsfor the future training of ell members of the SS and SA,1936j instruction material for the members of the SS themselves:"Lebensregel fttr den SS-Mann," "Der Weg des SS-Mannes," a ninequestion and answer catechism of SS beliefs and duties and finally"]3ntwurf eines Befehls fur die organisatorische Zusammenfassung derdrei SS-Gliederungen," no date. Duplicates have been omitted.Folder of Persflnlicher Stab Reichsfdhrer SS containing chieflymaterial for 19^-; correspondence of Rudolf Brandt with G-ottlob Berger;letter on efforts of special recruiting by Gflbbels; letter onBerger's quarrels with Rosenberg; report on Norwegian students sentto indoctrination and to concentration camps, on the establishmentof "Britisches Freikorps," on various battalions of Volksdeutscheand on the recruitment of Finns, Estonians, Latvians, Slovaks andHungarians; correspondence on the conditions of the special campsfor presumed British collaborators or possible collaborators atSteinberg and Genshagen. Correspondence of Brandt with Qreifelt,Bormann, Himmler, Thierack and Backe on the disposition to be madeof the property of the participants in the 20th July plot; correspondencewith Jilttner, Simon, Fromra and Keitel on the treatment ofAlsatian deserters; correspondence with Pohl and Himmler on the reportsubmitted by Frank "Vereinfachung der Wehrmachtsverwaltung anda copy of that report; correspondence of Berger with Himmler onRosenberg's journey to Riga, together with an itinerary of thatjourney and papers relating to the proposed changes in the administrationo'f Estonia and Latvia, as well as a letter reporting onBerger f s quarrel with Erich Koch; complaint of Berger on the conditionsprevailing in the Reichsschule for SS-Helferinnen. Correspondenceof Himmler with Bormann on the special precautions to betaken with all food and medicines reaching Hitler after the 20thJuly; correspondence with Hierl promising continued severity and

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes156 156 Reichsffihrer-SS,Chef .Adjutant-orContinuedEAP 161-c-lU/S FT 26S58HOSS-Sonderbataillon EAP 161-0-22/1 FTDirlewanger? EAP 161-C-2U/1 FTChef des SS-Haupt- EAP 161-C-2H/2 FTamtes, AI (Id);Erganzungsarat der ¥af- EA? 161-0-26-10/1 FTfen-SS, Erganzungsstelle]?ordwestEAP 161-0-26-10/2 FT2686013268601926861762686W7efficiency against all enemies of the Reich and a similar correspondencewith Mutschznann "blaming the slow extermination of the FrenchJews on the non-cooperation of the military authorities; correspondencewith Backhaus on the French economy. Reports: report of Hengl,Chef des NS Fflhrungssta'b, "Frontbesuch im ^esten," undertaken duringSeptember and October of that year; report to Brandt on the developmentof the project for the production of artificial rubber; reporton the scandal at the Kriegskreistag in Zwiesel/Bayr. at which allthe Gauleiters got drunk and abused one another publicly; report onthe suicide of von Kluge; report on the finding of the diary of HansYiktor Salviati and the people named therein presumably all implicatedin the 20th July plot; report of the Gauleitung Ost-Hannover on thegreat increase in efficiency of Allied bombing. Material on the "Stary"gasoline saving device and on the rocket research conducted "by Dipl.Ing. Nebel from 1930 on. The folder contains also a letter from Hierlto Gflbbels opposing the dissolution of the RAD. Letter of Lohse opposingthe transportation of orphans from the Riga territory to Germany,19^2, and a report of Berger on the political situation in Hungary inparticular on the Austrian Archduke Albrecht and his involvement inHungarian-German politics, 19^3.Folder of the Reichsfuhrer-SS, Chef Adjutantur, containing mimeographedinstructions issued chiefly by the office of Chef des SS-Eauptamteson minor administrative matters such as proper types of uniforms,phrasing of death notices for members of the SS, cafes and pubs inwhich members of the SS were allowed only in civilian clothes, properfilling out of questionnaires, etc., 1939 - 19^*0.Part of the files of the SS-Sonderbataillon Dirlewanger containingdirectives on the arrangements for leave of members of the SS andtheir families in special hotels - Fronturlauberheime, 19^3 - 19^»Item of unknown provenance. Alphabetical list of directivespertaining to general and specific regulations probably received byan SS-agency, 1933 - 19^1.Folder containing the daily orders of the office of Chef desSS-Hauptamtes, AI (ld) t for the period from December 19^ to MarchFolder of the Erganzungsamt der Waffen SS, ErganzungsstelleHordwest,containing administrative directives of the SS-Hauptamt,Vervraltung, 19^1 - 19^2.Folder of the Erganzungsamt der Waffen SS, ErgansungsstelleHordwest.containing chiefly directives for the improvement of book-

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes156 SS-ErsatzkommandoHiederlande16l-c-26-10/3 FT26S6S37keeping in SS units, 19&« The folder contains also part of adirector:/ of SS officials and various administrative orders of theSS-Hauptamt, At>t. A U, 193$ . 1937.SS-3rsatzkommando liederlande file containing directives ofthe SS-Hauptamt, Amt A I, Haushaltsamt, pertaining chiefly to organizationof subordinate offices in occupied territories and minoradministrative matters of the members of the SS working in them,19^3- ^e " of the folder contains a mimeographed copy ofa propaganda leaflet purporting to be a letter of an Italian soldierto Marshal Badoglio abusing him for having betrayed Italy, AugustS8-HauptamtEAP I6l-c-26~10/i* FTSAP 161-C-26-10/5 5TSrganzungsamt der tfaf- EAP 161-C-26-12/1 FTfen SS f BrganzungsstelleHordwest26S&76826S6S20SS-Pflhrung-shauptamt SAP 161-C-2S-114-/1 FT 2GS6S32SiS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence pertaining to workon the Volkskartei, 1935 - 19*40,Part of a folder of the SS-Hauptamt containing a copy of aletter of Heissmeyer to Himmler with suggested administrative changesin the Haup taint, May 1939 •Part of a folder of the SrgHnzungsamt der Waff en S3, ErganzungsstelleIvlordwest containing the minimum standards of mental andphysical ability to be met by members of the SS who are to attendspecial courses at Sennheim, 19^1*SS-MiirungsIiauptamt file "Orden, Abzeichen, Dienstgrad- undEangabzeichen, n containing correspondence and directives, 1937 -157 157 Chef des SS-Eauptamtes,Abt. A 1EAP l6l-c-26-lV 2EAP 161-C-26-1U/315S15S SS-EauptamtSS-S$hrungshaup taintSS-Hauptamt, SS-GenesendenBataillon Ifesserlingim EtsassEAPEAPEAPEAP lQ.-c-26-lU/gITFT26S725726S779326S9361Chef des SS- T Iauptamtes, Abt. A I, containing daily orders ofthat depsrtment for March - August 19 4U.Chef des SS-Hauptemtes, Abt, A I, file containing daily ordersof that department for October 19^H to April 19*15.SS-Hauptamt file of correspondence containing instructions onthe proper award, distribution and v/earing of decorations, 1937 -1939.File of the SS- Haup taint Abt. A I, containing the daily ordersof that department for the period August to October 19^-USS-Fdhrungshauptamt file "Orden, Abzeichen, Dienstgrad- undEangabzeichen, " containing correspondence and directives,19la. See EAP 161-C-26-1U/1 on Serial 156.Pile of the SS-Hauptamt, SS~Genesenden Bataillon Wesserlingim Elsass, containing the accounts of that unit for

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesSS-HauptamtSS-FflhrungsamtSS-F(ihrungshauptamtSS-Ham:) tacitSS-FahrungshauptamtSS-Hauptamt.59 159 ?;oatinaedEAP 161-0-26-1*1/10 FT? SAP 161-0-26-1^/11 FTSS-Oberabschnitt RheinBrgftnzungsaiat der Waffen-SS»Ergfin2ungsstellellordwestEAP l6l-c~26-1^/12 ITSAP l6l-c-26-lU/13 FTEAPEAP 161-C-26-1U/15 ?TEAP 161-C-26-1V16 FTSAP 161-C-26-1H/17 FTEAP l6l-c-26-ll8 FTEAB 161-C-2S/1FTEAP 161-C-2S-10/1 FTEAP l6l~c-2g-10/3 FT26S975226S9S0526-S9S2026S9S3126899UO26S99S1268999^-2690009259007^2690335269036626903^9SS-Rauptamt file containing correspondence attempting to setout exact areas of jurisdiction for SS administrative units and settlea number of jurisdictions.! disputes and incongruities! 1937 - 1939-Item of "unknown provenance. Part of a file containing miscellaneouspieces of correspondence on the establishment of the SS OberabschnittUkraine, 19^1 and its dissolution 19UU.Part of a folder of the SS-Pflhrungsamt containing correspondenceon the SS-Oberabschnitt Alpenland, 19^1.SS-ltlhrungshauptamt file containing correspondence and "Stellenbesetzungdes Stabes des SS-Oberabschnittes Ost* 11 "Stab des SSundPoliseif'tthrers im Distrikt Krakau in Personalunion mit dem Arbeitsstabder Allgeineinen SS Xrakau," same for Warsaw, Lublin andLemberg, 1939 - 19^3.Part of the SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on thecreation of new SS-Oberabschnitte, especially Oberabsennitt RheinTfesten and Oberabschnitt Sttdv/est, as v/ell as a T&tigkeitsbericht ofDer FiJihrer des Easse-u. Siedlungswesens in SS-Oberabschnitt Sftdwest,January and February 1939- The rest of the folder covers the periodof November and December 193&".Part of a file of the SS-Fflhrungshauptamt containing correspondenceon the creation of the Oberabschnitte Ostland and Ukraine, 19^-1.Item of unknoim provenance,, Directive on the creation of SS-Oberabsclinitte T/eichsel and War the, 1939-SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on the boundariesof the jurisdiction of the various SS-Oberabschnitte, 193^.Item of unknown provenance. Lists of the districts containedin each Oberabschnitt, as well as correspondence on the KDF and the7-Manner who accompanied the trips and reported on the members of thetour, 19381.Item of unknown provenance. Correspondence on volunteers forthe Waffen-SS and lists of Dutch volunteers for the G-ermanische Waffen-SS,19U2.SS-Oberabschnitt Piiein folder containing correspondence pertainingto the efforts of the SS to get one of its members reinstated inhis job, 1937-Erg&nzungsaint der T :. f affen-SS, Erganzucgsstelle Nordwest filecontaining a chart "Reichsdeutsche SS-Ers.-Reservisten, die in derZeit vom 1.1.19^1 bis 31.12.19^1 zu den Srs.-Einheiten der Waffen-3Seinberufen v/orden, " as well as lists showing the jp.y of Dutch

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes159 159 ite? Chef der 2ivilverv/al- SAP Iol-c-2g-10/l4 FTtung /SlsassJ Pers6*nllcheAbteilung;SS-Ersatzkommando EA? 161-C-28-10/5 FT!i T iederlande160 160SS-Haup taint file SAP 1S1-C-2S-10/6 F 13rganzunp;samt derWaf feyvSS;Erganzungsamt der t '. r affen-SS,ErganzungsstelleWest (71)EAP 161-C-2S-10/7 FTSAP 161-c-28-10/16 ^TEAP 161-C-2S-10/17 FTSAP 161-C-2S-10/1S 2TA? lSl-c-23-10/212690*1062690^622690^96259057'^269059926910222691299EAP I6l-c-2g-12/l FT 2S922SOSAP 161-C-2S-12/1A FT 2692631volunteers for the_ProTnp"bly folder of the Chef der ZivilverwoLtung ^llsass^/ Pers8nlicheAbteilung containing correspondence on volunteers from thelocal population foT the Waffen-SS, 1^2 - 19^5.SS-Hrsatz-komrnando Iviederlande file containing administrativedirectives on creation and dissolution of sub-departments of theErsatzkoramando. as well as special regulations pertaining to volimteersfor the !'7sffen-3S who vere under age, 19^2 - 19^3.SS-Hsuptamt file containing correspondence on volunteers tothe Waffen-SS and propaganda material such as "Die "fehrheit iToer dieUaf fen-SS, " to encourage volunteers, 19^3 - 19^-.Item of unknovm provenance. Mimeographed instructions on theregulations governing the transfer of members of the SD to the Waffen-SSand vice versa, 1936.Erg&nzungsamt der V r affen-SS file containing monthly reports"Statistische Yorerfassungslisten, " 19^41.SrgHnzungsaint der ^faffen-SS, ErgSnzungsstelle t/est (VI) filecontaining correspondence of the ^ehrertilchtig^-ingslager Maus"bach,0-e~biet ICSln-Aachen, as well as letters of members and former membersof the H.J. v;ho had gone through theTfehrertftchtigungslager and filesof the training personnel of the camp, 19*42.Urgftnzungsaint der ^affen-SS, Srganzungsstelle T

Serial Roll•ovenance"ilm ed 1 st frameNotesContinued160 SS-Senesungsbataillon SAP l6l~c~30~10/3'"fesserling161 Srg^nzungssmt der ¥af- SAP l6l-c- 30/10/1 5 1 ?fen-3S Srg&nzungsstelle"To rawest;SS-Haup taint, Schulungs- EAP 161-0-30-10/8 ITamtSS-Hauptamt, SchulungsamtSS-Hauotamt3A? 161-C-30-10/5 PEAP 161-C-30-10/7? SAP 161-0-30-10/2P? 2692703269299S269^102EAP 161-C-30-10/6 FT 269322326932S126933^52693^722693^98SAP 161-0-30-10 FT 2693^6^SS-Genesungsbataillon ^esserlir^ file containing programs forthe indoctrination and entertainment of the members of the battalionin the nearby tov/n of Felleringen, 19^!.Ergftnzung saint der vlaf fen-SS,Erganzungsstelle Nordv;est» foldercontaining Stabsbefehle and Ausf^ihrungsbestiraimingen pertaining toorders on physical and ideological education, 19^0 - 19^3*SS-'iaiiptamt, Schalungsamt, folder containing correspondence vriththe firms and the individuals v/ho v/ere charged with supplying thenecessary photographs and films for the Schulunf saint, 193^ ~ 1939-Item of unknown provenance. Photostats probably of an SS-bookletcontaining the basic orders of the S3, organizational ?nd descriptivematerial on the SS units in the field and the administrative office,historic dates for the grovrfch of the SS letters and testimonials frommembers of the Oermani s che SS, no date.Item of unknov/n provenance. Photostats of an SS-booklet "DieSchutzstaffel, " containing the basic orders of the SS, material onthe history and organization of the SS and anti-British propaganda,SS-Hairotarnt, Schulungsamt tfile containing correspondence withthe Bauptstelle Lichtbild and private suppliers of photographs andfilms for the talks prepared by the Scliulung saint, 193S - 1939»Item of unknown provenance, bolder containing copies of avariety of orders:?I 10 Gecote ftlr Heuzugftnge, " Stabsbefehle onclean]. iness and order, on the necessity of harsher punishments forhomose:cuals, instructions on the proper 'Iiaineradschoft ! which is toprevail in SS units betv/een officers and men and a : 'Beiblatt zumPolitischen Dienst, " 19^3 - 19^5.Item of unlcnoivn provenance. Polder containing pamphlets publishedby the SS-Eaup taint, Schulungsamt tin the series 5 toff sasanlungfftr die vreltanschauliche Brziehung der V. r af fen-SS: Hr . "T""I'rankreichsPropaganda und die ^'irklichkeit, " llr. 3 a ^'"orwegen, 1f ITr. 5 "Kampfurns rlittelmeer, !! ! T r. 6 "Deutschlands Secht auf Plolonien." The foldercontains also a description of the Polish revolution of 1363"Anlagen zu PolnischeiMethoden bei der Yorbereitung und Durchftthrungdes Aufstandes gegen die Hussen ira Jahre 1S63."Photographs partly marked as SS-r T auptamt, partly /Service d l Informationdes Grimes de Guerre7» partly unmarked, of the SS-Hauptamt:chiefly photographs of Hitler~at the front, reviev/ing troops, inspectinginstallations, talking to generals and party dignitaries;

Serial Boll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame161 161 SS-Hauptamt, Schulungs- SAP lSl-c-30-10/10 ITamtEA? 161-C-30-10/11SAP 161-C-30-10/12 3EAP 1&.-C-30-10/13162 162 SS-Kauptaint, Schulungs- SAP l6l-c-30-10/l^ 3amtContinuedSS-Eauptamt EAP 161-0-32/1 FTStandartenfflhrer Harun- HAP l6l-c-32-10/l FTSI-PAS chid2693735269HQ69269*1150269^39^269^775269^738EAP 161-C-32-10/3 FT 269^807pictures of Himmler at various party functions; pictures of Hflhnlein,l/erlin and Schreck and various pictures of Gflbbelg. The folder containsalso pictures taken of an exhibit by the Service d 1 Informationdes Crimes de Guerre showing concentration camp inmates, cells, railroadcars, gas chamber baths and isYench P0v-/ f s in German hands. Hodates on any of the photographs.SS-Hauptamt, Schulungsamt»file containing outlines for thepropaganda talks to be given by members of the Schulungsamt and itssubordinate agencies, chiefly concerned vdth anti-Jewish, anti-communistand anti-British propaganda, as well as P. great deal of emphasison the 'proper' racial characteristics of the Nordic race andthe necessity to do away vdth Rassenschander and Erbkranke, preparedby the Eassen-und SiecLlungshauptamt, no date,Schulungsamt folder containing correspondence on photographsused for anti-Jewish and anti-.American propaganda as well as a scenariofor "Iferbefilm fiir die Standarten Hordland und Westland," 19^40.Item of unknown provenance. Material prepared by the Schulungsamton the topic "Der Eimmel ttber den Gernanen," part of whichwas apparently designed for Schulung der Ordnungspolizei. The foldercontains also an outline "Lichtbildvortrag - .Bevfllkerungspolitik undHasse-iliygiene," prepared by the Yolksgesu.adlieitsdienst B.Y., no date.Item of unknown provenance. Scenario for "Der Weg sum C-ehorsam -Bildfolge, 11 probably prepared by members of the Schulungsamt, no date.Si3-Haaptamt Schulungsamt file containing material for the productionof "Gattenwahl 11 a film series to instruct SS-members in theproper way of choosing a mate, no date.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence pertaining to theOst-Huselmanische regiments of the SS: transfer of personnel, reportson conditions in the regiments and a directive from the GermanischeLeitstelle SS-Hauptamt Amtsgruppe D preventing the highofficers of the Ost-Muselmanische regiments from taking part in aplanned SFational-Turkestanischer Kongress in Yienna, 19^-U.bolder of the Standartenfuhrer "arun-El-Paschid containingcorrespondence pertaining to the establishment of a training basefor the Ostmuselmanische units in Miva, Slovakia, and transferringthe suitable personnel there, 19^U.Polder of the Standartenfilhrer Harun-KL-Kaschid containing ashort autobiography and correspondence \fith Hainer Olzscba on the

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame UotesCon tinnedReichssicherheitshaupt- EAP l6l-c-32-10 FTant -VI 01 a 23S-Eeuptamt, Adjutantur SAP l6l-c-32-10/6 FT 2695076SS-Hauptamt, AmtsgruppeD-OstSS-HauT>tamtEAP 161-0-32-10/7 FTSAP 161-C-32-10/3FT2695197EAP 161-C-32-10/9 FT 2695761SS-Eauptamt, Amtsgruppe SAP 161-0-32-10/10 FT 26959S3D-Ostvolunteers of the Turkestan regiments, on the conversations of Harun-Sl-Raschid with the Grand Ilufti as well as suggestions for improvementsin the conditions of the members of the Ostmuselmanische units, preventionof strife among the various nationalities in them, supply ofproper religious and ideological study material and relations withthe surrounding Slovak and Hungarian population, 19UU.Reichssicherheitshauptamt - VI G 1 a 2 folder containing photostatsof the correspondenceof the Arbeitsgerneinschaft Turkestan, prepared"by the StaatsT>oli^eileitstelle Dresden, 19UU, The majority ofthe correspondence is in Turkish or Russian, only the letters to theGermans attached to these units is in German.SS-Hauptamt, Adjutantur,folder of correspondence, alphabetized0-Z, pertaining to members of the Turkestan T '. r affen-SS, as well astranslations from letters of the members of those units to theirfamilies, 19UU.SS-Kaiiptamt, Amtsgruppe D-Ost t file containing correspondenceof Harun-Bl-Raschid and Dr. Qlzscha as well as Lageberichte on themorale of the Turkestan troops and correspondence pertaining to theadministration of the individual units, also alphabetized part offile on personnel of the units A-0, igiU - 19^5.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence and notes of themeetings of the various editors, writers and publishers of proposedTurkestan newspapers and propaganda pamphlets, 19^ - 19^5* Thefolder contains also a copy of "Ausbildungsunterlage fur weltanschaulicheErziehung Teil II," prepared by the SS-Hauptamt, 19^.SS- T !auptamt folder containing correspondence on the exact statusof the Karaim with a number of 'research 1 papers proving and disprovingalternately the 'Jewishness 1 of this sect; two Vermerke €ber Besprechungenof the Reichsf&hrer SS on the Ylasov question, as ^^ell as amemorandum of Gottlob Berger in which he tries to point to Kajum Khanas the sole responsible representative of the Turkistan-SS and finallythe folder contains a number of reports on the desertion of Alimov -a commander of the Turkestan SS unit and 500 men to the Slovak partisans,as \*ell as reports of counter-propaganda by the Germans amongthe deserters,ITovernber 19UU to January 19&5-SS-Hauptamt, Amtsgruppe D-Ost,file containing Turkestan pamphletpublished by Veil Kajum Khan in Berlin, December 19*4l-, entitled:"Millij Turkestan;" a translation of the Volga-Ural paper "DeutschetJbersetzung und Inhaltsangabe der Vfolga-Ural Zeitung Sa nazionalnuju

Serial Roll >rove nance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes1;33~ 163- SS-liauptamt16k161-C-32-10/13 IT269S-S31Swobodu (f&r ne.tiona.le Freiheit) in russischer, mordwinischer undudmurtischer Sprache, fl January 19^5; correspondence on the encouragementof volunteers for the l?affen-$S from among Volga-Uralnations; correspondence on administrative matters in the units ofICrimtataren; correspondence of the National Turkestanisches Eiaheitskomiteeand its president 7eli Tj?_jum Xhan with Dr. Olsscha;papers of historical and racial 'research 1 on the peoples of theCrimea; reports of the visits end talks of Veli Kajum Fhan and Rosenberg;reports of the relations between Yeli Tfajum IChan and theVlasov movement; correspondence pertaining to the Ost-liirkisclieZeitung; "liitteilungen fflr den deutschen Soldaten in ITreiwilligenver"b§::>den"for Pebrur.ry and November 19UU; correspondence of theFiUirer der ITationalen Befreiungsbewegung des aserbeidjanisclienYolices; opposition of the members of the units to sone of the soreobscure racial policies of the SS-? T a\iptarat; mixing of 'Caucasians'arid Tolksdeutsche; correspondence of G-ottlob Merger vjith the Georgi-Bche Yerbindungsstab; material covers the period 19^ - 19^5•S3-Kauptamt file containing correspondence on the action takenin POtJ caiiips to get Moslem volunteers; correspondence on the evacuationof the families of the volunteers; correspondence 01 the evacuationof the families of the volunteers from Rumania to Germany;copies of two letters of Amin SI Hussein, Grand Mufti, on behalf ofthe Krim-Tataren; details of the quarrels of the members of thevarious nationalities of the Crimea in the German units among thenselvesand with the German personnel and details of the investigationmade by .T-Iarun El Rascliid of a unit v/hich afterwards deserted tothe partisans in Slovakia; notes on talks of Dr. Arlt and Dr. Olzschaconcerni-og the racial end political fate of the various nationalitiesof the Crimea; history of the Ost-Tftrkischer l r affenverband; complaintsabout the lack of discipline of the Kalnrticken stationed in Poland andtheir counter complaint that discrimination occurred because of theircolor (?); telegrams of the Burchgangslager ¥ien, where future recruitsof Crimean regiments were screened; propaganda material anddetails on the former occupations of the members of these units; materialon the recruiting and Betreuung of Armenians; material coversperiod 19^ - 19^5- For report on the recruitment of Krirn- Tatar enwritten for the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei (SD) February 19^2, compareT-312, AOK 11, 22279/21.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame HotesContinued5S-Hauptamt, Amt A I/M EA? 161-C-32-10/16 FT 2697619163 SS-Hauptamt, AmtstelleD-Ost ~FTZAP lbl-c-32-10/11 FT 2697875166 Ahnenerbe Stiftung SAP 161-0-32-10/15 FT 2698797Ahnenerbe Stiftung,G-ermanischer T'/issenschaftseinsatzSS-^rsat zkommandoNiederlandeHAP 161-C-32-10/17 FT 2698900ZAP 161-C-32-10/1S FT 2699033•ELAP 161-C-32-12/1 FT 2699093Item of unknown provena.nce. Folder containing correspondenceon the propaganda material and newspapers to be published for themembers of the various minorities of the Crimea area, ser\ T ing in theGerman army, as well as correspondence concerning some of them whofor one reason or another ended up in Auschwitz concentration campsor as Ostarbeiter, 19UU - 19^5.SS~Hau;ptamt, Amt A I/M file containing Geschaftsverteilung ofthat Amt, correspondence concerning transfer ofpersonnel of the office, denunciations and counterdenunciations ofmembers of the staff and members of the various national committeesof the mo si ems fighting in the German army, as well as reports onthe proper way of handling the Arab and Islamic problem, the influenceof the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in the Middle East and amongthe Balkan Moslems written by L.3F. Olauss, 19^4 - 19^5*Folder of the SS-Hauptamt, Amtstelle D-Ost containing biographiesof members of the special units of Moslems from the Crimeaarea, as well as correspondence on recruitment for these units,transfer of German and native commanding personnel, reports on thebehavior of the Moslem troops in Italy and in Slovakia and Poland,19L& - 19145.Ahnenerbe Stifung file containing correspondence of the AhnenerbeStifung with Germanische Leitstelle Aussenstelle Flandern,financial reports on the transactions of the Ahnenerbe, pay listsof the personnel employed by it as well as reports on Dienstreisenand Tatigkeitsberichte, 19^2 - 19^3.Ahnenerbe Stiftung file containing correspondence of Sieversand the Ahnenerbe office in general with the Auslandsamt der Dozentenschaftin ITlandern planning the actual operations of such anoffice which was apparently being created and lists of possiblecooperating professors to work with it, as well as reports on EetreuungAuslandischer Wissenschaftier from Finland, Bulgaria, Belgium,Afghanistan and Bolivia, 19^3 - 19HU.Ahnenerbe Stiftung, Germanischer Wissenschaftseinsatz filecontaining correspondence with the publishing house Ha.mer in Belgiumand a list of its publications chiefly on racial and anti-communisttopics, 19^ - 19^5.SS-Ersatzkommando Niederlande file containing directives onthe treatment of the members of the Germanische 3S and on the arrangementsto be made for the release of French SS members who are

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes166 166 35-Hauptamt Amtsgrappe EAP l6l-c~32-12/2, FS 2s°3117luOst " SAP 161-C-32-12/3 FS 26991SOSS-Hauptamt EAP lbl-c-32-15/1 IT 2699672R 167 H 167 SAP 161-C-32-16/2 FT 2700052EAP 161-C-32-16 IT 27000914physically unfit to remain in their units, as well as a directiveof the SS-F&irungshauptamt la on. the transfer of units of the FrenchSS to the eastern front, 19^1 - 19^.SS-Hauptamt Amtsgruppe D-Ost, tv;o files containing correspondenceabout the transfer of personnel to and from the various unitsof Crimean and Moslem SS, number of the units and -their estimatedstrength, preparation for the evacuation qf the various central committeesof the nationalities, .G-eschftftsv-erteiiungen of the variousparts of Amtsgruppe D-Qst dealing with the different nationalities.correspondence on the preparations for exhibition on the differentnationalities in the Soviet Union, negotiations for the release ofMoslems from prison ( concentrrtion camps?) to the r r affen-SS, "Ronmaterialf-ftr die Fremdarbeiterpropaganda, " reports of the 'betrayalat Yalta 1 from the foreign press, report on improper methods usedin the recruitment of Azerboidjanian POW 1 s for a liberation army ofAzerbeldjan and a filing guide for the files of the office, 19 UU -19^5* List of names of P0 r- J f s and volunteers have been file "Y 210 c Ost-Tdrkischer ^affenverband - Organisationund DurchfMlhrung, " containing chiefly Yermerkf - noteson or for talks between the offices Chef des SS-Haup taint es and AmtA I/M as well as between Obersturmfflhrer Frank a.nd Dr. Olzscha, vonG-ottberg, Mayer-Mader and Berger, The file contains also correspondencewith the native officers of the Ost-T&rken, reports on the badconditions in their cainp at Teuhammer, quarrels with the V'ehrkreiseabout men who deserted from regular regiments to join the specialSS-units of their nationality, end correspondence on the organizationof Inspektionen for the foreign units, supply and training ofGerman personnel in them and the creation of special units of Flakheiferfrom those too young to join the actual fighting units,SS-Hauptamt file containing biographies of some of the commandingofficers suggested by the SS for Georgian regiments to beorganized and some correspondence on the details of organizationand possibility of their operating as partisan groups behind Russianlines, 19^4 - 19^5.SS-Hauptamt folder containing information on the Armenian S3units: their history, organization, personal problems, relationswith G-erinan Rahmenpersonal and the difficulties inherent in usingthe units at the front and the dangers of mass desertion,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame ITotesH ISJ R 167163 168 SS-Eau-otamtAhnenerbe StiftungSAP I6l-d-01/ll FT 2700228SAP 161-0-32-16/3 FT 270027SEAP l6l~c-32-lo/^ 2700^57EAP 161-0-32-16/5 FT 2700509SAP 161-C-32-16/6 FT 2700587EAP 161-C-32-16/7 FT 2700626Folder of unknown provenance containing correspondence on theproposed prosecution of various SS men through the SS-Ftthrungshauptauit, X, and correspondence with the firm Bachem-Iverk G-.m."b.H. ,"aldsee-tf&rttemberg, pertaining to personnel matters, chiefly thesuppljr of an adequate work and technical force for the war rjroductioncarried on, 19*4^ - 1^5-SS-Hauptamt folder containing correspondence on the organizationof the Kaukssische Terbande, the chief organiser was apparentlyObersturnibannfiihrer Blume, correspondence on the relations of thisaction to the '-.lassow-Aktion, as well as correspondence on the necessaryideological and practical training to be given these troops,SS-Hauptanit file containing reports on the condition of theKaukausier regiments stationed in Italy and the desire of Germanofficers and members of the 2TSP to organize them, improve the disciplineof the troops and the living conditions of the families,19^U - 19^5* Lists of names have been omitted.Ahnenerbe Stiftung file containing correspondence of EauptsturmfilhrerDr. Schneider and Dr. Ilai, head of the KulturpolitischeReferat in the German! sche Leitstelle in The Hague and Mona.tsberichteon the work of the J'lulturpolitische Referat chiefly in the area ofcultural indoctrination, racial research, films, exhibits, etc.,Ahnenerbe file containing Honatsberichte of the KulturpolitischesHeferat, copies of talks given by Dr. Schneider on Germanicsagas and a report on the dissolution of the Dienststelle Fiederlandeof Ahnenerbe, as well as reports to the SD The Hague on theFrisian nationalist movement, 19^U.Ahnenerbe Stiftung file containing correspondence on thecultural activities of Ahnenerbe in Flanders, copy of a Flemishnationalist paper "De Dag" is used by the publishing house Hamerin Amsterdam, reports of the "Deutsches T . r issenscha.ftliches InstitutStockholm on the opinions of Swedish intellectuals on Nazism andcorrespondence pertaining to the acquisition of Swedish literaturefor Ahnenerbe, copies of memoranda of the Reichsftihrer SS on thecooperation of the German ische Leitstelle and Ahnenerbe and correspondenceof Aline nerbe with the Universum Film Aktiengesellschaf ton the production of cultural films, 19^1-2 - 19^4.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes168 168 Ahnenerbe Stiftung HAP 161-C-32-16/8 FT 2700739SS-EauptamtS am t169 169 VariousContinuedEAP 161-C-32-16/9FTEAP 161-C-32-16/10 FTEAP 161-C-32-16/11 FSEAP 161-0-32-16/12 FTSS-Genesenden. Bataillon, SAP l6l-d-01/lFeld"bach, Ost-SteiermarkSAP l6l-d-01/2EAP l6l-d-01/3FTTruppenwirtschaftslager EAP l6l-d-01/^ FTder Waffen-SS GothaS S-Fflhrung shaupt amt EAP l6l-d~01/7 FTFTFT2700S852701116270126327013312701^072701^51270157727016072701610EAP l6l-d-01/8 FT 2701618Ahnenerbe file containing reports on the feelings of the Finnishintelligentsia towards Germany and a criticism of German propagandain Finland, a report on propaganda in Holland and directivesfor it, 19^2 - 19U5. One stray letter on the purchase of "books forAhnenerbe ,19*45.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence pertaining to therecruitment of volunteers from POW camps and transfer of volunteersfor the Ost-T&rkische Waffenverband from other units, 19^U - 19^5»SS-Hauptamt file "Ost-Tttrkischer Verband," containing miscellaneousadministrative correspondence of the Ost-Tftrkischer Verband,19i& - 191*5.Item of unknown provenance. Reports of the feelings of TurkestanischeIntelligenz and various denunciations of the Krim-TatarischeLeitstelle, 19^5.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on the newspapersto "be published for members of the Azerbeidjanische, Georgische,ITordkaukasische and Armenische Zeitungen, 19UU - 19^5-SS-Genesenden Bataillon, Feldbach, Ost-Steiermark ,file containingcopies of important SS orders such as the order forbiddingthe use of the term Volksdeutsche, special order to admit army invalidsinto the USDAP, orders for various Spenden, etc., 19^3 - 19^«Item of unknown provenance. Folder "Auszuge aus dem Tr erordnungsblattder Waffen-SS, A.H.M* H.V.B1.," 19^3 - 19^.Item of unknown provenance. Miscellaneous correspondence anddirectives of the SS-Eauptamt and SS-Ftthrungshauptamt pertaining toVolksdeutsche and to special leaves granted to Croatians working forthe Germans, 19UU.Truppenwirtschaftslager der Uaffen-SS Gotha file "SonstigeAnordnungen VI -8 D," containing an order forbidding the use of SSuniforms or other powers of office for personal purposes, 19^2.SS-Fflhrungshauptamt file containing special orders for thel\ r affen-SS: the transfer of members honorably discharged into theReichskriegerbund, orders for private transmitters and orders for'Unbestellbare Liebesgaben, * IQ^U.Folder containing documents of varying importance and ofvarious provenance. Various Polizeiverfahren against SS men forminor misdemeanors like drunkeness, leaving without passes, buildingauthorized buildings without the proper postauthorization,etc.,- 19^. The folder contains also important material of the

Srrial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesContinued169SS-Fflhrung shaup tamtSS-Kar s twe hrkompani eDachauEAP l6l-d-01/9 FT 2701721*EA? i6i-a-oi/io FT 2701732EAP lgl-d-01/12 FT 27017U3EAP I6l-d-01/13 FT 2702201EAP I6l-d-01/ll* FT 27022^5EA? l6l-d-10/2 FT 2702303AOK 21, la, on the advance of the enemy and the relative strength ofGerman anti-tank weapons and a special telegram on the evacuationof Germans (7) from Jhimania along the Danube roads» 19^5»Item of unknown provenance. An order issued "by the SS-Fflhrungshaup tacit "Beurteilung und Bekflmpfung von Diebstahlsfalien inder SS und Polizei," November 19^2. A suggested plan of operationsfor the Fflhrungsnauptamt 1 Bord ! and 'Sftd 1 drawn up on jie lUSS-Fflhrungsheup taint file containing regulations for the properpassports and permits to be issued to members of the SS going to theOstgebiete, 19Ul. The file contains also orders issued by the Fuhrungshauptaint to the SS-Art. Ausb. u, Ers. Regt. on administrativematters, 19HU.SS-Ftthrungnamt folder containing reports on partisan activitiesin upper Carinthia, photographs of British flying personnel in uniformin order to show where the- uniforms may be adapted to look likecivilian clothing, transfers and promotions, orders stressing theincreased importance of secrecy and codes when using telephones,special permits for the SS when crossing the borders of Germany anda prohibition to grant leave to SS-volunteers -from Hungary iirho wereunder age and thus could not be extradited if their parents preventedtheir return to their units, warnings against information given tothe Allies by German FOW's, warning against the looting by Germansoldiers while on transport on German territory, warning against insultingthe Hungarian allies by insulting references to the Honved,organization of emergency units in the SS-F&hrungshauptamt, theirtraining and preparations for Arbeit sstab Eisberg, January 19^-1 toFebruary 19 ^-5 •Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing "Verzeichnisder zustHndigen Ersatztruppenteile der Waffen-SS," and miscellaneousadministrative directives issued by the office of Der Chef des SS-Fahrungshauptemtes Juttner, 19U^.SS-Karstwehrkompanie Dachau file containing reports on thepersonnel of the company who apparently had been transferred fromthe offices of Ahnenerbe to the Karstwshrkompanie but did not seemsufficiently efficient, 19^2.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing parts of aGeschaftsverteilung for SS-Transportoffisiere, Kriegsarchiv derWaffen-SS, SS-WHA, SS-Fuhrungshauptamt, Verwaltungsdienst der

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 53169 169 SS-Sonderlager Einzert BAP l6l-d-12/l FT170 170SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers EAPS S-Fflhrung shaupt amtEAP l6l-d-lU/15EAPEAP l6l~d-lH/17,EAP I6l-d-l4/lgFTFTFTFT2702307270233527032232703790270^100EAP l6l~d-l6/2 FT 270U279EAP !6l-d-l6/3 FT 270^306EAP I6l~d-17/l FT 270^333EAP l6l-d-17/2 FT 270^01EAP lSl-d-17/3 FT 2701&07Waffen-SS, no date.SS-Sonderlager Einzert folder containing instructions on thefiling of names of candidates for Ftthreranwarter with the SS-Ftthrangshauptamt, 19^1.SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers file containing correspondence andpersonnel files on transfers, discharges and advancement of membersof the Stp.ndarte, 19^3 - 19^.SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers file containing Starkenachv/eisungenof the Standarte for 19^1 - 19UU.Three folders of unkiiOTr/n provenance containing reviews ofmanuscripts and "books submitted for SS publication in Germany andHolland on general army, racial and recruiting propaganda, topics,1914.2 - 19^. The folders are arranged in alphabetical order accordingto the names of the authors: SAP l6l-d-lH/l6, "Vadnerverkento Vryman"; SAP l6l-d-lU/17, "Wandrasch to Wuyts"; EAP l6l-"Sarp to Zierholz."Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing the directivesof the SS-Filhrungshauptamt on "Verleihung des Si semen ICreuses anSchv/erverwiineLete, " "Verleihung von Kriegsverdienstauszej chnungen, "particularly concerned with the Aryan ancestry of all recipients ofdecorations, 19^3-SS~Ffthrungshauptamt folder containing instructions on decorationsand medals and a number of copies of directives of Jodl on theimproper use and multiplication of abbreviations and one from Jflttneron the substitution of the work "Arbeitseinsatz" for "Arbeitsmarkt"as more fitting the national Socialist state, 19^2 - 19^4-U.SS-Ffitorungshauijtamt, Der Abwehrbeauftragte der SS folder containingcorrespondence on former members of the office suspected ofhaving given away information and material published periodicallyby that and other offices containing admonitions on how to behave inorder to catch spies with examples of proper and improper behaviorin such cases, 19^2 - 19*13.SS-Ftthrungshauptamt, Der Abwehrbeauftragte der SS folder containinginstruction on the treatment of Verschlussachen, 1939»Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing the order onthe Personenausweig W, and an order on the employment of foreignersin the offices of the SS, 19^1 - 19UH. Receipts of the DienststelleFahrschule Berne omitted.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Uotes1J1SS-Ftthrungshauptamt8S-Pionier-Batl» 17Waffen-SSSS-Hairo taintSS-Ffthrungshauptamt172 SS-HauptamtS S-Fflhrung shaupt am tEAPFTEAP 161-d-lS/l FTSAP !6l-d-lS-10/6 FTSAP l6l-d-lS-10/7 FTEAP 161-d-lS-lO/S FT27051262705255SAP l6l-d~lS~10/9 FT 27055S9EAP I6l-d~lg-10/10 FT 2706^EAP l6l-d-lS-10/ll FT 2706752SS-F&irungshauptamt, Der Abwehrbeauftragte der SS folder M Behandlungder Yers chins sac hen "Dei den SS-Einheiten und Einrichtungeines Abwehrbeauf tragten bei den SS-Oberabschnitten. " 1938 - 19^H.SS-Pionier-Batl. 17 Vfaffen-SS copy of "Lauffcahnbestiimmingenfflr Flihrer und Unterfflhrer der Waffen-3S filr die Dauer des Krieges,"prepared "by the Feld-Kommandostelle in June 19^3-SS-Hauxotftmt file containing instructions of the Hauptamt, theFflhrung shaupt am t and SS-A"bschnitte on Gliederungen and Umgliederungenof units, strength and equipment of units and transfer of units orpersonnel within them, 1935 - 19*&*SS-F&hrungshaup taint file "gg Organisation (ftrundlegende Bestiminungenhierft"ber) fl contains also the details of the organization, ofsub-units and directing personnel, 1936 - 19^)»SS-Fflhrungshaup taint file "Dienststellenschilder, Dienstsiegelund Stempel, lOn, lOnB," containing under lOn and lOnB Innerer Dienstund Gesch*Lftsbetrie"b, and the special regulations for reduction ofunessential manpower in SS-offices under the heading "Massnahmenzur Totalisierung des Krieges," 19^0 - 19^U.SS-Hauptamt folder containing letters addressed to the personnelof the Hauptamt, individually or collectively ~by former membersof the SS administration who had "been transfered to army units orto the front, 19*41. Folder arranged alphabetically by the surnameof the writers.SS-Hauptamt file "26 h Urlaub und Diensfbefreiungen, 27a/bGrundlegende Ausbildungsfragen und Anordnungen, Ausbildungsplflne undProgramme, Richtlinien, " contains also a copy of "Eichtlinien fftrdie Ausbildung der Allgemeinen SS im Sommer 1937 »" prepared by theSS-Oberabschnitt Uest, material in the folder as a whole^ -^r 1935 -SS-]?fihrungshauptamt file "2a, 2b Abvrehr in der VT," containinglists of the Abwehrbeauftragte of the various high-level commandsand general directives on the recognition and. catching of spies andsaboteurs, as v/ell as admonitions not to use the telephone for secretconversations and talk to unauthorized persons about official matter s,ContinuedEAP I6l-d-18-10/12 FT27070S6SS-Fflhrungshauptamt folder containing "Yerzeichnis der in denMob-Staben der SS-Oberabschnitte tfitigen nebenamtlichen SS-Angeh8rigen,""Anschriften der Ogruf. und G-ruf . , " "Verzeichnis der bei derOrganisation Todt eingesetzten Fflhrer," "Liste der Oberabschnitts-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 55173 173 SS-Ftthrungshauptamt EAP IgL-d-lS-lO/lU FT 2707275SS-HauptamtEAP I6l-d~18-10/l6 2707663S S-Fflhrung shaup t amt EAP l6l-d-lS-10/17 FT 27077S2EAP 161-d-lg-lO/lS FT 2708311SS-HauptamtEAP l6l-d-lS-12/l FT 2708562EAP l6l-d-lg-12/2 FT 2708609EAP l6l-d-lS-12/3 FT 270S623SS-Ftthrungshauptamt Ib EAP l6l-d-lS-12/^ FT 2709329SS-HauptamtSAP l6l-d-lg-12/5 FT 2709356Ffthrer und deren Anschriften," other miscellaneous lists of personneland directives for organization of offices, 19^-1 - 19^»SS-Ftihrung shaup taint file containing mimeographed directiveson general administrative matters issued by the SS-F&hrung shaup tarn t,1936 - 19^2.SS-Hauptamt file "1*1 Verv/altungsamt-SS ( Eaushaltungsangelegenheiten,Etatfragen, Steuern und Abgaben, 42 Dienstreisen, Umzilge) fReiseplane u. Vertretung "bei Dienstreisen, Reisefterichte, Reisegenehmigungenund Reisebefugnisse, Abreclinungen, Umzugsgenehmigung,UmzugskosteneritschSdigung, Umzugsbeihilfe, " 193^ - 19^»SS-Fflhmngshauptamt file "UUb Ausr€stung, ^c Wimpel und Kommandoflaggen , iAalO Bekleidung," containing directives issued "bythe SS-F&hrungshauo taint and the SS-Hauptamt on these matters, 1936 -Item of unknovm provenance. Folder containing copies of the"SS-Befehls-Blatt" and indeces for the regulations in it,SS-Hauptamt file containing mimeographed general c.irectiveson administrative matters such as leave, passes, the pr< per changesof postal addresses of units and individual soldiers, aj.d a copy of"Zahlungsregelungen fur die Waffen-SS," 19^1 - 19^3.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing copies of theorders for the creation of the SS-Ftthrungshauptamt and for a R8ntgen-Sturmbann,19^0 - 19^1.Item of unknov;n provenance. Folder containing copies of the"Nachrichtenblatt der Waffen-SS uber Feinderkenntnisse," issued "bythe SS-Ftthrungshauptamt, 19^3 -• igUU.SS-Ftthrungshauptamt Tb file containing copies of "?erzeichnisder zustandigen Ersatz truppenteile der ¥affen-SS, " for June 19^2and June 19^3» a photostat copy of "Die 1st- u. Sollstarken desIII. (germ.) SS-Pz. Korps, der SS-Pz.Gren.Div. '^Tordland 1 u. SS-Frv;.Brig. 'Mederlande 1 , " as v/ell as a photostat of a letter of theOberkommando des Eeeres, G-enStdH/Org. Abt. to the SS-Fflhrungshauptamt,Abt. Ib, concerning the proposed establishment of new and reorganisedSS-units, 19^3.SS-Hauptamt folder containing a list of the people employedin the office of the Inspektion der SS-V.T. and a variety of generaldirectives as to leave and pay of that unit, 193^ -

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes17k General stab des Heeres, EAP l6l-d-lS-12/6 FT 2709*101Organisations AbteilungfarMadungsofiisier der EAP l6l-d-lg~12/7 FT 2709^61Waffen~SS "beiin Generalstabdes Heeres (Org.3S-Junkerschule Tdlz,Lehrgruppe ASAP I6l-d~18-12/g FT 2709576EAP l6l-d~18~12/9FTEAP l6l-d~lS-12/10 FTSS-Filhruiigshauptaint, Ib EAP l6l-d-lg-12/ll FT175 175 Stab LeibstandarteAdolf HitlerContinuedS S-Fflhrung shauptam tEAP l6l-d-lS-12/12 FTEAP l6l-d-lS-12/13 FS 2710259SS-Unterftthrerscbule EAP l6l-d-lS-12/lll. FT 2710325Generalstab des Heerest Organisations Abteilung file "Vorftbergehendbeim Heer befindliche Verbande SS f Polizei, KreikorpSf 11 listsof the units and organizational charts for them, 19*&«Verbindungsof fizier der Waffen-SS beim Generalstab des Heeres(Org. Abt.) folder containing "Bezeichnung der Feldeinheiten derWaffen-SS, n and "Anlage 8 zu Oberkommando des Heerest Chef HeeresrUstungund Befehlshaber des Ersatzheeres - Frontnachweieer, H containinglists of SS-Truppen, 19*&.Item of unknown provenance. "Ausbildungs- und Ersatzeinheiten,Schulen und sonstige Heimatdienststellen der Waffen-SS, 11 "Ersatztruppenteile, n "Bezeichnung der Feldtruppenteile der Waffen-SS?and a map of Verbande und f echtende Bonder- Truppen d. Waffen-SS,Reichsf&hrer-SS Feldkommandostelle file containing a map ofHD-Feindziele im Operationsgebiet Ost, October 19^U; map - Erfolgskartezur Abv/ehrstatistik im Operationsgebiet Ost, August 19UU andStarkemeldungen and Zustandsberichte of SS units in the field,February to July 19*&.SS- Junker schule Tfllz, Lehrgruppe Atfile containing directiveson Waffenfarben der ¥affen-SS and other minor instructions on smallpieces of equipment, 1937 - 19^2.SS-Ffihrungshauptamt, Ib, copies of "Erfahrungsberichte Abwehr"and "Kampferfahrungen" for 19^-3 - 19^.Stab Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler folder containing mimeographedgeneral directives issued by the SS-Ftthrung shaup tarn t on administrativematters: pay» leave, family assistance, pay supply of units tetc., 1939 - 19to.SS-Ffthrungshauptamt folder containing miscellaneous orders ofthe Ffihrungshauptamt: "Geschlechtsverkehr von AngehBrigen der SSund Polizei mit Frauen einer andersrassigen Bevfllkerung, * "Mitnahmevon Zivilpersonen und Kriegsgefangenen fiber die Heichsgrenze, H "Richtlinienzur Fflhrung der Personal- und Wehrunterlagen vahrend des Krieges,"^Aufbev/ahrung der Personalakten von Angehdrigen des Beurlaiibtenstandesder T7af fen-SS, " a general set of orders on the Germanische-SS, a copy of "Anregungen fttr den Ausbau von Stellungen an der Ostfront,"and a copy of "Erfahrungsberichte Abwehr," both issued by theOberkomraando des Heeres, 19^1 - 19^- Lists of names omitted.SS-Unterfflhrerschule file "Standige Belehrungen, " publishedand republished in daily orders pertaining to behavior on leave,

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 57175 175 SS-Karstwehrtruppe EAP I6l-d-lg-12/l6 FT 2710396SS-Fohrungshauptamt17S 17S SonderbataillonDirlewangerContinued ?EAP I6i-d-is~i2/i7 FT 27101*05EAP l6l-d-lg-12/lS FT176 176 EAP I6l-d~lg-12/19 FT? EAP I6l-d-lg-12/20 FTSS-Flak-Kommando Ober-Salzburg, laEAP l6l-d-lg-12/21 FT177 177 3S-Standortkommandantur EAP l6l-d-lS-12/22 FTBerlin der ¥affen-SS? EAP lSl-d-lg-12/23 FTEAP 161-d-lg-lVlEAP !6l-d-lg-lV227108252711299271153527121812712^EAP I6l-d-lg-12/2l|. FT 271252)4.2712619271272l|.proper dress, proper addressing of letters,etc.,SS-Karstwehrtruppe folder containing "Befehl des Reichsfflhrers-SS zur Durchf&hrung von Vorarbeiten fttr die einsatzm&ssige Unterbringangeiner SS-Karstwehrtruppe und die Schaffung eines Friedensstandortesim Triglavgebiet," (TriglavgeTDiet-Yiogoslavia). June 19^3.Item of unknovm provenance. Copy of a letter of Jftttner "Analle I^oramandeure der Ersatzeinheiten, B containing a description ofbad treatment experienced "by recruits and Volksdeutsche in SS unitsand a demand for greater care to "be taken "by company commanders,February 19^3.3S-Fflhrungshauptamt, Id,folder containing "Ausbildungshinweise"and "Artilleristische Mitteilungen,» issued by the OKE, 19UU.SS-Ftilirungshauptsmt, Id,folder containing "Nachrichtenblattder Vfaffen-SS f-flr Panzerbekampfung aller ¥affen" and two booklets:"Richtlinien filr Fflhrung und Xampf der Panzer-Brigade" and lf Fbersicht-ftber PanzerspMh- und Panzeraufklarungsfahrzeuge," issued bythe Generalinspekteur der Panzertruppen, 19^-U.Item of unl^nown provenance. Folder containing mimeographedinstructions "Taktische Begriffe," issued by the Inspekt >,ur der Panzertruppen,19^3 - 19^5.SS-Flak-Kommando Ober-Salzburg, la,folder containing miscellaneoustactical information given to the Flak-Kommando from bothits superior and inferior units, February to September 19^.SS-Standortkommandantur Berlin der ¥affen-SS folder containingmimeographed general administrative directives of the SS-Fflhrungshauptamt,January to July 19^2.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing general directivesof the SS-Ftthrungshauptamt, Der Abwehrbeauftragte der SS onrelations with foreigners, proper sealing of mail, filing secretdocuments and the necessity of secrecy in talks with civilians,Item of unknown provenance. Directives issued by the SS-FflhrungshauptamtKominandoamt der Waffen-SS (some initialed by Himmler)on the restrictions of the use of cars and the necessity to limitto the utmost the use of gasoline, 19^1.Sonderbatl. Dirlewanger file containing general directives ofthe SS-Fflhrungshauptamt on proper direction of mail, changes in recruitmentpolicy, leave and training and similar matters, 19^3 - !9Item of unknown provenance. Directives of the SS-Hauptamt,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes17&-179179 179178 Ffihrer der Gendarmerie EAP I6l-d-18-l6/l FT 27127*41Hauptmannschaft WiesbadenStamrabatterie SS-Hak MP l6l-d-lS-l6/2 FTA.u.S. Regiment 6.,Rechnungsftihrer Lehrgang;Srganziingsamt der Waf- EAP l6l-d-lS-l6/3 FT 2712781fen-SS, ErganzungsstelleITordwest? SAP I6l-d-lg-l6/^- FT 2712797SS~Kavallerie~Regiment 1, MP l6l-d-18-l6/5 FT 2712800Stabs- und SondereinheitenVerwaltungSS-Verwaltungsscfaule EAP l6l-d-lS-l6/6 FT 2712362SS-KarstwehrbataillonSS-Ffihrungshaup tarn t178- ?179SS-HauptamtEAP !6l-d-lS-l6/7 FTSAP 161-4-18-16/8 FTSAP I6l-d-18-l6/10 FTEAP iSi-a-lg-18/iFTEAP l6l-d-18-18/2 FT271333U27133562714SOOZentralkansslei on the procedure which governs the entry into thecustoms service, the creation of the office of Inspekteur der SS-Ifecheinheiten and admonitions against 'Bonzentum 1 in the SSt 1935 -1937.Fflhrer der Gendarmerie Hauptmannschaft Wiesbaden cojgr of adirective of the SS-Fflhrerhaupt?imt on the necessity of greater cooperationbetween the tTberwachungsdienst and army and SS units tMay 191+3.Folder of a member of the Stammbattr. SS-Flak A.u.S. Eegt. 6.»Rechnungsfflhrer Lehrgang containing instructions on pay procedureof SS regiments, 19^2.Erganzungsamt der Waf fen-SS, Erganzungsstelle Hordwest foldercontaining directives on special pay and special benefits for SSunits and the families of SS men, IQUl.Item of unknown provenance. Information on the creation ofthe SS-Sturrobann "Ost" (Dienststelle des hflheren SS- und PolizeifflhrersOst in Krakau 20, Regiertmgsgebfl.ud.e) and its organization,issued by the SS-lulirungshauptamt, March 19^1.SS-Kavallerie-Regiment 1, Stabs- und Sondereinheiten Verwaltungf file containing correspondence on financial matters; specialpay allowances for vehicles t riding competitions, Jour neyst etc.,SS-Verwaltungsschule file containing a variety of directivesissued by the SS-Fflhrungshauptamt pertaining both to administrativeand to training matters, 1939 - 19*&.SS~Karstwehrbataillon folder "Monatsberichte (Rechenschaftsbericht)des KI73 an das Ftthrungshauptamt, (Dienstplflne)" 19^3 .SS-Fflhrungshauptamt folder containing material on a new patentfor canned meat, 19^1.Item of unknown provenance. Copies of the "Verordnungsblattder Waffen-SS, n for the period June 19^1 - April 19^5. Nor fftr denDienstgebrauch.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing photographs,biography and honor-roll mentions of Dr. Friedrich Wimmer of theAustrian National Socialist party, 19^0.SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on Polizei-Verstarkungen- recruitment for the units, physical requirements forthe volunteers and the use to be made of the units so recruited, 1939-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 59179 179 EAP l6l-d-l8-lS/3 FTDer Hdhere SS- undPolizeifflhrer Ford, derSS-Wirtschafter;SS-EauptamtVariousSAP l6l-d-18-18/6 FTEAP l6l~d-18-18/8 FTSAP l6l-d-18-18/9 FTEAP 161-d-lg-lg/lO FTBAP I6l-d-18-2ty3 FTEAP l6l-d-20-10/2 FTEAP i6i-d-20-iO/3 FTEAP lSUd-20-10/S FT271^851271U8622715039271510827151592715176271518227153932715^95Item of unknown provenance. "Arbeitsanweisung der Abteilunglib" presumably of the SS~Fflhrungshauptamt, 19*11.Item of unknown provenance. Miscellaneous directives of theSS-Ffthrungshauptamt on personnel matters,.19^3.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing miscellaneousmaterial issued by the SS^Ftthrungshauptamt chiefly on recruitmentand transfer of personnel from and to the special SS-units» includingtransfer from Dachau to Bewihrungs-Abteilung der Waffen-SS, 19*43.Der H8here SS- und Polizeiffthrer llord, der SS-"'. r irtschafter foldercontaining directives and time schedules for various training coursesof the Waffen-SS, 19^.SS-Eeuptaint folder containing directives on the recruitment forthe SS-VT and the SS-T.St. and the prerequisites for becoming a fullfledgedSS-Mann, 1936 - 19 1 K5.Item of unknown provenance. Correspondence pertaining to themeteorological research of Dr. Juilfs for the S3, January 19^5*Der Inspekteur der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD in Stuttgartfolder "Schulungscompendium was ich -fiber die SS-UnterstuimfiShrerprfi.fu.ngwissen muss l " containing extracts from Hitler's vritings andhistorical materials, as well as the important tenets of faith ofthe SS, no date but probably post.19^0.Instructions issued by the SS~Ffihrungshauptamt of various provenancepertaining to SS-Junkerschulen, transfer of personnel to them,examinations, progra^etc., 19*&>Item of unknown provenance. "Prflfungsfregen fttr SS-Fflhrer,"issued by the SS-Oberabschnitt Ifest, no date* Hur f€r den Bienstge-ContinuedOberstleutnant vonDufais, StuttgartOberabschnitt MainSAP l£Ud-20-12/l FTSAP l£Ud-20-12/2 ?TSAP l6l-d-22-7/2, FTSAP lSl-d-22-7/3 FT2715531271559^2715798SAP l6l-d-22-7/17 FT 2716077brauchİtem of unknown provenance. Circular of the SS-Ftthrungshauptamtto all Feldeinhelten to make use of the opportunity to sendsoldiers back for special Unterfuhrer training, as well as a planfor this training, 19^^.Item of unknown provenance. Copy of- w SS-tJbu.ngs-Yorschrift, nissued by the office of Der Beichsfohrer-SS, 1933.File of Oberstleutnant von Dufais, Stuttgart, containing correspondencewith the publishing firm of E.S. Hittler und Sohn in Berlinon the publication of his books, as well as with various friendson the developments within the NSBAP, 1933.Oberabschnitt Main folder containing Dienstanweisungen and Sonderverteilerfor the Reichsparteitag 1938, chiefly detailed

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 60ISO1S1ContinuedISO 'SS-Ps.-&ren~Rgt."Her Ffthrer"1S1*4l. SS-Standarte,San.Oberstaffel UTruppenwir t schaf t s-lager der Waff en- S3(Jotha;Oberabschnitt SfldwestVerwaltungSS- Fflhrung shaupt amtSIVOberabschnitt Sud-WestHAP l6l-d-22-13/l FT 2716268EAP l6l-d~22-S/l FT 2?162S2EAP l6l-d-2*4/lFTEAP !6l-d~2*4-l*4/2 FTSAP 161-6-01/2FTEAP 161-6-01/3, FTEAP l6l-e-01/*4, FTEAP l6l-e-01/5 FTEAP 161-6-12-12/1 FTSAP 161-6-12-12/14. FTEAP l6l-e-12-l'2/3 FTSee "belowEAP 161-6-12-1*4/1 FTEA? 161-6-12-1*4/2 FTEAP 161-6-12-1*4/3 FTEAP l6l-e-12-ll4/*4 FTSAP l6l-*4-12~l*4/5 FT271628S2716*4212716*42*427165*402716619271663**27166672716709See "below27167^32716S10271691^271695S2717062instructions covering every phase of the Reichsparteitag from themenu to transportation, 193^•SS-Pz.Gren-Rgt. "Der Fflhrer" file containing "anind'begriffetfber Fliegerverhande und Zttsammenarheit der Luftwaffe mit dem Eeer,"issued "by the SS-Ffthrungshauptamt Inspektion der Artillerie u. Flat,January 19HU.Item of unlrnown provenance, "Tersetraagen von techn. SS-FfihrernW (Waffenneister), techn. SS-Unterfflhrern im Waffenmeisterdienstund Waffenmeistergehilfen, n issued by the SS-Fflhrangshauptamt, ¥affeninspektion,January 19^1.41. SS-Standarte, San,0"berstaffel ifl folder containing "Aus-"bildungsbrief des SS-Sanitfltsamtes," which combines exhortation forracial purity with information on venereal disease, October 193^•Item of unknovm provenance. Instruction on "3an.-¥esen derbewaffneten Teile der SS und ICL," issued by the office of the ReichsfflhrerSS, December 193S.Item of unknown provenance. Memo on the Hauptamt Haushalt undBauten, its independence from the Hauptamt Yerwaltung und Wirt schaf tand the difference between them, 19*40, two copies of the WirtschaftundYerwaltungsanordnungen for December 19^-U and ?ebruar;r 19^5 re -spectively and tv/o mimeographed instructions ,"¥irtschaftliche Massnahmen"issued by Der Chef der SS-¥irtschafts-Terwaltungs Hauptamtin 19*42.Truppenwirtschaftslager der Waffen-SS G-otha ,three files containingAmt sbef elile and Chefbefehle of the Wir t schafts-TTerwal tungshauptamt,19^.Oberabsclinitt Sfldwest Verwaltung folder containing "BesoldungsuniVersorgungsblatt der HSDAP," January 19*13.Item of unknown provenance. Instructions on pay issued by theBesoldungsstelle der !faffen-SS in Dachau, January 19*45.SS-Fflhrungshauptamt file containing general instructions onvarious Entsch&digungen and additional pay of the ¥affen-SS, 19^3»SI>-Oberabschnitt Sfid-¥est account books, 1937 - 19*40:SD-Unterabschnitt Baden im SB-Oberabschnitt Stld-Tfest, 1937.SB-Leitabschnitt Karlsruhe im SD-Oberabschnitt Sftd-¥est, 19*40.Ho title, but accounts of SD-Oberabschnitt sad-!fest roughly forthis period.SD-Unterabschnitt Baden im SD-Oberabschnitt Sud- Tr est, 19*40.SB-Abschnitt XIX of SD-Oberabschnitt Stid-lfest, 193S.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes 61181 Igl182 182 Eauptwirtschaftslagerder Waffen-SS, KasselHauptwirtschaftslagerder Waffen-S3, KasselSAP I6l-e-12-lty6 FT 2717165EA? I6l-e-12-lty7 FT 2717197EAP l6l-e-12-lg/2 FT 2717239l6l-e-12-lS/5 FT 27172S7EAP !6l-e-ll4-10/7 2717300EAP I6l-e-llj~10/g FT 2717^5EAP 161-6-1*1-10/1 FT 27178111EAP 161-6-1U-10/3 FT 2717857Ho title, "but accounts of SD-Oberabschnitt Sftd-West roughly forthis period.SD-Unterabschnitt Baden of SD-Oberabschnitt Sfld-Fest, 1938.Item of ' unknown provenance.n Zuoajnmenstellung der wichtigstenBestinumingen' ilber die Ffihrung der !'7ehr- u. Personalunterlagen, "issued by the SS-^rirtschafts-Vervjaltungshauptamt,Personalamt, 19^2.Ear fur den Dienstgebrauch.Item of unknown provenance. Directives on decorations forGermans and Volksdeutsche, is.sued by the SS-Wirtsch&fts

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 62183 1S3 Zentralbauleitung derr.'affen-SS u. PolizeiMe iraar-BuchenwaldBAP 161-6-1S-1S/2 FT 2719391*EAP 161-6-20-10/1 FT 2719627Deutsche Erd- und Stein- SA? l6l-e-20-10/7 3Twerke G-.m.b.H. KlinkervrerkeHsmbtirg-TTeueagamme EAP 161-6-20-10/10 FTRasse und Siedlurgshauptamt-SSSAP 161-f/lEAP l6l~f/2SAP l6l-f/3EAP 161-f-Ol/lFTFTFT27196352713660271997^271997S2720365P 161-C-2U/1 FT 2720^33German and foreign workers and internal struggles within the companyas well as attempts of its administrative and supervisory personnelto stay out of the array, igltf. - 19^3.Zentrarbaiileitung der Waff en-SS u. Polizei Weimar-Bachenwaldfolder containing correspondence of the Bauleitung with private firmsand other SS offices on the supply of equipment for the variouswork in which the Bauleitung engaged: stone-breaking, road "building,general construction,etc., 19^3»Item of unknown provenance. Report on the efficiency of concentrationcamp labor, the production that could be expected andthe difficulties connected with the sale of the product - bricks -at a fixed price. Copy with no indication of date, author or issuingand receiving agencies.Deutsche Srd- und Steinv/erke G-.m.b.H,, Xlinkerwerke Hamburg-Neuengamme,file containing detailed report on production for 19^3.Deutsche Erd- und Steinwerke G-.m.b.H. file containing correspondencechiefly on the difficulties of obtaining adequate transportationfor the executives of the firm, Interspersed with thisare reports on the production quotas and pay of the inmates of concentrationcamps employed by the firm, 19*12 - 19^H.Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt-SS copy of typed instructions"Ausbildung des Generalstabsnachvmchses wlthrend des Krieges, n issuedby the office of Der Chof des HsuptftLfsorge- und Tersorgungsamtes-SS,August 19^3 •.Rasse-und Siediungshauptamt-SS file containing general ordersof the Chef des SS-Hauptamtes on sanitation, proper air raid protection,social matters in SS-clubs, E.J, festivities, sports andspecial orders for the Reichsparteitag, 1938.Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt-3S folder containing copies ofthe SS-Befehlsblatt and mimeographed additions issued by the officeof Der Chef des SS-Hauptamtes, 193S - 19*10.Item of unknown provenance. Agreement signed by Hildebrandtand Pohl between the SS-Tfirtschafts- und Yeri^altungshauptamt andthe Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt on the disposal of SS personnelconnected with the Landwirtschaftliche Osteinsatz, June 19^3•Item of unknown provenance. Alphabetical list of directivespertaining to general and specific regulations probably receivedby an SS agency, 1933 -

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 6318*4 Der Chef des Rasse-u. EAP l6l-f-01/5Siedlung shauptamt e s- SSEAP 161-f-Ol/U,EAP l6l-f-01/9185 185 Htfherer SS- und Polizei- EAP l6l-f-01/6fuhrer186186-187187 187Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt186 Rasse- -and Siedlungshauptarat-SSEAP l6l-f-01/7,SAP l6l-f-01/8SAP i6i-f-io/3SAP i6i-f~io/5Rasse- und Si editing s-hauptamt-SS, Adjutanturbeim Chef des SchulungsamtesjDer Chef des Rasse- und EAP l6l-f-10/7Siedlungshauptamtes186- Rasse-und Siedlungs187 hauptamtEAP 161-f-lO/S,EAP l6l-f-10/9,EAP I6l-f-10/10EAPFT 27206145FTFTFTFTFTFT27206702720867FT 2721538FTFTFTFT2721661272218UFT 2722562272258327228U22723^802724025Der Chef des Rasse-u. Siedlungshauptamtes-SS folder H SonderakteJagd," containing an invitation for Hildebrandt to go elk huntingin Korway in the interest of Volksern&hmng, as well as a "Merk-"blatt €ber die Ausftbung der Elkjagd in Norwegen, fl a,nd correspondenceon various aspects of hunting, especially the supply of good dogs inconnection with the UK-Stellung of the suppliers, 19UM-.Item of unknown provenance. Two folders of orders on generallow level administrative matters issued "by the office of Der HdhereSS und Polizeiftthrer, Reichsfi!ihrer-SS, Rasse-und Siedlungswesen andSS-Hauptamt giving information on "Tag der Deutschen Polizei imKriegswinterhilfswerk, Spinnstoffsammlung, Tragen von Abzeichen,Haftpfiichtversicherung," etc., 1935 - 19^5*H6*herer SS- u. Polizeifuhrer folder containing reports on thev/ork done by the Xommando of the Reichskommissar f^lr die Festigungdeutschen Volkstums in Crimea and various reports on the retreatfrom the Crimea, chiefly personal memoirs like "Wie ich die Rflumungund den Rftckzug von der Krim erlebte," as well as reports on thelack of organization in navy operations at the evacuation of Sevastopol,19UU.Two folders of the Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt containingcorrespondence, reports and photographs of the results of the'historical research' of the Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt and itssubordinate offices into the topic of Deutsche B.echtsalterturner,1937 - 1939-Hasse- und Siedlungshauptamt-SS folder containing "Dienststellenverzeichnisdes Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamtes-SS," January19^3* Mur f&r den Dienstgebrauch.Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt-SS, Adjatantur beim Chef desSchulungsamtes folder "Schul. Ib U, Schulungslager und Schulungsreisen,"containing correspondence on and programs for a Schulungsreisethrough East Prussia in August 1937»Folder of Der Chef des Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamtes containingcorrespondence of Hildebrandt and Himmler pertaining to a quarrelover the issue of a Feldpostbrief leaflet independent of the SS-Leitbriefe,19^.Four folders of the Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt containingnumerical surveys of the numbers of Volksdeutsche Uinsiedler in thevarious camps under the administration of the Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt,19*40 -

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Motes1S7 187 Rasse-und Si edlung shaupt- SAP l£L-f-10/12 FTaiat, VerwaltungBasse- und Siedlungs- SAP lbl-f-10/13, FT187-SS lg7-g8hauptamt-SS SA? lfil-f-10/lU IPT1S3 EAP I6l-f-12/l FTContinuedAmt fur Volfcswohlfahrt, SAP l6l-f-12/2 FTBadenHasse~und Siedlungs~haurstamtSS-Fflhrung shaupt aiat? EAP l6l-f-12/6 FT272W?2272H6592725*4922725611*2725652lbl-f-12/7 FT 2725689H8herer-SS und Polisei- EAP I6l-f-12-10/l FT 2726177fflhrer Schwarzes MeerSAP lSl-f-12-10/2 FTEAP l6l-f-12-10/3 FT27262UOPjaase-und Siedluogshaoptamt, Yervaltung, folder containinggeneral administrative orders issued "by the S3-Hauptamt chieflypertaining to proper uniform and leave regulations t as well ascontaining Stabsbefehle chiefly on promotions» 1937•Two folders of the Basse- u. Siedlungshauptamt-SS Austildun^slDriefeand Sportsoefehle for 1937.Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt-SS folder "Bildbericht der R.u. S.-Dienststelle zum A"bschluss"bericht der Einv/andererzentralstelle ilherdie Durchschleusung der vom Juli - Oktober 19^-2 erfassten Rasslanddeutschen- Sonderaufnahmen der in den Lagern Konitz-Testpreussenund Feustadt-' r estpreussen geschleusten Bisslanddeutschen," containingphotographs with racial classification and short "biographies.Amt fftr Volkswohlfalirt, Gau 3aden» folder "WiedereinzudeutschendePfemilien. Betreuung mssischer Emigranten," concernedchiefly with holiday gifts, 19 l £.Item of unknov/n provenance. Folder containing short mimeographedarticles on Rassenkunde: "Deutsche Bassenkunde" and "ITberRasse und Volksgesundheit, n "Der nationalsozialistische Rassengedanke,""G-rundlegen der Vererlmngslehre," "P.eferat wie sindSterilisationsgesetz und religittse Auffassung in Einklsng zu "bringen?tt and a chart for Rassenforscimng, no date.Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt folder containing Stabsbefehleand general orders of the office of ."Der Reichsfiihrer-SS, SS-Hauptamtand of the Rassen- und Siedlungshauptamt itself, chiefly onminor administrative matters; order for the movement of SS vehicles,menus and programs for the Heichsparteitag, promotions and transfersand regulations governing leave and special pay, 1935*Hdherer SS und Police ifiihrer Schwarzes IIeer f folder containingorders for the creation and the work for P&rsorgekommandos 19^»and detailed reports on the history of the Deutsche Reichsvereinfflr Volkspflege und Siedlerhilfe, its work in Czechoslovakia andits financial troubles with the Rasse-und Siedlungshauptamt, 19^0.SS-Filhrung shaupt amt copy of mimeographed instructions torefer to disabled veterans of both the first and second vj&rld vjarsas Kriegsbesch&digte and not as Kriegsversehrte or any othernames, 19HU.Item of unknov/n provenance. Correspondence of 53-Brigadefflhrervon Dufais and the Rasse- und Siedluiigshatiptsmt-SS, Amt Mrsorge

Serial Roll Provenance Item Pilmed 1st frame rlotes1SSEA? !6l-f-l6/2SB-Genesenden-Bataillon, SAP l6l-g-01/l ITFeldbach;SS-3rsatzkommando EAP l6l-g-01/2 ITITiederlandePT? EAP 161-6-10-12/2 ITSrg&nzungsamt der ¥af- SAPfen-SS, Erganzungsstelle, S tut tgar tFTSAP 161-g-lO-lS/l IT2726251272S27727262972726301272630S2726311concerning the possibility of finding two SS-orphans R l?JLhrernachiiAichs"who could be raised in Dufais's family, 19UU.Item of unlcnown provenance. Instructions of the Chef desRasse- und Siedlungshauptamtes on marriage permits and the regulationsgoverning leave for newly married SS-men, 193^ - 19^0 .SS-Genesenden-Sataillon, Peldbach, directives pertaining to"Xuren fdr PainilienangehQrige," of SS-men, July 19^3»SS-SrsatsIcommando ITiederlande copy of "Befehl d3s RPSS vom2.1.U2 - Unterstellung des Fauptftirsorge-und Vergorgungsamtes~SSunter das Basse- und Siedlur.gshauptpmt-SS, " ?eb. 19^3»Item of unknown provenance. "Anschriftenverzeichnis -fiberdie Dienststellen des Hauptffirsorge- und Versorgungsamtes-SS* 11no date,Srg&nzungsamt der V r affen-SS, SrgS.nzuiigsstelle Sttdwest, Stuttgart,copy of "Solde des Volontaires de la V. : affen-SS, Modalites dusoutien familial," issued by Der Filrsorgefiihrer der T/affen-SS Franlrreich, no date.Item of unknown provenance. "Aussendienststellen des AmtesC III," probably issued by Beruf sober schule fur Waffen-SS, March189Hauptfarsorge-and Versorgungsamt189 SS-Pflegestelle 205S. SS-Standarte,S taramabte ilungHauptfursorge-undVer sorgung saratBAP l6l-g-10-lg/2 FT 2726313EAP I6l-g-01/^ IT 2726377EAP 161-6-01/7Ifeuptf-i'lrsorge-und Versorgungsant folder containing Merkbl fitterand copies of parts of Merkblatter and Verordnungsblatter ongenera,! adrninistrative matters such as Gefechtsbezeichnungen, propernaming of Tolksdeutsche, dealing vdth the Heimkehr, determinationof Tauglichlceitsgrad,etc., 19^3.lolder consisting of material of the SS-Pflegestelle 20 for1937 and of the Rg. SS-Standarte Stammabteilung for 19^3. The SSpflegestelle was chiefly'- concerned with Mutterschulen, Brfiuteschulen,Heiratsgenehmigungen and other racial directives of the 3S-Rassen-und Siedlungshauptamt. Along with this correspondence werefiled "Fachrichtendienst des Amtes fur Archiv- und Zeitungswesen."The material of the 58. SS-Staodarte, Stammabteilung^onsistschiefly of "Ifeldpostbriefe, " personal correspondence with the frontlinemembers of the Stammabteilung and financial records of the Standarte.Hauptf&rsorge-und Versorgungsamt folder containing instructionsof the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt on the proper economicaluse of rations and news on forthcoming rations and specialrations for the SS, 19^0 - 19^2. Menus and detailed lists of dayby-dayrations omitted.

Serial Roll Provenance Item filmed 1st frame Notes 66189190ContinuedSS-Pioniersturmbann der EAP l6l-g-01/9 FTSS-Verf ugung s t mppen ,Dresden, BerufsschuleHauptfursorge- undVersorgungsanrb-SSFflrsorge- und Versorgungsamt~SS190 Fdrsorge- und VersorgungsamtMttnchenWehrmacht-OrtskommandanturRiga;SS-Genesenden BataillonFeldbachEAP 161-g-Ol/lU :?T 2727066SAP I6l-g-01/15, FT 2727533SAP I6l-g-01/l6, FT 2727561MP I6l-g-01/17 FT 2727577SAP lSl-g-10-12/6 FT 2727610SAP l6l-g-10-ll4/2 ITEAP l6l-g-10-20/ll FTSS-Genesenden Bataillon EAP l6l-g-10-20/12 FTSS-Polizeigericht XV,BreslauSAP 161-S-1Q-20/13 3TSAP l6l-h/lSS-lTachrichten Ausbil- BAP l6l-h/2dungs- u. Ersatz Abteilung2, VorschriftenstelleFT2727017 SS-Pioniersturmbann der SS-Verfflgungstruppen, Dresden, Berufsschule,foldercontaining lists of the subjects taught and the subjectmatter attained in each, a list of teachers, number of hourstaught, equipment used and some correspondence chiefly showing thedesire for more technical training on the part of the students, 1939*Hauptf&rsorge- und Versorgungsamt-SS folder containing correspondenceon the aid given to German!sche SS-Freiwillige and theirfamilies, 19^3.F&rsorge- und Yersorgungsamt-SS folders "Akten Tbetreffend DerReichsftthrer SS und Chef des SS-Hauptaintes," containing Stabshefehle,Personalverf&gungen and Personalverftnderungen. I6l-g-01/15 containsmaterial for 19^1; l6l-g-01/l6 for 19^0 and I6l-g-01/17 for 19^1and 19iJ3.Fttrsorge- und Versorgungsamt Mttnchen folder containing generaladministrative directives chiefly on the care of children of deadSS men, funeral arrangements for the SS, new names for SS-Standarten,Christmas greetings, etc., IQUO - 19^4.2727926 Wehrmacht-Ortskommandantur Riga folder "Koimnandantur Befehleund Sonderbefehle Janner 19*13."2727960 SS-Genesenden Bataillon Feldbach file containing correspondenceon the retraining for civilian and army administrative positionsof "badly wounded soldiers and SS men, as well as Monatsberichteof the Abteilung la of the Battalion, 19UU.272S090272S122272S163272S267SS-Genesenden Bataillon folder containing information onKriegsversehrtenlehrgange, 19^5-SS-Genesenden Bataillon folder "Beruflicher Einsatz" containingcorrespondence on the possibilities of professional employmentfor invalid veterans, 19^«SS-Polizeigericht XV, Bresiau»folder containing the "ZwfllfterSammelerlass" of the Reichsfuhrer-SS u. Kauptamt SS-Gericht,August 19*42; copy of "Terordnung zur Durchftthrung der Yerordnungzum Schutz von Ehe, Familie und Mutterschaft," March 19^3? "Berichtiiber die Dienstbesprecbung der Chefs der SS- und Polizeigerichteam 7» Mai 19^3 in Mnchen," "Verordnung zur BekSmpfungvon Gewalttaten im Generalgouvernement vom 31.10,1939»" as v/ellas a number of Verordnungen on Gnadensachen, 19*43 - 19^-»SS-Fachrichten Ausbildungs- u. Ersatz Abteilung 2, Vorschriftenstellecopy of "Die SS- und Polizeigerichtsbarkeit - ein Leitfaden,"issued by the office of Der Reichsfuhrer-SS und Chef der

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes190191ContinuedEAP I6l-h~01/l FT 272833UTruppenwirtschaftslager EAP l6l-h-12/l FTder Waffen-SS, Gotha? EAP l6l-h-12/2 FTSS-Obergruppenfiihrer EAP l6l-h-12/^ FTBreithauptSS-Kauptaint Gericht? EAP l6l-h-10-10/2 FTEAP lSl-h-10-10/3 FS191 SS-Sturmbannfuhrer von EAP l£Uh-10-lU/6 FTKunsberg, Kommandeur desBataillon der Waffen-SSz.b.V.SS~Personalhauptamt, EAP lSl-i-12/3 FTPersonalamt der Waffen-SS, Amt VII? SAP 161-i-Ol/l FT2728663272S768272S765272285327228832722290Deutschen Polizei Hauptamt SS-Gericht, July 1, 19^. Fur zum Gebranchfilr SS und Polizei.Item of unknown provenance. Folder ."Befehle Hauptamt SS-Gericht 19^2" containing these orders with a well arranged indexat the front. The folder contains orders pertaining to RussianPOW's, special penal companies, special treatment for foreignvolunteers in the SS, delimitation of jurisdictions and specialjurisdictions , etc.Truppenwirtschaftslager der Waffen-SS, Gotha folder containing"SS-Disziplinarstraf- und Beschwerdeordnung filr den mobilenZustand, " "Merkblatt f€r Gerichtsoffiziere, " and typewritten amendmentsof these, 19^1 - 19^3.Item of unknown provenance. "Auszug aus SS-DBO Disziplinarstraf-und Beschwerdeordnung," June 19^3 •Probably file of the SS-Obergruppenfuhrer Breithaupt containningletter of Himmler v/ith instructions to start an investigationof a drunken party at the SS- Junker schule Tfllz at which quarrelsbetv;een Himmler and Bormann had supposedly been discussed, alsocontained in the file are the results of the investigation and thetestimony of various members who had participated in the Kameradschaftsabend, August 19^.Item of unknown provenance. "Ausfiihrungsbestimmungen zurAmnestie in der Partei," issued by the SS-Gericht, September 193^«SS-Hauptamt Gericht folder containing "Auszug aus dem Befehlsblattdes Chefs der Ordnungspolizei vom 18. November 19UU Kr. U6»S. Ul^, " and "Auszug aus der Dienstvorschrif t fur Konzentrationslager," Berlin 19^1. Lov; level Aburteilungen have been omitted.Probably folder of SS-Sturmbannfuhrer von Kunsberg, Kommandeurdes Bataillon der Waffen-SS z.b.7. concerning the investigationof various accusations made by a Dr. Scheibert against Kiinsberg andother members of the staff in which the Graf von Schulenburg andHerzog von Mecklenburg also became involved although they deniedknowing Scheibert, 19^2.SS-Personalhauptamt, Personalamt der Waffen-SS, Amt VII foldercontaining "Kommandeur - Stellenbeeetzungsliste Stand voin 1. M&rzItem of unknown provenance. Folder "Waff en SS (u. Betreuerder Waffen-SS) " containing reports on the success of Werbeof fizierefor the Waffen-SS, as well as various l r ierkbl£tter describing the

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes191 191 Der Reichsfflhrer-SS u. EAP 161-1-01/Ij-Ch.d.Dt. Polizei im RMdlHauptamt Haushalt und Bauten;RFSS Feldkommandostelle SAP 161-1-12/gContinuedSS-Oberabschnitt IfestEAP l6l-i-12/7Alfred Franke-Grieksch, BAP 161-1-12/12Obe r s turrab annfiihr e r,SS-PersonalhauptamtSS-Stuba. HI/79Inspektion, JunkerschuleBad T8lzEAPMP 161-1-16/1EAP 161-1-16/8FTFTFTFTFTFTFTcarreers open in the SS,2729236 Der Reichsffthrer-SS u. Ch. d. Dt. Polizei im RMdl HauptamtHaushalt und Bauten copy of "Haushalt der ¥affen-SS Rechnungsjahr19iK)/la."2729295 RFSS Feldkommandostelle folder containing lists of the personnelof the Hauptdienststellen der SS, "Personal bei anderenHauptamtern und Hauptdienststellen, M"Personal bei Eflheren SS- undPolizeif&hrern und anderen Dienststellen, " "Gauleiter und bei GauleitungtStige Persflnlichkeiten, " "Hohe Dienststellen der HSBAP,""Aufstellung der Hflchsten und Hdheren SS- u. Polizeifflhrer mit denihnen unterstellten SS-u. Polizeifflhrern, " "Befehlshaber der Vaffenss,"19^3.272335^- SS-Oberabschnitt V/est folder containing correspondence withthe SS-Personalhauptamt chiefly on promotions, 1936 - 19^4.2729588 Folder of Alfred Fr?nke-Gricksch, Obersturmbannfflhrer of the2729^52SS-Personalhauptaint containing both private and official correspondence.The private correspondence concerns chiefly favors tobe done to his family and the reciprocal favors he was willing togrant his friends in terms of food supplies, special trips, transfers,promotions ,etc.j official correspondence consists chieflyof evaluations of the people working there, reports of Dienstreisento Feldkommandostellen, plans for evacuating the Personalhauptamtto Tannenfeld, Stabsbefehle and SS inter-departmental quarrels.Finally the folder contains a copy of a leaflet distributed bythe Allies charging Otto Steinbrink with trying to start negotiationsin Stockholm with the former owners of the Flick Konzern andthe Vereinigte Stahlwerke, and a cover letter demanding an investigationof the charge.; also copies of speeches made by Khrushchevbefore the Ukrainian Soviet, iytyl - 19*4-5. The folder contains alsoa list of contributions made by the families of Nazi members inMosbach in 1937.Item of unknown provenance. "Bilcherliste fur SS-Ffthreranwarter,"Sonderabdruck aus dem Befehlsblatt des Chefs der Sicherheitspolizeiund des SD. Ur. 7/l°Ul.2729857 SS-Stuba. 111/79 folder containing Tatigkeitsberichte and Schulungsberichteon Schulungsarbeiten in the Sturmbann in Tuttlingen,1937 - 193S.2729865 Inspektion, Junkerschule Bad T8lz folder " Stark emeldungen nachNationalitaten" containing a breakdown by nationalities of the student

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 69191- 191- Junkerschule T81z192 192192 192 SS-Junkerschule Klagenfurt;SS-Personalamt, AbteilungStatistikSS-FtthrungshauptamtEeichsschule-SS,Obernheim im Elsass193 193 ?Stiftung AhnenerbeEAP 161-1-16/14 FT 2730068EAP 161-9-16/10 FT 2730700EAP 161-3-18-10/2 FT 2730914EAP 161-J-14/2 FT 2730932EAP 161-J-1S-22/2 FT 2730935EAP lSl-j-18-22/1 FT 2730947EAP 161-J-1S-22/4 FT 2730970EAP 161-J-18-26/1 FT 2731718EAP 161-J-1S-26/2 FT 2731721EAP 161-3-18-25/3 FT 2731S92"body of the Junkerschule, January - March 1945.Junkerschule T81z file containing final examinations and interimexaminations for the students of the academy and Planspiele carriedout there, 1943. At the end of the folder, under separate cover,there is a "Denkschrift fflr das 'Haus des Reiches'" of SS-SturmbannftlhrerPauly, Lehrgruppenkommsndeur SS-Junkerschule Braunschweig,January 1944.SS-Junkerschule Klagerifurt file containing directives - Sonderverteiler- of the SS-Fflhrungshaup taint, 1944.SS-Personalarat, Abteilung Statistik folder "Hachtrag fur diebev&Lkerungspolitische Schrift an die SS-Ffthrer, " issued "by thissame Auteilung, December 1937*Letter to SS-Obergruppenftorer Karl Wolff, Verona, from a Standartenfuhrerin the Rohstoffamt concerning the trouble encountered"by the Standartenfilhrer in exchanging Iferks for Swiss Francs forWolff, March 9, 1944.SS-Fflhrungshauptamt folder "Sonderlehrgang bei SS-FtihrungshauptamtSS-'rlauptsturmfiihrer Gabor," January 19^5*Item of unknown provenance. Chart "Fernschreibneti, der ! - /affen-SS," no date.Folder of the Reichsschule-SS, Obernheim im Elsass containingcorrespondence v;ith Mutschmann concerning the recruitment and trainingof SS-Helferinnen and Maiden, 19^3 - 19^4. The name lists inthis file are so interspersed with correspondence as to make it impossibleto omit them.Item of unknown provenance. Geschaftsverteilung chart of Ahaanerbe,no date.Stiftung Ahnenerbe file containing correspondence on the possibilitiesof obtaining paper from the Wehrmacht for a German editionof "Hamer" as well as the recruitment of suitable Dutch German personnel,1944.Stiftung Ahnenerbe file containing correspondence on the archeologicaland racial research carried out by Ahnenerbe with the cooperation(?) of Folkeopplysningsdepartement in Norway as well as correspondencev/ith and about various professors who might be willing tocooperate with Ahnenerbe in its archeological program and in its programof speeches and discussions both in Norway and for Frontaufkla*-rung, 1943 - 1945.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Notes 70193 193 SS-Oberabschnitt Rhein BAP l6l-k-01/2ContinuedDer Hflhere SS- undPolizeifflhrer Danzig-¥estpreussenDer Reichsfflhrer-SS,Der Reichskommissar furdie Festigung deutschenYolkstumsDer Hflhere SS- undPolizeifflhrer-titestEAPEAP 161-1-12/1EAP161-1-12/2SAP 161-1-12/3EAP 161-1-12/UEAP 161-1-12/5Staatssekretar Dr. Lam- SAP lgL-1-12/'mersFT 2732100 SS-Oberabschnitt Shein folder containing correspondence andreports on the activities of Catholics in Germany, priests, bishops,laymen, Catholic publications, youth organizations, and especially onthe opposition of the Church to the HJ, the SDK and the SA, 193 1 *.FT 273293** Item of unknoi-oi provenance. "Rundbrief H," of the nationalpolitischeSrziehungsanstalt Wien-3reitensee, 19^+2.FT 2732959 Der Hflliere SS- und Polizeifuhrer Danzig-Westpp«n.ssen copy ofmemorandum of Landesplaner Liedecke "Uber die Schaffung einer volksnahenund gestaltungsf&higen Organisation des landlichen Siedlungswesens,"19^3-FT 273296S Der Reichsfithrer-SS, Der Reichskommissar fflr die Festigungdeutschen Tolkstums folder containing copies of decrees, memorandaand agreements pertaining to the resettlement program of VolksdeutscheiuThe folder contains decrees for the resettlement of Volksdeutschefrom the Balkans, occupied Russian territory, France and Italy,decrees on the property to be expropriated in favor of the resettlementprogram and instructions regarding the property of those to beresettled, arrangements for racial examinations of the Germans tobe included in the Deutsche Volfcsliste and of those not of Germanbut yet racially valuable stock. Finally the folder includes twolists of figures of the total number of those resettled for 19^2 and19*43 and copies of agreements made with Italy, Rumania and Russia(in 19^0) providing for an exchange of refugees and an acquiescencein the resettlement program 1939 - 19^3•FT 2733377 Item of unknown provenance. "Die Aufgaben des Reichsfuhrers-SS als Reichskommissar fur die Festigung des deutschen v olkstums(Ton SS-Untersturmfuhrer Gerhard Folkerts)" 19^1.FT 273339S Item of unknown provenance. Copy of "Allgemeine AnordnungNr. 9/IV des Reichsfuhrers SS, Reichskommissars fflr die Festigungdeutschen Volks turn's, n pertaining to the settlement of the easternterritories, March 19^1*FT 2733^03 Der Hfihere SS- und Polizeiffthrer- T .* r est folder containing correspondenceand decrees pertaining to the legal position of Volksdeutschein Germany and German occupied territory particularly inregard to citizenship, army-service and taxation, 19^1.FT 2733597 Probably folder of Staatssekretar Dr. Larimers "ReichssiedlungskommissarStaatssekretar Feder," containing correspondence ofFeder with Lammers and copies of Peder's correspondence with Hitler,Frick, Hess, as well as correspondence concerning Feder of Ludowici,

Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesReichskanzleiEAP 161-1-20/1EAP 161-1-20/laSS-Untersturmffthrer Baum.EAP l6l-m-01/lVomi, Vfllkische JSchutzarbeitRudolf BrandtPersfinlicher StabReichsfiShrer-SSEAP 161-n/lEAP l6l-n/2EAP l6l-n/3EAP 161-n/UFTFTFSFTITFTFT2733S27273333^2733^3827339^1273^036Seldte, Lammers, Frick and Hess. The correspondence is chieflyconcerned with Feder's quarrels with Frick and the vrhole questionof the work proposed for the Reichskommissariat fttr das Siedlungswesen,the ministry in which it was to be located and the extentof its work and authority, as well as various memoranda on "Dien&chsten Aufgaben des deutschen Siedlungswesens," and "Das deutscheSiedlungswerk," 193^. The file contains also copies of a letterwritten by Feder to Hitler in July 1930 on his opposition to Strasser,Bang and Eugenberg.Item of unknown provenance. "Skizze zur G-liederung der Bodenordming,"no author, no date."Kostenvoranschlag fftr Errichtung eines Dienstgebftu.des fftr dieReichskanzlei in Berchtesgaden," submitted by Alois Degano of Gmundin July 1938.Probably folder of SS-Untersturmfiihrer Baum, Tomi, VolkischeSchutzarbeit containing reports on G-ermans from Chile, Brasil, Canadaand the United States who either returned to Germany to settle beforethe war, were exchanged during the war or were taken as prisonersof war after having served in the Canadian army, 19^2 - 19^3» Questionnairesomitted.Part of a folder of correspondence of Rudolf Brandt containingmaterial on the production of Kleinstraketenflugzeuge, 19^.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing reports on Russia:"Die russische Wehrkraft," issued by the office of Der Reichsftthrer SS,Inspekteur fur Statistik, April 19^3, "Meldung an den Fflhrer Betr.:Erkundung Petersburg," from the Feld-Kommandostelle, October 19^2,marked "Ffihrer Vorgelegtj" also of the same date another Meldung anden Ftihrer "Die Lage in Leningrad in ihrer Entwicklung seit Beginnder Einschliessung Anfang September 19^1 bis September 19^2."The end of the folder contains "Tagesine 1 changen der SS-Division sentto the office of PersBnlicher Stab Reichsftthrer-SS for January 19^2,Persflnlicher Stab ReichsMhrer-SS folder containing correspondenceof Brandt, Koch, Speer and Pohl, as well as copies of lettersof G-flring concerning the exploitation and permanent oivnership ofQuartz and Topaz mines in the Ukraine, 19^2 - 19^3•Item of unknown provenance. "Bericht uber Taganrog," writtenby Dozent Dr. Dr. E.G. Schenck, SS-Stubaf« und Ernalarungsinspekte'U.rder Waffen-SS, no date. Contains a summary of the available resourcesof the area.

Serial Roll Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 7219519519 1 * SAP lSl-n/5 FT 273H053195196197 197He i chsffthr e r-SS,Persfinlicher StabSS-Oberabschnitt RheinSS-EauptamtSS-0'berabschnittUordwest3. SS-ITachrichtenSturmbann;Der HShere SS- undPolizeifflhrer ¥estSAP l6l-n/6•EAP l6l-n/7SAP 162-a/l,SAP l62-a/2,SAP l62-a/3EAP l62-a/5,EAP l62-a/6,SAP l62-a/7,EAP 162-a/gEAP l62-a/9SAP 162-a/lOFTFTFTFTFTFTEAP 162-a-lO/l FTEAP l62-a-10/2 FT198 198 Ein- und Ausreisestelle EAP l62-a-10/3 FTContinued MaastrichtFTFTFTFTFT273U066273^90273*1613SAP 162-a/i* FT 273S2J6273530727363S32736^2227369^273700627370H2273709527371*062737S07Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing two letters concerningthe "bad behavior of the Flemish volunteers of the Waffen-SSand their "bad treatment in turn by their German superiors, the possibilityof transferring them to the eastern front where they wouldhave to fight or else be shot by either the Germans or the partisans.The folder contains a copy of a memorandum from Borraann to Rosenberggiving the outlines of the policy which Hitler would like to see appliedin the Ukraine and the eastern territories in general, writtenat the Fflhrerhauptquartier on July 23, 19*42.Item of unknox*n provenance. Map showing SS-units and theirlocation, February 1939.Reichsffthrer-SS, Persdnlicher Stab containing a copy of Fflhrerbefehl"Weisung ITr. *JO Betr.: Befehlsbefugnisse an den Kftsten,"March 23, 191*2.SS-Oberabschnitt Rhein three folders containing general administrativedirectives issued by the office of the Reichsfuhrer-SS and the SS-Hauptamt on recruitment, promotions, marriage and uniform. All folderscontain material for the period 193^* - 1942.Item of unknown provenance. "Starkerneldung der SS vom 31• Dezember19^*0, n no issuing agency.SS-Hauptamt file containing maps and correspondence showing theboundaries of SS-Oberabschnitte, the specific units in them and thechanges in organization and location of units. All folders containmaterial for 1936 - 19^.SS-Oberabschnitt Hordwest copy of "Dienstanweisung for Pressereferentenund Presse-Mitarbeiter," issued by the office of Der Reichsfuhrer-SS,Der Chef des SS-Amtes, no date but post-1938.3. SS-Nachrichten Sturmbann folder containing instructions onMobmassnahmen, 1939•Der Hflhere SS- und Polizeifiihrer West folder containing correspondenceon Arbeitserziehungslager for various nationalities, especiallyDutch and Polish nationals, reports on their location, construction, thenumbers in them and the general policy of regarding them officially aseither punitive or educational, as well as correspondence with firmsemploying those held in the Arbeitserziehungslagem, igliO - 19^*1 •Der E8here SS- und Polizeifflhrer West folder containing correspondenceand instructions on air-raid protection, 19**2.Ein- und Ausreisestelle Maastricht folder of correspondence chieflyconcerning the desire of people who had suffered during air-raids in

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 73198 198 EAP l62-a-10/5 PS 2737S2UDer Befehlshaker derSicherheitspolizei undEAP l62-a-10/6 FT 2737828des SicherheitsdienstesAussenstelle RotterdamH8herer SS- und Polizei- BAP l62-a-10/7 FT 2738053f-{Hirer WestMP l62-a-10/9 FT 27381^Wehrkreiskommando EAP l62~a-10/10 FT 27383^3General G-ouvernementSS-SonderbataillonDr. DirlewangerEAP l62-a-10/21 FT 27383)18Germans'- to enter Holland,Item of unknown provenance. Folder containiig copy of a telegramsent "by Himmler to the Eflhere SS- und Polizeiftthrer in Ungarn,SS-Obergruppenfflhrer ¥inkelmann concerning the measures to "be taken"by the SS to keep control of the Rumanian part of Transylvania atall costs, sent on August 25, 19^» The folder contains also a copyof the instructions issued "by the Befehlshaber der Qrdnungspolizei,Mjmegen, to the Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei Fijmegen regardingthe procedure to "be followed' in releasing the inmates of the LagerAmersfoort who seem trustworthy and willing to return to theirformer employment, the others to be sent to the concentration campat Hertogeribosch, August 19^3. Miscellaneous low level administrativedirectives omitted.Der Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, AussenstelleRotterdam folder containing reports on the working of theDutch underground, the Catholic Church, general atmosphere and copiesof illegal leaflets of the underground as well as correspondenceconcerning persons v/ho have "been or who will be sent to various concentrationcamps, January to April 19^5»HiJherer SS- und PolizeifiJhrer West folder containing a reporton the evacuation of the office of the Polizeiffihrer to Schloss Lopschornand the hoarding of food and other supplies carried there,March 19^5.Hflherer SS- und Polizeif&hrer ¥est folder containing administrativecorrespondence and reports on the damage done by air-raids inthe area under the jurisdiction of that office, 19^3 - 19^5.v/ehrkreiskommando General Gouvernement folder containing photostatsof orders for the immediate employment of 200000 foreign laborersin the construction of the fortifications "Venus" and "Merkur,"July 19UU.SS-Sonderbataillon Dr. Dirlewanger folder containing Starkemeldungenand various types of Lagemeldungen from the Russian front,ContinuedDer Reichsstatthalterin BayeraSee belowEAP 162-a-lO/lOaEAP 162-a-lO/llFTFTSee below273868!273S697Der Reichsstatthalter in Bayern files containing reports on thedamage caused by Allied bombing of the cities of Mrnberg, Berlin,Rosenheim, Augsburg, Aschaffenburg, Regensburg and Tf&rzburg,191*5.Aschaffenburg,Augsburg, 19 UU.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes199 199Hilde"brandt, Der HflhereSS- u. PoliseifuhrerDanzig, West-PreussenEAP l62-a-10/12 FT 2738769EAP l62-a-10/13 FT 2738797EAP 162-a-lO/lU FT 273S86UEAP l62-a-10/15 FT 2739021EAP l62-a~io/l6 FT 2739159SAP l62-a-10/17 FT 2739178EAP I6a-a-10/18 FT 2739199EAP l62-a~10/26 FT 2739630EAP l62--a-10/2^ FT 27397^9Mrnberg, 19^2 - 191*3.Mrnberg,Mrnberg,Regensburg,Regensburg and Rosenheim,19l& -WOrzburg,Berlin,Folder made up of two seemingly unconnected parts: correspondenceof the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD, Heydrich,withlleizsacker concerning the duties of Polizei-Attaches in foreignembassies and the amount of independent communications allowed themapart from the embassy and the foreign office, June 19^-1 • The secondhalf of the folder is concerned with the correspondence of SS-OberfiBhrerTondock chiefly with Richard Hildebrandt (Der H8here SS- u.Polizeif&hrer Danzig-West-Preussen?) as well, as copies of Himmler'sletter to Tondock concerning the accusations made against Tondockthat he communicated secret information concerning the trial ofOberfflhrer Schucht to an outsider and accusations and quarrels hehad v/ith the head of the SS-Hauptaiat Gericht Scharfe, the wholequestion of the accusations, Tondock 1 s suspension from his officein the SS-Hauptamt Gericht and his possible reinstatement afterScharfe ! s death are discussed, February - November 19^2.Folder of Hildebrandt, then the Hdhere SS- und PolizeifflhrerDanzig, Uest Preiissen containing correspondence and decrees onpartisan warfare - Bandenbekflmpfung, part of a letter by Hildebrandtto Wolff concerning a complaint of the Auswartige Amt written "byUnterstaatssekretftr Luther, correspondence concerning free ticketson the Reichsbahn for high ranking SS men, correspondence on thepreparations for Himmler's journey to Italy, copies of a demand byHimmler that subordinates who make decisions in the name of departmentchiefs sign their own names as well as that of the chief andthe clerk to these documents to determine exact responsibility andcorrespondence with !. r ehrkreis XX on a dispute concerning the recruitingpropaganda -I'lerberaassnahmen- of the SS in the Vtehrkreis district,19*42. The folder contains also photostat copies of correspondencebetween Himmler and R8hm during the time of Rflhm's stay in SouthAmerica giving information on R8hm ! s activities there and on themajor developments within the MSDAP in Germany, 1930 - 1933* Photostatshave been retyped for better legibility.

Serial Boll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 75199 199 SAP i62-a-io/25 FT 2739923SS-Oberabschnitt Rhein EAP 162-a-ltyl FT 2739993Der Inspekteur der SAP l62-a-ll4/2 FTSchutzpolizei imTfehrkreis XIII;Der Hdhere SS-\i.Poll2ei- EA? l62-a-lty5 FTfflhrer fttr Lothringen-Saarpfalz, Der Befehlshaberder OrdnungspolizeiEAP l62-a-li4/6 FT200 200 Der Befehlshaber derWaffen-SS Bussland Sttdund Ukraine, la;1, SS-Grenadier Ausbildungs-und Ersatzbatail-Ion HRasse- und SiedlungswesenFflhrer SftdwestEAP l62-a~lU/7SAP l62-a-l£/21AP !62-a-l6/3EAP 162-a-lS/UEAP l62-a~lS/3EAP 162-a-lg/l].FTFTFTFTIT27140061271*023*427U029227^053727U06SO2714071227140962271410^6Item of unknox-m provenance. Folder containing directives oftop level SS agencies like the Hauptamt, Hauptamt-G-ericht, Personalhauptamtand office of Der Seichsfilhrer SS Persdnlicher Stals chieflyon administrative matters like transportation, transfer of personneland promotions as well as the punitive measures suitable for SS menwho not followed SS rules for marriage and engagements, 19^0.SS~0"bera"bschnitt Bhein folder containing correspondence on thearrangements to "be made for members of the SS v/ho either were orwished to "become members of the SS-Schutzpolisei, 1937»Der Inspekteur der Schutzpolisei im 'fehrkreis XIII folder containingcorrespondence on the reorganization necessary to enable theOrdmingspolizei and the Schutspolizei to function in v.rar time, 19^42.Folder of the HShere SS-u. PolizeifShrer fttr Lothringen-Saarpfalz,Der Befehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei containing correspondenceand ins tract ions on the compilation of Kriegstagebtlcher and a JCriegstageouchof that unit for August and September 19^0»Folder of the Hfihere SS- und Polizeiftihrer fur Lothringen-Westmark,Der Befehlshaber der Ordmingspolizei containing Bataillonsbefehleof the Heserve-Bataillon 121 for 19^1.Der H8here SS- und PolizeiMhrer ftr Lotiiringen-Saarpfalz, DerBefehlshaber der Ordnungspolizei folder "^'erkluftschutzbetriebe,"chiefly interesting as giving a complete listing of war productionworks in the area, 19*40 - 19^1.Kriegstagebuch of Der Befehlshaber der ¥affen-SS Russland S&dund Ukraine, la (Operationsabteilung) for the period June 21 to November7. 19*0.1. SS-Grenadier Ausbildungs- unl Ersatzbataillon U folder containingorders of the Befehlshaber der Waffen-SS in den Niederlanden:n Die Aufgaben des Unterfflhrers bei der nationalsozialistischen Erziehungder Truppe," "Besondere Anordnungen fur die Versorgung, n and"Abwehrplan des"E.?,A. 3fh.d.W.-SS,» 19^.1, SS-Grenadier Ausbildungs- und Ersatzbataillon U folder containingTagesbefehle und besondere Anordnungen fdr die Versorgungissued by the Befehlshaber der Waffen-SS in den Niederlanden, 19^U.Basse- und Siedlungswesen Fohrer Sudwest folder containing thecorrespondence regarding the hiring of SS members of long standingfor work in the Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt, 193^ - 1939«Item of unknown provenance. Maps showing the SS-Oberabschnitteand Abschnitte for

Serial Eoll Provenance Item pilmed 1st frame lotes 76200 200 SS-Oberabsennitt West SAP l62-a-20/l, PTRAP l62-a-20/4, FTSAP lb2-a-20/5 PT201 201 SS-jTtthrungshauptamt, EAP l62-a-20/S PTKomraando Amt der AllgeraeinenSSEAP l62-a-20/ll PTContinuedSS-HauptamtSS-Oberab schnitt SfldvestSS-Abschnitt XXXX7SS~Hauptamt and SS-Ptlhrung shaup tamtl62-a-20/12EAP l62-a-20/l4"ZAP l62-a-20/17EAP l62-a-20/19EAP l62-a-20/22SAP l62-a-20/23EAP l62-a-20/27PTFTPTPTPT271U.06S SS-Oberab schnitt West three folders containing Befehle, Sonder-2741332 befehle and Richtlinien of the 3ttthruxig shaup t amt, SS-Hauptamt, and the27^1707 Komnandosta'b des Heichsffihrers SS on general administrative matterssuch as changes of address of the Kommandosta"b and its members,changes in the administration of ?OVJ camps, various congratulatorymessages to SS units and propaganda material, 1QU2 - 19^5.27142050 SS-?flhrun£ shaup tacit, Kdo. Amt der Allgeaeinen SS folder containingcorrespondence on G-liederungen der Uusstandarten and reorganizationof SS-OTDera"bschnitt West, 1939.2742061 SS-Pflhrungshauptamt, Kdo. Ajnt der Allgemeinen SS folder containingcorrespondence on the creation of the Stabssturm der AllgemeinenSS, 19U1. *2742070 SS-Pfthrungshauptarnt, Kdo 0 Amt der Allgemeinen SS folder containingmap showing the location of Dutch SS units in the Netherlands correspondenceof Kimmler and Reuter, Der Hdhere SS- u. Polizeifdhrer furdie oesetzten niederlfindischen Ge"biete and the Chef des SS-Zentralamt(in the SS-Hauptamt) concerning suitable propaganda materials for theDutch SS (Host von Tonningen, Peldmeyer and the Musserfbewegung) as27U2096well as transfer of SS units to and from Holland, 19^1.SS-Pflhrungshauptamt, Kdo. Amt d. Allg. SS containing a Halbjahres"berichtdes SS-Obera"bschnitt Fordsee and a copy of BesondereAnordnungen Hr. 21/44 of the same Ooerabachnitt, 1944.2742114 SS-P&hrungshauptamt, TCdo. Amt d. Allg* SS containing correspondenceon the Preiv/illigen Schutzstaffel folksdeutscher aus der Slowakei,1941.2742115 SS-Hauptamt folder containing correspondence on administrativereorganization and geographic relocation of units within the SS-OberabschnittOst, 1936 - 1937.2742176 SS-Oberabschnitt Sttdwest copies of "Wir woll'n das !/ort nichtbrechen," issued by the SS-Standort Karlsruhe for July and September1940.2742194 3S-Abschnitt XXXXY folder containing material on ISDAP Schulungand a ruling on "Anerkennung des freiwilligen Einsatzes in der FSDAPund ihren Gliederungen durch Pdrderung im Beruf," 1943.2742204 Polder containing loose material of SS-Hauptamt and SS-Pflhrungshauptamtprovenance, mainly correspondence of Petri, Brandt and Heissmeyeron the reorganizations within the SS-Oberab sennit t S^ldwest,1936 - 1938. The folder contains also correspondence and maps of thenew boundaries of the SS-Oberabschnitt Stidwest and of the new units

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 77201 201 SS-Fflhrungshauptamt JDAP l62-a-20/29 FT 27^23^9ContinuedS S- Ob e rat s ch ni 11 liTor6 -westSAP 162-&-20/30 FT 27^2392SS-Oberabschnitt Rhein EA? l62-a-20/31 FT 27^2398PersBnlicher Stab,Reichsfflhrer SS3 S-Fflhrung shaup tarn t SAP lS2-a~20/3U FT 27^42^32SS-HauptamtSS~Ffthrung shaup tarn tEAP lS2-a-20/35SAP !62-a-20/38SAP lS2-a~20/39l$2-a-20/i40FTFTFTFT27^57327^271827^2780to lie created there, 19^0 -SS-Fflhrungshauptamt folder containing copies of correspondencebetween SS-Obergnippenftihrer Krflger and Generalgouverneur Frank onthe possibilities of recruiting a Sondersturmbann in the Generalgouvernementand correspondence between the HShere SS und PolizeifflhrerRediess with the Kommandosjnt der Waff en-SS (SS-Oberffthrer vonJena) on the unsuitability of SS~Standarte.nffllirer B6*sel for a responsiblepost in the SS-Reiterei or in the Reichsernflhrungsministerium (?)as well as a copy of a report on B8sel by Fegelein. The last part ofthe folder contains correspondence of Rediess on Betreuung der AngehBrigender Allgemeinen SS im Generalgouvernement, 19^1.SS-Oberabschnitt Fordivest folder containing correspondence denyingan applicant the right to have his service in the "Brigade Erhardt"counted towards his party seniority as well as photostat of an Ausweisof the Brigade Erhardt, 1938.SS-Oberabscanitt Rhein folder containing a report on the reliabilityof the Einheitsaktenplan, 1937.Persflnlicher Stab, Reichsfflhrer-SS folder containir-g "Sntwurffftr die bevfilkerungspolitische Schrift an die SS-Ftthrer, 1 preparedby SS-ITntersturinffthrer ^rangemannin 1937» containing chiefly statisticson the number of children of SS families. Cover letter initialed byHimmler, February 193S.SS-Fflhrungshauptamt file containing correspondence of the Ffthrerdes SS-Oberabschnitts Rhein, SS Gruppenfdhrer Hildebrandt with theSS-Hauptamt and the SS-Fflhrungshauptamt on the property and organisationof the SS-Oberabschnitt, 1937 - 1938, and correspondence of theFfihrer des SS-Oberabschnitts Rhein on the debts of that Oberabschnitt,19HO - 19li2.SS-Fflhrungshauptamt folder containing "Aufstellung der SS imProtektoratsgebiet 36hmen und Mahren," and some correspondence on thereorganization of some of these SS units, 19^3»SS-Hauptamt file containing correspondence on the reorganizationof the SS-Oberabschnitt Elbe and on the creation of new 3S-units inthe Sudeten area, 1938 - 1939, and two items for 19*12 and 19UU respectively.SS-FMhrungshauptamt folder containing correspondence on the reorganizationof the SS-Oberabschnitt Warthe (?), 19*40.Item of unknown provenance. Memorandum of the SS-OberabschnittMain "Eingliederung des sudetendeutschen G-ebietes in den Oberabschnitts-

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes201 201 SS-Sturm 2/1/6?S S-Fflhrungshaupt am tSAP l62-a-20/l|3SAP l62-a-20/U9202 202 SS-Oberabschnitt Mitte SAP l62-b/UAbteilung Schulungs-Leiter XIX;SA~Standarte 137Ludwig KnickmannSS-Abschnitt XXX79. SS-StandarteSAP l£2-b/7EA? l62-b/9SAP 162-b/lOSAP !62-b/15SAP l62-b/17,SAP 162-b/lSEAP 162-c-Ol/lFTFSFTFTFTFTFTITFS271*278627^326727^329927^330827^336327^3^72r AP 162-c-lO/lU FT 27^523"bereich, November 1, 1938.Folder of the SS-Sturm 2/1/67 containing "Richtlinien fflrdie Yerwaltiing der SS im Kriege," "Verv/altungsanweisungen" and "Verwaltungs^efehle,"1937 - 1939.SS-Fflhrungshauptamt folder containing Halbjahresberichte andmemoranda of various SS-0'bera'bschnitte: memorandum of SS-0"bera"bschnittSttd "Voritbergehende Sntfernung von Schildern usw., welchedie Juden "betreffen an den VTegen nach Garmisch gelegentlich derWinterolympiade," 1935; "Halbjahres'bericht filr das 2. Halbjahr 19^3"of SS-0"bera"bschnitt Sfldwest; "Kal'bjahres'bericht fftr die Zeit vom1.7.^3 "bis 31.12.4-3" of SS-Oberabsehnitt Main; "Halbjahresberichtfttr die Zeit vom 1. Juli 19^3 bis 31. Dezember 19^3" of SS~Oberabschnitt^Hllbe; memorandum of the SS-Oberabschnitt I'/est "Yersorgungder hauptberuflich Beschaftigten der NSDAP und ihrer Gliederungen,"September 19^3• Correspondence on safety regulations in the mailsomitted.SS-Oberabschnitt Mitte file containing correspondence on theLoge Archimedes and the confiscation of its property by the SS f 1935*Lists of members on daily duty omitted.R.u.S.-Ffthrer folder containing Berichte of Schulungsleiterof the SS on their activities in SS units, 193S - 1939.H.u.S.-Punrer file containing Yierteljahresberichte on Schulungof Ab.S.L. /Abteilung Schulungs-Leiter/XIX for 1937 - 1938,Ab.S.L./Abteilung Schulungs-Leiter/XIX copies of "VTir woll'ndas Ifort nicht brecJien," for February to October, 19^1«SA-Standarte 137 Ludv/ig Knickmenn folder containing essayswritten by the candidates for SA Sturmftthrer on the topic "Ftthrungstatigkeiteines Sturmfilhrers," and a memorandum from the Gestapo,Staatspoliseistelle Darmstadt "Behandlung der anlftsslich der Protestaktiongegen Juden sichergestellten Sachv/erte, " 1938.SS-Abschnitt XXX two folders containing directives, chieflyon administrative and personnel matters, 193^.Item of unknown provenance. Memorandum signed by Himmlerconcerning a change in the organization of the Allgemeine SS tobe implemented by the SS-Hauptamt, November 9» 1939•79- SS-Standarte containing T&tigkeitsbericht of the Schulungsleiterof the SS-Sturmbann II, 79. SS-Standarte for the last quarterof 1937*

Serial Roll ' Item Filmed 1st frame Hotes 79202 202 SS-Oberabschnitt Sfldvest SAP l£2-c-10/12 FT 27^26Various BAP 162-C-01/2 FT203 203 15. SS-Reiterstandarte EAP 162-O-12/2 FT20*4-205 205ContinuedSS-Haup taint58. SS-StandarteS tairunab t e 1 lungBAP l$2-c-2U/llift? i62-c-2U/2SS 1S3 2ss 3ss i*ss 5ss 6ss 7ss sFTPTFTFTFTFTFTFT2711*153527^55171^9192673-35326733962673976267^323UOU2199UOU2233HOU2291SS-Oberabschnitt Sttd^est folder containing T&tigkeitsoerichton Schulung of the Reserve Sturmbann, 13. 3S-Standarte for the lastquarter of 1936, filed in 1937.Folder containing Stinnnungsberichte on the morale of the SSin the various SS Absebrdtte, 1932.15. SS-Heiterstandarte file containing Standarteribefehle for- 1937 and miscellaneous correspondence and pamphlets on Banund Landesverbesserung, 1937*SS-Kauptaint folder containing correspondencs on Uingliederungender Stammabteilungen in den Oberabschnitten, 193^.58. SS-Stendarte Stamraaoteilung folder containing Anordnungen.and liim-reise on diverse administrative matters, 19^4.Fote: The frame numbers on £.crisis 20*4- and 205 were transferredfrom another T-number c.nd time- are not consecutive,Frames ^0^1933 and- 26Y3353 are conesev.tivG.Dienstaltersliste de : r Schutsstaff el L dsr IT. S.3XA.P., Stand vom 1. _0ktober193^» Bearbeitet voa der Personalabteilung des Heichsffllirers-'ss>Dienstaltersiiste^_de?• ^chut?staffel^Ler^ 15_ 4 _S.D.P__., Stand vom 1. Juli^"Be'arbcital: vJL. dez^FereonalkansleiTdes "HeichsfHirers-SS^ (TBer-Dienstaltersliste der Schutzstaffel der J.S.P.A.P., Stand vom 1. BezembeFT93bT'~Bear>)eitefvon """Fe rso'nalkanKlei "deT 1e"icTisf®ireri- J SS,(Berlin 1936).Die us tal te rsl i s te der Schut z staff e 1 der IT. S C I>. A. P., Stand vom 1. Dezember1937? Bearbeitet "von"der SS^"pe"rsonalkanzlei, (Serlin 1937).ITote: 2rames 267^335 an

SerialRollProvenance Filmed 1st frame Notes206 206207 207Befehlshaber der SicherheitspolizeiLothringen-SaarpfalzSS 11See "belowSS 13SSSS 15.See telowFT 1*0^2363 Haushaltsplaming der Schutz staff el der NSDAP fttr das Rechnungsjahr1937.ITote: Frames 271*5^*11* on Serial 203 and 271*51*15 on Serial 206 areconsecutive.Befehlshaber der Sicherheitspolizei Lothringen-Saarpfalz copyof Hbersicht ilber die allgemeinen Srlasse des Reichssicherheitshauptamtes,Oct. 19^» containing a chronological listing of all laws andordinances pertaining to police activities issued between 1867ITov. 19^0 which were still in force, plus a subject index.See "below Item of unknown provenance, copy of Handbuch fflr den SS-Fflhrerde a VerwaIjTingscLien ste s der Waff en- SS , edited by SS-Fflhrerschule desYerwaltungsdienstes, i'Mnchen-Eachaa, published "by Verwsltung saint- SS,with permission of Chef des Eauptamtes Haushalt und Bautem (llordland-Verlag, Berlin, lQl*l) .FTVolume I: Hauptgruppe A: Einsatz-Wehrmachtgebuhrnisgesetz vom23. Aug. 1939» weitere Verordnungen, Durchfuhrungs- uni Ausfflhrungs-"bestimmungen und ErlHuterungen dazu, Demob ilmachungsbestimmungen,FT 27^531*5 Yolume II: Hauptgruppe B: Finanzwesen, includes Haushaltswesen,Kassen- u. Rechnungev/esen im Kriege flir die nicht der Wehrmacht unterst el It en Teile der ¥affen~SS; part of Hauptgruppe C: Finanz- undSteuerrecht.FT 27H6319 Yolume III: Remainder of Hauptgruppe C: Finanz- und Steuerrecht;(Hauptgruppe D: B ekl ei dung sv/e sen; Hptgr.F: Unterkunftv/esen; Hptgr.G: Friedens- und Kriegsbesoldung, all with no entries); Hptgr. H:Reise- und Umzugskostenrecht; Hptgr. J: Fttrsorge- und Yersorgungswesen;Hptgr. K: Arbeitsrecht; and Hptgr. Z; HTbersicht uber Gesetze,Yerordnungen, Srlasse usw.See "below Item of unknov/n provenance, zweite Auflsge of item SS 13-15*Handbuch fflr den SS~FttIirer des Yerwaltungsdienstes der Waffen-SS20S20SSS 16SS 17SS ISFT 271*6720FT 27W39FT 271*791*3Yolume I containing revised and enlarged edition of vols. I, II,and first part of volume III, Hauptgruppen A bis C of the 1. Auflage.Yolume II containing revised and enlarged edition of colume III,1. Auflage, Hauptgruppen D, E, F, G, J, and some of K; plus nev/ Hauptgruppen:M: Bllrgerliches Recht (Testamente; Dienst- und Schriftverkehr), and Zi Schriftwortverzeichnis.Yolume III containing additional material in the categories of KauptgruppenG, E, J, K, and Z (tTbersicht -ftber Gesetze, etc.).

Serial Roll Item Hotes20S20S-20920S208-209ss 19SS 20209 209 SS 21FTIT27^8621H 210 E 210 SS-Oberffihrer von Dufaia SAP 16J-C-16/1 FT 2750053211 211 Basse und SiedlungshauptamtSSSS-!'Iirtschafts- undYerwal tung shaup taintSAP i63-c-io/3, FT 275011*9SAP 163-c-lO/lf, FT 2750175HAP 163-C-10/5 FT 275021UEAJ> I63-c-10/5a ¥S 2750256EAP l6*4-a-01/10 FT 2750258Item of unknown provenance, bound volume containing a completeset of the Verordnungsblatt der Waffen-SS, published by SS-Ffthrungshauptamt,3» Jahrgang 19*4-2, ITr. 1-24, mit einem alphabetischen Inhaltsverzeichnis.Apparently an amalgamation made by some U.S. agency from filesof various V/affen-SS units, this folder contains an incomplete set ofCopies of Verordnungsblatt der Waffen-SS (continuation of item SS IS),1}. Jahrgang, 1943, Fr. 1^4., and 6-2M- (Fr. 5 missing); 5. Jahrgang,19*&» Fr, 1-2U complete (incomplete duplicate set has not been filmed);6. Jahrgang, 19^5» Ausgaben 1-2 and U only, Jan. 1 - Feb. 15, 19^5»Folder of unknown provenance, apparently assembled by some containing an incomplete set of issues of SS-3e f ehlgblatt (withannual Inhaltsverzeichnisse) for the years 193^ through 19^1.2. Jahrgang, 193**: Hummern 6-12 (incomplete);3. Jahrgang, 1935iJahrgang, 1936:Jahrgang, 1937:5.6. Jahrgang, 193S:7. Jahrgang, 1939:sing);S. Jahrgang,9-10-11 (complete);S, Jahrgang, 19^1:Mummern 1-12 (complete);Fammern 1-12, 7 an^- 8 combined (complete);^fummern 1-11 (12 missing?);ITunimern 1-5 (6-12 missing);IMmmern if-5, Hr. 6, Fr. 8, Fr. 9-10--11 (1-3 mis-Ifammern 12/39-1-2/^0, STr, 3-U-5, ITr., 6-7-S. I T r.ITuminern l-3i llummern 5-6 (U missing).Folder of SS-Oberffihrer von Dufais containing correspondencewith Lebensborn e.Y. on the possibility of adoption or care for children,and on Heiratsvermittlung for an acquaintance, 1937 - 19^»Three folders containing material on aryanization proceedings,1935 andLetter from the files of the Basse und Siedlungshauptamt-SScontaining information on the aryanization of Staatssekretar Milchand his sister, December 1935»SS-¥irtschafts- und Yerwal tungshauptaint containing orders forprisoners of the KL Herzogenbusch to work in diamond polishing works,a memorandum to the Kommandant of the KL Herzogenbusch on premiumpay for inmates for exceptional work; report on the shooting of inmatesof KL Hatzweiler on route by guards; photostats of Bestrafungenforms for inmates of KL Hinzert and a report of search for tobaccoand cigarets undertaken on ZSglinge in Kinzert SS-Sonderlager,

Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Fotes 82211Deutsches KonsulatHeerlen;Deutaches KonsulatFeapelIConzentrationslagerUatzweilerEAP l6U-a-01/ll FT 2750272l6t-a-.01/7EAP l6M-a~01/5SAP l6^-a-01/5aSAP i^U-a-01^FTFTFTFT2750236275031027503192750322SAP l6H-a-01/9 FT 2750328EAP l6lj-a-2U-12/ll!. FTEAP l6l4-a~2U-12/13 FTlSlj-a-.lg.-12/3U FT2750^87275051327505H1Item of unknown provenance. Contc3.ins Tagesbefehle of a unitin the vicinity of Ohrdruf giving details of work schedules for HUftlinge,March 19^5.Item of unknown provenance. French report on conditions in theEZ Allach, 19^5.Item of unknown provenance. Polder containing Zusanimenstellungenfiir die ins Tfirtschaftsbuch einzutragenden Rechnungen, of theKommandantur Stab of a KL, 19^1.Deutsches I^onsulat Heerlen folder containing "tfbersicht Hoerdie Zahl der am 31. Juli 1933 in Schutzhaft "bef indlichen Personen, nDeutsches IConsulat Ueapel copy of a report of the Oberst-Divisionar Hitglied des C.I,C,R. Guillaume Fauvre on his visit toDachau, 1938.Item of unknown provenance. SS-Diensttagebuch of a concentrationcamp showing daily numbers and assignments for 19*40. The firstnumber of pages are missing so that it is impossible to ascertainfrom which camp the book is.Item of unknown provenance. Two folders of Stellungsbesetzungs1 is ten for Sonderlager Hinzert, 1939 - 19^3.KL Fatzweiler folder containing lists of prisoners work schedules- breakdown of jobs by numbers of prisoners employed in them,R 212 H 212213mKonzentrationslagerFatzweilerEAP l6lj-a-12/U FT 27507^EAP I6k-a-18-12/l FT 2750813SAP l6U-a-18-12/l6 FT 2751037SAP 16^-18-12/28 FT 27512^6SAP l6 l l-a-18-12/32 FT 2751WI-EA? l6^-a-18-l2/12 FT 2751U63EAP I6i|-a-18-12/13 FT 2751755EAP l6l4-a-28/6 FT 2752331EAP !6k-a-lg-l6/3 FTEAP I6 l f-a-18-12/31 FT27533372752392EAP l6l|--a-18-12/7 FT 2752576SA? l6 1 4-a-18-12/8 FT 2752587EAp l6^-a-18-12/9 FT 275259!}-SAP I6^a-18-12/ll FT 2752596Folder of KL Natzweiler containing correspondence on the v/orkof prisoners outside the camp, 19^3 - 19 Mi.Kl Hatzweiler four folders containing "Schutzhaftlager-Rapporteund Starkemeldungen, " a breakdown on the number of prisoners bynationalities and offences e.g. political, criminal etc., 19^2 -KL Hatzweiler two books: Sterbebuch des Standesamts Hatzweiler,contains lists of the inmates who died,Item of unknown provenance. Folder of a concentration camp"Registrierte ehemalige politische E&ftlinge," no date.KL Natzweiler folders containing lists and correspondence onthe prisoners, the type of work, the place of work, the former occupationof the inmates, 19*42 -

Serial Soil Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes 83215 215216 21621*4- Sonderlager HinzertKonzentrationslagerNatzweilerKonzentrationslagerDachau;KonzentrationslagerFatzweiler;Sonderlager HinzertEAP l6U-a-2U/l FTEAP l6U-a-2lWLO/l FTEAP l6U-a-2M.O/2 FTEAP 16^8^2^-10/3 FTEAP l6U-a-2H-10/U FTEAP l61j-a-2l4-10/5 FTEAP l6U-a~2i|-10/6 FTEAP 16U-&-21J-10/7 FTEAP l6*J-a-2l|-10/8 FTEAP l6U-a-24-10/9 FTEAP l6U-a-2U-10/10 FTEAP l6U-a-2U-10/ll FTEAP l6U-a-2^-10/12 FTEAP l6U-a-24-10/13 FTEAP l6iJ-a-2U-10/llf FTEAP l6^-a-2U-10/15 FTEAP !6H-a-2l4-12/2 FTEAP l6U-a-2U-12/7 FTEAP l6^-a-2U-12/8 FTEAP l6^-a-2^-12/10 FTEAP !6^-a-2i4-12/17 FTEAP I6lj-a-2lj-.12/18 FTEAP l6^a-2^-05/5 FTEAP l6U-a-18-12/U2 FTEAP I6!j-a-18-12/l!3 FTEAP l6U-a-18-12/l|U FTSAP l6U-a-lS-12/i*5 FTEAP l6^a-18-12/U5b FTEAP I6^a-18-12/t*5c FTEAP l6H-a-20-05/l FTEAP I6^a-18-12/30 FTEAP !6i4-a-2M.2/21 FT275261527526982753^332753^72753*4552753^572753^7127535002753528275355727535752753609275363827536982753726275375^275376027538^82753898275^4023275^035275^108275^182275^200275^211275^939275^952275^979275^98627550192755177Sonderlager Hinzert files containing personal files and listsof SS men and guards of working assignments showing the internalv/orking of the camp, 1939 -Folders of KL Natzweiler containing personnel files of SS menand guards with lists of work assignments showing the internal workingsof the camp, 19^3 -KL Dachau folder of SS men containing work assignments andtransfers showing background of guards, 19^3 •KL Natzweiler folder containing Kommandanturbefehle,Sonderlager Hinzert folder "Hunde im Konzentrationslager, "containing correspondence on the use of dogs in concentration camps,EAP l6^-a-2U-12/19 FT 2755211Sonderlager Hinzert file containing correspondence on SS personnelasking for transfers, letters from their dependents and Meldungento the Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt,

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame NotesR 217 R 21J21g 218Sonderlager EinzertKonzont rat ionslage rITatzweilerSonderlager HinzertEAP l6^a-2U-12/9 FT 2755271EAP !6*l-a-2lKL2/l FT 2755375EAP 164-0-18-16/2 3T 2755503EAP l6U-a-lg-12/35 FT 2755809EAP !6*4-a-lg-12/29 FT 27558^1EAP l6*»-a-lg-12/27 IT 2755870EAP l6H-a-lg-12/2U FT 2755883EAP l6ij-a-18-12/22 FT 2755888EAP l6U-a-12/3 FT 2755891EAP l6lt-a~2U-12/lf FT 2755896EAP I6l|-a-2i4-05/l* FT 2755998EA? !6U-a-l6/S FT 2756106Sonderlager Hinzert folder containing correspondence with therelatives of the inmates and censored letters of the inmates themselves,19^2 - 19^.Sonderlager Einzert file containing reports on proceedingsagainst SS-men in the concentration camps "Aburteilungen und Gerichtsstrafen,»19*VJ - 19UU.KL Natzweiler folder containing Ternehmungsniederschriftenof prisoners reporting various incidents to the SS t 19^1 - 19^U.KL Natzweiler folder containing "Unterteilung in Altersstufendes 1m KL Natzweiler einsitzenden Haftlinge nach dem Stand vom27.9.*&•"KL Natzweiler folder containing correspondence between the administrationof KL Hatzweiler and various firms employing prisonerson matters of pay, 19*&.KL Natzweiler folder containing instructions for behaviorduring air-raids both of the prisoners and the SS, as well as Anweisungenfor the SS personnel doing administrative work, 19^H.KL Natzweiler file, Dienstvorschriften fftr den Kasernen-Tagesdienst, n 19^3.KL Eatzweiler folder "Postenanweisung fflr die Wache im SteinbruchgeltndeKL Natzweiler," May 19^3.Item of unknown provenance. List of the filing systems usedby the Kommandanturen in concentration camps, no date.Sonderlager Hinzert folder contains administrative correspondenceof the Sonderlager especially concerned with personnel, 19^0 -19U1.Sonderlager Hinzert containing correspondence on the apprehensionof pilots shot down over Germany, 19^3 - 19*&» ^e folder containsalso a short description of the Sonderlager Hinzert, its officialpurposes and official policy, and a "Bericht uber Aufbau undFflhrung der am Tfestvrall befindlichen Polizeihaftlager und dem SS-Sonderlager Hinzert," 19*10.Probably a folder of Sonderlager Hinzert containing directivesof the Inspekteur der Konzentrationslager on the execution of SovietPOW's, the reduction of pay for Soviet POW 1 s on execution squads andthe prohibition of communication of any sort, even depth notices,to be sent to the kin of any Nacht und Nebel prisoners, 19^1 -Photostats, some of them retyped'for greater legibility.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes218 218 3S-Wirtschafts- undVerwal tung shauptamt,Amtsgruppe D;Sonderlager HinzertKonzentrationslagerDachauSonderlager HinzertKonzentrat ionslagerDachauKonzentrationslagerNatzweilerEAP l#t-a-18-12/19 ITEAPEAP 16U-12/6SAPSAP !6U-a-l6/3FTFTFTEAP l6J4-a-20-12/2 FT275613127561UO275620727562232756231275621*1EAP !6lJ-ar-18-12/33 FT 2756287SAP l6*J-a-l8-05/5 FT 2756303EAP i6*J-a-l8-05/iJ- FT 2756355EAP I6i|-a-l6/ll IT 2756375EAP I6k-a-l6/10 FT 2756^6SS-¥irtschafts- und Verwal tung shauptamt, Amtsgruppe D foldercontaining correspondence on'the apprehension of prisoners escapedfrom concentration- and POW camps, 19^2 - 19*43•Sonderlager Hinzert folder containing correspondence with thefirms employing prisoners and applications from these firms for thesupply of further prisoners for their works, 19^0 - 19^2.KL Dachau folder "Auszug aus der Dienstvorschrift fftr den WachundSicherheitsdienst der KL Bewachung im Konzentrationslager Dachau,"probably 19^3 - iyl&.Sonderlager Hinzert folder containing directives and correspondenceon valuables of prisoners to be handed over to the state includinggold from teeth, 19Ul - 19^U.Item of unknown provenance» Folder containing correspondenceand directives on the amount of correspondence and visits to "be allowedprisoners in concentration camps, 19^1 - 19^2.Item of unknown provenance. Folder containing correspondenceon the transfer and dismissal of prisoners from concentration camps,1937, and copies of laws relevant to Schutzhaft, Ernste Bibelforscher,Waffenmissbrauch und Enteignung von zu anti-nationalen Zwecken verwendetemGut, 1933 - 193^» a s well as undated parts of Ternehmungenof prisoners and civilians who smuggled letters and packages out ofan unnamed concentration camp, no date.KL Dachau folder containing Belehrungen fur die Fberstellungenin Dachau, Blockeinteilung und Lagerordnung im KL Natzweiler and alist of offences of prisoners without heading or explanation, no date.KL Hatzweiler folder containing Kommandanturbefehle for KL Natzweiler,19^.KL Natzweiler folder "Haftlingspost," containing directiveson the amount of mail and the way mail could be received as well aslists of the SS-personnel in charge, 19^-.KL Fatzweiler folder containing correspondence on the employmentof prisoners in the dismantling of unexploded "bombs and correspondencewith firms employing prisoners, 19^0 - 19^.Item of unknown provenance. Copy of a memorandum of the officeof Der Reichsfiihrer-SS der Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministeriumdes Innern concerning "Benachrichtigung der Angehflrigen vonim Konzentrationslager verstorbenen Haftlingen der Sicherheitspolizei(Schutzhaftlinge, Vorbeugungshaftlinge, Polizeihaftlinge),« May19*12.

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes21S218 Wttrttembergisches Innen- EAP l6H-a-l6/9ministeriiimDer AbwehrbeauftragteEscher shausen219 219 KonzentrationslagerNatzweiler;VariousKonzentrationslagerNatzweilerTFTFT275#tf3SAP l6*4-c-05/3 FT 2770310EAP l6*J-a-l6/6EAP !6H-a-l6/5FTFT27567^62756760EAP l6*J-a-18-12/21 FT Innenministerium folder containing correspondenceon the help to "be rendered "by the cities in Wftrttembergto concentration camps whose crematoria were fall, 19*& - 19^5»Item of unknown provenance. Directives of the Reichsffihrer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei on general policy in the concentrationcamps: "Erlass ttber die Dorchfflhrung von Ein&scherung, ""Abstellung von Haftlingen fflr Versuchszwecke, M "Schutzhaftlingeaus den besetzten Ostgebieten, " "Besichtigung von Konzentrationslagern," also a mimeographed pamphlet "Unterricht

Serial Roll Provenance Item Filmed 1st frame Notes219 219 EAP FT 2756S0113. Kompanie, SS-Toten- EAP l6*l-b--10-12/g FSkopf- Sturmbann KonzentrationslagerDachau275631^EAP l6*M)-10-10/2 FT 2756630EAP 16^-c-Ol/l FS 2757022Arbeitspolizei Sschers- EAP lSlj-c-05/1, FT 275702^haasen EAP loU-c-05/2 FT 275725^EAP l'61f-a-28/30: Folder containing forms filled out Tjyformer inmates of KL Ebensee for the Allied authoritiesgiving information on the reasons for their arrest, May19^5. Hot filmed, not restituted, available in the WorldWar II Records Division of the National Archives.EAp l61{-a-2S/7,13,lg,26: Folders of names of inmates ofunspecified concentration camps drawn up after the war,not restituted. Available in the World War II RecordsDivision of the National Archives.Item of unknown provenance. Directive of the office of DerChef des SS-Hauptamtes, Der Ftthrer der SS-Totenkopfverbande: "Entlassungvon Unterfflhrern und Mannern aus der Verf1ig\mgstriippe, n1936.13. Kompanie, SS-Totenkopf-Sturmbann KL Dachau folder containingtabulations of the members of the unit according to theirnationality, and correspondence on "Betreuung der deutschen, volksdeut.,germ., und nicht deutschen SS-Angeh&rigen," 19*44 - April19^5* The folder also contains a copy of a directive: "Verhaltenvon SS-Angehttrigen in Eisenbahnzflgen," issued from Oranienburgon April 15, 19^2, by the SS-Wirtschafts- und Verwaltungshauptamt,in which concentration camp commanders are warned to take sternaction against the frequency of "unglaubliche Unhfiflichkeit undAnmassungen" on the part of SS men traveling in passenger trains.Records of routine administrative matters have not been filmed.Folder of unknown provenance issued by the SS-Hauptamt andSS-Hauptamt and SS-Totenkopf Reiterstandarte Warschau, containingdirectives on unification and simplification of administrative communications,19^0 - 19iWUItem of unknown provenance, "tfbersicht ilber die im Reichsgebietbefindlichen Internierungslager," no date. Records of routineadministrative matters have not been filmed,AP Eschershausen card files listing inmates of Ausl&nderundMischlingslager Lenne, Holzen, and Wintjenberg as of early19^5» indicating their nationality, occupation, religion, "Politicalviews," work assignments in factories of various firms, reasonfor imprisonment and for granting leaves of absence. Under theheading of "political views" appear such designations as "Jude, 11"Hischling I," and "Jttdisch versippt. tt

SerialRoll219 219Item Pilmed 1st frameBAP 16*4-0-16/1 IT 2757^19FotesItem of unknown provenance. List of addresses of variousprisons, penal camps, work camps, concentration camps, and n ?ollzugslager11 as they existed in 19^4 - 19^5*Uote: EAP l6*J-d-20/2: Polder of unknown provenance containingphotostats of documents from various concentration camps,mainly KL Hatzweiler and Dachau, 19^2 - ISjNk. The foldercontains Yerflnderungsmeldungen, correspondence on Pluchtversuche,lists of inmates of Fatzweiler and Dachau withsome case histories, KX Natzweiler Koinmandanturbefehle, andsimilar administrative correspondence. Hot filmed, notrestituted, available in the World War II Records Divisionof the national Archives.ggThe material on the remainder of Roll 21Q is described inT-175. Records of the Reich Leader of the SS and Chief ofthe German Police. Part III.

89INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING MICROFILMNational Archives Microfilm Publication 1175, rolls 124-219. Records of theReich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police (Reichsfuehrer-SS undChef der Deutschen Polizei), Part IIMicrofilm copies of one or more rolls of microfilm may be purchased at the currentprice of $17 a roll. Prices are subject to change without advanced public notice.This price includes postage or shipping costs on orders sent by surface mail withinthe United States or to Mexico or Canada and on small orders sent to other countries.Additional costs for airmail shipment will be quoted on request.Checks or money orders for microfilm should accompany the order. They should be madepayable to the General Services Administration (NEPS) and should be mailed to theCashier, NARS, GSA, Washington, DC 20408. The order should specify RG 242 MicrofilmPublication T175, the roll number or numbers, and the price.Persons ordering microfilm from outside the United States or its possessions shouldmake their remittance by international money order or check drawn in United Statesdollars on a bank in the United States made payable to the General ServicesAdministration (NEPS) and mailed to the Cashier, NARS, GSA, Washington, DC 20408.The order should specify RG 242 Microfilm Publication, T175, the roll number ornumbers, and the price.

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