Paper - 4 MCA 3 : COMPUTER SCIENCE Data ... - Surana college

Paper - 4 MCA 3 : COMPUTER SCIENCE Data ... - Surana college

Paper - 4 MCA 3 : COMPUTER SCIENCE Data ... - Surana college


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Illlffiffiililil]ttililililil] ' PG- 479IV Semester M.C.A. Degree Examination, June/July 2011(Y2K5 Scheme)4 <strong>MCA</strong> 3 : <strong>COMPUTER</strong> <strong>SCIENCE</strong><strong>Data</strong> Warehousing and Business IntelligenceTime : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80Note : Answer any ftve fuII questions, selecting at least twoquestions from each Part.PART - A1. a) Discussthesignificanceofsubjectorientationof data inadatawarehouse.b) How is data quality different from data accuracy in a warehouse ?c) Why is the entity relationship modeling technique not suitable for the datawarehouse ? (5+5+6)2. a) Adata warehouse is a blend oftechnologies. Do you agree with this statement ?Give arguments. 4b) Discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of Top-Down Vs Bottom upapproach of data warehouse design. 5c) What is "Partitioning of data" ? Explain the ways to carry it out giving suitableexamples. 73. a) Discuss the warehouse architecture in detail. L0b) List the major functions and services for information delivery. Describe eachbriefly.4. a) A dimension table is wide; the fact table is deep. Explain.b) Discuss the advantages of STAR schema.c) Explain 'Normalization' in data warehouse. List its advantages.6664P.T.O.

PG - 479IIilililtilfiililililtffiililil]PART - B5. a) Define OLAP. What are the different types of OLAP Servers from implementationpoint ofview ? Explain briefly.b) Explain the distinction between dimension aI datamodeling and relational datamodeling.6. a) Discuss the major steps in Extraction Transformation and Loading (ETL)process.l06lob) Discuss the various classes of users of warehouse systems. Why data quality isimportantinawarehouse? . 67. write short notes on any three : (5+5+6)i) <strong>Data</strong> Accuracy Vs <strong>Data</strong> Qualityii) Drill down analysisiii) Snowflake schema.8. a) Discuss the steps on which data cleaning should be based.b) what are the various data sources for the data warehouse ?c) What are the major types of metadata in a data warehouse ? Briefly mention thepurpose of each type. (6+6+4)

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