Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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(1)WHO WE ARE AND WHAT WE DOThe <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> (CCG) has a directand important impact on the lives of <strong>Canadian</strong>s.We help ensure the safe use of <strong>Canadian</strong> waterways,and we facilitate the smooth functioning of the<strong>Canadian</strong> economy.A nationally recognized symbol of safety, <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>serves on three oceans, the St. Lawrence River andGreat Lakes, and other major waterways. Often CCGis the only federal presence in many remote, Aboriginal,and Arctic communities. Operating along the longestcoastline in the world and in some of its most difficultweather conditions, CCG operates 24 hours a day, everyday of the year (for information on what we do every day,please refer to Section 4).Legal Mandate<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s mandate derives from the ConstitutionAct, 1867, which gives the federal government exclusivelegislative authority over navigation, shipping, beacons,buoys, lighthouses, and Sable Island.The Oceans Act gives the Minister of Fisheries andOceans responsibility for services for the safe, economical,and efficient movement of ships in <strong>Canadian</strong> watersthrough the provision of aids to navigation, marinecommunications and traffic management services,icebreaking and ice management services, andchannel maintenance.The Oceans Act also gives the Minister responsibility forthe marine component of the federal search and rescueprogram, marine pollution response, and support to othergovernment departments, boards, and agencies throughthe provision of ships, aircraft, and other services.The Canada Shipping Act, 2001 gives the Ministerof Fisheries and Oceans responsibilities, powers, andobligations with respect to aids to navigation, SableIsland, St. Paul Island, search and rescue, pollutionresponse, and vessel traffic services.Under the Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act(AWPPA), a Ministerial Order may be signed for andissued on behalf of the Governor-in-Council by theMinister of Transport, to provide support and visiblewritten authority for actions taken on their behalf bya designated On-scene Commander of an Arctic spillincident. Subject to regulations under AWPPA andto applicable inter-agency agreements, the <strong>Canadian</strong><strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> has lead agency responsibility for ensuringresponses to ship-source spills, mystery source spills, andship-source pollution incidents that occur as a result ofloading or unloading to or from ships or oil handlingfacilities in Arctic waters of <strong>Canadian</strong> interest.Who We Serve and What We DoWe serve clients in all sectors of the <strong>Canadian</strong> economy:the general public, commercial shippers, ferry operators,fishers, recreational boaters, coastal communities,and other government departments and agencies.For example:• We provide servicesrelated to aids tonavigation, icebreaking,search and rescue,pollution response, andmarine communicationsand traffic managementto commercialfishers, commercialshippers, ports, andrecreational boaters.• We respond to federalmaritime priorities andnatural or man-madeemergencies. We providesupport for variousactivities mandatedunder the Federal Emergency Response <strong>Plan</strong> andare involved both nationally and internationallyin planning and exercises related to environmentalresponse and search and rescue.• We support DFO programs by providing vessels andmaritime professionals to support science activitiesand to help manage and protect fisheries resources.Internal clients include DFO Fisheries Management,DFO Oceans Management, DFO Science, and DFOSmall Craft Harbours.• We support the non-military activities of othergovernment departments and agencies by providingvessels, aircraft, marine expertise, and other maritimeservices, including support to maritime securityactivities. Clients for these services include theDepartment of National Defence, the Department ofForeign Affairs and International Trade, EnvironmentCanada, Health Canada, Natural Resources Canada,the Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil of Canada, Public Safety Canada, theRoyal <strong>Canadian</strong> Mounted Police, the CanadaBorder Services Agency, and Transport Canada.7On an average day, CCG:• Saves 8 lives;• Assists 55 people in 19 searchand rescue cases;• Services 60 aids to navigation;• Handles 1,547 marine radio contacts;• Manages 2,325 commercialship movements;• Escorts 4 commercial vesselsthrough ice;• Carries out 12 fisheries patrols,supports 8 scientific surveys and3 hydrographical missions;• Deals with 3 reported pollutionevents; and,• Surveys 5 kilometers of navigationchannel bottomBUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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