Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Annex D: Auditor General’s Recommendations (2000 and 2002)76e. Setting up integrated information systems to enable the Department to monitor and account for theactual performance of the fleet in terms of service and cost.Ongoing Improvements in Fleet Management (page 50)• Complete architecture design for Fleet Activity Information System (FAIS) upgrade project.Also see commitment under Recommendation 2(a).f. Implementing costing policies that support the use of the lowest-cost alternative in acquiring service whilemeeting departmental objectives (paragraph 31.73)• Completed.3. The Department should consider a longer-term strategy to renew its aging fleet. Such a strategy should takeinto consideration the changing nature of program requirements, the impact of technological change and thepotential for alternative means of acquiring the service needed (paragraph 31.106)Integrated Investment <strong>Plan</strong>• Develop an Integrated Investment <strong>Plan</strong>ning Framework and Integrated Investment <strong>Plan</strong> (page 17).Procurement of New and Replacement Vessels (page 16)• Award contract to build up to 12 Mid-Shore Patrol Vessels• Launch detailed design activities for Offshore Fishery Science Vessels• Launch detailed design activities for Offshore Oceanographic Science Vessels• Finalize Polar Icebreaker Preliminary Project Approval for submission to Treasury Board• Award contract to build 5 47 ft SAR Motor Lifeboats• Award the contract to build 2 18 m Science Vessels• Award the contract to build a 24 m Science Vessel• Award the contract to build 30 replacement Environmental Response Barges• Purchase and acceptance of 30 small craft.4. The Department should complete the development and implementation of lifecycle management policiesand procedures for its fleet (paragraph 31.107)Improved Maintenance of the Existing Fleet (page 51)• Implement the Engineering and Maintenance Manual for Fleet Vessels.Vessel Maintenance Management Review (page 20)• Implement the CCG Vessel Maintenance Management Policy Governance (CCG Authority andAccountability Directive for Vessel Maintenance Management).• Finalize CCG vessel condition assessment for all CCG vessels, and develop a Vessel Continuous ConditionSurvey Program.• Begin to establish a Centre of Expertise for Vessel Maintenance management and prepare to add additionalMarine Engineering personnel to directly support CCG regions and vessels.Continued Improvement in Lifecycle Management Practices for all CCG Assets (page 53)• Install the Asset Management System (AMS), complete with the maintenance management module, onboardanother 36 vessels.5. The Department should ensure that the fleet activity is supported by information systems that produceintegrated, timely, reliable and relevant information (paragraph 31.108)Ongoing Improvement in Fleet Management (page 50)• See recommendation 2(e).<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> — www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca

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