Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Section 4: What We Do Every Day54Commitment2009-2010Develop standardized engineering andmaintenance manuals for selected CCG assets:• Initiate the development an engineering andmaintenance manual for marine and civilinfrastructure, including communicationsand training materials.• Develop the strategy and procedures for thedevelopment of maintenance plans for shorebasedinfrastructure.2010-2011Further develop and implement standardizedengineering and maintenance manuals forselected CCG assets:• Publish and implement an engineering andmaintenance manual for marine and civilinfrastructure.• Develop an engineering and maintenancemanual for electronics and informatics,including communications andtraining materials.• Deliver standardized maintenanceplans for shore-based infrastructure inaccordance with strategy and procedures.2011-2012• Implement standardized maintenance plansfor shore-based infrastructure in accordancewith overall strategies and procedures.• Ensure the implementation of the engineeringand maintenance manual for electronicsand informatics.AGAGLeadDG, ITSDG, ITSACsDG, ITSDG, ITSACsACsHuman Resources InitiativesLifecycle Management System Guidance ManualAs CCG is committed to learning and developmentinitiatives to ensure the availability of a skilled, welltrained,knowledgeable, and professional workforce, theinitial training on the Lifecycle Management System(LCMS) guidance manual, started in 2008-2009, will becompleted in 2009-2010. The purpose of this training isto enhance the understanding of Lifecycle Management(LCM) and its processes throughout the CCG workforce.The target audience for this one-day course is nontechnicalpersonnel, and the course is a condensed versionof the LCMS training given to technical personnel overthe past couple of years. Changes will be made to thecourse outline and content based on feedback and lessonslearned in these training sessions.Commitment2009-2010Provide the required training on the Lifecycle ManagementSystem guidance manual.LeadThe Engineering CommunityCCG has committed to develop an EngineeringCommunity Workforce Solution Action <strong>Plan</strong> in order toaddress the Engineering Community recruitment andretention issues. The objective of the <strong>Plan</strong> is to (a) ensurethat valuable corporate knowledge is transferred, (b)further develop skill sets and allow existing engineeringpersonnel to grow within the organization, and (c) recruituniversity-trained and marine engineers.ACsCommitment2009-2010Conduct high level gap analysis relatedto engineering requirements.Develop an Engineering Community WorkforceSolutions Action <strong>Plan</strong>.2010-2011Implement the Engineering Community WorkforceSolutions Action <strong>Plan</strong>.AGLeadDG, ITSDG, MCPDG, ITSDG, MCPDG, ITSDG, MCP<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> — www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca

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