Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Improved Maintenance of the Existing FleetAcquiring new vessels will take a number of years. In themeantime, the existing fleet must be kept as operationallyready as possible.The 2007 Report of the Auditor General noted thatprogress in implementing lifecycle management has beenslow and raised a number of issues regarding maintenancesystems and procedures. The Auditor General also notedthat maintenance failures on vessels were linked to a lackof maintenance documents.2008-2009 AccomplishmentsImproved Maintenance of theExisting Fleet• Published standard maintenanceplans for critical ships systems forthe Type 1100 vessel.• Assessed Radio Frequency AntennaSafety Issues related to Fleet vesselsand mitigated issues throughthe communication of technicalinformation and training.• Continued the vessel conditionassessment program for forecastingmaintenance requirements. Thishas become a standard practicewithin CCG.Following theVessel MaintenanceManagementReport, anaction plan hasbeen developedto address theshortcomingshighlighted in thereport (see Priority5 for more details).We have beenconductingvessel conditionassessments so wecan make better informed investment decisions, plansrefits better, and minimize the effect on operations.This program has continued over this year and is beingaccepted as a standard operating practice.During this year, building on the work completed onstandardizing Type 1100 maintenance plans, we developedstandard refit specifications for this class of vessel.To continue with the standardization of maintenancepractices and to build on the accomplishments of the pastcouple of years, we plan to implement the Engineering andMaintenance Manual for Fleet Vessels in 2009-2010. This,along with the many initiatives included in the VesselMaintenance Management Review project, will enhanceCCG vessel maintenance practices.Commitment2009-2010Implement the Engineering and MaintenanceManual for Fleet Vessels.Human Resources InitiativesThe continuing development of Fleet OperationalReadiness includes a variety of initiatives designedAGLeadACsSection 4: What We Do Every Dayto support the fleet’s workforce. About 2,500 of ouremployees — more than 50% of our workforce —are seagoing personnel. They are supported by anadditional 180 shore-based personnel. Ensuring theeffective management of the fleet’s human resources isas critical to our operations as the management of ourvessels and other physical assets. As a matter of ongoingmanagement, CCG will continue to build on the humanresources initiatives related to the fleet announcedin 2007-2008 and on the Fleet Human ResourcesDevelopment Program launched in 2008-2009, furtherstrengthening a fully integrated, national fleet.As a special initiative spanning the next two fiscal years,CCG will develop more precise Bona Fide OccupationalRequirements for vision for seagoing personnel andMCTS Officers, ensuring a balance between the needsof those with eyesight disabilities and the safety of allthose within the working environment.Commitment2009-2010Initiate research on vision standards for seagoing personnel.2010-2011Develop Bona Fide Occupational Requirements for vision forseagoing positions.Commitment2009-2010Develop a Ships’ Crew Certification Program.2010-2011Implement the Ships’ Crew Certification Program.LeadDG, FleetDG, FleetLeadDG, FleetDG, FleetReinvestment in the Fleet Asset BaseIn the past few years, the government has madesignificant investments in the fleet asset base. As weacquire new vessels, we continue to invest in our existingfleet to optimize its availability and reliability. Budget2009 provided further support to the fleet asset base,providing $175M ($90M for 2009-2010; $85M for2010-2011) for various capital projects that can startimmediately as part of the Economic Action <strong>Plan</strong>.Including these projects, Fleet will be managing a totalof 26 capital projects with a value of $173M in 2009-2010. Five other capital projects approved in principle,at a total cost of $11.6 million in 2009-2010, can startonce funding is approved.For a full description and a complete list of projects,see Annex A.51BUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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