Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Fleet Operational ReadinessThe Fleet Operational Readiness program involves theprovision of safe, reliable, available, and operationallycapable ships and helicopters with competent andprofessional crews ready to respond to on-water andmarine-related needs. This Program Sub-activityinvolves fleet management, fleet acquisition, refit andmaintenance, and the provision of fleet personnel.Through Fleet Operational Readiness, the Agency willensure that the Government of Canada’s civilian fleetmeets the current and future needs of <strong>Canadian</strong>s and theGovernment of Canada.In addition to supporting most <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> programs,as well as the Science and Fisheries Enforcementprograms of DFO, the CCG fleet delivers civilianmarine services on behalf of other federal governmentdepartments or in support of the maritime priorities ofother federal agencies and organizations. Such clientsinclude Department of National Defence, EnvironmentCanada, the RCMP, the Department of Foreign Affairs,Transport Canada, Natural Resources Canada, and theNatural Sciences and Engineering Research Council ofCanada. Detailed performance information is publishedannually in the CCG Fleet Annual Report.2008-2009 AccomplishmentsFleet Operational Readiness• Implemented mission readiness for the Regional OperationsCentres and the National Co-ordination Centre.• Implemented an improved Service Level Agreement with DFOScience and Fisheries Aquaculture Management.L’Acadien II• Accepted the recommendations of Rear Admiral Roger Girouard’sindependent report and those resulting from investigationsconducted by the Transportation Safety Board, the RCMP and theDepartment of National Defence.• Appointed a dedicated team led by a senior CCG Officer tointegrate the recommendations of all investigations into a singleAction <strong>Plan</strong> and report regularly to the Minister of Fisheries andOceans (see page 50 for details).Improvements in Fleet Management• Completed development of the remaining elements of the FleetFinancial Framework.• Completed a Fleet Fuel Management Policy.• Completed the requirements analysis for the upgrade of theFleet Activity Information System.• Issued standard maintenance plans for ships’ systems anda standard set of refit specifications for Type 1100 vessels.<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Fleet Human Resources Initiatives• Launched a Fleet Human Resources Development Program,made up of initiatives to bolster career development andknowledge transfer.Section 4: What We Do Every Day<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Fleet Operational ReadinessProvides theseservices…Operational FleetDays delivered for:• delivery of CCGmarine services;• DFO Science andConservationand ProtectionPrograms;• Other federalgovernmentneedsTo achieve thisresult…• Total number offleet operationaldays forthe vesselssupporting thejoint RCMP /CCG MarineSecurityEnforcementTeams programand anyother vesselsdeliveringmaritimesecurity support• Re-supplyof Northerncommunities forwhich there isno commercialserviceMeasuredthis way…*• Total number of fleetoperational days• Total number of fleetoperational days for CCG• Total number of fleetoperational days forDFO Science• Total number of fleetoperational days for DFOConservation and Protection• Total number of fleetoperational days for OGDs• Total number of fleetoperational days for thevessels supporting thejoint RCMP / CCG MarineSecurity Enforcement Teamsprogram and any othervessels delivering maritimesecurity supportMeasured this way…*• Percentage of servicedelivered vs service plannedfor all programs• Percentage of servicedelivered vs service plannedfor CCG Programs• Percentage of servicedelivered vs service plannedfor DFO Science• Percentage of servicedelivered vs service plannedfor DFO Conservation andProtection• Percentage of servicedelivered vs service plannedfor GOC Programs• Number of hazardousoccurrences• Percentage of CCG northernre-supply cargo (in metrictonnes) delivered comparedto plan* These are the performance indicators in the CCG PerformanceMeasurement Framework.With thesetargets…• As setout in theService LevelAgreementsWith thesetargets…• 100% (with atolerance zoneof 10%) for2008• Deliver 100%of requestedcargo as peragreementswithNunavut andEnvironmentCanada47BUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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