Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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maritime domain. Its success is dependent oncommunication and information sharing amongCCG and the federal intelligence and enforcementcommunities as well as among the CCG maritimesecurity group, headquarters staff, and the regionsresponsible for delivering on <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> maritimesecurity commitments.Provides theseservices…• Provision of CCGmaritime trafficinformation toMarine SecurityOperations Centres• Effective andefficient provision ofCCG fleet services forsecurity purposesTo achieve thisresult…• Enhanced maritimedomain awareness• Enhanced securityrelatedpresence on<strong>Canadian</strong> watersMaritime SecurityMeasuredthis way…*• Reliability of CCGmaritime vessel trafficinformation for usageat Marine SecurityOperations Centres(proportion of yearinformation is fullyavailable)• Percentage of servicedelivered versusservice planned (activevessels)Measured thisway…*• To be determined (theInterdepartmentalMarine SecurityWorking Group isdeveloping indicatorsas part of a newhorizontal performanceframework)• TBD HorizontalInitiative: Beingdeveloped with RCMPWith thesetargets…• 99.7%• 100%* These are the performance indicators in the CCG PerformanceMeasurement Framework.With thesetargets…• To be determined• To be determinedSection 4: What We Do Every DayTable 11: Maritime Security Resource Profile,2009-2010 (thousands of dollars)Region Salary O&M TotalNewfoundland and Labrador - 593.9 593.9Maritimes - 2.0 2.0Quebec 1,157.5 936.6 2,094.1Central and Arctic 1,519.6 1,784.6 3,304.2Pacific - 591.8 591.8National Capital Region* 538.0 146.1 684.0National Programs** 678.3 1,409.4 2,087.7Direct Program Total 3,893.4 5,464.4 9,357.7<strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> Fleet OperationalReadiness Allocation9,806.4 3,674.8 13,481.2Lifecycle Asset ManagementServices Allocation1,921.5 899.7 2,821.2Total Service Cost 15,621.2 10,038.8 25,660.0* Maritime Security is managed nationally from the NCR region.** National Programs consist of $2,087.7K for Marine Security OperationsCentres (MSOCs).Key InitiativesMarine Security Enforcement TeamA key aspect of the our increased role in supportingthe federal maritime security agenda is the ongoingdevelopment of the joint RCMP/CCG MarineSecurity Enforcement Team (MSET) program inthe St. Lawrence – Great Lakes region. The programcharacterizes Canada’s multi-agency approach tomaritime security by leveraging existing departmentalcapabilities to collectively and efficiently achieve anational security objective.Currently, there are four <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> MSETvessels. Law Enforcement Familiarization Training isprovided to all crew members and specific equipmenthas been installed aboard vessels tasked to assist inlaw enforcement operations. We will continue tocritically assess our MSET role and undertake theplanning needed to efficiently address any personnelor infrastructure issues.We will also continue to work with RCMP and DFOConservation and Protection personnel to identify thehazards inherent in on-water enforcement operations.This will allow us to review and adjust our proceduresand practices to ensure the greatest safety possible forCCG personnel and partner agencies.45BUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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