Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Section 4: What We Do Every Day44Maritime SecurityThe <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> is an important part of Canada’smaritime security efforts. The Government relies onstrong interagency cooperation to ensure the security ofCanada’s waters. The <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> is mandated by theOceans Act to provide support to other departments.It is through the provision of shore-based and on-waterassets, maritime domain information, and extensivemaritime expertise that the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> supports otherdepartments in delivering their security mandates.In all activities, the overarching objective is to positionCCG as a value-added and proactive partner in thedelivery of multi-agency solutions in the enhancementof Canada’s national security.2008-2009 AccomplishmentsMaritime Security• Operationalized CCG’s National Long Range Identification and TrackingSystem Data Centre and tracking of domestic and foreign Safety of Lifeat Sea Convention class vessels has begun, with the international systemexpected to be fully operational by the end of July 2009. The delivery ofAutomatic Identification System equipment is on schedule and installationis underway, with full installation anticipated for March 2010.• Provided a proactive contribution to the refinement of the interagencyMarine Security Operations Centres (MSOCs) concept of operations forthe Halifax and Esquimalt MSOCs.• Assumed an integral role in the establishment of the RCMP ledSt. Lawrence – Great Lakes Marine Security Operations Centres.What we do…In support of national security, <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> iscommitted to:• Collaborating with and enhancing workingrelationships with other agencies and departments insupport of maritime and national security operationsas well as policy and regulatory development. CCGparticipates in the Interdepartmental Marine SecurityWorking Group, led by Transport Canada, thatcoordinates maritime security policy across the federalgovernment in support of the Government of Canadamulti-agency approach to maritime security.• Providing a valuable contribution to Canada’smaritime domain awareness through the sharing ofinformation collected by Marine Communicationsand Traffic Services including AutomaticIdentification System data, the Long RangeIdentification and Tracking System and the CCGon-water Fleet presence on all coasts;• Supporting on-water enforcement and responsivenessby providing well-equipped crews and vessels onan ongoing basis, in the case of the RCMP / CCGMarine Security Enforcement Teams, and on acontingency event basis; and• Proactively participating in the <strong>Canadian</strong> Forcesled coastal Marine Security Operations Centres andthe RCMP led Great Lakes – St. Lawrence SeawayMarine Security Operations Centre.The Maritime Security program is delivered with thesupport of…• Headquarters and regional Fleet organizations,Maritime Services and Integrated Technical ServicesDirectorates, as well as with the support of expertsin DFO Conservation & Protection and Science ina collaborative effort to enhance the departmentalcontribution to Canada’s national security.• Canada’s intelligence and enforcement communitiesincluding the <strong>Canadian</strong> Forces, RCMP, Departmentof Public Safety, Transport Canada and CanadaBorder Services Agency among others.Looking Forward…With a renewed emphasis on its support role, the<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> will continue to assess theimplications of a shift from a solely maritime safetyorientation to a culture that is influenced by both safetyand national security considerations.Public policy issues, in particular information sharing,will be a significant consideration for maritime securityprojects such as the multi-agency Marine SecurityOperations Centres. Future CCG information systemrequirements will need to be informed by maritime andnational security demands. There will be a demandfor enhanced domain awareness and CCG is wellpositionedto provide value-added maritime vessel dataincluding Arctic vessel traffic information.CCG security partners will continue to rely on CCG,as operator of the Government of Canada civilianfleet, to deliver the on-water portion of their securitymandates. The CCG Fleet will need to balance thesedemands with the requirement to maintain assetutilization efficiency and the safety of personnel.The maritime security activity within <strong>Coast</strong><strong>Guard</strong> is a compilation of initiatives aimed atproviding value-added service solutions to variousgovernment departments and agencies that haveenforcement and intelligence mandates in the<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> — www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca

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