Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Waterways Management ServicesNavigability in <strong>Canadian</strong> waterways is highly influencedby water levels and the bottom condition of shippingchannels. The monitoring and maintenance servicesprovided by the Waterways Management program enableCCG to help ensure safe, economical, and efficientmovement of ships in <strong>Canadian</strong> waterways. These servicesalso contribute to the maintenance of specific navigablechannels, reduce marine navigation risks, and supportenvironmental protection.2008-2009 AccomplishmentsWaterways Management Services• Monitored bottom conditions in 730 kilometres of Canada’s mainshipping channels.• Provided users with information on bottom conditions, waterlevels, and forecasts of water levels for the St. Lawrence, St. Clair& Detroit, Fraser and Mackenzie Rivers.What we do…• Provide users with marine safety information,including water-depth forecasts in the commercialchannels in the St. Lawrence, Detroit and St. Clair,Fraser, and Mackenzie Rivers;• Monitor and maintain channel conditions in certainareas, including managing channel dredging inspecific areas, monitoring channel bathymetry,contributing to the international control of waterlevels in the St. Lawrence River, and operating theCanso Canal;• Provide guidelines and analysis on channel designand use; and• Manage 47 marine structures.Section 4: What We Do Every DayThe Waterways Management program is delivered withthe support of:• <strong>Canadian</strong> Hydrographic Service, CCG Fleet, andEnvironment Canada for services such as conductingbottom sounding surveys in specific waterwaysand the provision of water level depth forecasts formariners to plan safe and efficient passage, and tomaximize their vessel cargo.• Public Works and Government Services Canada(PWGSC), for services such as bottom-soundingsurveys, dredging, and the adequate disposalof sediments.• DFO Real Property Directorate, for the lifecyclemanagement of marine structures; and• CCG Integrated Technical Services, for themanagement of the information system andcommunication services of MARINFO in theQuebec Region.Looking Forward…The Waterways Management program is influencedby climatic change, bigger and faster vessels, increasingpressure to maximize water levels and channel depths foroptimum loading, safety manoeuvring limits, and thisincreases the need to maintain our engineering guidelinesfor the design, maintenance and utilization of commercialchannels. Users will also continue to ask for waterwaysconditions such as water depth forecasts and channelbottom information.In this context, the program needs to be constantlyaware of innovations in technologies and managementpractices that can support more efficient operations.Well-managed partnerships are also essential for efficientcoordination and the avoidance of duplication of activitieswith internal and external partners. The WaterwaysManagement program is continually integrating newinitiatives to improve the information it provides to itsclients. In line with this objective, the program providesa four-week advance forecast of water levels in the St.Lawrence River and another water-level forecast called theAVADEPTH service in the Pacific Region; the programis also deeply involved in the MARINFO project in theQuebec Region and in the definition and implementationof e-Navigation in CCG.31BUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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