Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Priority 6: Effective Management of Our Workforce and Workplace26Improve National Consistencyin Human Resources ManagementThe <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> has made significant progress on its twokey initiatives to improve national consistency of humanresources management – the development of a StandardOrganization and the introduction of a PerformanceReview System.The Standard Organization is essential to ensuring thatthe <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> conducts its business consistently fromregion to region. This includes consistency in servicedelivery, distribution of available resources and ensuresthat employees doing the same work, region to region,are classified and compensated equally. The StandardOrganization will be launched in 2009-2010 andtransition will take place over a three year period.Our Performance Review System (PRS), designed toimprove performance of individuals through frequentdialogue, was officially launched in April 2008. The PRSoffers an achievable, sustainable and flexible process thatallows all employees to receive a performance review.Over the course of this past year, seagoing personneladapted the system and implemented a version tailoredto their specific needs. For the performance review cyclein 2008-2009, results showed that 92% of employeeshave identified work objectives. CCG management willcontinue to encourage performance discussions andmonitor the PRS.Commitment2009-2010Launch and begin transition to standardorganization, which includes finalizing developmentof national model work descriptions for technicaland seagoing positions.Assess the results of the 2008 PSES and distributethe findings to employees and bargaining agents.2010-2011Continue transition to standard organization.2011-2012Complete transition to standard organization.AGA-BasePSESAGA-BasePSESAGA-BasePSESLeadDGs andACsDG, IBMSDGs andACsDGs andACsIn 2009-2010, <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> will assess the resultsof the 2008 Public Service Employee Survey (PSES)and will distribute the findings to all employees andbargaining agents.<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> — www.ccg-gcc.gc.ca

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