Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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Recruitment and DiversityThe CCG Strategic Human Resources <strong>Plan</strong> 2009-2012 has identified the occupational groups that aremost at-risk, highlighted in Table 1: Distribution byOccupational Group. It has also identified where moretargeted recruitment efforts are required. To provideleadership for targeted outreach and recruitment andfor effective succession planning, the <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> willestablish a National Labour Force Renewal Directorate.Of CCG’s workforce, 28.1% — or 1,255 employees —have self-identified as part of an employment equitygroup. Since 2004, we have seen fluctuations inrepresentation for all employment equity groups andhave closed the gap by approximately 13%, with theexception of the Visible Minority group for which the gaphas increased by approximately 6%. We will continue tofocus on decreasing the gaps over the next few years.Targeted recruitment will also be an excellent opportunityto include specific measures to improve diversity withinthe <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>. While progress has been made overthe past few years, additional focus has to be placedon improving the overall representation of women andvisible minorities. Improving diversity will continue to beincluded as a commitment in the performance agreementsof all DGs and ACs and they will be held accountableto demonstrate concrete evidence of their efforts in therecruitment of designated group members.Commitment2009-2010Ensure the Operational Women’s Network is fully engaged.Establish a bi-annual report card system to track progresson the 2008-2011 Employment Equity ManagementAction <strong>Plan</strong>.Training and LearningLeadDG, FleetDG, IBMSLast year, the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> developed aLearning and Development Framework with a goalof improving national consistency in the planning,management and delivery of training. Consultations wereheld with managers, employees and bargaining agents onthe new Framework that will help to maintain a skilledand professional workforce, able to deliver programs andservices to the highest standard. Early in 2009-2010, theFramework will be distributed throughout <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>,and clear and transparent learning and developmentbudgets will be established. Investments in people (e.g.employee development, career progression and skillsdevelopment) will be resourced to the extent possible,within available budgets.Priority 6: Effective Management of Our Workforce and WorkplaceFurther, <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong>’s forthcoming review of trainingand development expenditures over the past five yearswill give us a better understanding of component costs(tuition, fees, disbursements, travel and materials). Itwill also identify time/costs expended on developmental,management, and language training.Individual learning plans are part of the annualPerformance Review System, helping employees identifytraining requirements, developmental opportunitiesand career aspirations. In 2008-2009, learning planswere developed for 87% of CCG employees. This isa significant improvement over previous years.In an effort to create a more enabling and citizen-focusedworkforce, in 2009-2010, CCG will put in place proactivemeasures to improve its overall official languages capacitywith a special focus on service delivery to the public,language of work and learning and development.In addition, the national Leadership Development PilotProgram, launched in 2007, will continue to be offeredin five regions until 2010. To date, the program has givencandidates an opportunity to develop their skills, tonetwork and to attend senior management meetings.Finally, a number of specific developmental or trainingprograms are being put in place or improved.Commitment2009-2010Continue second phase of the national LeadershipDevelopment Pilot Program.Promulgate the final version of the Learning andDevelopment Framework.Review of training and development expendituresfrom the past two years.Enhance CCG College official language trainingcapacity.Continue work to ensure that all CCG employeeshave a learning plan.Establish clear and transparent learning anddevelopment budgets.Develop action plan related to the observations ofthe OCOL following the review of second languagecapacity in the Maritimes Region.2010-2011Evaluate the national Leadership Development PilotProgram and determine next steps.LeadAC, NLAC, PacificAC, PacificExecutive Director,<strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong><strong>Guard</strong> College(ED, CCGC)All CCG ManagersDGs and ACsAC, MaritimesAC, NL25BUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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