Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard

Business Plan - Canadian Coast Guard


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oth the service levels provided to the Agency in eachCCG region and best practices in this regard. In 2008-2009, we developed a broad list of recommendations toimprove the working relationship and service deliverybetween CCG and HRCS. We also developed a newService Level Agreement (SLA) that describes servicesprovided to CCG and performance measures. Thismulti-year document will evolve as HRCS standardizesits organization and Levels of Service nationally. In2009-2010, we will focus on promoting the consistentapplication of business practices in the key areasidentified in the review of the CCG-HRCS workingrelationship. These include practices related to the Dutyto Accommodate and Return to Work protocols, as wellas those related to warehousing and the maintenanceof CCG’s Category II real property sites wherecustodianship lies with HRCS.Commitment2009-2010Implement a new Service Level Agreementwhile continuing to improve the Agreementin consultation with the Human Resourcesand Corporate Services Sector.Develop national common practicesregarding the Duty to Accommodateand Return to Work protocols.Review existing regional warehousingarrangements and requirements, anddevelop a service delivery model thataligns with the CCG/HRCS ServiceLevel Agreement.Complete a national review of issuesrelated to the maintenance of Category IIreal property sites, and propose optionsfor addressing the long-term capitalneeds of the Real Property, Safety andSecurity Branch.2010 – 2011Monitor and report on the new ServiceLevel Agreement.Implement common practices for theDuty To Accommodate and Return toWork protocols.A-BaseLeadAssistantCommissioner,Newfoundland andLabrador (AC, NL)HRCSAC, NLHRCSAssistantCommissioner,Central and Arctic(AC, C&A)HRCSAC, MaritimesHRCSDG, IBMSAC, NLHRCSPriority 5: Strengthening ManagementStand-by ArrangementsEmployees in designated groups, primarily those ofan operational and technical nature, are required tobe available on stand-by during off-duty hours toreturn to duty as quickly as possible, if called. Forexample, the provision of stand-by pay is specified inthe respective collective agreements, but the applicationof these provisions varies across regions as does theservice response capacity. A review will be conductedto determine how stand-by arrangements are currentlyadministered in each region and options will be identifiedto standardize the application of this practice.Commitment2009-2010Conduct a review of regional stand-by arrangement policiescurrently in force in all directorates and develop a strategyfor consistent utilization across functions and regions.LeadAC, C&ACommunication ProtocolsA need has been identified to improve communicationsprocesses and protocols across CCG to provide seniormanagement with the information required to supportexpeditious and informed decisions related to emergencysituations. A working group will be established to reviewthe processes currently in place in CCG regions, atheadquarters, and with interdepartmental EmergencyPreparedness partners with a view to providingrecommendations for improvement.Commitment2009-2010Review CCG communications protocolsrelated to emergency situations and providerecommendations for improvements.A-BaseLeadAC,QuebecCCG Performance Measurement FrameworkIn 2008-2009, the <strong>Canadian</strong> <strong>Coast</strong> <strong>Guard</strong> launcheda web-based questionnaire to provide stakeholderswith the opportunity to comment on its PerformanceMeasurement Framework (PMF). The objective ofthis consultation is to assist us in identifying whatperformance measures would be relevant and meaningfulto our clients and stakeholders.21Commitment2009-2010Analyze input from the web-based questionnaireon CCG performance measures.AGLeadDGsBUSINESS PLAN 2009-2012

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