September 2009 - terma

September 2009 - terma September 2009 - terma


COASTAL SURVEILLANCESCANTER Radars for the Portuguese CoastThe Terma Business Area RadarSystems is to deliver SCANTER 2001radar systems complete withantennas and Radar Target Trackingfor the upgrade of the Portuguesecoastal surveillance system.With the new radars, Portugal willbenefit from an advanced surveillancesystem that will enhance security on thecoast by deploying a seamless networkto detect movement of ships, etc.The contract for the new radar systemsis awarded through INDRA withPortugal’s Ministry of State andInternal Administration as customer.The SCANTER 2001 radar systems willbe supplied including Radar TargetTracking.In an environment like the Portuguesecoastline, where the weather can getvery harsh with high sea states, denserain and low visibility, the small targetdetection capability of the SCANTER2001 radar will be utilized to its fullest.And with a coastline exceeding 560miles, efficient surveillance is needed.The Radar Target Tracking equipmentwill ensure reliable tracking of thetargets detected and facilitate andimprove the efforts of the Coast Guardto secure the coastline and borders. Thenew coastal surveillance system willalso improve the response capacity andwill back up rescue operations at sea.Terma will initiate delivery of theSCANTER radar systems at thebeginning of 2010, and installation andimplementation of the entire systemwill be completed by the end of 2011.With the new SCANTER radars, Portugal willbenefit from an advanced surveillancesystem that will enhance security along the560-mile coastline.2 TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER 2009

SCANTER 6000New SCANTER 6000 NavalSurveillance RadarTerma’s new SCANTER 6000 is acoherent X-band Solid State Radarwith advanced processing techniqueswhich fulfill the requirements forsituation awareness.Tailored for the maritime environment,the SCANTER 6000 offers superiorperformance through intelligent designand advanced processing. Thedevelopment is founded on more than60 years of experience of developingradars and surveillance systems fornavies, coast guards and otherauthorities.The SCANTER 6000 is superior forsurface patrolling by detecting andtracking small targets from a very closerange and up to the radar horizon.Coherence, frequency diversity, timediversity, and other advancedprocessing techniques supportoperation in all weather conditions.Sub-clutter visibility is obtained fortargets moving radially and with speedsdifferent to clutter.Monitoring Low AirspaceThe SCANTER 6000 monitors the shortrange and low level airspace aroundthe vessel. Depending on the antennaselected, it detects and tracks lightpropeller and jet aircraft up to 10-15NM and up to 6000 feet altitude.Helicopter controlThe SCANTER 6000 coherent radartechniques in combination with thesmall target detection capabilitiesenable the vessel to control a helicopterin its operations within short range,also when hovering.Terma has been pre-qualified with theSCANTER 6000 for the Royal Navy (UK)fleet wide Navigation And SituationAwareness Radar project (NASAR).Search and RescueThe capability to detect small surfacetargets in combination with helicoptercontrol makes the radar extremelywell-suited for search and rescueoperations.Self-protectionThe SCANTER 6000 provides timelydetection of approaching threats as partof the situational awarenessimprovements, the small target, surface,and air detection capabilities. Moreover,it offers a variety of techniques toprotect itself (ECCM) e.g. frequencydiversity, reduced power in sectors,pulse repetition frequency (PRF)stagger, and (optional) frequency agility.1188, 1073354,8°/8 715 knNavigationThe SCANTER 6000 surpasses highendnavigation radars in all areas.Simultaneous detection at short,medium, and long range ensuresperformance according to InternationalMaritime Organization (IMO) standards.TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER 2009 3

SCANTER 6000New SCANTER 6000 NavalSurveillance RadarTerma’s new SCANTER 6000 is acoherent X-band Solid State Radarwith advanced processing techniqueswhich fulfill the requirements forsituation awareness.Tailored for the maritime environment,the SCANTER 6000 offers superiorperformance through intelligent designand advanced processing. Thedevelopment is founded on more than60 years of experience of developingradars and surveillance systems fornavies, coast guards and otherauthorities.The SCANTER 6000 is superior forsurface patrolling by detecting andtracking small targets from a very closerange and up to the radar horizon.Coherence, frequency diversity, timediversity, and other advancedprocessing techniques supportoperation in all weather conditions.Sub-clutter visibility is obtained fortargets moving radially and with speedsdifferent to clutter.Monitoring Low AirspaceThe SCANTER 6000 monitors the shortrange and low level airspace aroundthe vessel. Depending on the antennaselected, it detects and tracks lightpropeller and jet aircraft up to 10-15NM and up to 6000 feet altitude.Helicopter controlThe SCANTER 6000 coherent radartechniques in combination with thesmall target detection capabilitiesenable the vessel to control a helicopterin its operations within short range,also when hovering.Terma has been pre-qualified with theSCANTER 6000 for the Royal Navy (UK)fleet wide Navigation And SituationAwareness Radar project (NASAR).Search and RescueThe capability to detect small surfacetargets in combination with helicoptercontrol makes the radar extremelywell-suited for search and rescueoperations.Self-protectionThe SCANTER 6000 provides timelydetection of approaching threats as partof the situational awarenessimprovements, the small target, surface,and air detection capabilities. Moreover,it offers a variety of techniques toprotect itself (ECCM) e.g. frequencydiversity, reduced power in sectors,pulse repetition frequency (PRF)stagger, and (optional) frequency agility.1188, 1073354,8°/8 715 knNavigationThe SCANTER 6000 surpasses highendnavigation radars in all areas.Simultaneous detection at short,medium, and long range ensuresperformance according to InternationalMaritime Organization (IMO) standards.TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong> 3

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