September 2009 - terma

September 2009 - terma

September 2009 - terma


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COASTAL SURVEILLANCESCANTER Radars for the Portuguese CoastThe Terma Business Area RadarSystems is to deliver SCANTER 2001radar systems complete withantennas and Radar Target Trackingfor the upgrade of the Portuguesecoastal surveillance system.With the new radars, Portugal willbenefit from an advanced surveillancesystem that will enhance security on thecoast by deploying a seamless networkto detect movement of ships, etc.The contract for the new radar systemsis awarded through INDRA withPortugal’s Ministry of State andInternal Administration as customer.The SCANTER 2001 radar systems willbe supplied including Radar TargetTracking.In an environment like the Portuguesecoastline, where the weather can getvery harsh with high sea states, denserain and low visibility, the small targetdetection capability of the SCANTER2001 radar will be utilized to its fullest.And with a coastline exceeding 560miles, efficient surveillance is needed.The Radar Target Tracking equipmentwill ensure reliable tracking of thetargets detected and facilitate andimprove the efforts of the Coast Guardto secure the coastline and borders. Thenew coastal surveillance system willalso improve the response capacity andwill back up rescue operations at sea.Terma will initiate delivery of theSCANTER radar systems at thebeginning of 2010, and installation andimplementation of the entire systemwill be completed by the end of 2011.With the new SCANTER radars, Portugal willbenefit from an advanced surveillancesystem that will enhance security along the560-mile coastline.2 TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

SCANTER 6000New SCANTER 6000 NavalSurveillance RadarTerma’s new SCANTER 6000 is acoherent X-band Solid State Radarwith advanced processing techniqueswhich fulfill the requirements forsituation awareness.Tailored for the maritime environment,the SCANTER 6000 offers superiorperformance through intelligent designand advanced processing. Thedevelopment is founded on more than60 years of experience of developingradars and surveillance systems fornavies, coast guards and otherauthorities.The SCANTER 6000 is superior forsurface patrolling by detecting andtracking small targets from a very closerange and up to the radar horizon.Coherence, frequency diversity, timediversity, and other advancedprocessing techniques supportoperation in all weather conditions.Sub-clutter visibility is obtained fortargets moving radially and with speedsdifferent to clutter.Monitoring Low AirspaceThe SCANTER 6000 monitors the shortrange and low level airspace aroundthe vessel. Depending on the antennaselected, it detects and tracks lightpropeller and jet aircraft up to 10-15NM and up to 6000 feet altitude.Helicopter controlThe SCANTER 6000 coherent radartechniques in combination with thesmall target detection capabilitiesenable the vessel to control a helicopterin its operations within short range,also when hovering.Terma has been pre-qualified with theSCANTER 6000 for the Royal Navy (UK)fleet wide Navigation And SituationAwareness Radar project (NASAR).Search and RescueThe capability to detect small surfacetargets in combination with helicoptercontrol makes the radar extremelywell-suited for search and rescueoperations.Self-protectionThe SCANTER 6000 provides timelydetection of approaching threats as partof the situational awarenessimprovements, the small target, surface,and air detection capabilities. Moreover,it offers a variety of techniques toprotect itself (ECCM) e.g. frequencydiversity, reduced power in sectors,pulse repetition frequency (PRF)stagger, and (optional) frequency agility.1188, 1073354,8°/8 715 knNavigationThe SCANTER 6000 surpasses highendnavigation radars in all areas.Simultaneous detection at short,medium, and long range ensuresperformance according to InternationalMaritime Organization (IMO) standards.TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong> 3

ATISAutomated Terminal Information ServiceSystem for the Kandahar Air FieldAs subcontractor to Thales AirSystems S.A., France, Terma willsupply an Automated TerminalInformation Service System (ATIS)for the NATO supply of an air trafficcapability to Kandahar Airfield inAfghanistan.The ATIS system is based on the TermaATIS Plus platform which is a tailoredsolution for regional and domestic civiland military airports and airfields. Theuser-friendly Human-MachineInterface (HMI) and excellent reliabilityhave served many airports to the fullsatisfaction of the Civil AviationAuthorities and air traffic controllers.As a global supplier of Air TrafficManagement solutions, Termaspecializes in developing applicationsfor information display for thecontrollers and for communicationbetween the controllers and pilots. Ourcore product lines include ATIS/VOLMET, Departure Clearance/Pre-Departure Clearance (all of whichare available via DataLink and voice),Integrated Information Support andDisplay System for airport controlcenters and towers, and Radar DataProcessing System for small tomedium-sized airports.The system provides combined ATISbroadcast in either single or main/hotstandby configuration. The Terma ATISPlus generates high quality voicebroadcasts from METAR data (AviationRoutine Weather Reports), andgenerates an error alert if values falloutside user defined limits, or if datado not comply with The WorldMeteorological Organization (WMO)standards.The computer-generated speech module allows foradvanced voice and pronunciation adjustments inorder to optimize speech clarity.The computer-generated speechsynthesis module allows for advancedvoice and pronunciation adjustmentsin order to optimize speech clarity.Supplementary data may also beentered into the system through a texteditor. Terma ATIS Plus also supportspre-recorded human spokenvocabulary. The system complies withICAO – The International Civil AviationOrganization and WMO standards andmay at a later stage be extended withDataLink for D-ATIS.4 TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

WNSEOPVC-Flex and SCANTERRadar for Romanian Border Police OPVIn June <strong>2009</strong>, Terma signed acontract with Alphatron Marine ofThe Netherlands for the supply of aSCANTER 2001 surface surveillanceradar and a C-Flex Tactical SituationDisplay (TSD) system for theRomanian Border Police.The main purpose of the OPV will be tocontrol the Romanian border along theBlack Sea and prevent illegalimmigrants and smugglers fromentering Schengen.The SCANTER 2001 surfacesurveillance radar system is equippedwith a 12” antenna, frequencydiversity, and automatic detection andtracking (ADT). It provides a second-tononecapability for detection andtracking of small units, such aswooden boats and RHIBs.The C-Flex TSD is a minor but highlyefficient C2 system providing afunctionality for the control of allparameters and modes of theSCANTER 2001 radar including displayof tracks and radar video and a suite ofbasic C2 functionalities such as areamonitoring with alerts, a library ofpatterns, e.g. for Search and Rescue(SAR) operations, and various tacticaltools for assisting the navigation.Additionally, the C-Flex TSD integratesthe ship’s EO surveillance system,which allows the operator to controlthe EO Director to focus on a certainradar track. Further control of the EODirector and display of the videostreams is available to the C-Flexoperator by means of a joystick andone of the two 21” console displays.C-Flex TSD is a one-console mini-C2solution with all electronics andsoftware built into the console. It issuitable for vessels with limited space,typically with a combined bridge fornavigation, communication,surveillance, as well as command andcontrol.If C-Flex TSD is connected to a sensor,such as a SCANTER surveillance radar,a navigation radar, AIS, or an EOsurveillance system, the C-Flex TSDfuses the different sensor tracks. Thisprovides a superior overview of theNWEStactical situation for Inshore andOffshore Patrol Vessels (IPV and OPV)for coast guards, border police andsimilar governmental, regional, ormunicipal authorities.The Romanian OPV shows what a widerange of marine vessels can benefitfrom using the Terma C-Seriessolutions. The tactical system for theRomanian OPV is Terma’s smallestC-Flex solution, which is typically usedby OPVs to patrol borders in ExclusiveEconomic Zones (EEZ). However, C-Flexcan easily be adapted to accommodateWthe needs of larger vessels that aresometimes located in conflict zoneswhere a short reaction time and theability to defend the ship, if necessary,are crucial.C-FIRENSEC-SEARCHNWESNWESNWESC-LINKC-FLEXC-RAIDC-GUARDTERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong> 5

LPDLanding Platform Dock forthe Royal Thai NavyTerma signs contract with SingaporeTechnologies Marine (ST Marine) forthe delivery of a C-Series combatsystem for the Royal Thai Navy.In 2008, Singapore TechnologiesMarine (ST Marine) was contracted tobuilt a Landing Platform Dock (LPD)vessel for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN).The LPD is a Multi-Role and Multi-Purpose ship specifically designed toprovide the RTN with a strengthenedcapability in situations of naturaldisasters such as floods and tsunamis.The vessel will thus provide support tonaval missions such as seatransportation, support operations,civil search and rescue missions, anddisaster relief programs.Terma has been contracted to supply acombat system and a combatmanagement system for this LPD.The combat system provides excellentsurveillance and identificationcapabilities (both air and surface) aswell as control of the guns on the shipfor self-protection, and the combatmanagement system ties the systemtogether in a fully integrated solution.The delivery includes the C-Flex,C-Search and C-Fire modules.These three modules are all part ofTerma’s C-Series naval combat systemportfolio. C-Flex is the combatmanagement system and the naturalnucleus of C-Series. It will provide theRTN with full command and controlcapability in terms of situationalawareness, multiple sensormanagement, monitoring features,threat evaluation operated from themulti function consoles on board.The LPD will be equipped with threemulti function consoles. The consolesare identical and provide fullredundancy for operation of thesystem, including any of the threeguns. Thus, if one of the consolesshould break down, the operator canmove on to another console andcontinue his/her work.C-Search is a radar and sensor suite. OnThailand’s new amphibious vessel, thesystem will consist of a SCANTER 4100 airand surface surveillance radar combinedwith an IFF system that providesidentification to the air tracks of the radar.C-Fire is the fire control system.Although the main purpose of thevessel is to provide aid and assistanceto people who need it, it is essentialthat the LPD has the capability todefend itself. The Thai LPD will havethree guns installed – one 76 mm andtwo 30 mm – controlled by C-Fire fromthe C-Flex multi function consoles.Terma will supply C-Flex, C-Fire, andScanter 4100 radar for Thailand's newLanding Platform Dock6 TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

SCANTER 4100SCANTER 4100for Royal Thai NavyThe C-Fire Electro Optical (EO) Directorhas an inbuilt thermal imager, a TVcamera, and an eye-safe laser rangefinder, and it is easily trained to a trackfrom the situation display or manuallyby a joystick in the console. The EODirector can then be used forsurveillance and identification ofcertain tracks. Upon hostile actionsencountered by any surface or airtarget, C-Fire can go into engagementmode, and the operator can fire any ofthe ship’s three guns at the target. Incase of hostile actions from both asurface and an air target, the systemcan engage both targets using theSCANTER 4100 radar for tracking thesurface target and the EO Director fortracking the air target.The combination of C-Flex, C-Search,and C-Fire makes up a 100 % integratedsolution, which means that allsub-systems can be operated from anyone of the three consoles on the ship.Three combat system modules havebeen put together to form a completecombat system for the Thai LPD.A Terma C-Series combat system canbe designed to suit the needs of anyclient. In this case, the modules havebeen put together to create a systemproviding excellent surveillance andself-protection in addition to having afull set of command and controlfunctionalities even for a smallsolution with three multi functionconsoles. Additionally, the contractedconfiguration allows for easy futureexpansions of the combat system.Terma Naval & Airborne Radars hasentered into a contract with theshipyard Singapore TechnologiesMarine for the supply of a SCANTER4100 air and surface surveillanceradar with IFF.The contract was awarded as a systempackage together with Terma's combatmanagement system C-Flex.The SCANTER 4100 radar system willbe installed on ST Marine's LandingPlatform Dock (LPD) ship for Royal ThaiNavy as the ship's main radar.Situational Awarenessand Helicopter SupportThe SCANTER 4100 concept is a versatile,effective radar, designed as a 2-D,coherent radar with pulse compressionand MTI-processing. It is designed fordetection, automatic track initiation andtracking of all kinds of air or sea targets.The radar is optimized for signalprocessing and tracking of surfacetargets and helicopters, as well asoptimized for signal processing andtracking of air targets.The system offers superior situationalawareness in all weather conditionswith very high reliability, and thesystem performs undisturbedly in harshconditions, such as high sea states andheavy rain showers.The SCANTER 4100 integrates withseveral antenna types, one beingthe dual-beam surveillance antennamounted on a stabilizing platform.The SCANTER 4100 is the optimumsolution for littoral sea surface and 2-Dair surveillance.TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong> 7

C-FLEX FOR RDNThree new Frigates forthe Royal Danish NavyThe Royal Danish Navy is currentlyundergoing a major fleet renewal,and Terma plays an important role inthe process by supplying therenowned C-Flex command andcontrol system.The Royal Danish Navy is expanding itscapacity with three new frigates of theIVAR HUITFELDT class. The frigateswill replace the corvettes of the NIELSJUEL class and will make furtherinvolvement in international operationsa possibility.Communication and situationalawareness are essential to all modernvessels, and Terma has beencontracted to supply its high qualitycommand and control system C-Flexfor each of the Danish frigates.C-Flex is a truly scalable state-of-theartnaval command and controlsystem. The system is provenconfigurable to a single user systemon a mobile platform as well as a fullblown 25 operator frigate OPS room.C-Flex provides the operator with fullsituational awareness and platformcontrol based on platform sensors,effectors and data links.C-Flex fulfills the requirements of theentire modern Navy fleet from singleuser systems, e.g. RHIB’s and maritimehelicopters, to multiple user systemsof frigates and destroyers, and itensures interoperability nationallyand internationally.C-Flex features a modern openarchitecture based on COTS software(e.g. Windows) and COTS hardware,which facilitates the introductionand use of the system for newoperators as the look and feel issimilar to familiar Windows-basedprograms.This means that all communication,transferring and gathering ofinformation, as well as weapon controlare managed via C-Flex and allcommands can be executed from thesame location.Furthermore, Terma is also responsiblefor the integration of the frigates'advanced Anti Air Warfare (AAW) intoC-Flex. The integration process haslead to a further development andimprovement of C-Flex. Thecombination of the two systems nowmakes it possible for IVAR HUITFELDTto control and defend an area within a400 kilometer radius.The contract with the Royal DanishNavy marks Terma as a leadingprovider in the defense market. It hasalso ensured a continued developmentof C-Flex and, finally, it has laid thefoundation for successful export ofTerma products in the future.8 TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

SCANTER RADARDetection of Pirates withTerma SCANTER RadarPiracy is becoming an increasinglymajor problem, especially in thewaters surrounding the Horn ofAfrica. Pirates in small boatsapproach large merchant vessels bysneaking up from behind. From theside of the ship, boarding and takingthe unarmed crew hostage isrelatively easy.In 2008-09, the Royal Danish Navy’ssupport ship ABSALON led theCombined Task Force 150 whilecarrying several pieces of Termaequipment. The main purpose of TaskForce 150 was Maritime InterdictionOperations (MIO),which is control ofgoods transported inthe operation area. The missiontasks also included Maritime SecurityOperations (MSO), which is protectionof ships and installations in theoperation area, Theatre SecurityCooperation (TSC), which is supportto weak nations in the region, andSearch and Rescue missions (SAR).You do not know what you do notsee, but experience has proventhat the high quality SCANTERradars that ABSALON carriesenable the crew to detect and trackall small vessels in the area aroundown ship, including those very smallvessels used by pirates.In addition to the traditional marineradar capabilities, the SCANTERprovides much higher sensitivity,better resolution and advancedclutter processing techniques.This enables detection of very smalltargets in virtually any weathercondition, from very short distancesand to the radar horizon. Furthermore,adaptation to the weather and tochanges in propagation, including thevery special Middle East conditions, isfully automatic in range and azimuth.Terma takes pride in the fact that ourequipment makes it difficult for thepirates to operate in areas where ourradars are part of the joinedinternational effort. The SCANTERradar is proven to increase situationalawareness onboard naval vessels.There is a potential for use of thetechnology onboard trade vessels toprovide early warning to the crew andincrease the time available for help toarrive from naval forces.The sooner a potential threat isdiscovered, the easier it is to respondto that threat rapidly and efficiently.TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong> 9

C-LINKC-Link and C-Flex for Naval HelicoptersIn today’s battlefield, communicationand information sharing is critical tomission success. Terma has a longhistory of supplying mission criticaland reliable data link solutions.C-Link and C-Flex systems for navalhelicopters in operational use will provideexpanded field of view and a NetworkCentric Warfare (NCW) capability to navalforces. It proves Terma’s ability tocontinuously expand the current defenseproduct range to include airborne C4ISRsolutions (AIR-Flex).C-Link provides Tactical Data Link byuse of the platforms own radio (HF, VHF,UHF or optionally SATCOM) andexpands the user’s operating pictureand offers enhanced interoperability incombined and joint operations.Through the link system, the operatorcan share a local picture from ownsensors and track identification withother units.Terma offers Link-11, Link-16 and futureLink-22 solutions as well as aproprietary non NATO link system whichcan be customized to meet customerrequirements.Terma can offer an affordable linksolution to maritime, land-basedand airborne platforms.C-RAIDExpanding the Field of View at SeaWith C-Raid for Rigid-HulledInflatable Boats (RHIB) and InshorePatrol Vessels (IPV), nodes in thenetwork are able to look beyond thehorizon.Search and Rescue, Coastal Patrolling,Direct Action, Special Reconnaissance,Maritime Insertion and Extractionand Boarding Operations. Along withasymmetric threats and access-denialmissions, these are some of the challengesmaritime forces deal with on a daily basis.Expanding the recognized maritimepicture, precision, and situationalawareness are crucial when it comesto executing this type of operationssuccessfully.C-Raid is a scalable command andcontrol system designed to makethe process of carrying out theseoperations faster and more precise.The system presents a joint overviewof all units in a particular area, andit provides the operator with detailedinformation on the position, speed,and course of any given unit.The C-Raid system consists of aC-Raid console which is installed onthe RHIB, FAC or IPV and linked to aC-Raid workstation on a mothership.Via the link system, the mothershipand smaller units are able to exchangeand incorporate a vast amount ofinformation such as threat evaluation,route management, intel overlays,free text messages and video images.Through C-Raid, the operator is able tolook beyond his actual field of view. Thefeatures in C-Raid assists the decisionmaking process and allows the operatorto reach people in need faster, preplan adefense against an approaching threat,and maximize efforts to confront thoseengaged in criminalactivity such as illegalfishing, smuggling, andterrorism.C-RAID10 TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong>

C-GUARDC-Guard in use by Royal Australian Navyand U.S. NavyTerma’s Soft Kill Weapon System(SKWS) can be found in some of theworld’s largest navies.Patrolling the waters in the world’smost dangerous conflict zones is a taskthat requires an efficient and carefullydesigned self-protection system.In conflict zones, a naval vessel isconstantly exposed,and it needs to beable to takeU.S. Navy's new LittoralCombat Ship, USS Freedomimmediate action, should it be exposedto an attack.C-Guard is the self-protection systemthat makes this possible – also knownas Terma’s field proven Soft KillWeapon System (SKWS).About C-GuardThe secret to the C-Guard success hasbeen a combination of fixed andreliable hardware controlled by hightechsoftware, allowing customerprogrammed algorithms.Installation and maintenance costs arelow adding to an overall affordable andcompetitive life cycle cost.Future “standard” 130 mm decoys haveoptions for variable range andvelocity, giving same coverageand protection compared totrainable launchers.C-Guard can be offered in threedifferent configurations depending onthe ships design, type and size.Australia and USARecently, Indonesia and Morocco havedecided to purchase the Termatechnology, and this has resulted in thesigning of C-Guard contracts with thenavies in both countries.The Royal Australian Navy alsodecided on C-Guard as their futureself-protection capability, which is whythe system is presently installed onboth Australian Adelaide Class Frigates(FFGs) and Hobart Class Air WarfareDestroyers (AWDs).C-Guard has been contracted for theU.S. Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship,USS Freedom (LCS1) – the prototype ofa naval vessel designed to operate inthe littoral and able to counterasymmetric threats designed and builtby a Lockheed Martin led industry team.USS Freedom was delivered to the U.S.Navy in only six years from initialconcept, half the time of traditionalshipbuilding programs. In May, itsuccessfully conducted its second andfinal round of U.S. Navy acceptancetrials off the Virginia coast. The trials –which were a coordinated effortbetween the Navy and the LockheedMartin team – included operationaltesting of the vessel’s propulsion,communications, navigation and missionsystems, as well as all related supportsystems. Freedom recently completedsuccessful structural test firings; the57-mm gun was fired 70 times; RollingAirframe Missile (RAM) fired tworounds; Terma Soft Kill Weapons System(decoys) and 50-cal machine guns.TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong> 11

TERMA IN BRIEFFinancial Highlights USD million 2008/09 2007/08 2006/07 2005/06 2004/05Sales 203 195 171 165 202Profit for the year before tax 12 18 14 12 14Equity Capital, year-end 72 83 62 57 57Assets, total 258 215 173 151 167Order intake 230 270 163 166 189Order book, year-end 359 325 227 227 228Number of full-time employees– Average for the year 1,183 1,020 965 1,014 1,034We Provide Mission Customized SolutionsTerma develops and markets high-tech solutions, systems,and products for civilian and military applications.Terma’s high-tech solutions and products are developed and designedfor use in extreme mission critical environments and situations, wherehuman lives and valuable material assets are at stake.In Denmark, Terma facilities are located at Aarhus, Copenhagen,and Grenaa.Terma’s international locations include Leiden, the Netherlands;Darmstadt near Frankfurt, Germany; Washington, DC, Warner Robins,GA, Fort Worth, TX, and Norfolk, VA, USA; and Singapore.Terma A/S was established in 1949. For years, Terma has workedclosely with defense forces, public authorities, and internationalorganizations around the world. Through these relationships, Termahas gained in-depth knowledge of and insight into our customers’working environment and an equally deep understanding of theirsituations and needs.Terma is fully owned by the Thomas B. Thrige Foundation.Terma’s Business Areas cover: Aerostructures for aircraft Airborne Systems, including– self-protection systems for aircraft– audio systems solutions– reconnaissance systems for fighter aircraft Integrated Systems, including– self-protection systems for naval vessels– command and control systems for navy,army, and air force applications– air traffic management systems– Public Safety & Emergency Radar surveillance systems Solutions, services, and products for spaceapplications Production of electronics utilizing advancedmanufacturing technologies .TERMA UPDATE . SEPTEMBER <strong>2009</strong>Editor Kasper Rasmussen, kar@<strong>terma</strong>.comTerma A/SHovmarken 48520 LystrupDenmarkT +45 8743 6000F +45 8743 6001Terma A/SFabrikvej 18500 GrenaaDenmarkT +45 8743 6000F +45 8743 6001Terma A/SVasekær 122730 HerlevDenmarkT +45 8743 6000F +45 8743 6001Terma Singapore Pte. Ltd.3 International Business Park#04-31 Nordic European CentreSingapore 609927T +65 6561 0060F +65 6562 0060Terma North America Inc.2461 South Clark Street,Century Two, Suite 810,Arlington, VA 22202, USAT +1 (703) 412 9410F +1 (703) 412 9415www.<strong>terma</strong>.comidworks.dk 4445/0909

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