Ordinance and Syllabus - Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila ...

Ordinance and Syllabus - Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila ...

Ordinance and Syllabus - Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila ...


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Paper Code: BPL-108Pharmaceutical Chemistry-III (Physical Chemistry)L -- T -- P Total Credits: 043 -- 2 -- Total Marks: 100External Marks: 50Internal Marks: 50Paper Objectives: The aim is to learn about various Physico-Chemical factors involved withthe three states of matter.UNIT IBehavior of Gas: Kinetic Theory of Gas, deviation from ideal behavior &Explanation.Liquid State: Physical properties (Surface tension, parachor, viscosity, rheochor,refractive index, optical rotation, dipole moment.)Amorphous <strong>and</strong> Crystalline solids: Geometry of crystals, miller indices, types ofcrystals, physical properties of crystals, crystal diffraction.Thermodynamics: Fundamentals- First, Second, Third <strong>and</strong> Zeroth law, jouleThomson effect, absolute temperature scale.UNIT IIThermo Chemistry: Definition <strong>and</strong> convention –heat of reaction, heat of formation,heat of neutralization, heat of solution, heat of combustion, Hess’s law of constantsummation, Bombs calorimeter, <strong>and</strong> energy Kirchoff’s law.Electro Chemistry: Faraday’s law of electrolysis, Electrolytic conductance,& itsmeasurement, its variation with dilutions, Kolrausch law, Arrhenius theory, Degree ofionization, Ostwald dilution law, transport no., migration of ions, Hittorfs theoreticaldevice, Theory of strong electrolyte (DebyeHuckle theory)UNIT IIISolution: Ideal & real solution, Solution of gases in liquids, Colligative properties.PH: Its determination, buffer, theory of buffers.Adsorption: Freudlich <strong>and</strong> Gibbs adsorption isotherm theory, Langmuir theory ofadsorption.UNIT IVChemical Kinetics: Zero, first <strong>and</strong> second order reaction, complex reaction,elementary idea of reaction, kinetic characteristics, homogeneous <strong>and</strong> heterogeneouscatalysis, acid base <strong>and</strong> enzyme catalysis.Phase Equilibrium: Phase , component, degree of freedom, phase rule, (excludingdeviation, cooling curves, phase diagram for one & two component system involvingeutectics, congruent, incongruent melting point (examples- water , sulphur, KI-H 2 O,NaCl-H 2 O system), Distribution law & application to solvent extraction.40

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