Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education

Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education


WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES266910 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulationsexpected to have a basic understandingof relevant tax issues that canconsiderably affect an applicant’seligibility. We expect FAAs to be able toascertain whether an applicant or his orher family members identified on theapplicant’s FAFSA were required to filea tax return, what the correct filingstatus for the applicant should be, andthat an individual cannot be claimed asan exemption by more than one person.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter asked forclarification on whether institutionshave the authority to require anindividual who is required to file a return but who has been granted afiling extension by the IRS to submit taxdocuments before proceeding withverification. Another commenter askedwhy the Department would not requirethe actual tax return filed with the IRSto be used to complete verification fora student or parent that files a taxextension. This commenter stated that astudent should not receive any aid untilverification is completed using theactual tax return (not the documentationprovided under § 668.57(a)(4)(ii)).Another commenter supported therequirement that an applicant who isgranted an extension to file his or herincome tax return must submit a copyof the return that was filed, and theinstitution must re-verify the AGI andtaxes paid by the applicant and his orher spouse or parents.Discussion: Section 668.57(a)(4)(ii)(A)provides that an institution must accepta copy of IRS Form 4868, ‘‘Applicationfor Automatic Extension of Time to FileU.S. Individual Income Tax Return,’’that was filed with the IRS or a copy ofthe IRS’s approval for an extensionbeyond the automatic six-monthextension as acceptable documentationto verify an applicant’s FAFSAinformation for an applicant that hasbeen granted a tax filing extension. Aninstitution may request a copy of the taxreturn once filed, but it may not delayverifying an applicant’s FAFSAinformation until the tax return isreceived if the applicant provides thedocumentation approved by theSecretary under § 668.57.The Department does not require anapplicant that has been granted a taxextension to submit the actual tax returnfiled with the IRS because of theextended period of time that may elapsebefore the applicant actually files thereturn. This would delay the applicant’said, which we believe would beinappropriate. We believe the incomeinformation collected on IRS Form 4868and IRS Form W–2 should be sufficientdocumentation to verify the AGI,income earned from work, or U.S. taxespaid if those items are selected forverification. However, the regulationsdo provide that the institution mayrequire the applicant to submit theactual tax return that was filed with theIRS. If the institution receives a copy ofthe return, it must reverify the AGI andtaxes paid by the applicant and his orher spouse or parents.We believe clarification is needed forthe one commenter who appeared tointerpret § 668.57(a)(5) to mean that inall cases applicants who are granted atax extension must submit the actual taxreturn once it is filed, and that theinstitution must reverify the AGI andtaxes paid by the applicant and his orher spouse or parents once it receivesthe filed return. An applicant who filesan extension is only required to providea copy of the tax return that was filedif the institution requires a copy. Onlyif the institution requires the applicantto submit the tax return that was filedwould the institution be required toreverify the AGI and taxes paid by theapplicant and his or her spouse orparents. This differs from what occursunder the current regulations. Under thecurrent regulations, if an institutionrequired an applicant who was granteda tax filing extension to submit thereturn to the institution once it wasfiled, the institution could decidewhether or not to reverify the AGI andtaxes paid by the applicant and his orher spouse or parents.Changes: None.Comment: None.Discussion: We are making a technicalchange to § 668.57(a)(4)(iii)(B) to clarifythat an individual who is self-employedor who has filed an income tax returnwith a foreign government must providea signed statement that certifies theamount of taxes paid in addition to hisor her AGI.Changes: Section 668.57(a)(4)(iii)(B)has been revised to provide that aninstitution must accept a writtencertification of the amount of taxes paidfor an individual who is self-employedor has filed an income tax return witha foreign government.Comment: One commenter soughtclarification on § 668.57(a)(7), whichprovides that an institution may acceptin lieu of a copy of an income tax returnsigned by the filer of the return or oneof the filers of a joint return, a copy ofthe filer’s return that includes thepreparer’s Social Security Number,Employer Identification Number or thePreparer Tax Identification Number andhas been signed by the preparer of thereturn or stamped with the name andaddress of the preparer of the return.The commenter asked whether it wouldbe acceptable for the preparer to writeVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00080 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2or type his or her name on a filer’s taxreturn. The commenter noted thatguidance in the 2010–11 Applicationand Verification Guide is much broader,as it allows the preparer to stamp, type,sign, or print his or her name on a filer’stax return.Discussion: We agree with thecommenter and have revised§ 668.57(a)(7) to expand the options atax preparer has for being identified onan applicant’s tax return to make itconsistent with the guidance providedin the 2010–11 Application andVerification Guide.Changes: We have revised§ 668.57(a)(7) to provide that in additionto having the preparer’s signature orstamp on a filer’s tax return, theinstitution may accept a paper return onwhich the tax preparer has typed orprinted his or her own name.Interim Disbursements (§ 668.58(a)(3))Comment: Some commenterssupported § 668.58(a)(3), which allowsan institution to make an interimdisbursement prior to receiving thereprocessed SAR or ISIR if, afterverification, the institution determinesthat changes to the applicant’sinformation will not change the amountthe applicant would receive under atitle IV, HEA program and therequirement in § 668.59(a) that requiresinstitutions to submit all corrections tothe Department for reprocessing. Onecommenter did not support allowing aninstitution to disburse aid to a studentbefore the student’s corrected FAFSAinformation has been submitted and theinstitution receives a reprocessed SARor ISIR.Discussion: The Departmentappreciates the commenters’ supportand notes that interim disbursementsare optional, not required.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter stated thatbecause all corrections must besubmitted to the Department under§ 668.59(a), there is no need to allowinterim disbursements. This commenterrecommended that we remove from theregulations all provisions related tointerim disbursements.Discussion: We believe it is importantto continue to give institutions theflexibility to determine whether to makeinterim disbursements to individualapplicants prior to the completion ofverification to alleviate a hardship astudent may experience if there is adelay in receiving his or her financialaid. And, as noted earlier, interimdisbursements are optional, notrequired.Changes: None.

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66911WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2Comment: One commenter indicatedthat there is a problem with the crossreferencesin proposed § 668.58. Thesame commenter also expressed concernthat this provision does not make clearhow interim disbursements for the FWSProgram are treated if the student afterworking is determined to have anoverpayment.Discussion: We agree with thecommenter that there are problems withthe cross-references for interimdisbursements in proposed § 668.58.Specifically, we believe that in§ 668.58(a)(1) and (a)(3)(i), we need toclarify that corrections to the student’sFAFSA information must be made inaccordance with § 668.59(a). Inaddition, in proposed § 668.58(b) wehad an erroneous cross-reference for theinterim disbursements made under theFWS Program. Proposed § 668.58(b) alsodid not cross-reference each type ofinterim disbursement that is allowedunder certain conditions, either beforeverification is completed or afterverification is completed but before theinstitution has received the valid SARor valid ISIR reflecting the corrections.For clarity, we believe it is appropriateto revise § 668.58(b) so that it addresseseach type of interim disbursement.Further, we believe that specific crossreferencesto § 668.61 need to be addedto § 668.58(b) to clarify how institutionsmust handle any overpayments thatoccur because of an interimdisbursement such as under the FWSProgram.Changes: We have revised§ 668.58(a)(1) and (a)(3)(i) by clarifyingthat corrections to a student’s FAFSAinformation must be made inaccordance with § 668.59(a). Inaddition, we have revised § 668.58(b) tocorrectly and completely cross-referenceeach type of interim disbursement thatis allowed. Further, we have revised§ 668.58(b) to explain, with morespecificity, how institutions musthandle the recovery of each type ofoverpayment due to an interimdisbursement, including those made forthe FWS Program. We also addedspecific cross-references to § 668.61 in§ 668.58(b) to provide clarity toinstitutions on handling the recovery ofany overpayments that may occurbecause of an interim disbursement.Consequences of a Change in anApplicant’s FAFSA Information(§ 668.59)Comment: A number of commentersagreed with the proposal to remove the$400 tolerance reflected in current§ 668.59(a) and, instead, to require allchanges to an applicant’s FAFSAinformation be reported to theDepartment for reprocessing to ensure astudent’s award is based on accurateinformation.Several other commenters objected tothe proposal to remove the dollartolerance because they believed itwould increase administrative burden,particularly for larger institutions, andwould delay payments to students. Onecommenter noted that the currenttolerance allows FAAs to use their ownjudgment to determine when it wasnecessary to reprocess corrections thathave minimal impact on studenteligibility.One commenter noted that removingthe $400 tolerance will not be a problemfor institutions but, like many othercommenters, opposed requiring allchanges to an applicant’s FAFSAinformation to be submitted to theDepartment for reprocessing. Thecommenter expressed concern aboutthis requirement, especially when thestudent’s eligibility either would not beaffected or where there were minorerrors, i.e., an AGI was off by $1. Onecommenter recommended that theDepartment consider providinginstitutions with some administrativerelief in this area, given that institutionswill need to implement several otherchanges as a result of the issuance ofthese verification regulations. Manycommenters recommended that theDepartment retain the current $400tolerance or allow for a reasonabletolerance of a modest sum to allow forminor errors made by applicants andtheir families.Discussion: We appreciate theconcerns raised by commenters andacknowledge the burden associated withhaving to submit all changes to anapplicant’s FAFSA information to theDepartment for reprocessing. While ourgoal is to obtain the most accurate dataavailable to help in our efforts toidentify error-prone applications, weagree that the regulations shouldprovide a means for dealing with minorerrors in financial information reportedon an applicant’s FAFSA informationwithout requiring that these minorchanges be submitted to the Departmentfor reprocessing. While we do not agreethat it is appropriate to retain the $400tolerance from current § 668.59(a), weare revising § 668.59 to address minorerrors in financial information so thatinstitutions need not submit changesresulting from these types of errors tothe Department for reprocessing. It isimportant to note, however, thatinstitutions will still be required tosubmit all errors in nonfinancialinformation to the Department forreprocessing.VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2Specifically, we have revised§ 668.59(a) to require institutions tosubmit, for reprocessing, any change toan individual data element on anapplicant’s FAFSA that is $25 or more.For example if the difference reportedfor AGI is $24, and taxes paid is $20, theinstitution would not be required tosubmit changes to the Department forreprocessing. However, if the differencefor AGI is $25, and $20 for taxes paid,the institution would be required toupdate all changes, not just the changethat exceeded the tolerance.We also made conforming changes in§ 668.164(g)(2)(i) to reflect that anydependent student, whose parent isapplying for a Direct PLUS Loan mustcomplete a FAFSA in accordance withsection 483 of the HEA in order toobtain a SAR or ISIR with an officialEFC to meet the conditions for a latedisbursement.In addition we have amended§ 668.164(g)(4)(iv) to reflect the changesthat were made under § 668.59(a) thatrequire all changes to an applicant’sFAFSA information be submitted to theCPS System for correction, exceptfinancial data that is less than $25.Therefore, an institution may not makea late disbursement of any title IV, HEAassistance until it obtains a valid SARor valid ISIR.Changes: We have revised § 668.59(a)to provide that if an applicant’s FAFSAinformation changes as a result ofverification, the applicant or theinstitution must submit to the Secretaryany change to a nondollar item on theFAFSA and any change to a dollar itemon the FAFSA if the change to thatdollar item is $25 or more.We have revised § 668.164(g)(2)(i) torequire an applicant whose parent isapplying for a Direct PLUS loan to havea SAR or ISIR with an official EFC tomeet the conditions for a latedisbursement.We have also revised§ 668.164(g)(4)(iv) to provide that aninstitution may not make a latedisbursement of any title IV, HEAprogram assistance unless it receives avalid SAR or valid ISIR for the studentby the deadline date established by theSecretary in a Federal Register notice.Comment: One commenter stated thatit is not opposed to requiring thatinstitutions submit all corrections toCPS but expressed concern with theincreased number of applicants selectedfor verification when there is a changeto a school code or address.Discussion: It is true that, in a limitednumber of instances, verification couldbe triggered when an applicant makes acorrection to his or her address or to aschool code. This is because the

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66911WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2Comment: One commenter indicatedthat there is a problem with the crossreferencesin proposed § 668.58. Thesame commenter also expressed concernthat this provision does not make clearhow interim disbursements for the FWSProgram are treated if the student afterworking is determined to have anoverpayment.Discussion: We agree with thecommenter that there are problems withthe cross-references for interimdisbursements in proposed § 668.58.Specifically, we believe that in§ 668.58(a)(1) and (a)(3)(i), we need toclarify that corrections to the student’sFAFSA information must be made inaccordance with § 668.59(a). Inaddition, in proposed § 668.58(b) wehad an erroneous cross-reference for theinterim disbursements made under theFWS Program. Proposed § 668.58(b) alsodid not cross-reference each type <strong>of</strong>interim disbursement that is allowedunder certain conditions, either beforeverification is completed or afterverification is completed but before theinstitution has received the valid SARor valid ISIR reflecting the corrections.For clarity, we believe it is appropriateto revise § 668.58(b) so that it addresseseach type <strong>of</strong> interim disbursement.Further, we believe that specific crossreferencesto § 668.61 need to be addedto § 668.58(b) to clarify how institutionsmust handle any overpayments thatoccur because <strong>of</strong> an interimdisbursement such as under the FWSProgram.Changes: We have revised§ 668.58(a)(1) and (a)(3)(i) by clarifyingthat corrections to a student’s FAFSAinformation must be made inaccordance with § 668.59(a). Inaddition, we have revised § 668.58(b) tocorrectly and completely cross-referenceeach type <strong>of</strong> interim disbursement thatis allowed. Further, we have revised§ 668.58(b) to explain, with morespecificity, how institutions musthandle the recovery <strong>of</strong> each type <strong>of</strong>overpayment due to an interimdisbursement, including those made forthe FWS Program. We also addedspecific cross-references to § 668.61 in§ 668.58(b) to provide clarity toinstitutions on handling the recovery <strong>of</strong>any overpayments that may occurbecause <strong>of</strong> an interim disbursement.Consequences <strong>of</strong> a Change in anApplicant’s FAFSA Information(§ 668.59)Comment: A number <strong>of</strong> commentersagreed with the proposal to remove the$400 tolerance reflected in current§ 668.59(a) and, instead, to require allchanges to an applicant’s FAFSAinformation be reported to the<strong>Department</strong> for reprocessing to ensure astudent’s award is based on accurateinformation.Several other commenters objected tothe proposal to remove the dollartolerance because they believed itwould increase administrative burden,particularly for larger institutions, andwould delay payments to students. Onecommenter noted that the currenttolerance allows FAAs to use their ownjudgment to determine when it wasnecessary to reprocess corrections thathave minimal impact on studenteligibility.One commenter noted that removingthe $400 tolerance will not be a problemfor institutions but, like many othercommenters, opposed requiring allchanges to an applicant’s FAFSAinformation to be submitted to the<strong>Department</strong> for reprocessing. Thecommenter expressed concern aboutthis requirement, especially when thestudent’s eligibility either would not beaffected or where there were minorerrors, i.e., an AGI was <strong>of</strong>f by $1. Onecommenter recommended that the<strong>Department</strong> consider providinginstitutions with some administrativerelief in this area, given that institutionswill need to implement several otherchanges as a result <strong>of</strong> the issuance <strong>of</strong>these verification regulations. Manycommenters recommended that the<strong>Department</strong> retain the current $400tolerance or allow for a reasonabletolerance <strong>of</strong> a modest sum to allow forminor errors made by applicants andtheir families.Discussion: We appreciate theconcerns raised by commenters andacknowledge the burden associated withhaving to submit all changes to anapplicant’s FAFSA information to the<strong>Department</strong> for reprocessing. While ourgoal is to obtain the most accurate dataavailable to help in our efforts toidentify error-prone applications, weagree that the regulations shouldprovide a means for dealing with minorerrors in financial information reportedon an applicant’s FAFSA informationwithout requiring that these minorchanges be submitted to the <strong>Department</strong>for reprocessing. While we do not agreethat it is appropriate to retain the $400tolerance from current § 668.59(a), weare revising § 668.59 to address minorerrors in financial information so thatinstitutions need not submit changesresulting from these types <strong>of</strong> errors tothe <strong>Department</strong> for reprocessing. It isimportant to note, however, thatinstitutions will still be required tosubmit all errors in nonfinancialinformation to the <strong>Department</strong> forreprocessing.VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00081 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2Specifically, we have revised§ 668.59(a) to require institutions tosubmit, for reprocessing, any change toan individual data element on anapplicant’s FAFSA that is $25 or more.For example if the difference reportedfor AGI is $24, and taxes paid is $20, theinstitution would not be required tosubmit changes to the <strong>Department</strong> forreprocessing. However, if the differencefor AGI is $25, and $20 for taxes paid,the institution would be required toupdate all changes, not just the changethat exceeded the tolerance.We also made conforming changes in§ 668.164(g)(2)(i) to reflect that anydependent student, whose parent isapplying for a Direct PLUS Loan mustcomplete a FAFSA in accordance withsection 483 <strong>of</strong> the HEA in order toobtain a SAR or ISIR with an <strong>of</strong>ficialEFC to meet the conditions for a latedisbursement.In addition we have amended§ 668.164(g)(4)(iv) to reflect the changesthat were made under § 668.59(a) thatrequire all changes to an applicant’sFAFSA information be submitted to theCPS System for correction, exceptfinancial data that is less than $25.Therefore, an institution may not makea late disbursement <strong>of</strong> any title IV, HEAassistance until it obtains a valid SARor valid ISIR.Changes: We have revised § 668.59(a)to provide that if an applicant’s FAFSAinformation changes as a result <strong>of</strong>verification, the applicant or theinstitution must submit to the Secretaryany change to a nondollar item on theFAFSA and any change to a dollar itemon the FAFSA if the change to thatdollar item is $25 or more.We have revised § 668.164(g)(2)(i) torequire an applicant whose parent isapplying for a Direct PLUS loan to havea SAR or ISIR with an <strong>of</strong>ficial EFC tomeet the conditions for a latedisbursement.We have also revised§ 668.164(g)(4)(iv) to provide that aninstitution may not make a latedisbursement <strong>of</strong> any title IV, HEAprogram assistance unless it receives avalid SAR or valid ISIR for the studentby the deadline date established by theSecretary in a Federal Register notice.Comment: One commenter stated thatit is not opposed to requiring thatinstitutions submit all corrections toCPS but expressed concern with theincreased number <strong>of</strong> applicants selectedfor verification when there is a changeto a school code or address.Discussion: It is true that, in a limitednumber <strong>of</strong> instances, verification couldbe triggered when an applicant makes acorrection to his or her address or to aschool code. This is because the

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