Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education

Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education


66908 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and RegulationsWReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2verification criteria, or adopt early thenew criteria.Discussion: While institutions willneed to wait for the receipt of the ISIRbefore requesting specific verificationdocumentation from applicants, we donot envision that this will substantiallydelay the time required for applicants tocomplete verification. During the earlyyears of implementation of the targetedapproach to verification, there will bestability in the FAFSA information theSecretary selects from year to year. Forexample, we would retain the five itemsincluded in the current regulations andsupplement them as needed. However,it is unlikely that an applicant wouldhave to verify all five data elements.We will publish in the FederalRegister the set of potential verificationitems the Department intends to verifyfor an upcoming award year four to sixmonths prior to the start of theapplication processing year (January 1,2012 for the 2012–13 award year) to giveinstitutions time to modify theirsystems. The maximum number of itemsthat could be selected for verification inany given year is the entire list of itemswe plan to publish in the FederalRegister notice for that year. Becausethe selection of verification items for aparticular award year will be basedupon a sophisticated statistical analysisof prior year and other relevant data, wedo not anticipate the Federal Registernotice providing multi-year selectioncriteria, nor, for the same reason, do weintend to solicit public comments on theverification items we select.To verify an applicant’s FAFSAinformation that overlaps twoprocessing years, the institution mustdetermine which award year’s EFC willbe used and apply the verificationcriteria established for that award year.Changes: None.Comment: Various commentersexpressed concern that the newapproach for targeting items forverification will unfairly affecttraditionally black, community, andcareer colleges. One commenterrequested that we not use theverification process to target lowincomedemographic groups and thatwe consider some kind of relief for thesegroups regarding discrepancies ininformation under § 668.16(f). Anothercommenter questioned whether the newapproach for targeting items forverification could be seen as a means ofprofiling applicants.Discussion: Historically theDepartment has used verification tofocus on those FAFSAs that are likely toinclude errors that will result inincorrect awards. It is not our intent tosingle out any demographic populationor a particular type of institution; rather,our goal is to continue to select forverification FAFSA information thatmost likely needs to be corrected.As stated earlier, § 668.16(f) requiresan institution to resolve discrepanciesin the information it receives fromdifferent sources and these regulationsunder subpart E will not change thisrequirement.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter asked ifverification should be required when astudent appeals for a professionaljudgment change to the cost ofattendance.Discussion: We do not plan to add tothe list of verification exclusions in§ 668.54(b) students who request aprofessional judgment change.Changes: None.Comment: Several commenters statedthat an exclusion from verificationcould be granted when the student orparent used the IRS Data RetrievalProcess to supply income and tax dataon the FAFSA.Discussion: Section 668.57(a)(2) of thenew regulations codifies ourdetermination that in instances when anapplicant or parent is required to havehis or her AGI, taxes paid, or incomeearned from work verified, theinstitution may consider as acceptabledocumentation the information reportedby the student on the FAFSA andreported to the institution on the ISIR ifthe Secretary has identified those itemsas having come from the IRS and ashaving not been changed. The Secretarywill so indicate by a flag on the ISIR thatthe information came directly from theIRS and was not changed. There will beseparate flags for the student’sinformation and, if applicable, for theparents’ information.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter expressedconcern that students will be confusedand will miss the verificationinformation on their SAR. Thecommenter stated that the verificationworksheet will not work anymorebecause not all items will be used foreach student and asked if institutionswill need to develop their owninterchangeable forms that will list onlythose items an applicant or parent mustverify.Discussion: Institutions have alwaysbeen able and will continue to be ableto develop and use their ownverification worksheets as long as itcaptures the essential verification items.Institutions could create a single formwith all the verification criteria for thecoming award year and select for eachstudent the pertinent items, or theycould modify their form so that eachVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2student receives an individualizedrequest for documentation. We willwork with the community to determineif there still is a need for a Departmentdevelopedverification worksheet, and,if so, how it should be formatted.Changes: None.Comment: One organization requestedthat we create unique codes on the ISIRthat correspond with each verificationitem so that institutions can automatetheir correspondence with applicantsand other processes. Anothercommenter suggested that commentsincluded on the SAR should beexpanded to assist the applicant insending the documentation to verify thespecific items selected for verification tothe institution he or she is seeking toattend.Discussion: As suggested by thecommenters, we will include on eachapplicant’s ISIR item specific flags thatwill indicate which items need to beverified. We will also providenotification to the applicant on theStudent Aid Report (SAR) of the need tohave information verified.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter asked thatthe Department be responsible forcompleting verification and that theDepartment report to institutions whenan applicant’s aid can be disbursed.Discussion: The commenter’s requesthas been suggested before, and we havedetermined that most institutions arenot interested in the Departmentperforming verification and would,notwithstanding the workload, prefer towork with students directly.Changes: None.Acceptable Documentation(§ 668.57(a)(2), (a)(4)(ii)(A), (a)(5), (a)(7),and (d))Comment: One commenter suggestedthat, for applicants and parents whohave not filed their taxes prior to fillingout the FAFSA and who indicate thatthey will be filing, the CPS shouldautomatically draw down the IRS dataand send a reprocessed ISIR, once theapplicant files the required tax returns.A commenter noted that the IRS DataRetrieval Process would not benefitapplicants and their families whocomplete the FAFSA (using estimatedincome) prior to completing theirFederal income tax return in order tomeet various State aid deadlines. Onecommenter asked whether dataretrieved from the IRS can be used tomake corrections to a FAFSA if the IRSData Retrieval Process was not used tocomplete the original FAFSA. In thissituation, the commenter asked whetherthe corrected data would be consideredverified.

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66909WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2Discussion: Under our currentagreement with the IRS, only the taxfiler, at the time he or she is completingthe FAFSA or, starting in 2011–12, atthe time he or she is making corrections,can request that IRS tax information bedisplayed and only the tax filer canchoose to have that informationimported into the applicant’s FAFSA forinitial filings or into the CPS record forcorrections. However, working with theIRS we have been able to mitigate(although not eliminate) the inherentcalendar conflicts between thebeginning of a FAFSA processing yearin January, the many State andinstitutional deadlines occurring asearly as February, and the IRS tax returnfiling timelines. Beginning with the2011–12 processing year, the IRS plansto provide applicants and their familieswith FAFSA on the Web access to taxreturn information withinapproximately 10 days of the return’sfiling date if the return was filedelectronically and within two weeks ifa paper return was filed. Also,beginning with the 2011–12 FAFSAprocessing year, applicants and parentswill be able to access IRS tax returninformation using the FAFSA COTWprocess. Thus, many applicants, who,because of their original FAFSA filingdate (or for any reason), did not use theIRS Data Retrieval Process when theyoriginally completed the FAFSA will beable to use the process to ‘‘correct’’ theoriginal FAFSA information. Likeapplicants who use the IRS DataRetrieval Process when originallycompleting the FAFSA, if applicantsand parents use the FAFSA COTWprocess to import IRS data on theFAFSA, the institution may considerthat data as acceptable documentationin accordance with § 668.57(a)(2) if thatdata was not changed. As mentionedearlier, an applicant’s ISIR will indicatethat the information came directly fromthe IRS and was not changed.Changes: None.Comment: Several commenterssupported the IRS Data RetrievalProcess, which will allow applicantsand their families to import dataobtained from the IRS to populate anapplicant’s online FAFSA. Manycommenters agreed that this processwill reduce an institution’s burden andhelp expedite the financial aid processby not requiring verification of IRSimported data; however, one commenterargued that it would be moreappropriate to eliminate FAFSAspopulated with IRS data through the IRSData Retrieval Process entirely fromverification.Discussion: The Departmentappreciates the commenters’ support.We do not agree that individuals whoretrieve income and tax data from theIRS should be exempt from theverification process because not allFAFSA information can be importedfrom the IRS database and anapplicant’s FAFSA may be selected forverification as a result of a data itemthat cannot be retrieved from the IRS.However, as discussed earlier in thispreamble, an institution may consideras acceptable documentation IRSretrieved information if the Secretaryhas identified those items as havingcome from the IRS and not having beenchanged. We are exploring a processthat would automatically exclude fromverification FAFSA items that camefrom the IRS and were not changed.Changes: Section 668.57(a)(2) hasbeen revised to clarify that aninstitution may use IRS transferred dataas acceptable documentation forverification purposes if it is limited tothe IRS data that was transferred for thespecific award year, and the Secretaryhas identified the data as having beenobtained from the IRS and not havingbeen changed.Comment: One commenter questionedwhether applicants should be allowedto use data from the second processingtax year because that data may notaccurately reflect a student’s or parent’scurrent income. The commenterasserted that the use of these data maycause confusion when completing theFAFSA and that this, in turn, willincrease burden on institutions, whichwill be responsible for responding toincreased requests for professionaljudgment reviews.Another commenter pointed out thatusing data from the second processingtax year would not benefit someCalifornia Community Colleges thathave a high population of families whohave experienced job losses.Discussion: Section 480(a) of the HEAgives the Secretary the option of usingincome and other data from the secondpreceding tax year to calculate anapplicant’s EFC. While the Departmentdoes not plan to exercise this option atthis time, we believe it is appropriate toinclude this provision in the regulationsto allow for this flexibility in the future.We are revising § 668.57(a)(1)(i),(a)(1)(ii), (a)(1)(iii) to make conformingchanges consistent with otherparagraphs under this section thatclarify the specific year that thedocumentation provided for under thissection must be submitted to theinstitution.Changes: Section 668.57 has beenrevised in paragraphs (a)(1)(i), (a)(1)(ii),(a)(1)(iii), and (a)(2) to add the phraseVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00079 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2‘‘for the specified year’’ as defined under§ 668.52.Comment: We received a number ofcomments expressing concern regardingthe operational aspect of the IRS DataRetrieval Process. For instance, a fewcommenters were unclear if anapplicant, whose marital status haschanged since filing an income taxreturn, could use the IRS Data RetrievalProcess to import only his or her datafrom an income tax return filed jointly.Another commenter asked if theappropriate fields from a marriedcouple’s separately filed tax returnwould be added together before the dataare imported into an online FAFSA.Discussion: For the reasons noted bythe commenters, the IRS Data RetrievalProcess has not and will not be offeredto an applicant (or parent) whosemarital status changed after the end ofthe tax year. Also, because the currentconfiguration of the IRS Data RetrievalProcess cannot access both tax returnswhen a married applicant or the marriedparents of a dependent student filedseparately (IRS Filing Status of ‘‘MarriedFiling Separately), our FAFSA on theWeb instructions advise such tax filersnot to use the IRS Data RetrievalProcess. Similarly the IRS Data RetrievalProcess cannot extract the income ofone individual that filed jointly. We areworking with the IRS to find aresolution to this issue. In themeantime, if an institution is aware thatsuch individuals did use the IRS DataRetrieval Process the institution mustcollect tax return information from theother spouse.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter noted thatmost Pell-eligible applicants would notbenefit from the IRS Data RetrievalProcess since they are not required tofile a Federal tax return because they donot earn enough. Therefore, thiscommenter argued that these applicantsand the institutions that serve themwould not experience the reduction inburden the IRS Data Retrieval Process isexpected to provide.Discussion: The commenter is correct.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter requestedguidance on the level of knowledgeFAAs are expected to have regarding taxfiling requirements. Specifically, thecommenter expressed concern thatFAAs may not have the knowledgenecessary to ensure that applicants arefiling their tax returns under the correcttax filing status (i.e., single, marriedfiling jointly, married filing separately,and head of household).Discussion: We do not expect FAAs tobe experts in IRS and tax filingrequirements. However, FAAs are

66908 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and RegulationsWReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2verification criteria, or adopt early thenew criteria.Discussion: While institutions willneed to wait for the receipt <strong>of</strong> the ISIRbefore requesting specific verificationdocumentation from applicants, we donot envision that this will substantiallydelay the time required for applicants tocomplete verification. During the earlyyears <strong>of</strong> implementation <strong>of</strong> the targetedapproach to verification, there will bestability in the FAFSA information theSecretary selects from year to year. Forexample, we would retain the five itemsincluded in the current regulations andsupplement them as needed. However,it is unlikely that an applicant wouldhave to verify all five data elements.We will publish in the FederalRegister the set <strong>of</strong> potential verificationitems the <strong>Department</strong> intends to verifyfor an upcoming award year four to sixmonths prior to the start <strong>of</strong> theapplication processing year (January 1,2012 for the 2012–13 award year) to giveinstitutions time to modify theirsystems. The maximum number <strong>of</strong> itemsthat could be selected for verification inany given year is the entire list <strong>of</strong> itemswe plan to publish in the FederalRegister notice for that year. Becausethe selection <strong>of</strong> verification items for aparticular award year will be basedupon a sophisticated statistical analysis<strong>of</strong> prior year and other relevant data, wedo not anticipate the Federal Registernotice providing multi-year selectioncriteria, nor, for the same reason, do weintend to solicit public comments on theverification items we select.To verify an applicant’s FAFSAinformation that overlaps twoprocessing years, the institution mustdetermine which award year’s EFC willbe used and apply the verificationcriteria established for that award year.Changes: None.Comment: Various commentersexpressed concern that the newapproach for targeting items forverification will unfairly affecttraditionally black, community, andcareer colleges. One commenterrequested that we not use theverification process to target lowincomedemographic groups and thatwe consider some kind <strong>of</strong> relief for thesegroups regarding discrepancies ininformation under § 668.16(f). Anothercommenter questioned whether the newapproach for targeting items forverification could be seen as a means <strong>of</strong>pr<strong>of</strong>iling applicants.Discussion: Historically the<strong>Department</strong> has used verification t<strong>of</strong>ocus on those FAFSAs that are likely toinclude errors that will result inincorrect awards. It is not our intent tosingle out any demographic populationor a particular type <strong>of</strong> institution; rather,our goal is to continue to select forverification FAFSA information thatmost likely needs to be corrected.As stated earlier, § 668.16(f) requiresan institution to resolve discrepanciesin the information it receives fromdifferent sources and these regulationsunder subpart E will not change thisrequirement.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter asked ifverification should be required when astudent appeals for a pr<strong>of</strong>essionaljudgment change to the cost <strong>of</strong>attendance.Discussion: We do not plan to add tothe list <strong>of</strong> verification exclusions in§ 668.54(b) students who request apr<strong>of</strong>essional judgment change.Changes: None.Comment: Several commenters statedthat an exclusion from verificationcould be granted when the student orparent used the IRS Data RetrievalProcess to supply income and tax dataon the FAFSA.Discussion: Section 668.57(a)(2) <strong>of</strong> thenew regulations codifies ourdetermination that in instances when anapplicant or parent is required to havehis or her AGI, taxes paid, or incomeearned from work verified, theinstitution may consider as acceptabledocumentation the information reportedby the student on the FAFSA andreported to the institution on the ISIR ifthe Secretary has identified those itemsas having come from the IRS and ashaving not been changed. The Secretarywill so indicate by a flag on the ISIR thatthe information came directly from theIRS and was not changed. There will beseparate flags for the student’sinformation and, if applicable, for theparents’ information.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter expressedconcern that students will be confusedand will miss the verificationinformation on their SAR. Thecommenter stated that the verificationworksheet will not work anymorebecause not all items will be used foreach student and asked if institutionswill need to develop their owninterchangeable forms that will list onlythose items an applicant or parent mustverify.Discussion: Institutions have alwaysbeen able and will continue to be ableto develop and use their ownverification worksheets as long as itcaptures the essential verification items.Institutions could create a single formwith all the verification criteria for thecoming award year and select for eachstudent the pertinent items, or theycould modify their form so that eachVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2student receives an individualizedrequest for documentation. We willwork with the community to determineif there still is a need for a <strong>Department</strong>developedverification worksheet, and,if so, how it should be formatted.Changes: None.Comment: One organization requestedthat we create unique codes on the ISIRthat correspond with each verificationitem so that institutions can automatetheir correspondence with applicantsand other processes. Anothercommenter suggested that commentsincluded on the SAR should beexpanded to assist the applicant insending the documentation to verify thespecific items selected for verification tothe institution he or she is seeking toattend.Discussion: As suggested by thecommenters, we will include on eachapplicant’s ISIR item specific flags thatwill indicate which items need to beverified. We will also providenotification to the applicant on theStudent Aid Report (SAR) <strong>of</strong> the need tohave information verified.Changes: None.Comment: One commenter asked thatthe <strong>Department</strong> be responsible forcompleting verification and that the<strong>Department</strong> report to institutions whenan applicant’s aid can be disbursed.Discussion: The commenter’s requesthas been suggested before, and we havedetermined that most institutions arenot interested in the <strong>Department</strong>performing verification and would,notwithstanding the workload, prefer towork with students directly.Changes: None.Acceptable Documentation(§ 668.57(a)(2), (a)(4)(ii)(A), (a)(5), (a)(7),and (d))Comment: One commenter suggestedthat, for applicants and parents whohave not filed their taxes prior to fillingout the FAFSA and who indicate thatthey will be filing, the CPS shouldautomatically draw down the IRS dataand send a reprocessed ISIR, once theapplicant files the required tax returns.A commenter noted that the IRS DataRetrieval Process would not benefitapplicants and their families whocomplete the FAFSA (using estimatedincome) prior to completing theirFederal income tax return in order tomeet various State aid deadlines. Onecommenter asked whether dataretrieved from the IRS can be used tomake corrections to a FAFSA if the IRSData Retrieval Process was not used tocomplete the original FAFSA. In thissituation, the commenter asked whetherthe corrected data would be consideredverified.

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