Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education

Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education


WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES266964 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulationsand Records Administration (NARA).For information on the availability ofthis material at NARA, call 1–866–272–6272, or go to: The document alsomay be obtained from the AmericanEducational Research Association at:; and(v)(A) If the test is in Spanish,accompanied by a distribution of testscores that clearly indicates the meanscore and standard deviation forSpanish-speaking students with highschool diplomas who have taken the testwithin five years before the date onwhich the test is submitted to theSecretary for approval.(B) If the test is in a language otherthan Spanish, accompanied by arecommendation for a provisionalpassing score based upon performanceof a sample of test takers representativeof non-English speaking individualswho speak a language other thanSpanish and who have a high schooldiploma. The sample upon which therecommended provisional passing scoreis based must be large enough toproduce stable norms.(2) In the case of a test that ismodified for use for individuals withdisabilities, the test publisher or Statemust—(i) Follow guidelines provided in the‘‘Testing Individuals with Disabilities’’section of the Standards for Educationaland Psychological Testing; and(ii) Provide documentation of theappropriateness and feasibility of themodifications relevant to testperformance.(3) In the case of a computer-basedtest, the test publisher or State, asapplicable, must—(i) Provide documentation to theSecretary that the test complies with thebasic principles of test construction andstandards of reliability and validity aspromulgated in the Standards forEducational and Psychological Testing;(ii) Provide test administrators withinstructions for familiarizing test takerswith computer hardware prior to testtaking;and(iii) Provide two or more parallel,equated forms of the test, or, if parallelforms are generated from an item pool,provide documentation of the methodsof item selection for alternate forms.(b) If a test is designed solely tomeasure the English languagecompetence of non-native speakers ofEnglish—(1) The test must meet the criteria setforth in § 668.146(b)(6), (c)(1), (c)(2), and(c)(4); and(2) The test publisher mustrecommend a passing score based on themean score of test takers beyond the ageof compulsory school attendance whocompleted U.S. high school equivalencyprograms, formal training programs, orbilingual vocational programs.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0049)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091(d))§ 668.149 Special provisions for theapproval of assessment procedures forindividuals with disabilities.If no test is reasonably available forindividuals with disabilities so that notest can be approved under §§ 668.146or 668.148 for these individuals, thefollowing procedures apply:(a) The Secretary considers a modifiedtest or testing procedure, or instrumentthat has been scientifically developedspecifically for the purpose ofevaluating the ability to benefit frompostsecondary training or education ofindividuals with disabilities to be anapproved test for purposes of thissubpart provided that the testingprocedure or instrument measures bothbasic verbal and quantitative skills atthe secondary school level.(b) The Secretary considers thepassing scores for these testingprocedures or instruments to be thoserecommended by the test publisher orState, as applicable.(c) The test publisher or State, asapplicable, must—(1) Maintain appropriatedocumentation, including a descriptionof the procedures or instruments, theircontent domains, technical properties,and scoring procedures; and(2) Require the test administrator to—(i) Use the procedures or instrumentsin accordance with instructionsprovided by the test publisher or State,as applicable; and(ii) Use the passing scoresrecommended by the test publisher orState, as applicable.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0049)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091(d))§ 668.150 Agreement between theSecretary and a test publisher or a State.(a) If the Secretary approves a testunder this subpart, the test publisher orthe State that submitted the test mustenter into an agreement with theSecretary that contains the provisionsset forth in paragraph (b) of this sectionbefore an institution may use the test todetermine a student’s eligibility for titleIV, HEA program funds.(b) The agreement between a testpublisher or a State, as applicable, andVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00134 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2the Secretary provides that the testpublisher or the State, as applicable,must—(1) Allow only test administrators thatit certifies to give its test;(2) Require each test administrator itcertifies to—(i) Provide the test publisher or theState, as applicable, with a certificationstatement that indicates he or she is notcurrently decertified; and(ii) Notify the test publisher or theState, as applicable, immediately if anyother test publisher or State decertifiesthe test administrator;(3) Only certify test administratorswho—(i) Have the necessary training,knowledge, and skill to test students inaccordance with the test publisher’s orthe State’s testing requirements;(ii) Have the ability and facilities tokeep its test secure against disclosure orrelease; and(iii) Have not been decertified withinthe last three years by any test publisheror State;(4) Decertify a test administrator for aperiod of three years if the test publisheror the State finds that the testadministrator—(i) Has failed to give its test inaccordance with the test publisher’s orthe State’s instructions;(ii) Has not kept the test secure;(iii) Has compromised the integrity ofthe testing process; or(iv) Has given the test in violation ofthe provisions contained in § 668.151;(5) Reevaluate the qualifications of atest administrator who has beendecertified by another test publisher orState and determine whether tocontinue the test administrator’scertification or to decertify the testadministrator;(6) Immediately notify the testadministrator, the Secretary, and theinstitutions where the test administratorpreviously administered approved testswhen the test publisher or the Statedecertifies a test administrator;(7)(i) Review the test results of thetests administered by a decertified testadministrator and determine which testsmay have been improperly administeredduring the five (5) year period precedingthe date of decertification;(ii) Immediately notify the affectedinstitutions and students or prospectivestudents; and(iii) Provide a report to the Secretaryon the results of the review and thenotifications provided to institutionsand students or prospective students;(8) Report to the Secretary if the testpublisher or the State certifies apreviously decertified test administratorafter the three year period specified inparagraph (b)(4) of this section;

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66965WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2(9) Score a test answer sheet that itreceives from a test administrator;(10) If a computer-based test is used,provide the test administrator withsoftware that will—(i) Immediately generate a score reportfor each test taker;(ii) Allow the test administrator tosend to the test publisher or the State,as applicable, a record of the test taker’sperformance on each test item and thetest taker’s test scores using a datatransfer method that is encrypted andsecure; and(iii) Prohibit any changes in test takerresponses or test scores;(11) Promptly send to the student andthe institution the student indicated heor she is attending or scheduled toattend a notice stating the student’sscore for the test and whether or not thestudent passed the test;(12) Keep each test answer sheet orelectronic record forwarded for scoringand all other documents forwarded bythe test administrator with regard to thetest for a period of three years from thedate the analysis of the tests results,described in paragraph (b)(13) of thissection, was sent to the Secretary;(13) Analyze the test scores ofstudents who take the test to determinewhether the test scores and dataproduce any irregular pattern that raisesan inference that the tests were notbeing properly administered, andprovide the Secretary with a copy of thisanalysis within 18 months after the testwas approved and every 18 monthsthereafter during the period of testapproval;(14) Upon request, give the Secretary,a State agency, an accrediting agency,and law enforcement agencies access totest records or other documents relatedto an audit, investigation, or programreview of an institution, the testpublisher, or a test administrator;(15) Immediately report to theSecretary if the test publisher or theState finds any credible informationindicating that a test has beencompromised;(16) Immediately report to the Officeof Inspector General of the Departmentof Education for investigation if the testpublisher or the State finds any credibleinformation indicating that a testadministrator or institution may haveengaged in civil or criminal fraud, orother misconduct; and(17) Require a test administrator whoprovides a test to an individual with adisability who requires anaccommodation in the test’sadministration to report to the testpublisher or the State within the timeperiod specified in § 668.151(b)(2) or§ 668.152(b)(2), as applicable, the natureof the disability and theaccommodations that were provided.(c)(1) The Secretary may terminate anagreement with a test publisher or aState, as applicable, if the test publisheror the State fails to carry out the termsof the agreement described in paragraph(b) of this section.(2) Before terminating the agreement,the Secretary gives the test publisher orthe State, as applicable, the opportunityto show that it has not failed to carry outthe terms of its agreement.(3) If the Secretary terminates anagreement with a test publisher or aState under this section, the Secretarypublishes a notice in the FederalRegister specifying when institutionsmay no longer use the test publisher’sor the State’s test(s) for purposes ofdetermining a student’s eligibility fortitle IV, HEA program funds.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0049)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091(d))§ 668.151 Administration of tests.(a)(1) To establish a student’seligibility for title IV, HEA programfunds under this subpart, an institutionmust select a test administrator to givean approved test.(2) An institution may use the resultsof an approved test it received from anapproved test publisher or assessmentcenter to determine a student’seligibility to receive title IV, HEAprogram funds if the test wasindependently administered andproperly administered in accordancewith this subpart.(b) The Secretary considers that a testis independently administered if the testis—(1) Given at an assessment center bya certified test administrator who is anemployee of the center; or(2) Given by an independent testadministrator who maintains the test ata secure location and submits the testfor scoring by the test publisher or theState or, for a computer-based test, arecord of the test scores, within twobusiness days of administering the test.(c) The Secretary considers that a testis not independently administered if aninstitution—(1) Compromises test security ortesting procedures;(2) Pays a test administrator a bonus,commission, or any other incentivebased upon the test scores or pass ratesof its students who take the test; or(3) Otherwise interferes with the testadministrator’s independence or testadministration.(d) The Secretary considers that a testis properly administered if the testadministrator—VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00135 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2(1) Is certified by the test publisher orthe State, as applicable, to give the testpublisher’s or the State’s test;(2) Administers the test in accordancewith instructions provided by the testpublisher or the State, as applicable,and in a manner that ensures theintegrity and security of the test;(3) Makes the test available only to atest-taker, and then only during aregularly scheduled test;(4) Secures the test against disclosureor release; and(5) Submits the completed test or, fora computer-based test, a record of testscores, to the test publisher or the State,as applicable, within the time periodspecified in § 668.152(b) or paragraph(b)(2) of this section, as appropriate, andin accordance with the test publisher’sor the State’s instructions.(e) An independent test administratormay not score a test.(f) An individual who fails to pass atest approved under this subpart maynot retake the same form of the test forthe period prescribed by the testpublisher or the State responsible forthe test.(g) An institution must maintain arecord for each individual who took atest under this subpart. The record mustinclude—(1) The test taken by the individual;(2) The date of the test;(3) The individual’s scores as reportedby the test publisher, an assessmentcenter, or the State;(4) The name and address of the testadministrator who administered the testand any identifier assigned to the testadministrator by the test publisher orthe State; and(5) If the individual who took the testis an individual with a disability andwas unable to be evaluated by the useof an approved ATB test or theindividual requested or required testingaccommodations, documentation of theindividual’s disability and of the testingarrangements provided in accordancewith § 668.153(b).(Approved by the Office of Managementand Budget under control number 1845–0049)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091(d))§ 668.152 Administration of tests byassessment centers.(a) If a test is given by an assessmentcenter, the assessment center mustproperly administer the test asdescribed in § 668.151(d), and§ 668.153, if applicable.(b)(1) Unless an agreement between atest publisher or a State, as applicable,and an assessment center indicatesotherwise, an assessment center scores

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66965WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2(9) Score a test answer sheet that itreceives from a test administrator;(10) If a computer-based test is used,provide the test administrator withs<strong>of</strong>tware that will—(i) Immediately generate a score reportfor each test taker;(ii) Allow the test administrator tosend to the test publisher or the State,as applicable, a record <strong>of</strong> the test taker’sperformance on each test item and thetest taker’s test scores using a datatransfer method that is encrypted andsecure; and(iii) Prohibit any changes in test takerresponses or test scores;(11) Promptly send to the student andthe institution the student indicated heor she is attending or scheduled toattend a notice stating the student’sscore for the test and whether or not thestudent passed the test;(12) Keep each test answer sheet orelectronic record forwarded for scoringand all other documents forwarded bythe test administrator with regard to thetest for a period <strong>of</strong> three years from thedate the analysis <strong>of</strong> the tests results,described in paragraph (b)(13) <strong>of</strong> thissection, was sent to the Secretary;(13) Analyze the test scores <strong>of</strong>students who take the test to determinewhether the test scores and dataproduce any irregular pattern that raisesan inference that the tests were notbeing properly administered, andprovide the Secretary with a copy <strong>of</strong> thisanalysis within 18 months after the testwas approved and every 18 monthsthereafter during the period <strong>of</strong> testapproval;(14) Upon request, give the Secretary,a State agency, an accrediting agency,and law enforcement agencies access totest records or other documents relatedto an audit, investigation, or programreview <strong>of</strong> an institution, the testpublisher, or a test administrator;(15) Immediately report to theSecretary if the test publisher or theState finds any credible informationindicating that a test has beencompromised;(16) Immediately report to the <strong>Office</strong><strong>of</strong> Inspector General <strong>of</strong> the <strong>Department</strong><strong>of</strong> <strong>Education</strong> for investigation if the testpublisher or the State finds any credibleinformation indicating that a testadministrator or institution may haveengaged in civil or criminal fraud, orother misconduct; and(17) Require a test administrator whoprovides a test to an individual with adisability who requires anaccommodation in the test’sadministration to report to the testpublisher or the State within the timeperiod specified in § 668.151(b)(2) or§ 668.152(b)(2), as applicable, the nature<strong>of</strong> the disability and theaccommodations that were provided.(c)(1) The Secretary may terminate anagreement with a test publisher or aState, as applicable, if the test publisheror the State fails to carry out the terms<strong>of</strong> the agreement described in paragraph(b) <strong>of</strong> this section.(2) Before terminating the agreement,the Secretary gives the test publisher orthe State, as applicable, the opportunityto show that it has not failed to carry outthe terms <strong>of</strong> its agreement.(3) If the Secretary terminates anagreement with a test publisher or aState under this section, the Secretarypublishes a notice in the FederalRegister specifying when institutionsmay no longer use the test publisher’sor the State’s test(s) for purposes <strong>of</strong>determining a student’s eligibility fortitle IV, HEA program funds.(Approved by the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management andBudget under control number 1845–0049)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091(d))§ 668.151 Administration <strong>of</strong> tests.(a)(1) To establish a student’seligibility for title IV, HEA programfunds under this subpart, an institutionmust select a test administrator to givean approved test.(2) An institution may use the results<strong>of</strong> an approved test it received from anapproved test publisher or assessmentcenter to determine a student’seligibility to receive title IV, HEAprogram funds if the test wasindependently administered andproperly administered in accordancewith this subpart.(b) The Secretary considers that a testis independently administered if the testis—(1) Given at an assessment center bya certified test administrator who is anemployee <strong>of</strong> the center; or(2) Given by an independent testadministrator who maintains the test ata secure location and submits the testfor scoring by the test publisher or theState or, for a computer-based test, arecord <strong>of</strong> the test scores, within twobusiness days <strong>of</strong> administering the test.(c) The Secretary considers that a testis not independently administered if aninstitution—(1) Compromises test security ortesting procedures;(2) Pays a test administrator a bonus,commission, or any other incentivebased upon the test scores or pass rates<strong>of</strong> its students who take the test; or(3) Otherwise interferes with the testadministrator’s independence or testadministration.(d) The Secretary considers that a testis properly administered if the testadministrator—VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00135 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2(1) Is certified by the test publisher orthe State, as applicable, to give the testpublisher’s or the State’s test;(2) Administers the test in accordancewith instructions provided by the testpublisher or the State, as applicable,and in a manner that ensures theintegrity and security <strong>of</strong> the test;(3) Makes the test available only to atest-taker, and then only during aregularly scheduled test;(4) Secures the test against disclosureor release; and(5) Submits the completed test or, fora computer-based test, a record <strong>of</strong> testscores, to the test publisher or the State,as applicable, within the time periodspecified in § 668.152(b) or paragraph(b)(2) <strong>of</strong> this section, as appropriate, andin accordance with the test publisher’sor the State’s instructions.(e) An independent test administratormay not score a test.(f) An individual who fails to pass atest approved under this subpart maynot retake the same form <strong>of</strong> the test forthe period prescribed by the testpublisher or the State responsible forthe test.(g) An institution must maintain arecord for each individual who took atest under this subpart. The record mustinclude—(1) The test taken by the individual;(2) The date <strong>of</strong> the test;(3) The individual’s scores as reportedby the test publisher, an assessmentcenter, or the State;(4) The name and address <strong>of</strong> the testadministrator who administered the testand any identifier assigned to the testadministrator by the test publisher orthe State; and(5) If the individual who took the testis an individual with a disability andwas unable to be evaluated by the use<strong>of</strong> an approved ATB test or theindividual requested or required testingaccommodations, documentation <strong>of</strong> theindividual’s disability and <strong>of</strong> the testingarrangements provided in accordancewith § 668.153(b).(Approved by the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> Managementand Budget under control number 1845–0049)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1091(d))§ 668.152 Administration <strong>of</strong> tests byassessment centers.(a) If a test is given by an assessmentcenter, the assessment center mustproperly administer the test asdescribed in § 668.151(d), and§ 668.153, if applicable.(b)(1) Unless an agreement between atest publisher or a State, as applicable,and an assessment center indicatesotherwise, an assessment center scores

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