Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education

Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education


WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES266956 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulationsupdate is necessary to address aninequity or to reflect more accuratelythe applicant’s ability to pay.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0041)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094)§ 668.56 Information to be verified.(a) For each award year the Secretarypublishes in the Federal Register noticethe FAFSA information that aninstitution and an applicant may berequired to verify.(b) For each applicant whose FAFSAinformation is selected for verificationby the Secretary, the Secretary specifiesthe specific information underparagraph (a) of this section that theapplicant must verify.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0041)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094, 1095)§ 668.57 Acceptable documentation.If an applicant is selected to verifyany of the following information, aninstitution must obtain the specifieddocumentation.(a) Adjusted Gross Income (AGI),income earned from work, or U.S.income tax paid. (1) Except as providedin paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4) ofthis section, an institution must requirean applicant selected for verification ofAGI, income earned from work or U.S.income tax paid to submit to it—(i) A copy of the income tax return oran Internal Revenue Service (IRS) formthat lists tax account information of theapplicant, his or her spouse, or his orher parents, as applicable for thespecified year. The copy of the returnmust include the signature (which neednot be an original) of the filer of thereturn or of one of the filers of a jointreturn;(ii) For a dependent student, a copyof each IRS Form W–2 for the specifiedyear received by the parent whoseincome is being taken into account if—(A) The parents filed a joint return;and(B) The parents are divorced orseparated or one of the parents has died;and(iii) For an independent student, acopy of each IRS Form W–2 for thespecified year he or she received if theindependent student—(A) Filed a joint return; and(B) Is a widow or widower, or isdivorced or separated.(2) An institution may accept, in lieuof an income tax return or an IRS formthat lists tax account information, theinformation reported for an item on theapplicant’s FAFSA for the specified yearif the Secretary has identified that itemas having been obtained from the IRSand not having been changed.(3) An institution must accept, in lieuof an income tax return or an IRS formthat lists tax account information, thedocumentation set forth in paragraph(a)(4) of this section if the individual forthe specified year—(i) Has not filed and, under IRS rules,or other applicable government agencyrules, is not required to file an incometax return;(ii) Is required to file a U.S. tax returnand has been granted a filing extensionby the IRS; or(iii) Has requested a copy of the taxreturn or an IRS form that lists taxaccount information, and the IRS or agovernment of a U.S. territory orcommonwealth or a foreign centralgovernment cannot locate the return orprovide an IRS form that lists taxaccount information.(4) An institution must accept—(i) For an individual described inparagraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, astatement signed by that individualcertifying that he or she has not filedand is not required to file an income taxreturn for the specified year andcertifying for that year thatindividual’s—(A) Sources of income earned fromwork as stated on the FAFSA; and(B) Amounts of income from eachsource. In lieu of a certification of theseamounts of income, the applicant mayprovide a copy of his or her IRS FormW–2 for each source listed underparagraph (a)(4)(i)(A) of this section;(ii) For an individual described inparagraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section—(A) A copy of the IRS Form 4868,‘‘Application for Automatic Extension ofTime to File U.S. Individual Income TaxReturn,’’ that the individual filed withthe IRS for the specified year, or a copyof the IRS’s approval of an extensionbeyond the automatic six-monthextension if the individual requested anadditional extension of the filing time;and(B) A copy of each IRS Form W–2 thatthe individual received for the specifiedyear, or for a self-employed individual,a statement signed by the individualcertifying the amount of the AGI for thespecified year; and(iii) For an individual described inparagraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section—(A) A copy of each IRS Form W–2 thatthe individual received for the specifiedyear; or(B) For an individual who is selfemployedor has filed an income taxreturn with a government of a U. S.territory or commonwealth, or a foreigncentral government, a statement signedby the individual certifying the amountVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2of AGI and taxes paid for the specifiedyear.(5) An institution may require anindividual described in paragraph(a)(3)(ii) of this section to provide to ita copy of his or her completed andsigned income tax return when filed. Ifan institution receives the copy of thereturn, it must reverify the AGI andtaxes paid by the applicant and his orher spouse or parents.(6) If an individual who is required tosubmit an IRS Form W–2, underparagraph (a) of this section, is unableto obtain one in a timely manner, theinstitution may permit that individualto set forth, in a statement signed by theindividual, the amount of incomeearned from work, the source of thatincome, and the reason that the IRSForm W–2 is not available in a timelymanner.(7) For the purpose of this section, aninstitution may accept in lieu of a copyof an income tax return signed by thefiler of the return or one of the filers ofa joint return, a copy of the filer’s returnthat includes the preparer’s SocialSecurity Number, EmployerIdentification Number or the PreparerTax Identification Number and has beensigned, stamped, typed, or printed withthe name and address of the preparer ofthe return.(b) Number of family members inhousehold. An institution must requirean applicant selected for verification ofthe number of family members in thehousehold to submit to it a statementsigned by both the applicant and one ofthe applicant’s parents if the applicantis a dependent student, or only theapplicant if the applicant is anindependent student, listing the nameand age of each family member in thehousehold and the relationship of thathousehold member to the applicant.(c) Number of family householdmembers enrolled in eligiblepostsecondary institutions. (1) Aninstitution must require an applicantselected for verification of the numberof household members in theapplicant’s family enrolled on at least ahalf-time basis in eligible postsecondaryinstitutions to submit a statement signedby both the applicant and one of theapplicant’s parents, if the applicant is adependent student, or by only theapplicant if the applicant is anindependent student, listing—(i) The name of each family memberwho is or will be attending an eligiblepostsecondary educational institution asat least a half-time student in the awardyear;(ii) The age of each student; and(iii) The name of the institution thateach student is or will be attending.

Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66957WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2(2) If the institution has reason tobelieve that an applicant’s FAFSAinformation or the statement providedunder paragraph (c)(1) of this sectionregarding the number of familyhousehold members enrolled in eligiblepostsecondary institutions is inaccurate,the institution must obtain a statementfrom each institution named by theapplicant in response to the requirementof paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this sectionthat the household member in questionis or will be attending the institution onat least a half-time basis, unless—(i) The institution the student isattending determines that such astatement is not available because thehousehold member in question has notyet registered at the institution he or sheplans to attend; or(ii) The institution has informationindicating that the student will beattending the same institution as theapplicant.(d) Other information. If an applicantis selected to verify other informationspecified in the annual Federal Registernotice, the applicant must provide thedocumentation specified for thatinformation in the Federal Registernotice.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0041)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094)§ 668.58 Interim disbursements.(a)(1) If an institution has reason tobelieve that an applicant’s FAFSAinformation is inaccurate, until theinformation is verified and anycorrections are made in accordance with§ 668.59(a), the institution may not—(i) Disburse any Federal Pell Grant,FSEOG, or Federal Perkins LoanProgram funds to the applicant;(ii) Employ or allow an employer toemploy the applicant in its FWSProgram; or(iii) Originate a Direct SubsidizedLoan, or disburse any such loanproceeds for any previously certifiedoriginated Direct Subsidized Loan to theapplicant.(2) If an institution does not havereason to believe that an applicant’sFAFSA information is inaccurate priorto verification, the institution may—(i)(A) Withhold payment of FederalPell Grant, Federal Perkins Loan, orFSEOG Program funds for the applicant;or(B) Make one disbursement from eachof the Federal Pell Grant, FederalPerkins Loan, or FSEOG Program fundsfor the applicant’s first payment periodof the award year;(ii) Employ or allow an employer toemploy that applicant, once he or she isan eligible student, under the FWSProgram for the first 60 consecutivedays after the student’s enrollment inthat award year; or(iii)(A) Withhold origination of theapplicant’s Direct Subsidized Loan; or(B) Originate the Direct SubsidizedLoan provided that the institution doesnot disburse Subsidized Stafford Loanor Direct Subsidized Loan proceeds.(3) If, after verification, an institutiondetermines that changes to anapplicant’s information will not changethe amount the applicant would receiveunder a title IV, HEA program, theinstitution—(i) Must ensure corrections are madein accordance with § 668.59(a); and(ii) May prior to receiving thecorrected valid SAR or valid ISIR—(A) Make one disbursement from eachof the Federal Pell Grant, FederalPerkins Loan, or FSEOG Program fundsfor the applicant’s first payment periodof the award year;(B) Employ or allow an employer toemploy the applicant, once he or she isan eligible student, under the FWSProgram for the first 60 consecutivedays after the student’s enrollment inthat award year; or(C) Originate the Direct SubsidizedLoan and disburse the SubsidizedStafford Loan or Direct Subsidized Loanproceeds for the applicant.(b) If an institution chooses to makea disbursement under—(1) Paragraph (a)(2)(i)(B) of thissection, it—(i) Is liable for any overpaymentdiscovered as a result of verification tothe extent that the overpayment is notrecovered through reducing subsequentdisbursements in the award year or fromthe student; and(ii) Must recover the overpayment inaccordance with § 668.61(a);(2) Paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section,it—(i) Is liable for any overpaymentdiscovered as a result of verification tothe extent that the overpayment is noteliminated by adjusting other financialassistance; and(ii) Must recover the overpayment inaccordance with § 668.61(b); or(3) Paragraph (a)(3) of this section,it—(i) Is liable for any subsidized studentfinancial assistance disbursed if it doesnot receive the valid SAR or valid ISIRreflecting corrections within thedeadlines established under § 668.60;and(ii) Must recover the funds inaccordance with § 668.61(c).(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094)VerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00127 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2§ 668.59 Consequences of a change in anapplicant’s FAFSA information.(a) For the subsidized studentfinancial assistance programs, if anapplicant’s FAFSA information changesas a result of verification, the applicantor the institution must submit to theSecretary any changes to—(1) A nondollar item; or(2) A single dollar item of $25 ormore.(b) For the Federal Pell GrantProgram, if an applicant’s FAFSAinformation changes as a result ofverification, an institution must—(1) Recalculate the applicant’s FederalPell Grant on the basis of the EFC on thecorrected valid SAR or valid ISIR; and(2)(i) Disburse any additional fundsunder that award only if the institutionreceives a corrected valid SAR or validISIR for the applicant and only to theextent that additional funds are payablebased on the recalculation;(ii) Comply with the proceduresspecified in § 668.61 for an interimdisbursement if, as a result ofverification, the Federal Pell Grantaward is reduced; or—(iii) Comply with the proceduresspecified in 34 CFR 690.79 for anoverpayment that is not an interimdisbursement if, as a result ofverification, the Federal Pell Grantaward is reduced.(c) For the subsidized studentfinancial assistance programs, excludingthe Federal Pell Grant Program, if anapplicant’s FAFSA information changesas a result of verification, the institutionmust—(1) Adjust the applicant’s financial aidpackage on the basis of the EFC on thecorrected valid SAR or valid ISIR; and(2)(i) Comply with the proceduresspecified in § 668.61 for an interimdisbursement if, as a result ofverification, the financial aid packagemust be reduced;(ii) Comply with the proceduresspecified in 34 CFR 673.5(f) for aFederal Perkins loan or an FSEOGoverpayment that is not the result of aninterim disbursement if, as a result ofverification, the financial aid packagemust be reduced; and(iii) Comply with the proceduresspecified in 34 CFR 685.303(e) for DirectSubsidized Loan excess loan proceedsthat are not the result of an interimdisbursement if, as a result ofverification, the financial aid packagemust be reduced.(Approved by the Office of Management andBudget under control number 1845–0041)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094)

WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES266956 Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulationsupdate is necessary to address aninequity or to reflect more accuratelythe applicant’s ability to pay.(Approved by the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management andBudget under control number 1845–0041)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094)§ 668.56 Information to be verified.(a) For each award year the Secretarypublishes in the Federal Register noticethe FAFSA information that aninstitution and an applicant may berequired to verify.(b) For each applicant whose FAFSAinformation is selected for verificationby the Secretary, the Secretary specifiesthe specific information underparagraph (a) <strong>of</strong> this section that theapplicant must verify.(Approved by the <strong>Office</strong> <strong>of</strong> Management andBudget under control number 1845–0041)(Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1094, 1095)§ 668.57 Acceptable documentation.If an applicant is selected to verifyany <strong>of</strong> the following information, aninstitution must obtain the specifieddocumentation.(a) Adjusted Gross Income (AGI),income earned from work, or U.S.income tax paid. (1) Except as providedin paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), and (a)(4) <strong>of</strong>this section, an institution must requirean applicant selected for verification <strong>of</strong>AGI, income earned from work or U.S.income tax paid to submit to it—(i) A copy <strong>of</strong> the income tax return oran Internal Revenue Service (IRS) formthat lists tax account information <strong>of</strong> theapplicant, his or her spouse, or his orher parents, as applicable for thespecified year. The copy <strong>of</strong> the returnmust include the signature (which neednot be an original) <strong>of</strong> the filer <strong>of</strong> thereturn or <strong>of</strong> one <strong>of</strong> the filers <strong>of</strong> a jointreturn;(ii) For a dependent student, a copy<strong>of</strong> each IRS Form W–2 for the specifiedyear received by the parent whoseincome is being taken into account if—(A) The parents filed a joint return;and(B) The parents are divorced orseparated or one <strong>of</strong> the parents has died;and(iii) For an independent student, acopy <strong>of</strong> each IRS Form W–2 for thespecified year he or she received if theindependent student—(A) Filed a joint return; and(B) Is a widow or widower, or isdivorced or separated.(2) An institution may accept, in lieu<strong>of</strong> an income tax return or an IRS formthat lists tax account information, theinformation reported for an item on theapplicant’s FAFSA for the specified yearif the Secretary has identified that itemas having been obtained from the IRSand not having been changed.(3) An institution must accept, in lieu<strong>of</strong> an income tax return or an IRS formthat lists tax account information, thedocumentation set forth in paragraph(a)(4) <strong>of</strong> this section if the individual forthe specified year—(i) Has not filed and, under IRS rules,or other applicable government agencyrules, is not required to file an incometax return;(ii) Is required to file a U.S. tax returnand has been granted a filing extensionby the IRS; or(iii) Has requested a copy <strong>of</strong> the taxreturn or an IRS form that lists taxaccount information, and the IRS or agovernment <strong>of</strong> a U.S. territory orcommonwealth or a foreign centralgovernment cannot locate the return orprovide an IRS form that lists taxaccount information.(4) An institution must accept—(i) For an individual described inparagraph (a)(3)(i) <strong>of</strong> this section, astatement signed by that individualcertifying that he or she has not filedand is not required to file an income taxreturn for the specified year andcertifying for that year thatindividual’s—(A) Sources <strong>of</strong> income earned fromwork as stated on the FAFSA; and(B) Amounts <strong>of</strong> income from eachsource. In lieu <strong>of</strong> a certification <strong>of</strong> theseamounts <strong>of</strong> income, the applicant mayprovide a copy <strong>of</strong> his or her IRS FormW–2 for each source listed underparagraph (a)(4)(i)(A) <strong>of</strong> this section;(ii) For an individual described inparagraph (a)(3)(ii) <strong>of</strong> this section—(A) A copy <strong>of</strong> the IRS Form 4868,‘‘Application for Automatic Extension <strong>of</strong>Time to File U.S. Individual Income TaxReturn,’’ that the individual filed withthe IRS for the specified year, or a copy<strong>of</strong> the IRS’s approval <strong>of</strong> an extensionbeyond the automatic six-monthextension if the individual requested anadditional extension <strong>of</strong> the filing time;and(B) A copy <strong>of</strong> each IRS Form W–2 thatthe individual received for the specifiedyear, or for a self-employed individual,a statement signed by the individualcertifying the amount <strong>of</strong> the AGI for thespecified year; and(iii) For an individual described inparagraph (a)(3)(iii) <strong>of</strong> this section—(A) A copy <strong>of</strong> each IRS Form W–2 thatthe individual received for the specifiedyear; or(B) For an individual who is selfemployedor has filed an income taxreturn with a government <strong>of</strong> a U. S.territory or commonwealth, or a foreigncentral government, a statement signedby the individual certifying the amountVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00126 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2<strong>of</strong> AGI and taxes paid for the specifiedyear.(5) An institution may require anindividual described in paragraph(a)(3)(ii) <strong>of</strong> this section to provide to ita copy <strong>of</strong> his or her completed andsigned income tax return when filed. Ifan institution receives the copy <strong>of</strong> thereturn, it must reverify the AGI andtaxes paid by the applicant and his orher spouse or parents.(6) If an individual who is required tosubmit an IRS Form W–2, underparagraph (a) <strong>of</strong> this section, is unableto obtain one in a timely manner, theinstitution may permit that individualto set forth, in a statement signed by theindividual, the amount <strong>of</strong> incomeearned from work, the source <strong>of</strong> thatincome, and the reason that the IRSForm W–2 is not available in a timelymanner.(7) For the purpose <strong>of</strong> this section, aninstitution may accept in lieu <strong>of</strong> a copy<strong>of</strong> an income tax return signed by thefiler <strong>of</strong> the return or one <strong>of</strong> the filers <strong>of</strong>a joint return, a copy <strong>of</strong> the filer’s returnthat includes the preparer’s SocialSecurity Number, EmployerIdentification Number or the PreparerTax Identification Number and has beensigned, stamped, typed, or printed withthe name and address <strong>of</strong> the preparer <strong>of</strong>the return.(b) Number <strong>of</strong> family members inhousehold. An institution must requirean applicant selected for verification <strong>of</strong>the number <strong>of</strong> family members in thehousehold to submit to it a statementsigned by both the applicant and one <strong>of</strong>the applicant’s parents if the applicantis a dependent student, or only theapplicant if the applicant is anindependent student, listing the nameand age <strong>of</strong> each family member in thehousehold and the relationship <strong>of</strong> thathousehold member to the applicant.(c) Number <strong>of</strong> family householdmembers enrolled in eligiblepostsecondary institutions. (1) Aninstitution must require an applicantselected for verification <strong>of</strong> the number<strong>of</strong> household members in theapplicant’s family enrolled on at least ahalf-time basis in eligible postsecondaryinstitutions to submit a statement signedby both the applicant and one <strong>of</strong> theapplicant’s parents, if the applicant is adependent student, or by only theapplicant if the applicant is anindependent student, listing—(i) The name <strong>of</strong> each family memberwho is or will be attending an eligiblepostsecondary educational institution asat least a half-time student in the awardyear;(ii) The age <strong>of</strong> each student; and(iii) The name <strong>of</strong> the institution thateach student is or will be attending.

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