Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education

Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education

Office of Postsecondary Education - U.S. Department of Education


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Federal Register / Vol. 75, No. 209 / Friday, October 29, 2010 / Rules and Regulations66841amount <strong>of</strong> debt incurred by the studentto the program the student completed.So, in the commenter’s example wherea student enrolls in a postbaccalaureatecertificate program and is concurrentlypursuing a master’s degree, the debt thestudent incurs for the certificateprogram would be included as part <strong>of</strong>the debt the student incurs forcompleting the program leading to amaster’s degree. If the student does notcomplete the master’s degree program,but completes the certificate program,then only the debt incurred by thestudent for the certificate programwould be used in determining thecertificate program’s median loan debt.The <strong>Department</strong> will provide themedian loan debt to an institution foreach <strong>of</strong> its programs, along with themedian loan debt identified separatelyfor FFEL and Direct Loans, and forprivate education loans andinstitutional financing plans. Theinstitution would then disclose thesedebt amounts, as well as any otherinformation the <strong>Department</strong> provides tothe institution about its gainfulemployment programs, on its Web siteand in its promotional materials tosatisfy the requirements in § 668.6(b)(5).While we generally agree with thesuggestion that disclosing the medianloan debt for students who do notcomplete a program may be helpful toprospective students, determining whenor whether students do not complete isSchool Aproblematic for many programs even forstudents who withdraw or stopattending during a payment period—those students may return the followingpayment period. Because further reviewand analysis are needed before we couldpropose a requirement along these lines,institutions will need to report the CIPcode for every student who attends aprogram subject to the gainfulemployment provisions and the totalnumber <strong>of</strong> students who are enrolled ineach <strong>of</strong> its programs at the end <strong>of</strong> anaward year.In cases where a student matriculatesfrom one program to a highercredentialed program at the sameinstitution, the <strong>Department</strong> willassociate all the loan debt incurred bythe student at the institution to thehighest credentialed program completedby the student. To do this, theinstitution must inform the <strong>Department</strong>that even though a student completed aprogram, the student is continuing hisor her education at the institution inanother program. We wish to make clearthat an institution would still need toprovide the information under § 668.6(a)about each program the studentcompletes. The <strong>Department</strong> will includethe student’s loan debt in calculatingthe median loan debt for the programthe student most recently completed, ordelay including the student’s associatedloan debt in calculating the median loandebt for the higher credentialedSchool Bprogram. The <strong>Department</strong> will includethe student’s associated debt for thehigher credentialed program when thestudent completes that program. If thestudent does not complete the highercredentialed program, then only theloan debt incurred by the student forcompleting the first program would beused in calculating the median loandebt for the first program.Similarly, in cases where a studenttransfers from school A to school B, the<strong>Department</strong> will delay including theloan debt incurred by a studentattending a program at school Apending the student’s success at schoolB. If the student completes a highercredentialed program at school B, themedian loan debt for that programincludes only the student’s loan debtincurred at school B. If the student doesnot complete the program at school B,then only the student’s loan debtincurred for completing the program atschool A is included in calculating themedian loan debt for the program atschool A. In other words, a student whocompletes a program and continues hisor her education at the same institutionor at another institution is considered tobe in an in-school status and we willdelay using the student’s loan debt untilthe student completes a highercredentialed program or stops attending.The following chart and discussionillustrate this process.Student Loan debt Loan debtCertificate $3,000 Completed Degree $4,000 Completed GainfulEmploymentProgram?1 ........................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... Yes.2 ........................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... ............................ ................ No ....................... Yes.3 ........................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... No.Same School4 ........................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... Yes.5 ........................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... ............................ ................ No ....................... Yes.6 ........................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... ............................ ................ Yes ..................... No.WReier-Aviles on DSKGBLS3C1PROD with RULES2Student 1. Student is in an in-schoolstatus until the degree program iscompleted at School B. School A and Bwould report loan debt for each <strong>of</strong> theirprograms. Only the $4,000 debt incurredby the student at School B would beincluded in the median loan debtcalculation for the degree program(highest credential completed). Thestudent’s loan debt at School A wouldnot be included in calculating themedian loan debt for the certificateprogram.Student 2. Student is in an in-schoolstatus while attending School B, butdoes not complete the degree program.Only the $3,000 debt incurred by thestudent at School A would be includedin the median loan debt calculation forthe certificate program. The student’sloan debt at School B would not beincluded in calculating the median loandebt for the degree program because thestudent did not complete that program.Student 3. Student is in an in-schoolstatus while attending School B, but theVerDate Mar2010 14:10 Oct 28, 2010 Jkt 223001 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 4701 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\29OCR2.SGM 29OCR2degree program at School B is notsubject to the gainful employmentprovisions. When the student completesthe degree program, none <strong>of</strong> thestudent’s debt would be included in themedian loan debt calculation for thecertificate program and no calculationwould be performed for the degreeprogram because it is not subject to thegainful employment provisions.Student 4. Student is in an in-schoolstatus until the degree program iscompleted. All <strong>of</strong> the student’s debt at

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