Property_Manu - Final - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.

Property_Manu - Final - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd. Property_Manu - Final - The New India Assurance Co. Ltd.
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The New India Assurance Co.Ltd.V. Approximate location or locations where the premises is intended to be situated shouldbe clearly mentioned in the advertisement issued.VI.VII.Before inserting the advertisement RO should short-list the areas/ road where the newpremises are intended to be located. It would be better still if the name of the road as wellas the name of the area are specified. If the identified road is very long, two landmarks,which are at least two kilometers away from each other, can be identified and specifiedin the advertisement. The advertisement must describe the location in detail. The finaldecision in this regard is to be left to the Regional-in-Charge, however this decisionmust be taken before publication of the advertisement.Parking:- The Company may not insist on exclusive parking slots for Divisions andBranches in metros and “A” class cities.VIII. Since all the offers should reach at Regional Office only, the address of the RegionalOffice should appear in the advertisement & the designation of the person to whomoffered are to be addressed. The time limit for submission of tenders should be clear 15days, exclusive of holidays.IX.All the offers should be invited under TWO-BID tender Procedure. Therefore, both theTender Formats “TECHNICAL BID” and “FINANCIAL BID” ALONG WITH THE“Guidelines to Tenderers for submission of Tender (Office Premises) (Annexure –”A”)should be available for distribution to the tenderers from the RO and also from theConcerned Division and the concerned Branch. This would ensure that the Tendererscan collect the formats from the concerned RO, DO and BO.X. Intending Tenderers should be handed over the following three (3) formats on request,within the stipulated time :i. Guidelines for submission of Tender (Annexure “A”)ii.iii.Format for Technical Bid (Annexure “A-1”) andFormat for Financial Bid (Annexure “A-2 &/or A-3”).XI.XII.All the Tenders should be submitted strictly as per the Guidelines (Annexure-”A”). Tenderswith any material deviation there from should be rejected summarily.All offers should be centrally received in the RO either by Registered Post or by SpeedPost or by Recorded Delivery or by Courier only.XIII. As and when the offered envelopes (duly sealed by the Tenderer & superscribed ‘Offerfor Office Premises’) are received in the RO, the Receiving Department should place theDate Stamp on the envelopes and should drop the envelope (without opening the same)in the Tender Box. This practice would avoid causing complications on account ofinadvertent opening of the offers before the due date.12 MANUAL ON PROPERTY

The New India Assurance Co.Ltd.STEP - 2TENDER COMMITTEEi. All tenders should be opened only by the Regional Tender Opening Committee consistingof 3 members preferably :1. Two Officers from RO, at least one Officer from the Establishment Dept. & one fromAccounts at RO.2. An Officer from Internal Audit Department, R.O.ii.iii.iv.It is, therefore, imperative for the Regional Office to form a Regional Tender Committee,if not already constituted.The main (Master) envelopes of each Tender should be opened at the first hour of thenext working day following the last date fixed for submission of Tenders.The time limit stipulated at (iii) above should be strictly adhered to.v. If any of the Committee Members from RO is unable to attend on account of any unavoidablecircumstances, the Chief Regional Manager / Deputy General Manager ofconcerned RO can nominate another Officer of the same rank as the absentee memberof the Tender Committee in member of I.A. & I.D. Cell at RO should ensure his presence on the schedule date ofthe opening of the Tender.All Committee Members should be intimated in writing (as per Annexure –II) well inadvance to ensure their presence on the stipulated date of opening of tenders.All Committee Members should be provided with a copy of these “Guidelines / Procedurefor Selection of New Premises on lease / on Rental / Outright Purchase Basis.STEP -3OPENING OF TENDERSi. Before opening of tenders all Members should put their signature and date on all theenvelopes.ii.After opening of the Master Envelopes the Tender Committee should examine whetherall the envelopes contain TWO envelopes (“Technical Bid” & “Financial Bid”) duly sealedand super scribed as per guidelines for submission of tender and record their findings inthe prescribed form “Findings of the Tender Committee at the Time of opening of theMain (Master) envelopes” (Annexure-III).MANUAL ON PROPERTY13

<strong>The</strong> <strong>New</strong> <strong>India</strong> <strong>Assurance</strong> <strong>Co</strong>.<strong>Ltd</strong>.V. Approximate location or locations where the premises is intended to be situated shouldbe clearly mentioned in the advertisement issued.VI.VII.Before inserting the advertisement RO should short-list the areas/ road where the newpremises are intended to be located. It would be better still if the name of the road as wellas the name of the area are specified. If the identified road is very long, two landmarks,which are at least two kilometers away from each other, can be identified and specifiedin the advertisement. <strong>The</strong> advertisement must describe the location in detail. <strong>The</strong> finaldecision in this regard is to be left to the Regional-in-Charge, however this decisionmust be taken before publication of the advertisement.Parking:- <strong>The</strong> <strong>Co</strong>mpany may not insist on exclusive parking slots for Divisions andBranches in metros and “A” class cities.VIII. Since all the offers should reach at Regional Office only, the address of the RegionalOffice should appear in the advertisement & the designation of the person to whomoffered are to be addressed. <strong>The</strong> time limit for submission of tenders should be clear 15days, exclusive of holidays.IX.All the offers should be invited under TWO-BID tender Procedure. <strong>The</strong>refore, both theTender Formats “TECHNICAL BID” and “FINANCIAL BID” ALONG WITH THE“Guidelines to Tenderers for submission of Tender (Office Premises) (Annexure –”A”)should be available for distribution to the tenderers from the RO and also from the<strong>Co</strong>ncerned Division and the concerned Branch. This would ensure that the Tendererscan collect the formats from the concerned RO, DO and BO.X. Intending Tenderers should be handed over the following three (3) formats on request,within the stipulated time :i. Guidelines for submission of Tender (Annexure “A”)ii.iii.Format for Technical Bid (Annexure “A-1”) andFormat for Financial Bid (Annexure “A-2 &/or A-3”).XI.XII.All the Tenders should be submitted strictly as per the Guidelines (Annexure-”A”). Tenderswith any material deviation there from should be rejected summarily.All offers should be centrally received in the RO either by Registered Post or by SpeedPost or by Recorded Delivery or by <strong>Co</strong>urier only.XIII. As and when the offered envelopes (duly sealed by the Tenderer & superscribed ‘Offerfor Office Premises’) are received in the RO, the Receiving Department should place theDate Stamp on the envelopes and should drop the envelope (without opening the same)in the Tender Box. This practice would avoid causing complications on account ofinadvertent opening of the offers before the due date.12 MANUAL ON PROPERTY

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