2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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59-1/3 CreditsARTS AND SCIENCES (700.A0) DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS (29 COURSES)GENERAL EDUCATION COMPONENT (21-1/3 credits)MINISTERIAL REQUIREMENTS• 4 English• 3 Humanities• 2 Physical Education• 2 French9-1/3 credits6 credits2 credits4 credits• English Exit Examination• Comprehensive Assessment(épreuve synthèse)The courses in English and Humanities are specific to the program.SPECIFIC EDUCATION COMPONENT (38 credits)Compulsory courses (31-2/3 credits):Elective courses (6-1/3 credits):Art• Introduction to Studio ArtChoice of:• Thematic Studies In History of Art• Art: 16th to 19th CenturyMathematics• Differential Calculus• Integral Calculus• Linear Algebra I• Probability and StatisticsScience• General Biology I• Chemistry I• MechanicsSocial Science• International Economics and Politics• Western Civilization• Human Behaviour• Dynamics of Social ChangeIntegrative Course510-100-MS520-903-MS520-120-MS201-701-MS201-702-MS201-703-MS201-704-MS101-701-MS202-701-MS203-701-MS383-701-MS330-701-MS350-701-MS387-701-MS360-700-MSDepending on the Profile selected,choose two courses (4-2/3 credits),at least one of which must be inScience, from the following:• Biology II• Chemistry II• Optics, Waves and Modern Physics• Electricity and Magnetism• Creative Workshop• Social Science Explorations• Spanish (intermediate or advanced level)• German (intermediate or advanced level)Choose one course (1-2/3 credits) fromthe following:• Creative Expression*• Spanish **• German **• Contemporary Social Issues **** Not open to students who take CreativeWorkshop.** At most one language course can be taken.*** Not open to students who take Social ScienceExplorations.www.marianopolis.edu/artsandsciences94

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