2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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MusicLarge Ensemble andComplementary Instrument I551-144-MS (1-3-1) 1.66 creditsThis course combines two elementsof music-making. Each studentparticipates in a large ensemble(choir, orchestra, sinfonietta, windsymphony) at McGill University.The student also takes a one-hourgroup lesson per week on a secondaryinstrument or voice. Students whoseprincipal instrument is piano or organstudy voice as a secondary instrument.All other students study pianoas their secondary instrument.Music Technology551-300-MS (2-1-1) 1.33 creditsThis course provides a generalintroduction to music technology.The topics covered include but arenot limited to the history of soundrecording, symbolic musicrepresentations, score editing,psychoacoustics, digital audio, soundrecording and audio production techniques.The course includes boththeoretical and hands-on practicalcomponents.Large Ensemble andComplementary Instrument II551-244-MS (1-4-1) 2 creditsPrerequisite: 551-144-MSThis course is a continuation of551-144-MS.Small Ensemble andComplementary Instrument III551-443-MS (1-2-1) 1.33 creditsThis course continues to developskills on the complementaryinstrument. It also includesparticipation in a small ensemblewith the principal instrument.93

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