2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Creative Arts, Literature and Languages: Fine Arts - FrenchFine Arts (510)Fine Arts provides the student withstudio experience and a broad base ofknowledge in the visual arts,emphasizing a spirit of criticalinquiry.Introduction to Studio Art:Drawing, Painting, 3-DConstruction and Digital Imaging510-LEA-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThe aim of this foundation course isto encourage artistic discovery andto develop hands-on skills andfluency of expression in a variety ofmedia. Fundamentals of drawing,painting, 3-D architectural modelconstruction, and digital imagingprovide a base for course content.Drawing510-LEB-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsDrawing techniques and a wideselection of drawing materials areintroduced to explore the life ofobjects, interior architecture, andelements of nature. This foundationcourse focuses on basic principlesand elements of drawing, such asstructure, form, light, movement, andcomposition. Emphasis is placed ondeveloping perceptual awareness.Painting510-LFB-MS(3-0-3) 2 creditsColour, light, composition, figuration,and abstraction are examined in thisfoundation course, as well as theintroduction of a variety of paintingtechniques. Studio productionapproaches still life, landscape, andpersonal imagery from a contemporarypoint of view with references to thehistory of painting. Projects favourexperimentation and personalexpression.Dynamics of Design510-LFC-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course is an inquiry into basicprinciples and elements of 2-D and3-D design, addressing composition,scale and proportion, texture andmaterial. Relationships betweenform and function are investigated.Particular attention is given to visualcommunication by challengingexisting systems of language andperception.The Human Figure510-LCB-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsStudents draw from the observationof a live model to investigate andunderstand structure, first-levelanatomy, visual elements, actionelements, as well as emotive contentusing a variety of drawing techniquesand materials. There are references tohistorical and contemporary artistsand their work. Emphasis is placed ondeveloping visual perception.Visual Expression: Aspects ofNarrative510-LCD-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsA diversity of approaches within thestudio experience through challengingprojects in image translation addressingmedia-related issues, notions ofidentity and poetic interpretation ofselected readings based on personalexpression. Curriculum introducesconnections with creative writing,story telling and other narrativestructures. Image/text relationships inthe form of an artist book, illustrationand narrative painting are explored.Materials and Methods of theArtist510-LFA-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsIn this course, students are challengedtechnically through the exploration ofdiverse materials and alternativemodes of expression such as printmedia, watercolour, collage,assemblage, clay and paper structures.Emphasis is put on materialmanipulation and development oforganizational abilities.Digital Art510-LFD-MS(3-0-3) (2 credits)This course introduces studentsto basic principles of art using thecomputer. Over the course of thesemester students work with artisticconcepts including line, value,colour, and composition. Throughdemonstrations, in-class assignments,projects and critiques, studentsexplore the relationship between thedigital environment, photography,text and print as it applies to artpractice. Students gain a workingknowledge of Adobe Photoshop andthe basic tools they need to becomeproficient at importing and exportingvisual imagery.French (602)Notez bien que tous ces cours nepeuvent être offerts simultanémentchaque trimestre.Au théâtre, cette saison602-LCD-MS (3-0-3) 2 créditsDans ce cours, l’étudiant s’initiera etparticipera à la richesse stimulante del’expérience théâtrale en assistant àdes pièces de théâtre présentées àMontréal. Ces pièces serviront debase à des discussions dirigées. Letout sera encadré par des notionsthéoriques et par l’élaboration d’unedéfinition de la spécificité théâtrale.Remarque importante : l’étudiant doitassister à quatre pièces de théâtre, ensoirée, en semaine. Il bénéficiera de82

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