2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Creative Arts, Literature and Languages: Cinema - Computer Scienceof the Reformation, the Enlightenmentand the Industrial Revolution onartistic production. They also becomefamiliar with the persistence of theclassical tradition, the maincharacteristics of movements suchas the Baroque, Neoclassicism,Romanticism, Realism andImpressionism and the styles ofsignificant artists within each ofthese historical categories.Twentieth-Century Art520-LCB-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsModernism and its meaning is thecentral concept of this survey ofmajor trends in twentieth-centuryart from Expressionism to Post-Modernism. Changing ideas aboutmodernity, creativity and representationare examined through the studyof art movements such as Cubism,Futurism, Surrealism, AbstractExpressionism and Pop Art. Studentsexplore the often unconventionalmaterials, techniques and themesadopted by artists in their search tomake art that is relevant to their owntime.Cinema (530)Cinema serves diverse functions inour society. It can create a culturalmythology and fantasy world throughentertainment films or a nationalidentity through documentary andpropaganda films. By studyingcinema, one can explore the nature ofthe art and be in a better position tounderstand how deeply it influencesour daily lives. Each of the followingcourses is offered at least once infour terms.The Language of Film530-LFB-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course provides an analysis ofmajor film techniques: shots, angles,lighting, colour, sound, opticaleffects, editing, etc. Discussionscover: psychology of visualperception, the notions of style andcomposition, and film criticism.The course is complemented bythe screening of relevant films.History of Cinema530-LEA-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course explores the historyof cinema from the silent era to thepresent. Areas of focus include theGolden Age of Hollywood in the 30s,Neo-realism in the 40s, the NewWave in the 50s, and other contemporarydevelopments. The course iscomplemented by the screening ofrelevant films.Contemporary Cinema530-LFA-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsContemporary international filmscombining complexity of thoughtwith artistic expression are examined.A study of major film directors fromvarious countries emphasizes theirideology, stylistic content, and howthey reflect the world in which welive. The course is complemented bythe screening of relevant films.American Cinema530-LEB-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course covers a survey of theHollywood studio and star system.Topics may include genres such asthe western, comedy, musicals, andfilm noir, and the evolution of theHollywood system from the silent tothe sound era, and from the GoldenAge to the advent of television, videoand digital technology. This courseis complemented by the mostrepresentative American filmmakers.Computer Science(420)Mastery of computers has become anessential part of many branches ofscience, technology, commerce, andthe arts. Computer scientists maybe involved with circuit design,programming, problem solving, orproject planning. Computer usersmay produce documents, performcommercial computations, or keeptrack of masses of information usingstandard business packages. Usingspecialized software, they may solveequations or plot curves; they maydesign web pages, advertisements orindustrial parts.Enhancing Computer Skills420-LEA-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsIf all one knows about computers isword-processing, surfing the Internetand chat, one has only scratched thesurface. This course extends students’computer knowledge in perhapssurprising ways. It offers the basicsof designing web pages and websites,advanced word-processing techniques,file management, number-crunchingusing spreadsheets, Internet fundamentals.There are hands-on labs inall these topics, labs that – when doneproperly – show solutions for realisticsituations. The course also gives anunderstanding of what goes on “underthe hood” in computer hardware, aswell as an introduction to the manyapplications of computers in today’sincreasingly technological society.Web Page Design420-LFB-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course is an introduction to thedesign of web pages and websites.Students are not assumed to have anyprevious experience with computers.The course includes basics of78

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