2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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America, South and East Asia, Africaand the Middle East. Students studythe commonalities and diversity ofthese regions and explore their internalpolitical dynamics and their positionwithin the broader international systemusing the conceptual and theoreticaltools of political science.Psychology (350)Curiosity about why human beingsbehave the way they do has led to thescientific study known as psychology.While all people share this interest,psychologists try to understandbehaviour through systematic study.The facts are explained scientificallyand interpreted according to schoolsof thought such as cognitive theory,neurobiology and behaviourism.The aim of psychology is to interpret,predict and understand behaviourand, ultimately, to apply this informationto the problems encounteredby human beings.Introduction to Psychology350-102-MS (3-0-3) 2 credits(Required Course)In this course, we consider humanand other animal behaviour as aproduct of a combination ofbiological, social, and developmentalfactors. Specific topics coveredinclude brain structure and function,learning, memory and perception.Other topics which may also becovered include the effects ofdrugs on the brain and behaviour,behaviour disorders and treatments,stress, motivation, and dreaming. Atthe end of this course students arefamiliar with the basic componentsof human behaviour and experience.Psychology of Mental Health350-213-MS (2-1-3) 2 creditsThis course examines the nature,causes, and treatments of psychologicaldisturbances and abnormalities(for example, schizophrenia, anxietyand depression). Contemporaryresearch, theories, and practicewhich contribute to the description,understanding, prevention, andtreatment of mental and behaviouraldisturbances are studied. In addition,therapeutic approaches to enhancingnormal psychological functioning arepresented.Child Development350-706-MS (2-1-3) 2 creditsThis course explores the nature anddevelopment of children, fromconception to adolescence. Studentsexamine the origins and developmentof social, emotional, cognitive(thinking), personality, behavioural,and linguistic abilities and processes,as well as the forces that influencethem. Basic issues, concepts andmethods that are central to theunderstanding of child developmentare presented, as well as the implicationsof current knowledge for childrearing today.Adolescent Development350-707-MS (2-1-3) 2 creditsThis course focuses on the theoriesand themes of development thataddress the stage of adolescence.Students examine the external andinternal influences and pressures thataffect adolescents as they developidentities, engage in peer relations,and assert their indenpendence.We consider the many changesadolescents go through as theyemerge from childhood and growtoward adulthood.Social Science: PsychologySocial and EnvironmentalPsychology350-903-MS (2-1-3) 2 creditsThe aim of this course is to studyboth how the environment affectsindividuals and how we as individualsinfluence our environment. Studentsconsider such topics as impressionformation, attitudes, and persuasion,as well as critically examine theoriesand research of several social issuesincluding: aggression, conformity,prejudice, altruism and sexism.Students are encouraged to relatecourse content to their ownexperiences and to current socialevents.Organizational Psychology350-911-MS (2-1-3) 2 creditsOrganizational psychology stressesthe value of evidence-based decisionmaking to help organizations avoidcostly mistakes, and to help reduceproblems such as employeeabsenteeism and turnover. No matterwhat we do in life, it is important forus to understand our behaviour andthe behaviour of those with whom weinteract. This course provides afoundation to ease students intouniversity studies, especially forCommerce students who will berequired to study organizationalbehaviour at the undergraduate level.Topics include culture, attitudes,values, personality, power,leadership, motivation, jobsatisfaction, and team work.Human Relations350-914-MS (2-1-3) 2 creditsThis course addresses interpersonalrelations and communication in avariety of relationships, at work, athome, at school, and amongst friends.Factors that affect the success of73

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