2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Social Science: Methodology - Philosophyinput-output analysis, cryptographyand traffic flow models. An HonoursCommerce section is also available inthe fall term.Social Statistics201-300-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsFor students in the Psychology profileonly.Prerequisite: Quantitative Methods360-300-MSThis course is strongly recommendedfor students wishing to pursue studiesin Psychology. It includes mathematicaland statistical notions that arenot covered in the quantitativemethods course.Content: Counting techniques;elementary and conditionalprobabilities; selected probabilitydistributions; statistical inference,including the Central Limit Theorem,confidence intervals, and hypothesistesting; the Chi-squared distributionand contingency tables, ElementaryANOVA and F-distribution.Methodology (300, 360)These required courses in the SocialScience program introduce thestudent to basic research proceduresand measurement techniques.Introduction To Research MethodsIn The Social Sciences300-300-MS (2-2-2) 2 credits(Required Course)The aim of this compulsory SocialScience concentration course is toprovide the student with the theoreticalknowledge and practical skillsnecessary for carrying out an empirical,social science or commerce researchstudy. The student learns basictheoretical concepts and scientificprocedures by means of lectures,laboratory exercises, andespecially by being a member in agroup conducting a research study.Quantitative Methods In The SocialSciences360-300-MS (2-2-2) 2 credits(Required Course)The aim of this compulsory socialscience concentration course is fourfold:to familiarize students with thebasic techniques of measurement usedin the Social Sciences; to enable themto understand the appropriate use ofsuch techniques; to enable them tounderstand the strengths andlimitations of such techniques; todevelop their ability to think criticallyabout the quantitative data found insocial science journals as well as inpopular newspapers and magazines.Integrative Project In The SocialSciences300-301-MS (1-2-5) 2.66 credits(Required Course)Prerequisites: 300-300-MS, 360-300-MS (may be taken concurrently;student’s third or fourth semester)This course is based primarily on thedevelopment and completion, by thestudent, of an interdisciplinary, integrativeproject. Classroom work involvesa combination of lectures andinstruction, group work and self-studyin consultation with the instructor. Byexamining an issue from twodisciplines, students: 1) develop theability to integrate basic concepts andapproaches; 2) apply learning fromprevious courses to a social scienceproblem; and 3) communicate ideasabout the topic studied, both orallyand in writing.Philosophy (340)Philosophy is variously defined as thelove of wisdom, the science of thesciences, or as the unrelenting examinationof the fundamental principlesunderlying science, religion andmorality. Perhaps most characteristicof the philosophical enterprise ingeneral is the unending and uncompromisingpursuit of truth, arrived atthrough critical evaluation and carefulconsideration of all sides of an issue.The content of these courses is of anintroductory nature and is thussuitable for students taking their firstor subsequent philosophy course.Philosophic Quest340-914-MS (3-0-3) 2 credits(Introductory Course)This course introduces students tophilosophy. Through lectures, classdiscussions and exercises of variouskinds, students discover what itmeans to do philosophy. This courseexplores the various areas ofphilosophic inquiry, the differentissues that arise in each area, and themethods that philosophers use intrying to think critically and productivelyabout these issues. The overallgoal is to help students acquire theability to recognize philosophic issuesand to develop their skills in thinkingcritically about them.Philosophy of Sexuality340-218-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThe purpose of this course is to aidstudents in better orienting themselvesin relation to the moral dimensions ofcontemporary human sexuality issues.As such, this is predominantly acourse in moral philosophy. The goalthroughout is to take a reasoned andanalytical approach to the issues71

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