2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Social Science: History - MathematicsAmerican History330-961-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThe purpose of this course is toexplore modern U.S. history andsurvey earlier developments.Topics include: Colonization and theRevolution; westward expansion;Civil War and Reconstruction; effectsof industrialization and immigration;Populism; Progressivism;Imperialism; the World Wars; theGreat Depression and New Deal;foreign policy; the Cold War; theWelfare State; crises of modern U.S.society.20th-Century History330-972-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThe purpose of this course is toinvestigate the triumphs and tragediesof the twentieth century which haveshaped our modern world. Key issuesinclude: 19 th century background;First World War; the peacesettlement; the Russian Revolutionand Soviet Regime; the GreatDepression; ideologies (Communism,Democratic Socialism, Fascism,Nazism); Mussolini's and Hitler'sdictatorships; international relationsbetween the wars; Second WorldWar; the Holocaust; restructuringEurope and the genesis of the ColdWar; decolonization throughout thesecond half of the twentieth century;the Middle East; Western Europe'spost-war evolution including the EECand the drive towards Europeanintegration; Eastern Europe underCommunism; the end ofCommunism; ethnic cleansing andgenocide in the 1990s.Historical Background ofContemporary World Issues330-983-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course deals with majorproblems in the world today. Lookingat current events we target majorconflicts and try to get to the root ofthe problem. The objective of thiscourse is to provide students with anunderstanding of the world they livein and provide a broad perspective onthe causes and consequences ofvarious conflicts. This ever-changingcourse also aims to generate interestin research and help students developor strengthen skills in criticalthinking. Time will be spent lookingat imperialism and its effects on themodern world, country case studiesand a variety of transnational issues.Mathematics (201)Calculus I and Linear Algebra arerequired courses for entry to alluniversity undergraduate Commerceprograms. Some Commerce programsalso require Calculus II. A knowledgeof statistics is also important in manyareas of the Social Sciences.Remedial Activities for Secondary V201-015-50 (4-2-4) 3.33 creditsPrerequisites:Sec. IV Math TS (064406, 564406), orSec. IV Math SN (065406, 565406)This course cannot be countedtowards the Social Science DEC.This course is offered in the autumnsemester for students that have notcompleted Sec V Math or that havecompleted Sec V CST Math and whowish to take Calculus I in CEGEP.Introduction to College Math(ICS-015)912-015-94, 2.66 creditsPrerequisite:Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)This course cannot be countedtowards the Social Science DEC.However, it counts in the calculationof averages and R-scores. This courseis offered in the autumn semester tostrengthen and reinforce the mathematicalskills that students will needto successfully complete their Collegemathematics courses. The fee is thatspecified for non-funded courses (p. 8).Calculus I201-103-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Introductory Course)Prerequisite:Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)Content: Review; limits, continuity,derivatives using the definition;tangent lines; techniques ofdifferentiation; graphing; max-minproblems; applications to economics,including marginal analysis.Calculus II201-203-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-103-MSContent: Definite and indefiniteintegrals, Fundamental Theorem ofCalculus; techniques of integration;L’Hôpital’s rule, indeterminate formsand improper integrals; applicationsto area, volume, and consumer’s andproducer’s surplus.Linear Algebra I201-105-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite:Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)201-103-MS is a program prerequisitefor Social Science & Commerce students.Content: Systems of linear equations;matrix algebra; determinants; vectorsin R 2 , geometry of lines and planes inR 3 ; linear programming, simplexmethod; applications to economic70

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