2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Science: Mathematics - PhysicsR and C; arithmetic and geometricprogressions; binomial theorem;mathematical induction; as timepermits, additional topics fromcombinatorics, probability. Thiscourse is also offered in enrichedformat.Calculus I201-NYA-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-LCX-05 previouslyor concurrently for students notexempted from 201-LCX-05Content: Limits, continuity, derivativesby definition; techniques of differentiation;graphing; max-min problems;other applications. This course is alsooffered in enriched format in the fallterm.Calculus II201-NYB-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-NYA-05Content: Definite and indefiniteintegrals, Fundamental Theorem ofCalculus; techniques of integration;indeterminate forms and improperintegrals; applications to area,volume, arc length; introductionto sequences and series of positiveterms. Additional topics: parametric,polar curves, approximate integrationas time permits. This course is alsooffered in enriched format in thewinter term.Calculus III201-LCU-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisites: 75% or better in201-NYB-05; 201-NYC-05 previouslyor concurrentlyContent: Infinite sequences and series;power series; vector functions andcurves in parametric form; functionsof several variables; partialderivatives, chain rule; extrema,Lagrange multipliers; multipleintegration.Linear Algebra I201-NYC-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-LCX-05 previouslyor concurrently for Science studentsnot exempted from 201-LCX-05Content: Systems of linear equations;matrix algebra; determinants; vectorsin R n , geometry of lines and planes inR 3 ; R n as a vector space; subspaces,basis and dimension; as time permits,linear transformations of the plane.This course is also offered in enrichedformat in the fall term.Linear Algebra II201-LCV-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisites: 201-NYC-05previously; 201-NYB-05 at leastconcurrently with grades of 75% orbetter in previous math coursesContent: Vector spaces, basis anddimension; inner product spaces;linear transformations and theirmatrix representations; eigenvaluesand eigenvectors; application todiagonalization of quadratic formsand solution of linear differentialequations.Probability and Statistics201-LCW-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 201-NYB-05Content: Descriptive statistics; measureof central tendency; probability;discrete and continuous distributionfunctions; mathematical expectationand variance; estimation and hypothesistesting; correlation and regressionanalysis; Chi-square Test.Finite Mathematics201-LCY-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisite: 201-NYC-05 previouslyor concurrentlyThis course will introduce the student tothe mathematics of finance, probability,statistics, linear programming andMarkov chains with an emphasis onreal world applications.Differential Equations201-LCZ-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisite: 201-LCU-05 previouslyor concurrentlyAn introduction to differentialequations with emphasis on applicationsto physics and engineering.First order linear and nonlineardifferential equations, second orderlinear differential equations, vectorspaces and the general theory of nthorder linear equations; diagonalizationof matrices and systems of lineardifferential equations. Laplacetransform; nonlinear equations andstability. As time permits: numericalmethods, partial differential equationsand Fourier series.Physics (203)The science of physics seeks touncover the fundamental nature of theuniverse at all scales. Physical lawspredict and explain the interaction ofthe particles and the forces weobserve. These laws reveal theunderlying simplicity and beauty ofnature – from the smallest subatomicpatterns to the largest cosmologicalstructures. Discoveries in physicsoften impact other sciences and canlead to applications in such diverseareas as biology, chemistry,56

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