2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Science: Biology - ChemistryBiology (101)The study of biology is concernedwith living organisms, their diversity,evolution, and structure and functionat the cellular and organismal levels.It includes the study of cell metabolism,genetics – Mendelian andmolecular, and biodiversity.General Biology I101-NYA-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsThis course investigates the levels oforganization of living organisms, theirdiversity, evolution and mode of life.Topics discussed include: thestructure and function of cells andcellular organelles; genetic materialand protein synthesis; cell division,Mendelian inheritance and populationgenetics; the origin of life, diversityand physiology of the main taxonomicgroups; Darwin’s theory ofevolution and mechanisms ofspeciation. The global aspects ofliving organisms are presented withecological principles at the level ofthe population, communities andecosystems.General Biology II101-LCU-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 101-NYA-05The molecular basis of livingorganisms is discussed in the generalframework of cellular homeostasis.The principle areas of investigationinclude: biochemical structure andfunction of macromolecules; enzymesand enzyme regulation; bioenergeticsof cellular respiration and photosynthesis;DNA replication and proteinsynthesis; regulation of gene expression;bacterial and viral life cycles;recombinant DNA technology;features of the immune system; nervecell function and muscle contraction.54Human Physiology101-LCV-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisite: 101-NYA-05This course introduces the studentto human anatomy and physiology.Topics studied include the nervous,digestive, circulatory, respiratory,excretory, reproductive and endocrinesystems. Emphasis is placed on thestructure/function relationship inphysiology. The laboratorycomponent includes histology,computerized measurements ofrespiration and electrocardiogramsas well as dissections.Chemistry (202)Every aspect of modern life involveschemicals from pharmaceuticals toclothing, from food production tohousehold goods. In college courses,students study how substances changeand interact with each other, theirproperties and their characteristics.General Chemistry I202-NYA-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: Sec. V Chemistry(051504, 551504)This course introduces the moderntheories of the structures of atoms andmolecules, the types of chemical bonding,molecular geometry and the qualitativeand quantitative way in whichchemicals react with each other indifferent types of reactions. Thephysical properties of gases andsolutions are discussed while, in thelaboratory, basic manipulative skillsare taught.General Chemistry II202-NYB-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 202-NYA-05The inter-relationship betweenenergy, spontaneity and equilibriumchemistry are studied using thethermodynamic concepts of enthalpy,entropy and free energy changes.Together with an introduction tochemical kinetics, electrochemistryand the chemistry of acids, bases,buffers and solubility, the coursefocuses on the quantitative aspectsof chemical reactions.Organic Chemistry I202-LCU-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: 202-NYA-05This is an introductory course inOrganic Chemistry and concentrateson the importance of a systematic,mechanistic approach to organicreactions. The physical and chemicalproperties of acyclic and cyclichydrocarbons, alkyl halides andaromatics are studied with anemphasis on isomerism, stereochemistryand synthesis. Thelaboratory work introduces studentsto many of the commonly usedtechniques including distillation,reflux and chromatography.Organic Chemistry II202-LCV-05 (3-2-3) 2.66 credits(Winter term only)Prerequisite: 202-LCU-05Synthesis of organic compounds,mechanisms of reactions and analysisof structure by chemical and spectroscopicmethods are the major areasconcentrated on in this course. Thefamilies of compounds studied includeethers, aldehydes, alcohols, ketones,amines, as well as carboxylic acidsand their derivatives.

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