2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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General Education: ComplementaryComplementaryComplementary courses are part of the General Education component for all students with the exception of thosein the Arts and Sciences and Liberal Arts programs. They are designed to be a complement to the Specific Educationcomponent of a program. Students must take two courses from five areas or domains outside their SpecificEducation component:– Art and Aesthetics– Mathematics Literacy and Computer Science– Modern Languages– Science and Technology– Social ScienceIf a student chooses two courses in the same domain, the courses must be from different sets or levels, indicated bythe middle letters A and B.Students are assigned the two terms for their complementary courses through their registration profiles.Approximately 750 places in courses are allocated each term for the General Education – Complementarycomponent. As a result, the choice is limited.In the course offering for each term, courses are designated as having a number of student places reserved forcomplementary purposes or as being complementary only. In the first category, a student is entitled to fulfil onlythe requirements of the General Education - Complementary component.Art & AestheticsLAA and LBA (3-0-3) 2 creditsCourses in this domain are open to students in all programsoutside the Creative Arts, Literature and Languages(CALL) program. They include courses in the followingdisciplines: Fine Arts, Art History, Cinema, Music,Philosophy, Religion, Theatre.Particular courses are described in the Specific Educationcomponent of the Creative Arts, Literature and Languagesprogram, refer to pages 76 to 88. In addition to these, thefollowing courses may be offered:Psychology of Art: Artistic Experience(PSY-LBA)350-LBA-03 (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course attempts to find a relationship between topicsin Psychology (such as the body, the unconscious,sexuality, humour, concepts of space, etc.) and theirreflection through art. Many different art mediums areexplored and the class discusses and reflects upon thechanging nature of art.Theatre I(THE-LAA)560-LAA-03 (3-0-3) 2 creditsThe practice of theatre is the practice of story making andstory sharing. It is one of the primary means by which weorganize and reveal our experience of the world we livein. It provides the opportunity to explore and test our ideasabout life, the universe and everything in between. Thecourse relies on a mixture of group and individual work.We explore the basics of theatre, movement and voice,though improvisation, scene work, collective creation, anda variety of vocal and physical exercises. It should benoted that this course requires no previous theatreexperience. In the spirit of the art, this course is open to allwho wish to participate.Theatre II(THE-LBA)560-LBA-03 (3-0-3) 2 creditsTheatre LBA is a continuation of Theatre LAA.48

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