2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Certificates3. attend International Studies meetings4. follow the news about current internationaldevelopments5. be active for 2 semesters as describedand submit 2 two-page reports aboutactivities each active semester (seehandbook for details)The International Studies Certificate isopen to students in all programs.Alternative requirements for Sciencestudents who are unable to fit 5 eligiblecourses into their course selections are4 eligible courses and a research activityapproved by the InternationalStudies Coordinator, plus requirements3, 4 and 5.Law and SocialJustice CertificateThe Certificate in Law and SocialJustice provides students with an opportunityto study the relationshipbetween the law and society. Animportant goal of the certificate is tostimulate critical thinking about thedynamic interaction between the lawand political, sociological, historical,economic, religious and other factors insociety. Emphasis is placed on how thelaw is shaped and influenced by asociety's values and institutions, and inturn, how the law's application servesto shape that society. Essentially, thefocus is on why we have the laws andlegal institutions that we do and whatpurposes they do and should serve. Toqualify for the Certificate in Law andSocial Justice a student must do thefollowing:• successfully complete a total of 5eligible courses• choose 4 of the 5 eligible coursesfrom a minimum of 3 disciplines inthe Social Science area• write a research paper or complete aproject in each of the 5 courses on atopic pertinent to Law and SocialJustice. Topics must be agreed uponby the student and instructor• participate in seminars and lecturesby guest speakersThe Certificate in Law and SocialJustice is open to students in SocialScience, in Commerce, and in LiberalArts.Third World StudiesCertificateThe Third World Studies Certificate isdesigned for students who wish tobroaden their understanding of ThirdWorld issues or who wish to pursueThird World-related studies at theuniversity level.The certificate offers students from allprograms an opportunity to explore thefollowing topics:• ethics and/or human rights• education• non-governmental organizations(NGOs)• women and gender• preventive medicine, hygieneand health environment• labour• science and technology• development issues• North-South relations• social movements• militarization• politics and ideology• religion• culture and civilization• indigenous peopleCertificate requirements:The student fulfils the requirementsthrough a combination of course work(a minimum of three courses from a listof eligible courses) and extracurricularactivities, including lectures, films ortheatre performances, volunteer work,on-campus events, and library projects.Please refer to the Third World Studiesbrochure for full details.23

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