2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Choosing a ProgramUniversity Studies Beyond the ProgramAll the programs prepare students for university studies in general but it is important to know therequirements of a university program of choice, especially if it is a program that is specialized,selective and limited in enrolment. Future directions include the following:Science– science and engineering programs;– general arts, social science, law;– medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, veterinarymedicine, nursing, physical therapy, dieteticsand other health-related programs;– computer science, specialized engineering,physical sciences, environment and architectureprograms.Double DECs in: Science / MusicSocial Science / MusicCALL / MusicGraduates fulfil all the requirements of boththe Music program and the chosen programof study as indicated above.See Science, Social Science, CALL and Musicfor university programs.Social Science– social science;– administration, anthropology, economics,geography, history, political science,psychology, and sociology;– communications, general arts, education,law, social work.Social Science (Commerce–Mathematics)– social science;– law, administration, business, economics,specialized social science and commerceprograms;– communications, general arts.Creative Arts, Literature and Languages(CALL)– general arts, communications, fine arts,modern languages, social science, law,education;– mathematics, computer science.Music– music, including performance, musiceducation, music history;– theory, composition, computer/technological applications.Arts and Sciences– science and engineering programs;– health-related programs;– environment and architecture programs;– mathematics;– specialized social science and commerceprograms;– general arts, creative arts, modernlanguages, law, communications.Liberal Arts– general arts, law, communications;– social science, education;– philosophy, mathematics;– history, political science.21

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