2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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REGULATION FOR COMPLIANCE WITH COPYRIGHT IN SOFTWAREWHEREAS infringements of copyright in software arecontrary to the COPYRIGHT ACT, R.S.C. 1985, c. C-42(the "Act");WHEREAS such practices are also contrary to ethics andstandards of conduct set by our Institution;WHEREAS any violation of the Act may give rise tomaterial suits which may entail, for each offence, amaximum fine of $1,000,000 or imprisonment for a termnot exceeding five years or both;MARIANOPOLIS COLLEGE (the "Institution")DECLARES AS FOLLOWS:1. No infringement of copyright, and particularly insoftware, is permitted or tolerated by theInstitution;2. The Institution prohibits the use of any infringingsoftware and the unauthorized reproduction ofaccompanying user's manuals;3. The Institution intends that there be compliancewith the licences governing the software used onits computers;4. In order to ensure compliance with the Act, theInstitution reserves the right to implement anymeasure which it deems appropriate, including anymeasure to verify the enforcement of thisRegulation;5. The Institution expects the cooperation of all itsemployees and students in applying thisRegulation.UNDERTAKING TO COMPLY WITHCOPYRIGHT IN SOFTWARE1. I understand that the Institution does not own thecopyright in software it purchases nor in theaccompanying user's manuals;2. In this respect, I understand that neither thesoftware nor the user's manuals can be reproducedin any way;3. I also understand that I must use this software inconformity with the licence applicable thereto;4. I understand that any unauthorized reproduction ofthis software and/or user's manuals is illegal;5. In addition, I understand that I cannot use anypersonal software on the computers of theInstitution without prior authorization;6. I accept that the Institution conduct an annualverification of software installed on all computerson its premises as well as unannounced periodicverifications;7. I declare having read the Regulation forCompliance with Copyright in Software, a copy ofwhich is attached hereto, and I undertake to complytherewith in all respects.All students must comply with the “Regulation forCompliance with Copyright in Software” as publishedin this <strong>Calendar</strong>. Students sign an EducationalServices Contract every semester which includesreference to the rules and regulations as specified inthe Course <strong>Calendar</strong>.15

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