2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Rules and Regulationsand whether such conduct occurs on or off the Collegecampus. Proscribed conduct includes but is not limited to,the following:I. Illegal or Aggressive Acts1. Physical threat, abuse, assault or fighting;2. Possession or use of dangerous materials orweapons;3. Verbal threat, abuse or assault (includingmalicious libel, slander or defamation ofcharacter);4. Stalking or sexual harassment of any person;5. Propagation of hate literature, promotion of hatredin ideas or actions;6. Knowing or willful abuse of a position of trust;7. Inciting, aiding, being party to, or deliberatelyconcealing another person’s misconduct;8. Possession, buying, selling or use of drugs oralcohol on campus.II. Acts Against Property1. Attempted or actual theft, damage to or loss ofCollege, staff, faculty, visitor or student property;2. Vandalism, defacement (including graffiti) or destructionof College grounds, buildings, facilitiesor equipment or of property of any member of theCollege community;3. Failure to follow directives regarding the postingand distribution of flyers in the College;4. Forgery, alteration or unauthorized use of anyCollege document, records or ID card;5. Misuse or abuse of College property including butnot limited to computers, photocopy machines,books or telephones.III. Unacceptable Behaviours1. Behaviour in the classroom which is contradictoryto the requirements of the teacher and interfereswith the learning of other students;2. Smoking in an area where it is prohibited;3. Parking on campus without authorization;4. Setting off a false alarm or failure to vacate thebuilding and comply with emergency evacuationprocedures when an alarm is sounded;5. Reckless driving;6. On-campus student-initiated projects for personalprofit;7. Failure to identify oneself, refusal to produce a<strong>Marianopolis</strong> ID card or failure to comply withthe directives of staff or faculty members actingin performance of their duties;8. Unauthorized use of the College name, crest,letterhead or College facilities;9. Gambling or participating in any games involvingmoney or the exchange of property;10. Entering the College outside authorized hourswithout permission;11. Disturbing the peace (i.e. inappropriate languageand tone).All members of the College community have responsibilityto report violations of this policy immediately to oneof the following: the Director of Student Services, theAssociate <strong>Academic</strong> Dean, the Security Officer or anyCollege faculty or staff member.For guidelines and information on disciplinary procedures,sanctions, and definitions, please refer to thecomplete <strong>Marianopolis</strong> Policy on Student Conduct atmarianopolis.edu/About-us/Institutional-Policies/Respect for the EnvironmentThe <strong>Marianopolis</strong> community is committed to keeping theenvironment clean. In the spirit of simple courtesy andenvironmental enlightenment, students are expected toreturn their cafeteria trays to the racks provided, to ensurethat all their garbage is deposited in trash cans, to recyclecans and paper in appropriate bins, and to report spillsimmediately to the cafeteria staff or to Student Services.Campus SecurityAll members of the College community are asked to be onthe alert and to report any unusual occurrences or personsimmediately to Student Services, the Security Officer orto a member of faculty or staff.Student ID CardsAll students must carry their valid <strong>Marianopolis</strong> ID cardat all times. The ID card is the property of the College andis nontransferable. It is subject to revocation for violatingCollege regulations. Students are required to present theirID card upon request to authorized College personnel.14

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