2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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<strong>Academic</strong> InformationThe form of the project may include examination, essay,performance, portfolio or some other appropriate academicactivity. Successful completion of the assessment will beindicated by the notation RE (réussite) on the BEC.Failure to realize the objectives will result in failure tograduate.TranscriptsOfficial transcripts are sent directly from the College toother institutions. Students requiring such transcripts foruniversity entrance or transfer must fill out the necessaryrequest forms at the Records Office. There is a $8.00 perinstitutionfee. Transcript requests are normally processedwithin five working days.AttestationsAll students who are on the Dean’s List or who havefollowed enriched courses may request an attestation fromthe Student Records Office to that effect which they canenclose with applications to university. It is the student’sresponsibility to send it; it will not be sent by the Collegewith transcripts.Confidentiality of Student InformationThe information contained in a student's file is confidential.Bill 65 on Confidentiality severely restricts access toinformation. No information, other than that required bylaw, will be released without the written permission of thestudent. Exceptions are made only for designated membersof the administration, office staff of PedagogicalServices, <strong>Academic</strong> Advisors and others as required bylaw.<strong>Academic</strong> ProceduresIt is the student’s responsibility to be aware of the protocolfor full membership and participation in the academicactivities of the College community.RegistrationRegistration takes place twice each year: in January forthe winter semester and in May/June for the autumnsemester.Each student is required to register on the date and at thetime assigned by the Registrar. Registration dates arelisted in the student agenda and in Omnivox. Students areresponsible for ensuring that they are available to registerat their assigned time and date. Travel, appointments, andwork plans must be adjusted accordingly. In the periodprior to Registration, <strong>Academic</strong> Advisors are available toassist students in their course selection. Students areexpected to be free to take courses during the regularschedule which extends from Monday to Friday and, inmost cases, begins at 8:15 a.m. and ends at 6:15 p.m.Student ProgressionTo ensure that students are able to fulfil the requirementsof the Diploma of Collegial Studies, students are groupedinto tracks which determine the sequence of courses to betaken. This can be viewed on Omnivox (ProgressionChart). Students are not permitted to change tracks orcourse progression.Course ChangeFollowing registration, a student who has chosen, througherror, the wrong course for a program should see an<strong>Academic</strong> Advisor to correct the problem. Such changesare priority changes and must be completed within thefirst few days of the semester.In-Term GuidelinesAttendanceRegular and punctual attendance at the College isobligatory. At the beginning of each term students arereminded of this requirement and given further stipulationson the course outline. Students can inform their teachersof an absence at the next class but must contact them assoon as possible if they miss a class test or presentation.11

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