2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Arts and Sciences: Psychology - Sociology - Spanishas electric power, circuits, staticelectricity and electromagnetism) areexplained using a simple frameworkof classical laws and fundamentalconcept.Psychology (350)Human Behaviour350-701-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course in psychology describesthe main approaches in explaininghuman behaviour and mentalprocesses, and it examines thebiological, social and developmentalfactors that affect human behaviour.Other topics studied include brainstructure and function, memoryand perception, characterizationof personal development and mentalhealth, behaviour disorders and theirtreatment, stress, motivation anddreams. The students are expectedto verify experimentally a hypothesisabout human behaviour.Sociology (387)Dynamics of Social Change387-701-MS (3-0-2) 2 creditsThe course examines sociologicalconcepts, perspectives and modelsessential to understand the world welive in and the kind of people thatwe are. Class, gender, the familyand social organizations as viewedby the sociologist are topics studied.Major changes that have occurred insociety are identified and the process,the implications and the reasons forthese changes are examined. Socialfacts are explained, taking intoaccount cultural and structural factors.The students are expected to apply thesociological method to the study of asocial phenomenon.Spanish (607)Spanish I607-701-MS (2-1-2) 1.66 creditsFrom day one, beginner students useSpanish to communicate. Followingan audio-lingual communicativemethod, they acquire basic languagestructures and vocabulary and learn tofunction in everyday situations.Creative use of language acquisitionis actively encouraged. Vocabularyand grammar are also reinforcedthrough exercises. Spanish I studentsare requierd to read a short story inSpanish.Spanish IIPrerequisite: Spanish I or equivalent607-702-MS (3-0-3) 1.66 creditsThis course is a continuation ofSpanish I. Students expand theirability to communicate in Spanish asthey continue to acquire vocabulary,master verb forms and learn basicgrammar. Spanish II students are toread two biographical short stories inSpanish.607-712-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsThis course is based on the 607-702course and includes an additionalweekly 2-hour lab component.Spanish III607-713-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsPrerequisite: Spanish II or equivalentAn intermediate course with acommunicative approach designed forstudents who already have anelementary knowledge of Spanish.They learn to narrate in the past andtalk about future events, to expresswishes, reactions and opinions andto give instructions in differentsituations. In addition to the textbook,videos and articles from Spanishlanguageperiodicals provide thecultural information necessary forclass discussions. Spanish III studentsare encouraged to explore websites inSpanish and are required to read aliterary work in Spanish.Spanish IV607-714-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsPrerequisite: Spanish III or equivalentThis course is a continuation ofSpanish III. The students expand theirability to use all verb tenses andcomplex structures and vocabularyappropriate to different situations.Moreover, they explore a number ofcontemporary topics dealing with theHispanic world and discuss themorally and in writing. Spanish IVstudents are encouraged to explorewebsites in Spanish and are required toread a novel and various short stories.103

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