2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Arts and Sciences: Multidisciplinary• of the course content see Fine Artsin the Creative Arts, Literature andLanguages section of the <strong>Calendar</strong>,p. 82.• Twentieth-Century ArtModernism and its meaning is thecentral concept of this survey ofmajor trends in twentieth-centuryart from Expressionism to Post-Modernism. Changing ideasabout modernity, creativity andrepresentation are examinedthrough the study of art movementssuch as Cubism, Futurism,Surrealism, Abstract Expressionismand Pop Art. Students explore theoften unconventional materials,techniques and themes adopted byartists in their search to make artthat is relevant to their own time.• ScreenwritingThis course is an introduction tothe screenwriting process, fromgenerating ideas, to thecomponents of film narrative, tothe elements of visual composition.After studying guides to storystructure – the three-act plotstructure and Joseph Campbell’sThe Hero with a Thousand Faces– these paradigms will be appliedto the students’ own shortscreenplays through exercises instory structure, genre, characterizationand dialogue. In learningthe nine stages of screenplaydevelopment, from Characterreview through to the Final draftthe students will become familiarwith Final Draft, screenwritingsoftware and standard screenplayformatting. The students will havethe option to do a ‘film/video’treatment of their scripts.• Creative WritingThis course is designed foruniversity-bound college students,allowing them to develop theirskills through writing short fiction.Through a combination of writingexercises and a consideration oftexts, students will be introducedto the use and effects of specificliterary techniques, including: pointof view, tense, significant detail,style, etc. Through writingseminars, feedback and revision,students will be expected todevelop an editorial “ear.”Beginning with exercises thataccess student’s creative process,the short, directed assignmentsfocus on specific skills and concludewith a completed short story.• Writing for ChildrenThe books we read as childrenmay remain with us all our lives.In this course, students will learnto generate ideas and turn theminto prose that appeals to a childaudience. The course introducesseveral genres of children's writing:picture books, junior and youngadult novels. Students analyzechildren's literature and do shortassignments focusing on literarydevices. Students produce twoedited short stories, as well asediting sheets analyzing the workof their peers. Students will alsolearn about the children's literaturemarket.• Creative Non-FictionThis course is designed for studentsto develop their skills in writingcreative non-fiction. Focus isplaced on exercises that encouragethe creative process, beginningwith short, directed assignmentsand culminating in longer, originalpieces. In addition, students areintroduced to the use of specificliterary techniques and devices thatcan be incorporated into their ownwork. Through the process ofgroup writing seminars, feedbackfrom the instructor, revision, andclass critique, students learn to edittheir own work. All of theseelements help students find anddevelop their own literary voice.• JournalismThis course is an introduction tothe world of the journalist and itsspecial requirements. Part ofunderstanding this world includesan intelligent evaluation ofjournalistic practices and theireffects upon society. The contentranges from the straight news storyformula and editorial writing tofeature writing and interviewingstrategies. Montreal journalists willbe invited to the class to share theirexperiences as sports writers,editorialists, and photo-journalists.• Life WritingThis is a writing course whichfocuses on non-fiction writingbased on personal experience.Through an examination of criticaltheory, writing techniques andparticipation in the writing process,students explore how we shape andremake our reality with words.Readings include five genres oflife writing: diary and journal,letters, autobiography, biography,and the personal essay.• Music LiteratureThis course will introduce studentsto composers and major musicaldevelopments from selectedhistoric periods. The course willinclude a special project tailored tostudents in the Arts and Sciencesprogram.• TheatreThe practice of theatre is thepractice of story making and storysharing. It is one of the primarymeans by which we organizeand reveal our experience of theworld we live in. It provides theopportunity to explore and test ourideas about life, the universe andeverything in between. The course101

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