2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Arts and Sciences: Mathematics - Multidisciplinarychange, linear approximations andother topics as time permits.Integral Calculus201-702-MS (2-2-2) 2 creditsPrerequisite: Differential Calculus201-701-MSTopics studied include definite andindefinite integrals, the FundamentalTheorem of Calculus, techniques ofintegration, improper integrals andan introduction to infinite sequencesand series, including basic testsof convergence. Among the applicationscovered are the computation ofplane areas and volumes of solids ofrevolution, as well as simple differentialequations (as time permits).Linear Algebra I201-703-MS (2-2-2) 2 creditsPrerequisite:Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)Topics studied include systems oflinear equations; matrix algebra;determinants; vectors in R n ; geometryof lines and planes in R 3 ; complexnumbers; R n as a vector space;subspaces, basis and dimension; anintroduction to linear transformations(as time permits).Probability and Statistics201-704-MS (2-2-2) 2 creditsPrerequisite: Integral Calculus201-702-MSTopics studied include descriptivestatistics, measure of centraltendency, probability, discrete andcontinuous distribution functions,mathematical expectation and variance,estimation and hypothesis testing.Multidisciplinary (360)Integrative Course360-700-MS (1-2-1) 1.33 creditsIntegration of learning andmethodology in the major areas ofstudies: Science, Social Science,Creative Arts, Literature andLanguages. This course includes theComprehensive Assessment (“épreuvesynthèse”).Creative Workshop360-701-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsThe theoretical component of thecourse will focus on a theme or ahistoric period. The practicalcomponent concentrates ondeveloping the specific aspects ofvisual or sound interpretation andculminates in a production of a workin one of the Arts (Studio Art, Musicor Theatre), illustrating aspects ofthe theoretical component. Severalcourses in different domains arecustomized to fit the CreativeWorkshop framework.• Creative Workshop in ArtThe course is an expanded versionof the 3-hour studio course onMaterials and Methods of theArtist, which introduces studentsto a variety of art materials andprocesses with an emphasis on3-dimensional image construction.The additional 2-hour labcomponent addresses theoreticaland practical concerns with aparticular focus on architectureand is designed to assist Artsand Sciences students in thepreparation of a visual portfolio.• Creative Workshop in MusicThis course provides a generalintroduction to music technology.Topics covered include but arenot limited to symbolic musicrepresentation, score editing,digital audio, sound recording andproduction techniques. The courseincludes both theoretical andhands-on practical components,with a special project tailored tostudents in the Arts and Sciencesprogram.• Creative Workshop in TheatreThis course is designed tointroduce students with little or noexperience in creative expressionto the basic theoretical andpractical study of performancemodes and techniques. Thetheoretical concerns focus on thehistory of performance, fromprimitive to contemporary modes.The practical concerns focus on thefundamental aspects of physicaland vocal performance, pertinentto all expression, no matter whatthe context, be it theatrical,academic, political or social.Creative Expression360-703-MS (3-0-2) 1.66 creditsThe theoretical component of thecourse will focus on a theme or ahistoric period. The practicalcomponent concentrates ondeveloping the specific aspects ofvisual or sound interpretation andculminates in a production of a workin one of the Arts, illustrating aspectsof the theoretical component. Choicesinclude Art, Art History, CreativeWriting, Music, and Theatre.• Fine ArtsOne of several courses may bechosen (not all are offered everysemester): Drawing; Dynamicsof Design; The Human Figure;Materials and Methods ofthe Artist; Painting; VisualExpression: Aspects of Narrativeand Digital Art. For the description100

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