2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis

2012-2013 Academic Year Calendar - Marianopolis


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Arts and Sciences: Chemistry - Economics - German - MathematicsChemistry (202)Chemistry I202-701-MS (3-2-3) 2.66 creditsPrerequisite: Sec. V Chemistry(051504, 551504)This course introduces the moderntheories of the structures of atomsand molecules, the types of chemicalbonding, molecular geometry and thequalitative and quantitative way inwhich chemicals react with eachother in different types of reactions.The physical properties of gasses andsolutions are discussed while, in thelaboratory, basic manipulative skillsare taught.Chemistry II202-702-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsPrerequisite: Chemistry I, 202-701-MSThis course studies the physicaland chemical properties of carboncontainingcompounds and the ratesand mechanisms of simple reactions.The following classes of compoundsare covered: alkyl halides, alcohols,alkanes, alkenes and alkynes, aromatics,aldehydes, ketones, carboxylicacids and their derivatives, amines,amino acids and carbohydrates.Economics (383)International Economics andPolitics383-701-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course introduces the student tothe world of globalization. Economicconcepts and indicators relevant tothe topics studied are examined,particularly those necessary toanalyze an economy operating in aglobal environment. The politicalcontext and the relevant geography,the existence of large trading blocks,the developing economies, andinternational political and economicagencies are studied. Other majortopics covered include the analysis ofthe processes, ideologies and issuespertinent to the question of globalization,the strategies used by the maineconomic players, and the advantagesand disadvantages of unregulatedglobalization.German (609)German I609-701-MS (3-0-2) 1.66 creditsThis introductory course in Germanuses a communicative approach. Fromthe beginning students learn to communicateeffectively in German. Thecontexts for practice are everydaysituations. New expressions, grammaticalstructures and vocabulary arereinforced through written and oralexercises, material on video, andpresentations on cultural topics.German IIPrerequisite: German I, or equivalent(with instructor’s permission)609-702-MS (3-0-2) 1.66 creditsThis course is for advancedbeginners. Students expand theirability to communicate in German asthey continue to acquire vocabularyand grammatical structures. Regularuse of audio-visual material providescultural context to topics discussedin class.609-712-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsThis course is based on the 609-702course and includes an additionalweekly 2-hour lab component.Special Topics in German609-713-MS (3-2-2) 2.33 creditsOffered if enrolment is sufficient.Prerequisite: German II, or equivalent(with instructor’s permission)This intermediate-level course furtherdevelops the student's ability tocommunicate in German. Throughdirected exercises, group activities,and individual work, studentsimprove their speaking and writingskills. Special projects by studentsfocus on German culture andcontemporary topics.History (330)History of Western Civilization330-701-MS (3-0-3) 2 creditsThis course presents an overview ofthe evolution of western civilization:the historical roots and evolution ofpolitical, economic, social andreligious institutions; the majorpolitical ideologies; the cultural andintellectual heritage of the West andthe development of the Europeancompetitive-state system. Some of theaspects introduced include: theAncient and Medieval worlds, theRenaissance, the Reformation, theEnlightenment, the Age ofRevolutions, the IndustrialRevolution, 19th-century and 20thcenturyideologies, overseasimperialism, and the First and SecondWorld Wars.Mathematics (201)Differential Calculus201-701-MS (2-2-2) 2 creditsPrerequisite:Sec. V Math TS (064506, 564506), orSec. V Math SN (065506, 565506)Topics studied include limits, continuity,derivatives by definition, techniquesof differentiation, indeterminateforms and L’Hôpital’s Rule.Derivatives are applied to graphing,optimization problems, rates of99

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