DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution

DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution

DEEP SEA ELECTRONICS PLC - Home Mega Global Solution


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Multi-set settingsFunctionMultiset comms failure action : The action that will be takenif one or more modules ‘drop off’ the multiset communicationslink.Warning: An alarm condition will be given, but the sets willstill be able to run and take load.Electrical trip: An alarm condition will be given, the set will beremoved from the bus and shutdown after the cooling timer.Too few modules action : the action that will be taken if thenumber of modules communication on the MSC link is lessthan the “minimum modules on Multiset comms link” setting.None : Too few modules on the MSC link will not generate analarm condition.Warning: An alarm condition will be given, but the sets willstill be able to run and take load.Electrical trip: An alarm condition will be given, the set will beremoved from the bus and shutdown after the cooling timer.Minimum modules on Multiset comms link : The minimumnumber of modules allowed on the MSC link before an alarmis generated. The type of alarm can be configured using “Toofew modules action” detailed above.Multiset comms alarms disabled action : The action thatwill be taken if the Multiset comms alarms are disabled viaconfigurable input or external communications control.None : Disabling the MSC link alarms will not generate analarm condition.Indication : Disabling the MSC link alarms will generate an‘indication’, but no alarm condition is generated.Warning: An alarm condition will be given to remind theuser/operator that the MSC alarms have been disabled.Load level for more sets to run: The load level at which the550 controller decides that additional generating set capacityis required to supply power to the load.Once this load level is exceeded, the next highest priority setin the sequence (determined using the Genset Run Priority)will begin it’s start delay timer. Once this has expired, the setwill run up, synchronise and take load. Should the set fail totake load, it will communicate this using the MultiSetCommunications Link which will signal the next generating setin the sequence to take its place.The starting sequence will be terminated should the load leveldrop below the Load level for more sets to run while the startdelay timer is in progress. This allows for short term increasesin load.NOTE: - It is recommended that each set in thesystem have the same value configured for thisparameter.DSE Guide to Synchronising & Load Sharing PART 1 ISSUE5 18/3/04 AM 51

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