Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University

Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University

Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University


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4<strong>In</strong> <strong>Search</strong> <strong>of</strong> "<strong>Khazar</strong>"<strong>University</strong> and the Massachusetts <strong>In</strong>stitute <strong>of</strong> Technology(I was unable to visit those <strong>at</strong> the time) in order tounderstand their distinct fe<strong>at</strong>ures.The crisis th<strong>at</strong> has started in the higher educ<strong>at</strong>ionsystem in Azerbaijan was deepening further in thesecond part <strong>of</strong> the eighties. Historically, Azerbaijan hasgained gre<strong>at</strong> successes in the art <strong>of</strong> music and otherforms <strong>of</strong> art, and some fields <strong>of</strong> science had developedto the point th<strong>at</strong> the found<strong>at</strong>ions <strong>of</strong> certain scientificschools had been established. Meanwhile the moralvalues th<strong>at</strong> the society was resting upon began to bereduced to dust, and the economic basis was about to bedestroyed. These developments influenced every sphere<strong>of</strong> society including science and educ<strong>at</strong>ion. The habit <strong>of</strong>corruption, accepting bribes and falsifying the students’grades was spreading day by day from one university toanother and from one lecturer to another. There was nocontrol over corruption and it was becoming accepted ascommon practice. The scientists and intellectuals th<strong>at</strong>were trying to maintain their integrity and distancethemselves from the surrounding world were slowlybecoming mere observers. The level and intensity <strong>of</strong>scientific research was sharply decreasing. The politicaland economic crisis in the Soviet Union started havingan impact on universities and research institutes. Manyclaimed th<strong>at</strong> the pitiful lecturer earnings forced them totake bribes, and this number was gradually increasing.Lies and hypocrisy, dilettantism and protectionism wereprospering.<strong>In</strong> July 1990 I was invited to Gre<strong>at</strong> Britain as one<strong>of</strong> the keynote speakers <strong>at</strong> the 11th <strong>In</strong>tern<strong>at</strong>ional DundeeConference on Ordinary and Partial DifferentialEqu<strong>at</strong>ions. There I met my old friends and some new

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