Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University

Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University

Hamlet Isaxanli In Search of “Khazar” - DSpace at Khazar University


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30<strong>In</strong> <strong>Search</strong> <strong>of</strong> "<strong>Khazar</strong>"smiled, then set the next appointment with us and weleft.Around the same time, my continuedchairmanship <strong>of</strong> the m<strong>at</strong>hem<strong>at</strong>ics department <strong>at</strong>Azerbaijan St<strong>at</strong>e <strong>In</strong>stitute <strong>of</strong> Economics was gettingmore and more on the nerves <strong>of</strong> the institute’smanagers. The department was one <strong>of</strong> the major ones,and they were eager to influence the entrance exampolicies th<strong>at</strong> I was in charge <strong>of</strong>. I began feeling morepressure and many conflicts were cre<strong>at</strong>ed in superficialways. I started getting messages like "you have to leaveyour position or...", and there even were thre<strong>at</strong>s. Thesitu<strong>at</strong>ion became such th<strong>at</strong> this position no longers<strong>at</strong>isfied me as well.First <strong>of</strong> all, as I mentioned before, there was noopportunity to do anything useful. Secondly, I knew th<strong>at</strong>the young teachers I invited to the department wouldsupport me in any event <strong>of</strong> discord, some other teacherswould not act against me and I didn’t want them to beincluded on any "black list" because <strong>of</strong> me. Also, thegap between the image <strong>of</strong> university th<strong>at</strong> I hadconceived in my mind and the reality <strong>of</strong> my present jobwas so gre<strong>at</strong> th<strong>at</strong> it led me to leave my position.One day I went to the vice-chancellor’s <strong>of</strong>fice andhanded in my resign<strong>at</strong>ion. He immedi<strong>at</strong>ely called thechancellor and told him about my resign<strong>at</strong>ion andeveryone involved quickly agreed to accept it.Now I could dedic<strong>at</strong>e myself fully to my idea. Iwas preparing for a new meeting with the PrimeMinister.

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